Trait truck_rendimpl::polymesh::TangentSpace[]

pub trait TangentSpace<S>: VectorSpace<Scalar = S> where
    S: BaseFloat, 
{ type Space: EuclideanSpace; }

Tangent spaces of euclidean spaces The inverse of EuclideanSpace::Diff

Associated Types

type Space: EuclideanSpace

The Euclidean space whose tangent space is Self.

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Implementations on Foreign Types

impl<S> TangentSpace<S> for Vector3<S> where
    S: BaseFloat, 

type Space = Point3<S>

impl<S> TangentSpace<S> for Vector1<S> where
    S: BaseFloat, 

type Space = Point1<S>

impl<S> TangentSpace<S> for Vector2<S> where
    S: BaseFloat, 

type Space = Point2<S>

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