[][src]Crate tinyset

tinyset contains a few collections that are optimized to scale in size well for small numbers of elements, while still scaling well in time (and size) for numbers of elements. We now have three types that you might care for.

  1. Set64 is a set for types that are 64 bits in size or less and are Copy, intended for essentially integer types. This is our most efficient type, since it can store small sets with just the size of one pointer, with no heap storage.

  2. SetU64 just holds u64 items, and is the internal storage of Set64.

  3. SetU32 just holds u32 items, and uses a bit less memory than SetU64.

All of these set types will do no heap allocation for small sets of small elements. TinySet will store up to 16 bytes of elements before doing any heap allocation, while Set stores sets up to size 8 without allocation. Set64 will store up to 22 bytes of elements, and if all your elements are small (e.g. 0..22 as u64 it will store them in as few bytes as possible.


use tinyset::Set64;
let mut s: Set64<usize> = Set64::new();


pub use setusize::SetUsize;
pub use setu32::SetU32;
pub use setu64::SetU64;
pub use crate::set64::Set64;
pub use crate::set64::Fits64;



A set that is compact in size.


This is a crate for the tiniest sets ever.


This is a crate for the tiniest sets ever.


A set that is compact in size.