Trait unicorn::Cpu [] [src]

pub trait Cpu {
    type Reg: Register;
    fn emu(&self) -> &Unicorn;

    fn reg_read(&self, reg: Self::Reg) -> Result<u64Error> { ... }
    fn reg_read_i32(&self, reg: Self::Reg) -> Result<i32Error> { ... }
    fn reg_write(&mut self, reg: Self::Reg, value: u64) -> Result<()Error> { ... }
    fn reg_write_i32(&self, reg: Self::Reg, value: i32) -> Result<()Error> { ... }
    fn mem_map(&self, address: u64, size: size_t, perms: Protection) -> Result<()Error> { ... }
    fn mem_unmap(&self, address: u64, size: size_t) -> Result<()Error> { ... }
    fn mem_write(&self, address: u64, bytes: &[u8]) -> Result<()Error> { ... }
    fn mem_read(&self, address: u64, size: usize) -> Result<Vec<u8>, Error> { ... }
    fn mem_protect(&self, address: u64, size: usize, perms: Protection) -> Result<()Error> { ... }
    fn mem_regions(&self) -> Result<Vec<MemRegion>, Error> { ... }
    fn emu_start(&self, begin: u64, until: u64, timeout: u64, count: usize) -> Result<()Error> { ... }
    fn emu_stop(&self) -> Result<()Error> { ... }
    fn add_code_hook(&self, hook_type: HookType, begin: u64, end: u64, callback: extern fn(engine: uc_handle, address: u64, size: u32, user_data: *mut u64)) -> Result<uc_hookError> { ... }
    fn add_mem_hook(&self, hook_type: HookType, begin: u64, end: u64, callback: extern fn(engine: uc_handle, mem_type: MemType, address: u64, size: i32, value: i64, user_data: *mut u64)) -> Result<uc_hookError> { ... }
    fn remove_hook(&self, hook: uc_hook) -> Result<()Error> { ... }
    fn errno(&self) -> Error { ... }
    fn query(&self, query: Query) -> Result<usizeError> { ... }

Associated Types

type Reg: Register

Required Methods

fn emu(&self) -> &Unicorn

Provided Methods

fn reg_read(&self, reg: Self::Reg) -> Result<u64Error>

Read an unsigned value from a register.

fn reg_read_i32(&self, reg: Self::Reg) -> Result<i32Error>

Read a signed 32-bit value from a register.

fn reg_write(&mut self, reg: Self::Reg, value: u64) -> Result<()Error>

Write an unsigned value register.

fn reg_write_i32(&self, reg: Self::Reg, value: i32) -> Result<()Error>

Write a signed 32-bit value to a register.

fn mem_map(&self, address: u64, size: size_t, perms: Protection) -> Result<()Error>

Map a memory region in the emulator at the specified address.

address must be aligned to 4kb or this will return Error::ARG. size must be a multiple of 4kb or this will return Error::ARG.

fn mem_unmap(&self, address: u64, size: size_t) -> Result<()Error>

Unmap a memory region.

address must be aligned to 4kb or this will return Error::ARG. size must be a multiple of 4kb or this will return Error::ARG.

fn mem_write(&self, address: u64, bytes: &[u8]) -> Result<()Error>

Write a range of bytes to memory at the specified address.

fn mem_read(&self, address: u64, size: usize) -> Result<Vec<u8>, Error>

Read a range of bytes from memory at the specified address.

fn mem_protect(&self, address: u64, size: usize, perms: Protection) -> Result<()Error>

Set the memory permissions for an existing memory region.

address must be aligned to 4kb or this will return Error::ARG. size must be a multiple of 4kb or this will return Error::ARG.

fn mem_regions(&self) -> Result<Vec<MemRegion>, Error>

Returns a vector with the memory regions that are mapped in the emulator.

fn emu_start(&self, begin: u64, until: u64, timeout: u64, count: usize) -> Result<()Error>

Emulate machine code for a specified duration.

begin is the address where to start the emulation. The emulation stops if until is hit. timeout specifies a duration in microseconds after which the emulation is stopped (infinite execution if set to 0). count is the maximum number of instructions to emulate (emulate all the available instructions if set to 0).

fn emu_stop(&self) -> Result<()Error>

Stop the emulation.

This is usually called from callback function in hooks. NOTE: For now, this will stop the execution only after the current block.

fn add_code_hook(&self, hook_type: HookType, begin: u64, end: u64, callback: extern fn(engine: uc_handle, address: u64, size: u32, user_data: *mut u64)) -> Result<uc_hookError>

Add a code hook.

fn add_mem_hook(&self, hook_type: HookType, begin: u64, end: u64, callback: extern fn(engine: uc_handle, mem_type: MemType, address: u64, size: i32, value: i64, user_data: *mut u64)) -> Result<uc_hookError>

Add a memory hook.

fn remove_hook(&self, hook: uc_hook) -> Result<()Error>

Remove a hook.

hook is the value returned by either add_code_hook or add_mem_hook.

fn errno(&self) -> Error

Return the last error code when an API function failed.

Like glibc errno(), this function might not retain its old value once accessed.

fn query(&self, query: Query) -> Result<usizeError>

Query the internal status of the engine.

Supported queries :

  • Query::PAGE_SIZE : the page size used by the emulator.
  • Query::MODE : the current hardware mode.
