[][src]Trait uptown_funk::ToWasm

pub trait ToWasm {
    type To;
    type State: Convert<Self::State> + Convert<()>;
    fn to(
        state: &mut Self::State,
        executor: &impl Executor,
        host_value: Self
    ) -> Result<Self::To, Trap>; }

Associated Types

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Required methods

fn to(
    state: &mut Self::State,
    executor: &impl Executor,
    host_value: Self
) -> Result<Self::To, Trap>

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Implementations on Foreign Types

impl ToWasm for u32[src]

type To = u32

type State = ()

impl ToWasm for u64[src]

type To = u64

type State = ()

impl ToWasm for i64[src]

type To = i64

type State = ()

impl ToWasm for u16[src]

type To = u32

type State = ()

impl ToWasm for u8[src]

type To = u32

type State = ()

impl ToWasm for bool[src]

type To = u32

type State = ()

impl<T: ToWasm> ToWasm for Result<T, Trap>[src]

type To = T::To

type State = T::State

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