Crate tracerr[][src]

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Custom compile-time captured error tracing for Rust.


The common rule:

  • Use macro to capture trace frame in the invocation place.
use tracerr::Traced;

let err = tracerr::new!("my error"); // captures frame

let res: Result<(), _> = Err(err)
    .map_err(tracerr::wrap!()); // captures frame

let err: Traced<&'static str> = res.unwrap_err();
    format!("{}\n{}", err, err.trace()),
    r"my error
error trace:
  at src/
  at src/",

let (val, trace) = err.split();
    format!("{}\n{}", val, trace),
    r"my error
error trace:
  at src/
  at src/",


Copyright © 2019 Instrumentisto Team,

This software is subject to the terms of the Blue Oak Model License 1.0.0. If a copy of the BlueOak-1.0.0 license was not distributed with this file, You can obtain one at


Provides a closure, which captures a new Frame in the invocation place, applies the required From conversion for the given error, and wraps it into a Traced wrapper containing this Frame. If the error represents a Traced already, then just growths its Trace with the captured Frame.

Captures a new Frame in the invocation place and wraps the given error into a Traced wrapper containing this Frame with applying the required From conversion for the wrapped error. If the error represents a Traced already, then just applies From conversion and growths its Trace with the captured Frame.

Provides a closure, which captures a new Frame in the invocation place for the given Traced wrapper and applies the required From conversion for the wrapped error.

Captures a new Frame in the invocation place and wraps the given error into a Traced wrapper containing this Frame. If the error represents a Traced already, then just growths its Trace with the captured Frame.

Captures and returns new Frame in the macro invocation place.

Provides a closure, which captures a new Frame in the invocation place and wraps the given error into a Traced wrapper containing this Frame. If the error represents a Traced already, then just growths its Trace with the captured Frame.


Captured frame of Trace.

Trace composed from captured Frames.

Wrapper for an arbitrary error holding the captured error trace along.


Default capacity for a Trace buffer initialization.


Trait for wrapping errors into a Traced wrapper and growing its Trace inside.


Maps an inner value of an error wrapped in a Traced with its From implementation.