Expand description

Actix ActorFuture instrumentation for use with tracing


use actix::prelude::*;
use actix::fut::{ready, ActorFuture};
use tracing::{span, event, Level};
use tracing_actix::ActorInstrument;

/// This example is modified from the actix::fut module and intended to show how
/// the `ActorInstrument` trait may be used to integrate tracing `Span`s within
/// asynchronous message handlers.
impl Handler<DeferredWork> for OriginalActor {
    type Result = ResponseActFuture<Self, Result<OriginalActorResponse, MessageError>>;

    fn handle(
        &mut self,
        _msg: DeferredWork,
        _ctx: &mut Context<Self>,
    ) -> Self::Result {
        // this creates a `Future` representing the `.send` and subsequent `Result` from
        // `other_actor`
        let span = span!(Level::INFO, "deferred work context");
        // Addr<A>::send returns `actix::prelude::Request`, which implements Unpin, so we can wrap
        // into_actor within an ActorInstrument.
                .send(OtherMessage {})
                .map(|result, actor, _ctx| {
                    // Actor's state updated here
                    match result {
                        Ok(v) => {
                            event!(Level::INFO, "I'm within deferred work context");
                        // Failed to send message to other_actor
                        Err(e) => {
                            event!(Level::ERROR, "Error from deferred work: {:?}", e);

/// In this example, there isn't an `actix::prelude::Request` in our `ActorFuture`.
/// Since `ActorInstrument` needs to wrap `ActorFuture + Unpin`, we can't use
/// `async {}.into_actor(self)` because `async {}` doesn't implement `Unpin`.
impl Handler<Ping> for OriginalActor {
    type Result = ResponseActFuture<Self, Pong>;

    fn handle(
        &mut self,
        _msg: Ping,
        _ctx: &mut Context<Self>,
    ) -> Self::Result {
        // `async {}` doesn't implement Unpin, so it can't be used.
        // `actix::fut::Ready` ActorFutures work fine though.
        let span = span!(Level::INFO, "ping");
            ready::<Pong>(Pong {})
                .map(|pong, _this, _ctx| {
                    // the pong event occurs in the ping span, even though this is async.
                    event!(Level::INFO, "pong");


An actor future that has been instrumented with a tracing span.


Extension trait allowing actor futures to be instrumented with a tracing Span.