Trait uninit_tools::traits::Equivalent[][src]

pub unsafe trait Equivalent<T> where
    T: Initialize,
    Self: Initialize<Item = <T as Initialize>::Item>, 
{ }

A marker trait which indicates that two different implementations of Initialize have the same memory layout, and behave equivalently with respect to their implementations of Initialize and AssertInit.

A usecase for this, is e.g. if you need InitializeVectored<Item = IoSliceMut> for system call ABI reasons, but you have a different type which still has the same layout, e.g. SingleVector<AsUninit<IoSliceMut>>. In general, it also allows changing the inner T, while still tracking the initializedness properly. For single-buffer I/O, this allows converting between any Equivalent types, where for vectored I/O, it allows a more restricted type of conversion, where they also need to be slice-castable.


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