Struct timely::dataflow::operators::InputHandle [] [src]

pub struct InputHandle<'a, T: Timestamp, D: 'a> { /* fields omitted */ }

Handle to an operator's input stream.


impl<'a, T: Timestamp, D> InputHandle<'a, T, D>

Reads the next input buffer (at some timestamp t) and a corresponding capability for t. The timestamp t of the input buffer can be retrieved by invoking .time() on the capability. Returns None when there's no more data available.

Repeatedly calls logic till exhaustion of the available input data. logic receives a capability and an input buffer.


use timely::dataflow::operators::{ToStream, Unary};
use timely::dataflow::channels::pact::Pipeline;

timely::example(|scope| {
           .unary_stream(Pipeline, "example", |input, output| {
               input.for_each(|cap, data| {