[][src]Trait tract_hir::internal::Op

pub trait Op: 'static + StatefullOp + Send + Sync + Debug + Downcast + DynHash + DynClone {
    fn op_families(&self) -> &'static [&'static str]

Notable traits for &'_ mut [u8]

impl<'_> Write for &'_ mut [u8]impl<'_> Read for &'_ [u8]
fn name(&self) -> Cow<'_, str>;
fn as_typed(&self) -> Option<&(dyn TypedOp + 'static)>; fn validation(&self) -> Validation { ... }
fn same_as(&self, _other: &(dyn Op + 'static)) -> bool { ... }
fn info(&self) -> Result<Vec<String>, TractError> { ... }
fn as_pulsed(&self) -> Option<&(dyn PulsedOp + 'static)> { ... }
fn is_canonic(&self) -> bool { ... } }

A base operation

Required methods

fn op_families(&self) -> &'static [&'static str]

Notable traits for &'_ mut [u8]

impl<'_> Write for &'_ mut [u8]impl<'_> Read for &'_ [u8]

Vector of short strings defining what families the op belongs too. tract-core defines "core", "mir", "lir".

fn name(&self) -> Cow<'_, str>

fn as_typed(&self) -> Option<&(dyn TypedOp + 'static)>

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Provided methods

fn validation(&self) -> Validation

The kind of accuracy check that should be performed on operation when testing them.

fn same_as(&self, _other: &(dyn Op + 'static)) -> bool

Compare two ops.

fn info(&self) -> Result<Vec<String>, TractError>

Short (one-line) strings giving hints on internal implementation or important configuration details to be displayed in dumps.

fn as_pulsed(&self) -> Option<&(dyn PulsedOp + 'static)>

fn is_canonic(&self) -> bool

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impl dyn Op + 'static

pub fn is<__T>(&self) -> bool where
    __T: Op

Returns true if the trait object wraps an object of type __T.

pub fn downcast<__T>(
    self: Box<dyn Op + 'static>
) -> Result<Box<__T>, Box<dyn Op + 'static>> where
    __T: Op

Returns a boxed object from a boxed trait object if the underlying object is of type __T. Returns the original boxed trait if it isn't.

pub fn downcast_rc<__T>(
    self: Rc<dyn Op + 'static>
) -> Result<Rc<__T>, Rc<dyn Op + 'static>> where
    __T: Op

Returns an Rc-ed object from an Rc-ed trait object if the underlying object is of type __T. Returns the original Rc-ed trait if it isn't.

pub fn downcast_ref<__T>(&self) -> Option<&__T> where
    __T: Op

Returns a reference to the object within the trait object if it is of type __T, or None if it isn't.

pub fn downcast_mut<__T>(&mut self) -> Option<&mut __T> where
    __T: Op

Returns a mutable reference to the object within the trait object if it is of type __T, or None if it isn't.

Trait Implementations

impl AsMut<dyn Op + 'static> for dyn TypedOp + 'static[src]

impl AsMut<dyn Op + 'static> for Box<dyn PulsedOp + 'static>[src]

impl AsMut<dyn Op + 'static> for Box<dyn TypedOp + 'static>[src]

impl AsMut<dyn Op + 'static> for dyn PulsedOp + 'static[src]

impl AsMut<dyn Op + 'static> for dyn InferenceOp[src]

impl AsMut<dyn Op + 'static> for Box<dyn InferenceOp>[src]

impl AsRef<dyn Op + 'static> for dyn PulsedOp + 'static[src]

impl AsRef<dyn Op + 'static> for dyn TypedOp + 'static[src]

impl AsRef<dyn Op + 'static> for Box<dyn PulsedOp + 'static>[src]

impl AsRef<dyn Op + 'static> for Box<dyn TypedOp + 'static>[src]

impl AsRef<dyn Op + 'static> for dyn InferenceOp[src]

impl AsRef<dyn Op + 'static> for Box<dyn InferenceOp>[src]

Implementations on Foreign Types

impl Op for MultiBroadcastTo[src]

impl Op for TypedSource[src]

impl<T> Op for Im2Col<T> where
    T: Datum + Copy + Zero

impl Op for FiniteReshape[src]

impl Op for Delay[src]

impl Op for PulsePad[src]

impl<T> Op for MatMatMulPackB<T> where
    T: Copy + Datum + Zero

impl Op for TypedBinOp[src]

impl Op for MergeOpUnicast[src]

impl Op for PulsedSource[src]

impl Op for UnaryOp[src]

impl Op for LirScan[src]

impl Op for Tile[src]

impl Op for MatMulUnary[src]

impl Op for Reduce[src]

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impl Op for AxisOp[src]

impl Op for Box<dyn Expansion>[src]

impl Op for ConstantLike[src]

impl Op for EyeLike[src]

impl Op for Gather[src]

impl Op for Pad[src]

impl Op for TypedConcat[src]

impl Op for Nary[src]

impl Op for ConvUnary[src]

impl Op for MaxPool[src]

impl Op for SumPool[src]

impl Op for Downsample[src]

impl Op for Dummy[src]

impl Op for ElementWiseOp[src]

impl Op for Identity[src]

impl Op for Const[src]

impl Op for Iff[src]

impl Op for MatMul[src]

impl Op for LayerHardmax[src]

impl Op for DequantizeLinearF32[src]

impl Op for InferenceScan[src]

impl Op for Scan[src]

impl Op for Source[src]

impl Op for UnimplementedOp[src]

impl<D> Op for Slice<D> where
    D: DimLike + ToDim + Hash

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