[][src]Struct twilight_http::client::Client

pub struct Client { /* fields omitted */ }

Twilight's http client.

Almost all of the client methods require authentication, and as such, the client must be supplied with a Discord Token. Get yours here.


The client internally wraps its data within an Arc. This means that the client can be cloned and passed around tasks and threads cheaply.

Unauthorized behavior

When the client encounters an Unauthorized response it will take note that the configured token is invalid. This may occur when the token has been revoked or expired. When this happens, you must create a new client with the new token. The client will no longer execute requests in order to prevent API bans and will always return Error::Unauthorized.


Create a client called client:

use twilight_http::Client;

let client = Client::new("my token");

Use ClientBuilder to create a client called client, with a shorter timeout:

use twilight_http::Client;
use std::time::Duration;

let client = Client::builder()
    .token("my token")

All the examples on this page assume you have already created a client, and have named it client.


impl Client[src]

pub fn new(token: impl Into<String>) -> Self[src]

Create a new client with a token.

If you want to customize the client, use builder.

pub fn builder() -> ClientBuilder[src]

Create a new builder to create a client.

Refer to its documentation for more information.

pub fn token(&self) -> Option<&str>[src]

Retrieve an immutable reference to the token used by the client.

If the initial token provided is not prefixed with Bot , it will be, and this method reflects that.

pub fn default_allowed_mentions(&self) -> Option<AllowedMentions>[src]

Get the default allowed mentions for sent messages.

Refer to allowed_mentions for more information.

pub fn ratelimiter(&self) -> Option<Ratelimiter>[src]

Get the Ratelimiter used by the client internally.

This will return None only if ratelimit handling has been explicitly disabled in the ClientBuilder.

pub fn add_role(
    guild_id: GuildId,
    user_id: UserId,
    role_id: RoleId
) -> AddRoleToMember<'_>

Notable traits for AddRoleToMember<'_>

impl<'_> Future for AddRoleToMember<'_> type Output = Result<()>;

Add a role to a member in a guild.


In guild 1, add role 2 to user 3, for the reason "test":

use twilight_model::id::{GuildId, RoleId, UserId};
let guild_id = GuildId(1);
let role_id = RoleId(2);
let user_id = UserId(3);

client.add_role(guild_id, user_id, role_id).reason("test")?.await?;

pub fn audit_log(&self, guild_id: GuildId) -> GetAuditLog<'_>

Notable traits for GetAuditLog<'_>

impl<'_> Future for GetAuditLog<'_> type Output = Result<Option<AuditLog>>;

Get the audit log for a guild.


use twilight_model::id::GuildId;

let guild_id = GuildId(101);
let audit_log = client
// not done

pub fn bans(&self, guild_id: GuildId) -> GetBans<'_>

Notable traits for GetBans<'_>

impl<'_> Future for GetBans<'_> type Output = Result<Vec<Ban>>;

Retrieve the bans for a guild.


Retrieve the bans for guild 1:

use twilight_model::id::GuildId;
let guild_id = GuildId(1);

let bans = client.bans(guild_id).await?;

pub fn ban(&self, guild_id: GuildId, user_id: UserId) -> GetBan<'_>

Notable traits for GetBan<'_>

impl<'_> Future for GetBan<'_> type Output = Result<Option<Ban>>;

Get information about a ban of a guild.

Includes the user banned and the reason.

pub fn create_ban(&self, guild_id: GuildId, user_id: UserId) -> CreateBan<'_>

Notable traits for CreateBan<'_>

impl<'_> Future for CreateBan<'_> type Output = Result<()>;

Bans a user from a guild, optionally with the number of days' worth of messages to delete and the reason.


Ban user 200 from guild 100, deleting 1 day's worth of messages, for the reason "memes":

use twilight_model::id::{GuildId, UserId};
let guild_id = GuildId(100);
let user_id = UserId(200);
client.create_ban(guild_id, user_id)

pub fn delete_ban(&self, guild_id: GuildId, user_id: UserId) -> DeleteBan<'_>

Notable traits for DeleteBan<'_>

impl<'_> Future for DeleteBan<'_> type Output = Result<()>;

Remove a ban from a user in a guild.


Unban user 200 from guild 100:

use twilight_model::id::{GuildId, UserId};
let guild_id = GuildId(100);
let user_id = UserId(200);

client.delete_ban(guild_id, user_id).await?;

pub fn channel(&self, channel_id: ChannelId) -> GetChannel<'_>

Notable traits for GetChannel<'_>

impl<'_> Future for GetChannel<'_> type Output = Result<Option<Channel>>;

Get a channel by its ID.


Get channel 100:

let channel_id = ChannelId(100);
let channel = client.channel(channel_id).await?;

pub fn delete_channel(&self, channel_id: ChannelId) -> DeleteChannel<'_>

Notable traits for DeleteChannel<'_>

impl<'_> Future for DeleteChannel<'_> type Output = Result<Channel>;

Delete a channel by ID.

pub fn update_channel(&self, channel_id: ChannelId) -> UpdateChannel<'_>

Notable traits for UpdateChannel<'_>

impl<'_> Future for UpdateChannel<'_> type Output = Result<Channel>;

Update a channel.

All fields are optional. The minimum length of the name is 2 UTF-16 characters and the maximum is 100 UTF-16 characters.


Returns a UpdateChannelError::NameInvalid when the length of the name is either fewer than 2 UTF-16 characters or more than 100 UTF-16 characters.

Returns a UpdateChannelError::RateLimitPerUserInvalid when the seconds of the rate limit per user is more than 21600.

Returns a UpdateChannelError::TopicInvalid when the length of the topic is more than 1024 UTF-16 characters.

pub fn follow_news_channel(
    channel_id: ChannelId,
    webhook_channel_id: ChannelId
) -> FollowNewsChannel<'_>

Notable traits for FollowNewsChannel<'_>

impl<'_> Future for FollowNewsChannel<'_> type Output = Result<FollowedChannel>;

Follows a news channel by ChannelId.

The type returned is FollowedChannel.

pub fn channel_invites(&self, channel_id: ChannelId) -> GetChannelInvites<'_>

Notable traits for GetChannelInvites<'_>

impl<'_> Future for GetChannelInvites<'_> type Output = Result<Vec<Invite>>;

Get the invites for a guild channel.

This method only works if the channel is of type GuildChannel.

pub fn channel_messages(&self, channel_id: ChannelId) -> GetChannelMessages<'_>

Notable traits for GetChannelMessages<'_>

impl<'_> Future for GetChannelMessages<'_> type Output = Result<Vec<Message>>;

Get channel messages, by ChannelId.

Only one of after, around, and before can be specified at a time. Once these are specified, the type returned is GetChannelMessagesConfigured.

If limit is unspecified, the default set by Discord is 50.


use twilight_http::Client;
use twilight_model::id::{ChannelId, MessageId};

let client = Client::new("my token");
let channel_id = ChannelId(123);
let message_id = MessageId(234);
let limit: u64 = 6;

let messages = client


Returns GetChannelMessagesError::LimitInvalid if the amount is less than 1 or greater than 100.

pub fn delete_channel_permission(
    channel_id: ChannelId
) -> DeleteChannelPermission<'_>

pub fn update_channel_permission(
    channel_id: ChannelId,
    allow: Permissions,
    deny: Permissions
) -> UpdateChannelPermission<'_>

Update the permissions for a role or a user in a channel.


Create permission overrides for a role to view the channel, but not send messages:

use twilight_model::guild::Permissions;
use twilight_model::id::{ChannelId, RoleId};

let channel_id = ChannelId(123);
let allow = Permissions::VIEW_CHANNEL;
let deny = Permissions::SEND_MESSAGES;
let role_id = RoleId(432);

client.update_channel_permission(channel_id, allow, deny)

pub fn channel_webhooks(&self, channel_id: ChannelId) -> GetChannelWebhooks<'_>

Notable traits for GetChannelWebhooks<'_>

impl<'_> Future for GetChannelWebhooks<'_> type Output = Result<Vec<Webhook>>;

Get all the webhooks of a channel.

pub fn current_user(&self) -> GetCurrentUser<'_>

Notable traits for GetCurrentUser<'_>

impl<'_> Future for GetCurrentUser<'_> type Output = Result<CurrentUser>;

Get information about the current user.

pub fn current_user_application(&self) -> GetUserApplicationInfo<'_>[src]

Get information about the current bot application.

pub fn update_current_user(&self) -> UpdateCurrentUser<'_>

Notable traits for UpdateCurrentUser<'_>

impl<'_> Future for UpdateCurrentUser<'_> type Output = Result<User>;

Update the current user.

All paramaters are optional. If the username is changed, it may cause the discriminator to be randomized.

pub fn current_user_connections(&self) -> GetCurrentUserConnections<'_>

Notable traits for GetCurrentUserConnections<'_>

impl<'_> Future for GetCurrentUserConnections<'_> type Output = Result<Vec<Connection>>;

Get the current user's connections.

Requires the connections OAuth2 scope.

pub fn current_user_guilds(&self) -> GetCurrentUserGuilds<'_>

Notable traits for GetCurrentUserGuilds<'_>

impl<'_> Future for GetCurrentUserGuilds<'_> type Output = Result<Vec<CurrentUserGuild>>;

Returns a list of guilds for the current user.


Get the first 25 guilds with an ID after 300 and before 400:

use twilight_model::id::GuildId;

let after = GuildId(300);
let before = GuildId(400);
let guilds = client.current_user_guilds()


Returns GetCurrentUserGuildsError::LimitInvalid if the amount is greater than 100.

pub fn update_current_user_nick(
    guild_id: GuildId,
    nick: impl Into<String>
) -> UpdateCurrentUserNick<'_>

Notable traits for UpdateCurrentUserNick<'_>

impl<'_> Future for UpdateCurrentUserNick<'_> type Output = Result<()>;

Changes the user's nickname in a guild.

pub fn current_user_private_channels(&self) -> GetCurrentUserPrivateChannels<'_>[src]

Get a list of the current user's private channels.

pub fn emojis(&self, guild_id: GuildId) -> GetEmojis<'_>

Notable traits for GetEmojis<'_>

impl<'_> Future for GetEmojis<'_> type Output = Result<Vec<Emoji>>;

Get the emojis for a guild, by the guild's id.


Get the emojis for guild 100:

let guild_id = GuildId(100);


pub fn emoji(&self, guild_id: GuildId, emoji_id: EmojiId) -> GetEmoji<'_>

Notable traits for GetEmoji<'_>

impl<'_> Future for GetEmoji<'_> type Output = Result<Option<Emoji>>;

Get an emoji for a guild by the the guild's ID and emoji's ID.


Get emoji 100 from guild 50:

let guild_id = GuildId(50);
let emoji_id = EmojiId(100);

client.emoji(guild_id, emoji_id).await?;

pub fn create_emoji(
    guild_id: GuildId,
    name: impl Into<String>,
    image: impl Into<String>
) -> CreateEmoji<'_>

Notable traits for CreateEmoji<'_>

impl<'_> Future for CreateEmoji<'_> type Output = Result<Emoji>;

Create an emoji in a guild.

The emoji must be a Data URI, in the form of data:image/{type};base64,{data} where {type} is the image MIME type and {data} is the base64-encoded image. Refer to the discord docs for more information about image data.

pub fn delete_emoji(
    guild_id: GuildId,
    emoji_id: EmojiId
) -> DeleteEmoji<'_>

Notable traits for DeleteEmoji<'_>

impl<'_> Future for DeleteEmoji<'_> type Output = Result<()>;

Delete an emoji in a guild, by id.

pub fn update_emoji(
    guild_id: GuildId,
    emoji_id: EmojiId
) -> UpdateEmoji<'_>

Notable traits for UpdateEmoji<'_>

impl<'_> Future for UpdateEmoji<'_> type Output = Result<Emoji>;

Update an emoji in a guild, by id.

pub fn gateway(&self) -> GetGateway<'_>

Notable traits for GetGateway<'_>

impl<'_> Future for GetGateway<'_> type Output = Result<ConnectionInfo>;

Get information about the gateway, optionally with additional information detailing the number of shards to use and sessions remaining.


Get the gateway connection URL without bot information:

let info = client.gateway().await?;

Get the gateway connection URL with additional shard and session information, which requires specifying a bot token:

let info = client.gateway().authed().await?;

println!("URL: {}", info.url);
println!("Recommended shards to use: {}", info.shards);

pub fn guild(&self, guild_id: GuildId) -> GetGuild<'_>

Notable traits for GetGuild<'_>

impl<'_> Future for GetGuild<'_> type Output = Result<Option<Guild>>;

Get information about a guild.

pub fn create_guild(
    name: impl Into<String>
) -> StdResult<CreateGuild<'_>, CreateGuildError>

Create a new request to create a guild.

The minimum length of the name is 2 UTF-16 characters and the maximum is 100 UTF-16 characters. This endpoint can only be used by bots in less than 10 guilds.


Returns CreateGuildError::NameInvalid if the name length is too short or too long.

pub fn delete_guild(&self, guild_id: GuildId) -> DeleteGuild<'_>

Notable traits for DeleteGuild<'_>

impl<'_> Future for DeleteGuild<'_> type Output = Result<()>;

Delete a guild permanently. The user must be the owner.

pub fn update_guild(&self, guild_id: GuildId) -> UpdateGuild<'_>

Notable traits for UpdateGuild<'_>

impl<'_> Future for UpdateGuild<'_> type Output = Result<PartialGuild>;

Update a guild.

All endpoints are optional. Refer to the discord docs for more information.

pub fn leave_guild(&self, guild_id: GuildId) -> LeaveGuild<'_>

Notable traits for LeaveGuild<'_>

impl<'_> Future for LeaveGuild<'_> type Output = Result<()>;

Leave a guild by id.

pub fn guild_channels(&self, guild_id: GuildId) -> GetGuildChannels<'_>

Notable traits for GetGuildChannels<'_>

impl<'_> Future for GetGuildChannels<'_> type Output = Result<Vec<GuildChannel>>;

Get the channels in a guild.

pub fn create_guild_channel(
    guild_id: GuildId,
    name: impl Into<String>
) -> StdResult<CreateGuildChannel<'_>, CreateGuildChannelError>

Create a new request to create a guild channel.

All fields are optional except for name. The minimum length of the name is 2 UTF-16 characters and the maximum is 100 UTF-16 characters.


Returns a CreateGuildChannelError::NameInvalid when the length of the name is either fewer than 2 UTF-16 characters or more than 100 UTF-16 characters.

Returns a CreateGuildChannelError::RateLimitPerUserInvalid when the seconds of the rate limit per user is more than 21600.

Returns a CreateGuildChannelError::TopicInvalid when the length of the topic is more than 1024 UTF-16 characters.

pub fn update_guild_channel_positions(
    guild_id: GuildId,
    channel_positions: impl Iterator<Item = (ChannelId, u64)>
) -> UpdateGuildChannelPositions<'_>

Notable traits for UpdateGuildChannelPositions<'_>

impl<'_> Future for UpdateGuildChannelPositions<'_> type Output = Result<()>;

Modify the positions of the channels.

The minimum amount of channels to modify, is a swap between two channels.

pub fn guild_widget(&self, guild_id: GuildId) -> GetGuildWidget<'_>

Notable traits for GetGuildWidget<'_>

impl<'_> Future for GetGuildWidget<'_> type Output = Result<Option<GuildWidget>>;

Get the guild widget.

Refer to the discord docs for more information.

pub fn update_guild_widget(&self, guild_id: GuildId) -> UpdateGuildWidget<'_>

Notable traits for UpdateGuildWidget<'_>

impl<'_> Future for UpdateGuildWidget<'_> type Output = Result<GuildWidget>;

Modify the guild widget.

pub fn guild_integrations(&self, guild_id: GuildId) -> GetGuildIntegrations<'_>

Notable traits for GetGuildIntegrations<'_>

impl<'_> Future for GetGuildIntegrations<'_> type Output = Result<Vec<GuildIntegration>>;

Get the guild's integrations.

pub fn create_guild_integration(
    guild_id: GuildId,
    integration_id: IntegrationId,
    kind: impl Into<String>
) -> CreateGuildIntegration<'_>

Notable traits for CreateGuildIntegration<'_>

impl<'_> Future for CreateGuildIntegration<'_> type Output = Result<()>;

Create a guild integration from the current user to the guild.

Refer to the discord docs for more information.

pub fn delete_guild_integration(
    guild_id: GuildId,
    integration_id: IntegrationId
) -> DeleteGuildIntegration<'_>

Notable traits for DeleteGuildIntegration<'_>

impl<'_> Future for DeleteGuildIntegration<'_> type Output = Result<()>;

Delete an integration for a guild, by the integration's id.

pub fn update_guild_integration(
    guild_id: GuildId,
    integration_id: IntegrationId
) -> UpdateGuildIntegration<'_>

Notable traits for UpdateGuildIntegration<'_>

impl<'_> Future for UpdateGuildIntegration<'_> type Output = Result<()>;

Update a guild's integration, by its id.

Refer to the discord docs for more information.

pub fn sync_guild_integration(
    guild_id: GuildId,
    integration_id: IntegrationId
) -> SyncGuildIntegration<'_>

Notable traits for SyncGuildIntegration<'_>

impl<'_> Future for SyncGuildIntegration<'_> type Output = Result<()>;

Synchronize a guild's integration by its id.

pub fn guild_invites(&self, guild_id: GuildId) -> GetGuildInvites<'_>

Notable traits for GetGuildInvites<'_>

impl<'_> Future for GetGuildInvites<'_> type Output = Result<Vec<Invite>>;

Get information about the invites of a guild.

pub fn guild_members(&self, guild_id: GuildId) -> GetGuildMembers<'_>

Notable traits for GetGuildMembers<'_>

impl<'_> Future for GetGuildMembers<'_> type Output = Result<Vec<Member>>;

Get the members of a guild, by id.

The upper limit to this request is 1000. If more than 1000 members are needed, the requests must be chained. Discord defaults the limit to 1.


Get the first 500 members of guild 100 after user ID 3000:

use twilight_model::id::{GuildId, UserId};
let guild_id = GuildId(100);
let user_id = UserId(3000);
let members = client.guild_members(guild_id).after(user_id).await?;


Returns GetGuildMembersError::LimitInvalid if the limit is invalid.

pub fn guild_member(&self, guild_id: GuildId, user_id: UserId) -> GetMember<'_>

Notable traits for GetMember<'_>

impl<'_> Future for GetMember<'_> type Output = Result<Option<Member>>;

Get a member of a guild, by their id.

pub fn remove_guild_member(
    guild_id: GuildId,
    user_id: UserId
) -> RemoveMember<'_>

Notable traits for RemoveMember<'_>

impl<'_> Future for RemoveMember<'_> type Output = Result<()>;

Kick a member from a guild.

pub fn update_guild_member(
    guild_id: GuildId,
    user_id: UserId
) -> UpdateGuildMember<'_>

Notable traits for UpdateGuildMember<'_>

impl<'_> Future for UpdateGuildMember<'_> type Output = Result<()>;

Update a guild member.

All fields are optional. Refer to the discord docs for more information.


Returns UpdateGuildMemberError::NicknameInvalid if the nickname length is too short or too long.

pub fn add_guild_member_role(
    guild_id: GuildId,
    user_id: UserId,
    role_id: RoleId
) -> AddRoleToMember<'_>

Notable traits for AddRoleToMember<'_>

impl<'_> Future for AddRoleToMember<'_> type Output = Result<()>;

pub fn remove_guild_member_role(
    guild_id: GuildId,
    user_id: UserId,
    role_id: RoleId
) -> RemoveRoleFromMember<'_>

Notable traits for RemoveRoleFromMember<'_>

impl<'_> Future for RemoveRoleFromMember<'_> type Output = Result<()>;

Remove a role from a member in a guild, by id.

pub fn guild_preview(&self, guild_id: GuildId) -> GetGuildPreview<'_>

Notable traits for GetGuildPreview<'_>

impl<'_> Future for GetGuildPreview<'_> type Output = Result<GuildPreview>;

For public guilds, get the guild preview.

This works even if the user is not in the guild.

pub fn guild_prune_count(&self, guild_id: GuildId) -> GetGuildPruneCount<'_>

Notable traits for GetGuildPruneCount<'_>

impl<'_> Future for GetGuildPruneCount<'_> type Output = Result<GuildPrune>;

Get the counts of guild members to be pruned.

pub fn create_guild_prune(&self, guild_id: GuildId) -> CreateGuildPrune<'_>

Notable traits for CreateGuildPrune<'_>

impl<'_> Future for CreateGuildPrune<'_> type Output = Result<Option<GuildPrune>>;

Begin a guild prune.

Refer to the discord docs for more information.

pub fn guild_vanity_url(&self, guild_id: GuildId) -> GetGuildVanityUrl<'_>

Notable traits for GetGuildVanityUrl<'_>

impl<'_> Future for GetGuildVanityUrl<'_> type Output = Result<Option<String>>;

Get a guild's vanity url, if there is one.

pub fn guild_voice_regions(&self, guild_id: GuildId) -> GetGuildVoiceRegions<'_>

Notable traits for GetGuildVoiceRegions<'_>

impl<'_> Future for GetGuildVoiceRegions<'_> type Output = Result<Vec<VoiceRegion>>;

Get voice region data for the guild.

Can return VIP servers if the guild is VIP-enabled.

pub fn guild_webhooks(&self, guild_id: GuildId) -> GetGuildWebhooks<'_>

Notable traits for GetGuildWebhooks<'_>

impl<'_> Future for GetGuildWebhooks<'_> type Output = Result<Vec<Webhook>>;

Get the webhooks of a guild.

pub fn invite(&self, code: impl Into<String>) -> GetInvite<'_>

Notable traits for GetInvite<'_>

impl<'_> Future for GetInvite<'_> type Output = Result<Option<Invite>>;

Get information about an invite by its code.

If with_counts is called, the returned invite will contain approximate member counts.


let invite = client

pub fn create_invite(&self, channel_id: ChannelId) -> CreateInvite<'_>

Notable traits for CreateInvite<'_>

impl<'_> Future for CreateInvite<'_> type Output = Result<Invite>;

Create an invite, with options.


let channel_id = ChannelId(123);
let invite = client

pub fn delete_invite(&self, code: impl Into<String>) -> DeleteInvite<'_>

Notable traits for DeleteInvite<'_>

impl<'_> Future for DeleteInvite<'_> type Output = Result<()>;

Delete an invite by its code.

pub fn message(
    channel_id: ChannelId,
    message_id: MessageId
) -> GetMessage<'_>

Notable traits for GetMessage<'_>

impl<'_> Future for GetMessage<'_> type Output = Result<Option<Message>>;

Get a message by ChannelId and MessageId.

pub fn create_message(&self, channel_id: ChannelId) -> CreateMessage<'_>

Notable traits for CreateMessage<'_>

impl<'_> Future for CreateMessage<'_> type Output = Result<Message>;

Send a message to a channel.


let channel_id = ChannelId(123);
let message = client
    .content("Twilight is best pony")?


The method content returns CreateMessageError::ContentInvalid if the content is over 2000 UTF-16 characters.

The method embed returns CreateMessageError::EmbedTooLarge if the length of the embed is over 6000 characters.

pub fn delete_message(
    channel_id: ChannelId,
    message_id: MessageId
) -> DeleteMessage<'_>

Notable traits for DeleteMessage<'_>

impl<'_> Future for DeleteMessage<'_> type Output = Result<()>;

Delete a message by ChannelId and MessageId.

pub fn delete_messages(
    channel_id: ChannelId,
    message_ids: impl Into<Vec<MessageId>>
) -> DeleteMessages<'_>

Notable traits for DeleteMessages<'_>

impl<'_> Future for DeleteMessages<'_> type Output = Result<()>;

Delete messages by ChannelId and Vec<MessageId>.

The vec count can be between 2 and 100. If the supplied MessageIds are invalid, they still count towards the lower and upper limits. This method will not delete messages older than two weeks. Refer to the discord docs for more information.

pub fn update_message(
    channel_id: ChannelId,
    message_id: MessageId
) -> UpdateMessage<'_>

Notable traits for UpdateMessage<'_>

impl<'_> Future for UpdateMessage<'_> type Output = Result<Message>;

Update a message by ChannelId and MessageId.

You can pass None to any of the methods to remove the associated field. For example, if you have a message with an embed you want to remove, you can use .[embed](None) to remove the embed.


Replace the content with "test update":

use twilight_http::Client;
use twilight_model::id::{ChannelId, MessageId};

let client = Client::new("my token");
client.update_message(ChannelId(1), MessageId(2))
    .content("test update".to_owned())?

Remove the message's content:

client.update_message(ChannelId(1), MessageId(2))

pub fn crosspost_message(
    channel_id: ChannelId,
    message_id: MessageId
) -> CrosspostMessage<'_>

Notable traits for CrosspostMessage<'_>

impl<'_> Future for CrosspostMessage<'_> type Output = Result<Message>;

Crosspost a message by ChannelId and MessageId.

pub fn pins(&self, channel_id: ChannelId) -> GetPins<'_>

Notable traits for GetPins<'_>

impl<'_> Future for GetPins<'_> type Output = Result<Vec<Message>>;

Get the pins of a channel.

pub fn create_pin(
    channel_id: ChannelId,
    message_id: MessageId
) -> CreatePin<'_>

Notable traits for CreatePin<'_>

impl<'_> Future for CreatePin<'_> type Output = Result<()>;

Create a new pin in a channel, by ID.

pub fn delete_pin(
    channel_id: ChannelId,
    message_id: MessageId
) -> DeletePin<'_>

Notable traits for DeletePin<'_>

impl<'_> Future for DeletePin<'_> type Output = Result<()>;

Delete a pin in a channel, by ID.

pub fn reactions(
    channel_id: ChannelId,
    message_id: MessageId,
    emoji: RequestReactionType
) -> GetReactions<'_>

Notable traits for GetReactions<'_>

impl<'_> Future for GetReactions<'_> type Output = Result<Vec<User>>;

Get a list of users that reacted to a message with an emoji.

This endpoint is limited to 100 users maximum, so if a message has more than 100 reactions, requests must be chained until all reactions are retireved.

pub fn create_reaction(
    channel_id: ChannelId,
    message_id: MessageId,
    emoji: RequestReactionType
) -> CreateReaction<'_>

Notable traits for CreateReaction<'_>

impl<'_> Future for CreateReaction<'_> type Output = Result<()>;

Create a reaction in a ChannelId on a MessageId.

The reaction must be a variant of RequestReactionType.


let channel_id = ChannelId(123);
let message_id = MessageId(456);
let emoji = RequestReactionType::Unicode { name: String::from("🌃") };

let reaction = client
    .create_reaction(channel_id, message_id, emoji)

pub fn delete_current_user_reaction(
    channel_id: ChannelId,
    message_id: MessageId,
    emoji: RequestReactionType
) -> DeleteReaction<'_>

Notable traits for DeleteReaction<'_>

impl<'_> Future for DeleteReaction<'_> type Output = Result<()>;

Delete the current user's (@me) reaction on a message.

pub fn delete_reaction(
    channel_id: ChannelId,
    message_id: MessageId,
    emoji: RequestReactionType,
    user_id: UserId
) -> DeleteReaction<'_>

Notable traits for DeleteReaction<'_>

impl<'_> Future for DeleteReaction<'_> type Output = Result<()>;

Delete a reaction by a user on a message.

pub fn delete_all_reaction(
    channel_id: ChannelId,
    message_id: MessageId,
    emoji: RequestReactionType
) -> DeleteAllReaction<'_>

Notable traits for DeleteAllReaction<'_>

impl<'_> Future for DeleteAllReaction<'_> type Output = Result<()>;

Remove all reactions on a message of an emoji.

pub fn delete_all_reactions(
    channel_id: ChannelId,
    message_id: MessageId
) -> DeleteAllReactions<'_>

Notable traits for DeleteAllReactions<'_>

impl<'_> Future for DeleteAllReactions<'_> type Output = Result<()>;

Delete all reactions by all users on a message.

pub fn create_typing_trigger(
    channel_id: ChannelId
) -> CreateTypingTrigger<'_>

Notable traits for CreateTypingTrigger<'_>

impl<'_> Future for CreateTypingTrigger<'_> type Output = Result<()>;

Fire a Typing Start event in the channel.

pub fn create_private_channel(
    recipient_id: UserId
) -> CreatePrivateChannel<'_>

Notable traits for CreatePrivateChannel<'_>

impl<'_> Future for CreatePrivateChannel<'_> type Output = Result<PrivateChannel>;

Create a group DM.

This endpoint is limited to 10 active group DMs.

pub fn roles(&self, guild_id: GuildId) -> GetGuildRoles<'_>

Notable traits for GetGuildRoles<'_>

impl<'_> Future for GetGuildRoles<'_> type Output = Result<Vec<Role>>;

Get the roles of a guild.

pub fn create_role(&self, guild_id: GuildId) -> CreateRole<'_>

Notable traits for CreateRole<'_>

impl<'_> Future for CreateRole<'_> type Output = Result<Role>;

Create a role in a guild.


use twilight_model::id::GuildId;

let guild_id = GuildId(234);

    .name("Bright Pink")

pub fn delete_role(&self, guild_id: GuildId, role_id: RoleId) -> DeleteRole<'_>

Notable traits for DeleteRole<'_>

impl<'_> Future for DeleteRole<'_> type Output = Result<()>;

Delete a role in a guild, by id.

pub fn update_role(&self, guild_id: GuildId, role_id: RoleId) -> UpdateRole<'_>

Notable traits for UpdateRole<'_>

impl<'_> Future for UpdateRole<'_> type Output = Result<Role>;

Update a role by guild id and its id.

pub fn update_role_positions(
    guild_id: GuildId,
    roles: impl Iterator<Item = (RoleId, u64)>
) -> UpdateRolePositions<'_>

Notable traits for UpdateRolePositions<'_>

impl<'_> Future for UpdateRolePositions<'_> type Output = Result<Vec<Role>>;

Modify the position of the roles.

The minimum amount of roles to modify, is a swap between two roles.

pub fn user(&self, user_id: UserId) -> GetUser<'_>

Notable traits for GetUser<'_>

impl<'_> Future for GetUser<'_> type Output = Result<Option<User>>;

Get a user's information by id.

pub fn voice_regions(&self) -> GetVoiceRegions<'_>

Notable traits for GetVoiceRegions<'_>

impl<'_> Future for GetVoiceRegions<'_> type Output = Result<Vec<VoiceRegion>>;

Get a list of voice regions that can be used when creating a guild.

pub fn webhook(&self, id: WebhookId) -> GetWebhook<'_>

Notable traits for GetWebhook<'_>

impl<'_> Future for GetWebhook<'_> type Output = Result<Option<Webhook>>;

Get a webhook by ID.

pub fn create_webhook(
    channel_id: ChannelId,
    name: impl Into<String>
) -> CreateWebhook<'_>

Notable traits for CreateWebhook<'_>

impl<'_> Future for CreateWebhook<'_> type Output = Result<Webhook>;

Create a webhook in a channel.


let channel_id = ChannelId(123);

let webhook = client
    .create_webhook(channel_id, "Twily Bot")

pub fn delete_webhook(&self, id: WebhookId) -> DeleteWebhook<'_>

Notable traits for DeleteWebhook<'_>

impl<'_> Future for DeleteWebhook<'_> type Output = Result<()>;

Delete a webhook by its ID.

pub fn delete_webhook_from_url(
    url: impl AsRef<str>
) -> Result<DeleteWebhook<'_>>

Delete a webhook by its URL.


Returns UrlError::SegmentMissing if the URL can not be parsed.

pub fn update_webhook(&self, webhook_id: WebhookId) -> UpdateWebhook<'_>

Notable traits for UpdateWebhook<'_>

impl<'_> Future for UpdateWebhook<'_> type Output = Result<Webhook>;

Update a webhook by ID.

pub fn update_webhook_from_url(
    url: impl AsRef<str>
) -> Result<UpdateWebhook<'_>>

Update a webhook by its URL.


Returns UrlError::SegmentMissing if the URL can not be parsed.

pub fn update_webhook_with_token(
    webhook_id: WebhookId,
    token: impl Into<String>
) -> UpdateWebhookWithToken<'_>

Notable traits for UpdateWebhookWithToken<'_>

impl<'_> Future for UpdateWebhookWithToken<'_> type Output = Result<Webhook>;

Update a webhook, with a token, by ID.

pub fn update_webhook_with_token_from_url(
    url: impl AsRef<str>
) -> Result<UpdateWebhookWithToken<'_>>

Update a webhook, with a token, by its URL.


Returns UrlError::SegmentMissing if the URL can not be parsed.

pub fn execute_webhook(
    webhook_id: WebhookId,
    token: impl Into<String>
) -> ExecuteWebhook<'_>

Notable traits for ExecuteWebhook<'_>

impl<'_> Future for ExecuteWebhook<'_> type Output = Result<Option<Message>>;

Executes a webhook, sending a message to its channel.

You can only specify one of content, embeds, or file.


let id = WebhookId(432);
let webhook = client
    .execute_webhook(id, "webhook token")

pub fn execute_webhook_from_url(
    url: impl AsRef<str>
) -> Result<ExecuteWebhook<'_>>

Execute a webhook by its URL.


Returns UrlError::SegmentMissing if the URL can not be parsed.

pub async fn raw<'_>(&'_ self, request: Request) -> Result<Response>[src]

Execute a request, returning the response.


Returns Error::Unauthorized if the configured token has become invalid due to expiration, revokation, etc.

pub async fn request<T: DeserializeOwned, '_>(
    &'_ self,
    request: Request
) -> Result<T>

Execute a request, chunking and deserializing the response.


Returns Error::Unauthorized if the configured token has become invalid due to expiration, revokation, etc.

pub async fn verify<'_>(&'_ self, request: Request) -> Result<()>[src]

Execute a request, checking only that the response was a success.

This will not chunk and deserialize the body of the response.


Returns Error::Unauthorized if the configured token has become invalid due to expiration, revokation, etc.

Trait Implementations

impl Clone for Client[src]

impl Debug for Client[src]

impl From<Client> for Client[src]

Auto Trait Implementations

impl !RefUnwindSafe for Client

impl Send for Client

impl Sync for Client

impl Unpin for Client

impl !UnwindSafe for Client

Blanket Implementations

impl<T> Any for T where
    T: 'static + ?Sized

impl<T> Borrow<T> for T where
    T: ?Sized

impl<T> BorrowMut<T> for T where
    T: ?Sized

impl<T> From<T> for T[src]

impl<T> Instrument for T[src]

impl<T> Instrument for T[src]

impl<T, U> Into<U> for T where
    U: From<T>, 

impl<T> ToOwned for T where
    T: Clone

type Owned = T

The resulting type after obtaining ownership.

impl<T, U> TryFrom<U> for T where
    U: Into<T>, 

type Error = Infallible

The type returned in the event of a conversion error.

impl<T, U> TryInto<U> for T where
    U: TryFrom<T>, 

type Error = <U as TryFrom<T>>::Error

The type returned in the event of a conversion error.