Crate tract_core

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Tiny, no-nonsense, self contained, portable TensorFlow and ONNX inference.


use tract_core::internal::*;

// build a simple model that just add 3 to each input component
let mut model = TypedModel::default();

let input_fact = f32::fact(&[3]);
let input = model.add_source("input", input_fact).unwrap();
let three = model.add_const("three".to_string(), tensor1(&[3f32])).unwrap();
let add = model.wire_node("add".to_string(),
    [input, three].as_ref()


// We build an execution plan. Default inputs and outputs are inferred from
// the model graph.
let plan = SimplePlan::new(&model).unwrap();

// run the computation.
let input = tensor1(&[1.0f32, 2.5, 5.0]);
let mut outputs =![input.into()]).unwrap();

// take the first and only output tensor
let mut tensor = outputs.pop().unwrap();

assert_eq!(tensor, tensor1(&[4.0f32, 5.5, 8.0]).into());

While creating a model from Rust code is useful for testing the library, real-life use-cases will usually load a TensorFlow or ONNX model using tract-tensorflow or tract-onnx crates.


pub extern crate anyhow;
pub extern crate downcast_rs;
pub extern crate ndarray;
pub extern crate num_traits;
pub extern crate tract_data;
pub extern crate tract_linalg;
pub use dyn_clone;


N-way tensor broadcast
Enforce consistent API between the implemented Frameworks importers.
This prelude is meant for code extending tract (like implementing new ops).
Models and their lifecycle
This prelude is meant for code using tract.
