[][src]Trait type_freak::list::LIndexOfOp

pub trait LIndexOfOp<Target, Index> where
    Self: TList,
    Index: Counter,
    Self::Output: Unsigned
{ type Output; }

A type operator that returns the position of Target type in TList.

The returned outcome always implements Unsigned trait. The Index argument can be left unspecified.

Associated Types

type Output

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impl<Target, Index, NonTarget, Tail> LIndexOfOp<Target, Next<Index>> for LCons<NonTarget, Tail> where
    Index: Counter,
    Tail: TList + LIndexOfOp<Target, Index>,
    LIndexOfOpOutput<Tail, Target, Index>: Add<B1>,
    Add1<LIndexOfOpOutput<Tail, Target, Index>>: Unsigned

type Output = Add1<LIndexOfOpOutput<Tail, Target, Index>>

impl<Target, Tail> LIndexOfOp<Target, Current> for LCons<Target, Tail> where
    Tail: TList

type Output = U0

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