Trait unsafe_io::IntoUnsafeHandle[][src]

pub unsafe trait IntoUnsafeHandle {
    fn into_unsafe_handle(self) -> UnsafeHandle;

A trait for types which can be converted into an unsafe handle.

A type implementing IntoUnsafeHandle guarantees that the return value from into_unsafe_handle on an instance of the type is a copy of a handle which is owned by that instance.


This trait is unsafe because types implementing it must guarantee they own their handle.

Required methods

fn into_unsafe_handle(self) -> UnsafeHandle[src]

Convert self into an unsafe handle.

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Implementations on Foreign Types

impl IntoUnsafeHandle for File[src]

impl IntoUnsafeHandle for ChildStdin[src]

impl IntoUnsafeHandle for ChildStdout[src]

impl IntoUnsafeHandle for ChildStderr[src]

impl IntoUnsafeHandle for TcpStream[src]

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