Module tract_core::model

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Models and their lifecycle

In order to reason on the model and performs optimisations, a model needs to be typed. This means all tensor exchanged between the nodes have a well defined element type (f32, i32, etc) and a shape ([1, 12, 53, 13]).

A model typically starts as an InferenceModel, with minimum or partial tensor type information. At this stage, the application developper can add types and shapes hints (like the model inputs and output element types and shapes), then tract will perform type inference propagating this information. Hopefully tract will be able to infer a type and shape for all tensors in the model graph.

At this stage, the model can be converted into a TypedModel.

InferanceModel and TypeModel are two variants of Graph, Parameterized by a Fact implementation: TypedModel uses TypedFact, enforcing complete determination of element type and shape, and allowing a constant value for the tensor. InferenceModel uses InferenceFact, which can handle partial information.

We call declutter the process getting the network closer to a normal form:. This normal form is akin to an IR in compiler technologies. This is the favourite form on which tract optimisation is implemented.

For instance an Add node adding a constant input to a variable tensor input would be replaced by an unary Add operator taking only the variable input and for which the constant to add is a fixed construction attribute. In the same decluttering process, we try and replace proprietary operators (eg, from TensorFlow) by tract core operators: it is not always possible to simply map TensorFlow operators to tract-core while loading the network: their interfaces can be different (what is an input, what is an attribute) and constant propagation may be necessary before the right core operator could be chosen.


pub use self::order::eval_order;
pub use crate::ops::Op;
pub use crate::ops::TypedOp;
pub use typed::*;


Evaluation order for nodes.


Main model class
Identifier for a node input in the graph.
A change to apply to a model.
A Node in an Model.
Information for each outlet of a node
Identifier for a node output in the graph.
Fully determined tensor information for TypedModel.


Type information about a tensor: shape, and element type, in various state of determination.