pub trait EntityCollection: AgendaManager {
    fn add_entity(
        entity: Box<dyn Entity + 'static, Global>,
        agenda: Option<Agenda>,
        is_added_to_view: Option<bool>,
        view_priority: Option<i32>
    ); fn remove_entity(
        entity: Box<dyn Entity + 'static, Global>,
        agenda: Option<Agenda>,
        is_removed_from_view: Option<bool>
    ); fn get_entities(
        agenda: Option<Agenda>
    ) -> Vec<Box<dyn Entity + 'static, Global>, Global>Notable traits for Vec<u8, A>impl<A> Write for Vec<u8, A> where
    A: Allocator
; fn get_entity_by_id(
        id: String,
        agenda: Option<Agenda>,
        is_bubble_down: Option<bool>,
        is_bubble_up: Option<bool>,
        is_bubble_everywhere: Option<bool>
    ) -> Box<dyn Entity + 'static, Global>; }
Expand description

The EntityCollection should be implemented by objects which compose multiple entities.

Required Methods

Adds an entity to this object’s children.

  • entity - The entity to add.
  • agenda - Assigns the entity to a specific agenda. If none is specified will assign to Agenda::ALWAYS. (optional)
  • is_added_to_view - If true will add the child entity’s view to this object’s view. (optional, default: false)
  • view_priority - Sets the child entity’s view stack priority order (higher numbers appear closer to the top of the stack). (optional, default: 0)

Removes an entity from this object’s children.

  • entity - The entity to remove.
  • agenda - If set then will only remove the specified entity from this agenda, else will remove from all agendas. (optional)
  • is_removed_from_view - If true the child entity’s view will be removed from this object’s view. (optional, default: false)

Retrieves all child entities. Return Array of matching entities.

Consider this a runtime only method, rather than calling it during constructor or initialization phases.

  • agenda - Used to filter results to the specified agenda. (optional)

Retrieves the child entity with the specified id. Return The requested entity or null if no entity with this id was found. Consider this a runtime only method, rather than calling it during constructor or initialization phases.

  • id - The unique identifier of the entity you want to retrieve.
  • agenda - Used to filter results to the specified agenda.
  • is_bubble_down - Set to true if you want to search this object’s children for the requested entity.
  • is_bubble_up - Set to true if you want to search this object’s parent for the requested entity.
  • is_bubble_everywhere - Set to true if you want to search the entire entity traversal stack for the requested entity.
