Trait td_rlua::LuaPush [] [src]

pub trait LuaPush {
    fn push_to_lua(self, lua: *mut lua_State) -> i32;

Types that can be given to a Lua context, for example with lua.set() or as a return value of a function.

Required Methods

Pushes the value on the top of the stack.

Must return a guard representing the elements that have been pushed.

You can implement this for any type you want by redirecting to call to another implementation (for example 5.push_to_lua) or by calling userdata::push_userdata.

Implementations on Foreign Types

impl LuaPush for i8

impl LuaPush for i16

impl LuaPush for i32

impl LuaPush for i64

impl LuaPush for u8

impl LuaPush for u16

impl LuaPush for u32

impl LuaPush for u64

impl LuaPush for usize

impl LuaPush for f32

impl LuaPush for f64

impl LuaPush for String

impl<'s> LuaPush for &'s str

impl LuaPush for bool

impl LuaPush for ()

impl<A: LuaPush, B: LuaPush, C: LuaPush, D: LuaPush, E: LuaPush, F: LuaPush, G: LuaPush, H: LuaPush, I: LuaPush, J: LuaPush, K: LuaPush, L: LuaPush, M: LuaPush> LuaPush for (A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M)

impl<B: LuaPush, C: LuaPush, D: LuaPush, E: LuaPush, F: LuaPush, G: LuaPush, H: LuaPush, I: LuaPush, J: LuaPush, K: LuaPush, L: LuaPush, M: LuaPush> LuaPush for (B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M)

impl<C: LuaPush, D: LuaPush, E: LuaPush, F: LuaPush, G: LuaPush, H: LuaPush, I: LuaPush, J: LuaPush, K: LuaPush, L: LuaPush, M: LuaPush> LuaPush for (C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M)

impl<D: LuaPush, E: LuaPush, F: LuaPush, G: LuaPush, H: LuaPush, I: LuaPush, J: LuaPush, K: LuaPush, L: LuaPush, M: LuaPush> LuaPush for (D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M)

impl<E: LuaPush, F: LuaPush, G: LuaPush, H: LuaPush, I: LuaPush, J: LuaPush, K: LuaPush, L: LuaPush, M: LuaPush> LuaPush for (E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M)

impl<F: LuaPush, G: LuaPush, H: LuaPush, I: LuaPush, J: LuaPush, K: LuaPush, L: LuaPush, M: LuaPush> LuaPush for (F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M)

impl<G: LuaPush, H: LuaPush, I: LuaPush, J: LuaPush, K: LuaPush, L: LuaPush, M: LuaPush> LuaPush for (G, H, I, J, K, L, M)

impl<H: LuaPush, I: LuaPush, J: LuaPush, K: LuaPush, L: LuaPush, M: LuaPush> LuaPush for (H, I, J, K, L, M)

impl<I: LuaPush, J: LuaPush, K: LuaPush, L: LuaPush, M: LuaPush> LuaPush for (I, J, K, L, M)

impl<J: LuaPush, K: LuaPush, L: LuaPush, M: LuaPush> LuaPush for (J, K, L, M)

impl<K: LuaPush, L: LuaPush, M: LuaPush> LuaPush for (K, L, M)

impl<L: LuaPush, M: LuaPush> LuaPush for (L, M)

impl<M> LuaPush for (M,) where
    M: LuaPush

impl<T> LuaPush for Vec<T> where
    T: LuaPush

impl<'a, T> LuaPush for &'a [T] where
    T: Clone + LuaPush

impl<K, V> LuaPush for HashMap<K, V> where
    K: LuaPush + Eq + Hash,
    V: LuaPush

impl<K> LuaPush for HashSet<K> where
    K: LuaPush + Eq + Hash
