Struct tch::Tensor[][src]

#[must_use]pub struct Tensor { /* fields omitted */ }

A tensor object.


impl Tensor[src]

pub fn new() -> Tensor[src]

Creates a new tensor.

pub unsafe fn from_ptr(c_tensor: *mut C_tensor) -> Self[src]

Creates a new tensor from the pointer to an existing C++ tensor.


The caller must ensures that the pointer outlives the Rust object.

pub unsafe fn clone_from_ptr(c_tensor: *mut C_tensor) -> Self[src]

Creates a new tensor from the pointer to an existing C++ tensor.


A shallow copy of the pointer is made so there is no need for this pointer to remain valid for the whole lifetime of the Rust object.

pub fn as_ptr(&self) -> *const C_tensor[src]

Returns a pointer to the underlying C++ tensor.

The caller must ensures that the Rust tensor object outlives this pointer.

pub fn as_mut_ptr(&mut self) -> *mut C_tensor[src]

Returns a mutable pointer to the underlying C++ tensor.

The caller must ensures that the Rust tensor object outlives this pointer.

pub fn dim(&self) -> usize[src]

Returns the number of dimension of the tensor.

pub fn size(&self) -> Vec<i64>[src]

Returns the shape of the input tensor.

pub fn size1(&self) -> Result<i64, TchError>[src]

Returns the tensor size for single dimension tensors.

pub fn size2(&self) -> Result<(i64, i64), TchError>[src]

Returns the tensor sizes for two dimension tensors.

pub fn size3(&self) -> Result<(i64, i64, i64), TchError>[src]

Returns the tensor sizes for three dimension tensors.

pub fn size4(&self) -> Result<(i64, i64, i64, i64), TchError>[src]

Returns the tensor sizes for four dimension tensors.

pub fn size5(&self) -> Result<(i64, i64, i64, i64, i64), TchError>[src]

Returns the tensor sizes for five dimension tensors.

pub fn size6(&self) -> Result<(i64, i64, i64, i64, i64, i64), TchError>[src]

Returns the tensor sizes for six dimension tensors.

pub fn stride(&self) -> Vec<i64>[src]

Returns the stride of the input tensor.

pub fn stride1(&self) -> Result<i64, TchError>[src]

Returns the tensor strides for single dimension tensors.

pub fn stride2(&self) -> Result<(i64, i64), TchError>[src]

Returns the tensor strides for two dimension tensors.

pub fn stride3(&self) -> Result<(i64, i64, i64), TchError>[src]

Returns the tensor strides for three dimension tensors.

pub fn stride4(&self) -> Result<(i64, i64, i64, i64), TchError>[src]

Returns the tensor strides for four dimension tensors.

pub fn stride5(&self) -> Result<(i64, i64, i64, i64, i64), TchError>[src]

Returns the tensor strides for five dimension tensors.

pub fn stride6(&self) -> Result<(i64, i64, i64, i64, i64, i64), TchError>[src]

Returns the tensor strides for six dimension tensors.

pub fn f_kind(&self) -> Result<Kind, TchError>[src]

Returns the kind of elements stored in the input tensor. Returns an error on undefined tensors and unsupported data types.

pub fn kind(&self) -> Kind[src]

Returns the kind of elements stored in the input tensor. Panics an error on undefined tensors and unsupported data types.

pub fn device(&self) -> Device[src]

Returns the device on which the input tensor is located.

pub fn print(&self)[src]

Prints the input tensor.

Caution: this uses the C++ printer which prints the whole tensor even if it is very large.

pub fn f_double_value(&self, idx: &[i64]) -> Result<f64, TchError>[src]

Returns a double value on tensors holding a single element. An error is returned otherwise.

pub fn f_int64_value(&self, idx: &[i64]) -> Result<i64, TchError>[src]

Returns an int value on tensors holding a single element. An error is returned otherwise.

pub fn double_value(&self, idx: &[i64]) -> f64[src]

Returns a double value on tensors holding a single element. Panics otherwise.

pub fn int64_value(&self, idx: &[i64]) -> i64[src]

Returns an int value on tensors holding a single element. Panics otherwise.

pub fn requires_grad(&self) -> bool[src]

Returns true if gradient are currently tracked for this tensor.

pub fn data_ptr(&self) -> *mut c_void[src]

Returns the address of the first element of this tensor.

pub fn defined(&self) -> bool[src]

Returns true if the tensor is defined.

pub fn is_mkldnn(&self) -> bool[src]

Returns true if the tensor is compatible with MKL-DNN (oneDNN).

pub fn is_sparse(&self) -> bool[src]

Returns true if the tensor is sparse.

pub fn zero_grad(&mut self)[src]

Zeroes the gradient tensor attached to this tensor if defined.

pub fn f_backward(&self) -> Result<(), TchError>[src]

Runs the backward pass, populating the gradient tensors for tensors which gradients are tracked.

Gradients tracking can be turned on via set_requires_grad.

pub fn backward(&self)[src]

Runs the backward pass, populating the gradient tensors for tensors which gradients are tracked.

Gradients tracking can be turned on via set_requires_grad. Panics if the C++ api returns an exception.

pub fn f_run_backward<T1, T2>(
    tensors: &[T1],
    inputs: &[T2],
    keep_graph: bool,
    create_graph: bool
) -> Result<Vec<Tensor>, TchError> where
    T1: Borrow<Tensor>,
    T2: Borrow<Tensor>, 

pub fn run_backward<T1, T2>(
    tensors: &[T1],
    inputs: &[T2],
    keep_graph: bool,
    create_graph: bool
) -> Vec<Tensor> where
    T1: Borrow<Tensor>,
    T2: Borrow<Tensor>, 

pub fn f_copy_data_u8(
    dst: &mut [u8],
    numel: usize
) -> Result<(), TchError>

Copies numel elements from self to dst.

pub fn f_internal_amp_non_finite_check_and_unscale(
    &mut self,
    found_inf: &mut Tensor,
    inv_scale: &Tensor
) -> Result<(), TchError>

Unscale tensor while checking for infinities.

found_inf is a singleton tensor that is used to record the presence of infinite values. inv_scale is a scalar containing the inverse scaling factor. This method is only available for CUDA tensors.

pub fn internal_amp_non_finite_check_and_unscale(
    &mut self,
    found_inf: &mut Tensor,
    inv_scale: &Tensor

Unscale tensor while checking for infinities.

found_inf is a singleton tensor that is used to record the presence of infinite values. inv_scale is a scalar containing the inverse scaling factor. This method is only available for CUDA tensors.

pub fn copy_data_u8(&self, dst: &mut [u8], numel: usize)[src]

Copies numel elements from self to dst.

pub fn f_copy_data<T: Element>(
    dst: &mut [T],
    numel: usize
) -> Result<(), TchError>

Copies numel elements from self to dst.

pub fn copy_data<T: Element>(&self, dst: &mut [T], numel: usize)[src]

Copies numel elements from self to dst.

pub fn numel(&self) -> usize[src]

Returns the total number of elements stored in a tensor.

pub fn f_of_slice<T: Element>(data: &[T]) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

Converts a slice to a tensor.

pub fn of_slice<T: Element>(data: &[T]) -> Tensor[src]

Converts a slice to a tensor.

pub fn f_of_data_size(
    data: &[u8],
    size: &[i64],
    kind: Kind
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

Converts some byte data to a tensor with some specified kind and shape.

pub unsafe fn f_of_blob(
    data: *const u8,
    size: &[i64],
    strides: &[i64],
    kind: Kind,
    device: Device
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

Creates a tensor from data that is assumed to be initialized. Resize operations are now allowed on this tensor without copying the data first.


This will panic if data points to invalid data.

pub unsafe fn of_blob(
    data: *const u8,
    size: &[i64],
    strides: &[i64],
    kind: Kind,
    device: Device
) -> Tensor

Creates a tensor from data that is assumed to be initialized. Resize operations are now allowed on this tensor without copying the data first.


This will panic if data points to invalid data.

pub fn of_data_size(data: &[u8], size: &[i64], kind: Kind) -> Tensor[src]

Converts some byte data to a tensor with some specified kind and shape.

pub fn shallow_clone(&self) -> Tensor[src]

Returns a new tensor that share storage with the input tensor.

pub fn f_get(&self, index: i64) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

Gets the sub-tensor at the given index.

pub fn get(&self, index: i64) -> Tensor[src]

Gets the sub-tensor at the given index.

pub fn f_copy_(&mut self, src: &Tensor) -> Result<(), TchError>[src]

Copies values from the argument tensor to the input tensor.

pub fn copy_(&mut self, src: &Tensor)[src]

Copies values from the argument tensor to the input tensor.

pub fn load<T: AsRef<Path>>(path: T) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

Loads a tensor from a file.

The file format is the same as the one used by the PyTorch C++ API.

pub fn save<T: AsRef<Path>>(&self, path: T) -> Result<(), TchError>[src]

Saves a tensor to a file.

The file format is the same as the one used by the PyTorch C++ API.

pub fn save_multi<S: AsRef<str>, T: AsRef<Tensor>, P: AsRef<Path>>(
    named_tensors: &[(S, T)],
    path: P
) -> Result<(), TchError>

Saves some named tensors to a file

The file format is the same as the one used by the PyTorch C++ API.

pub fn load_multi<T: AsRef<Path>>(
    path: T
) -> Result<Vec<(String, Tensor)>, TchError>

Loads some named tensors from a file

The file format is the same as the one used by the PyTorch C++ API.

pub fn load_multi_with_device<T: AsRef<Path>>(
    path: T,
    device: Device
) -> Result<Vec<(String, Tensor)>, TchError>

Loads some named tensors from a file to a given device

The file format is the same as the one used by the PyTorch C++ API.

pub fn to_string(&self, lw: i64) -> Result<String, TchError>[src]

Returns a string representation for the tensor.

The representation will contain all the tensor element hence may be huge for large tensors.

impl Tensor[src]

pub fn f_internal_and_<S: Into<Scalar>>(
    &mut self,
    other: S
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_internal_and_1(&mut self, other: &Tensor) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_internal_iand_<S: Into<Scalar>>(
    &mut self,
    other: S
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_internal_iand_1(&mut self, other: &Tensor) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_internal_ilshift_<S: Into<Scalar>>(
    &mut self,
    other: S
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_internal_ilshift_1(
    &mut self,
    other: &Tensor
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_internal_ior_<S: Into<Scalar>>(
    &mut self,
    other: S
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_internal_ior_1(&mut self, other: &Tensor) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_internal_irshift_<S: Into<Scalar>>(
    &mut self,
    other: S
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_internal_irshift_1(
    &mut self,
    other: &Tensor
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_internal_ixor_<S: Into<Scalar>>(
    &mut self,
    other: S
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_internal_ixor_1(&mut self, other: &Tensor) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_internal_lshift_<S: Into<Scalar>>(
    &mut self,
    other: S
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_internal_lshift_1(
    &mut self,
    other: &Tensor
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_internal_or_<S: Into<Scalar>>(
    &mut self,
    other: S
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_internal_or_1(&mut self, other: &Tensor) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_internal_rshift_<S: Into<Scalar>>(
    &mut self,
    other: S
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_internal_rshift_1(
    &mut self,
    other: &Tensor
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_internal_xor_<S: Into<Scalar>>(
    &mut self,
    other: S
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_internal_xor_1(&mut self, other: &Tensor) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_internal_adaptive_avg_pool2d(
    output_size: &[i64]
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_internal_adaptive_avg_pool2d_backward(
    grad_output: &Tensor
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_internal_add_batch_dim(
    batch_dim: i64,
    level: i64
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_internal_add_relu(&self, other: &Tensor) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_internal_add_relu_(
    &mut self,
    other: &Tensor
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_internal_add_relu_out(
    out: &Tensor,
    other: &Tensor
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_internal_addmv_impl_(
    &mut self,
    self2: &Tensor,
    mat: &Tensor,
    vec: &Tensor
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_internal_aminmax(&self) -> Result<(Tensor, Tensor), TchError>[src]

pub fn f_internal_aminmax1(
    dim: i64,
    keepdim: bool
) -> Result<(Tensor, Tensor), TchError>

pub fn f_internal_amp_update_scale(
    growth_tracker: &Tensor,
    current_scale: &Tensor,
    found_inf: &Tensor,
    scale_growth_factor: f64,
    scale_backoff_factor: f64,
    growth_interval: i64
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_internal_baddbmm_mkl_(
    &mut self,
    batch1: &Tensor,
    batch2: &Tensor
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_internal_bmm(
    mat2: &Tensor,
    deterministic: bool
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_internal_bmm_out(
    out: &Tensor,
    mat2: &Tensor,
    deterministic: bool
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_internal_cast_byte(
    non_blocking: bool
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_internal_cast_char(
    non_blocking: bool
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_internal_cast_double(
    non_blocking: bool
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_internal_cast_float(
    non_blocking: bool
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_internal_cast_half(
    non_blocking: bool
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_internal_cast_int(
    non_blocking: bool
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_internal_cast_long(
    non_blocking: bool
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_internal_cast_short(
    non_blocking: bool
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_internal_cat<T: Borrow<Tensor>>(
    tensors: &[T],
    dim: i64
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_internal_cat_out<T: Borrow<Tensor>>(
    out: &Tensor,
    tensors: &[T],
    dim: i64
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_internal_cdist_backward(
    grad: &Tensor,
    x1: &Tensor,
    x2: &Tensor,
    p: f64,
    cdist: &Tensor
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_internal_cholesky_helper(
    upper: bool
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_internal_cholesky_solve_helper(
    a: &Tensor,
    upper: bool
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_internal_coalesced_(
    &mut self,
    coalesced: bool
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_internal_compute_linear_combination(
    coefficients: &Tensor
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_internal_compute_linear_combination_out(
    out: &Tensor,
    coefficients: &Tensor
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_internal_conj(&self) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_internal_convolution<T: Borrow<Tensor>>(
    weight: &Tensor,
    bias: Option<T>,
    stride: &[i64],
    padding: &[i64],
    dilation: &[i64],
    transposed: bool,
    output_padding: &[i64],
    groups: i64,
    benchmark: bool,
    deterministic: bool,
    cudnn_enabled: bool
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_internal_convolution1<T: Borrow<Tensor>>(
    weight: &Tensor,
    bias: Option<T>,
    stride: &[i64],
    padding: &[i64],
    dilation: &[i64],
    transposed: bool,
    output_padding: &[i64],
    groups: i64,
    benchmark: bool,
    deterministic: bool,
    cudnn_enabled: bool,
    allow_tf32: bool
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_internal_convolution_nogroup<T: Borrow<Tensor>>(
    weight: &Tensor,
    bias: Option<T>,
    stride: &[i64],
    padding: &[i64],
    dilation: &[i64],
    transposed: bool,
    output_padding: &[i64]
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_internal_copy_from(
    dst: &Tensor,
    non_blocking: bool
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_internal_ctc_loss(
    log_probs: &Tensor,
    targets: &Tensor,
    input_lengths: &[i64],
    target_lengths: &[i64],
    blank: i64,
    zero_infinity: bool
) -> Result<(Tensor, Tensor), TchError>

pub fn f_internal_ctc_loss_backward(
    grad: &Tensor,
    log_probs: &Tensor,
    targets: &Tensor,
    input_lengths: &[i64],
    target_lengths: &[i64],
    neg_log_likelihood: &Tensor,
    log_alpha: &Tensor,
    blank: i64,
    zero_infinity: bool
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_internal_cudnn_ctc_loss(
    log_probs: &Tensor,
    targets: &Tensor,
    input_lengths: &[i64],
    target_lengths: &[i64],
    blank: i64,
    deterministic: bool,
    zero_infinity: bool
) -> Result<(Tensor, Tensor), TchError>

pub fn f_internal_cudnn_init_dropout_state(
    dropout: f64,
    train: bool,
    dropout_seed: i64,
    options: (Kind, Device)
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_internal_cudnn_rnn<T: Borrow<Tensor>>(
    weight: &[T],
    weight_stride0: i64,
    weight_buf: Option<T>,
    hx: &Tensor,
    cx: Option<T>,
    mode: i64,
    hidden_size: i64,
    proj_size: i64,
    num_layers: i64,
    batch_first: bool,
    dropout: f64,
    train: bool,
    bidirectional: bool,
    batch_sizes: &[i64],
    dropout_state: Option<T>
) -> Result<(Tensor, Tensor, Tensor, Tensor, Tensor), TchError>

pub fn f_internal_cudnn_rnn_flatten_weight<T: Borrow<Tensor>>(
    weight_arr: &[T],
    weight_stride0: i64,
    input_size: i64,
    mode: i64,
    hidden_size: i64,
    proj_size: i64,
    num_layers: i64,
    batch_first: bool,
    bidirectional: bool
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_internal_cumprod(&self, dim: i64) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_internal_cumprod_out(
    out: &Tensor,
    dim: i64
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_internal_cumsum(&self, dim: i64) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_internal_cumsum_out(
    out: &Tensor,
    dim: i64
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_internal_dim_arange(
    like: &Tensor,
    dim: i64
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_internal_dirichlet_grad(
    x: &Tensor,
    alpha: &Tensor,
    total: &Tensor
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_internal_embedding_bag<T: Borrow<Tensor>>(
    weight: &Tensor,
    indices: &Tensor,
    offsets: &Tensor,
    scale_grad_by_freq: bool,
    mode: i64,
    sparse: bool,
    per_sample_weights: Option<T>,
    include_last_offset: bool
) -> Result<(Tensor, Tensor, Tensor, Tensor), TchError>

pub fn f_internal_embedding_bag_backward<T: Borrow<Tensor>>(
    grad: &Tensor,
    indices: &Tensor,
    offsets: &Tensor,
    offset2bag: &Tensor,
    bag_size: &Tensor,
    maximum_indices: &Tensor,
    num_weights: i64,
    scale_grad_by_freq: bool,
    mode: i64,
    sparse: bool,
    per_sample_weights: Option<T>
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_internal_embedding_bag_dense_backward<T: Borrow<Tensor>>(
    grad: &Tensor,
    indices: &Tensor,
    offsets: &Tensor,
    offset2bag: &Tensor,
    bag_size: &Tensor,
    maximum_indices: &Tensor,
    num_weights: i64,
    scale_grad_by_freq: bool,
    mode: i64,
    per_sample_weights: Option<T>
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_internal_embedding_bag_forward_only<T: Borrow<Tensor>>(
    weight: &Tensor,
    indices: &Tensor,
    offsets: &Tensor,
    scale_grad_by_freq: bool,
    mode: i64,
    sparse: bool,
    per_sample_weights: Option<T>,
    include_last_offset: bool
) -> Result<(Tensor, Tensor, Tensor, Tensor), TchError>

pub fn f_internal_embedding_bag_per_sample_weights_backward(
    grad: &Tensor,
    weight: &Tensor,
    indices: &Tensor,
    offsets: &Tensor,
    offset2bag: &Tensor,
    mode: i64
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_internal_embedding_bag_sparse_backward<T: Borrow<Tensor>>(
    grad: &Tensor,
    indices: &Tensor,
    offsets: &Tensor,
    offset2bag: &Tensor,
    bag_size: &Tensor,
    num_weights: i64,
    scale_grad_by_freq: bool,
    mode: i64,
    per_sample_weights: Option<T>
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_internal_empty_affine_quantized(
    size: &[i64],
    options: (Kind, Device),
    scale: f64,
    zero_point: i64
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_internal_empty_per_channel_affine_quantized(
    size: &[i64],
    scales: &Tensor,
    zero_points: &Tensor,
    axis: i64,
    options: (Kind, Device)
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_internal_euclidean_dist(
    x1: &Tensor,
    x2: &Tensor
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_internal_fake_quantize_learnable_per_channel_affine(
    scale: &Tensor,
    zero_point: &Tensor,
    axis: i64,
    quant_min: i64,
    quant_max: i64,
    grad_factor: f64
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_internal_fake_quantize_learnable_per_channel_affine_backward(
    grad: &Tensor,
    scale: &Tensor,
    zero_point: &Tensor,
    axis: i64,
    quant_min: i64,
    quant_max: i64,
    grad_factor: f64
) -> Result<(Tensor, Tensor, Tensor), TchError>

pub fn f_internal_fake_quantize_learnable_per_tensor_affine(
    scale: &Tensor,
    zero_point: &Tensor,
    quant_min: i64,
    quant_max: i64,
    grad_factor: f64
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_internal_fake_quantize_learnable_per_tensor_affine_backward(
    grad: &Tensor,
    scale: &Tensor,
    zero_point: &Tensor,
    quant_min: i64,
    quant_max: i64,
    grad_factor: f64
) -> Result<(Tensor, Tensor, Tensor), TchError>

pub fn f_internal_fft_c2c(
    dim: &[i64],
    normalization: i64,
    forward: bool
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_internal_fft_c2c_out(
    out: &Tensor,
    dim: &[i64],
    normalization: i64,
    forward: bool
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_internal_fft_c2r(
    dim: &[i64],
    normalization: i64,
    last_dim_size: i64
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_internal_fft_c2r_out(
    out: &Tensor,
    dim: &[i64],
    normalization: i64,
    last_dim_size: i64
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_internal_fft_r2c(
    dim: &[i64],
    normalization: i64,
    onesided: bool
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_internal_fft_r2c_out(
    out: &Tensor,
    dim: &[i64],
    normalization: i64,
    onesided: bool
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_internal_fused_dropout(
    p: f64
) -> Result<(Tensor, Tensor), TchError>

pub fn f_internal_fw_primal(&self, level: i64) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_internal_gather_sparse_backward(
    dim: i64,
    index: &Tensor,
    grad: &Tensor
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_internal_grid_sampler_2d_cpu_fallback(
    grid: &Tensor,
    interpolation_mode: i64,
    padding_mode: i64,
    align_corners: bool
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_internal_grid_sampler_2d_cpu_fallback_backward(
    grad_output: &Tensor,
    grid: &Tensor,
    interpolation_mode: i64,
    padding_mode: i64,
    align_corners: bool
) -> Result<(Tensor, Tensor), TchError>

pub fn f_internal_index_copy_(
    &mut self,
    dim: i64,
    index: &Tensor,
    source: &Tensor
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_internal_index_put_impl_<T: Borrow<Tensor>>(
    &mut self,
    indices: &[Option<T>],
    values: &Tensor,
    accumulate: bool,
    unsafe_: bool
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_internal_indices(&self) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_internal_inverse_helper(&self) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_internal_linalg_inv_out_helper_(
    &mut self,
    infos_lu: &Tensor,
    infos_getri: &Tensor
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_internal_linalg_qr_helper(
    mode: &str
) -> Result<(Tensor, Tensor), TchError>

pub fn f_internal_linalg_solve_out_helper_(
    &mut self,
    other: &Tensor,
    infos: &Tensor
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_internal_log_softmax(
    dim: i64,
    half_to_float: bool
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_internal_log_softmax_backward_data(
    grad_output: &Tensor,
    output: &Tensor,
    dim: i64
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_internal_logcumsumexp(&self, dim: i64) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_internal_logcumsumexp_out(
    out: &Tensor,
    dim: i64
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_internal_lu_solve_helper(
    lu_data: &Tensor,
    lu_pivots: &Tensor
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_internal_lu_with_info(
    pivot: bool,
    check_errors: bool
) -> Result<(Tensor, Tensor, Tensor), TchError>

pub fn f_internal_make_dual(
    primal: &Tensor,
    tangent: &Tensor,
    level: i64
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_internal_make_per_channel_quantized_tensor(
    scale: &Tensor,
    zero_point: &Tensor,
    axis: i64
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_internal_make_per_tensor_quantized_tensor(
    scale: f64,
    zero_point: i64
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_internal_masked_scale(
    mask: &Tensor,
    scale: f64
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_internal_mkldnn_reshape(
    shape: &[i64]
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_internal_mkldnn_transpose(
    dim0: i64,
    dim1: i64
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_internal_mkldnn_transpose_(
    &mut self,
    dim0: i64,
    dim1: i64
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_internal_mode(
    dim: i64,
    keepdim: bool
) -> Result<(Tensor, Tensor), TchError>

pub fn f_internal_mode_out(
    values: &Tensor,
    indices: &Tensor,
    dim: i64,
    keepdim: bool
) -> Result<(Tensor, Tensor), TchError>

pub fn f_internal_nnpack_spatial_convolution<T: Borrow<Tensor>>(
    weight: &Tensor,
    bias: Option<T>,
    padding: &[i64],
    stride: &[i64]
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_internal_nnpack_spatial_convolution_backward_input(
    grad_output: &Tensor,
    weight: &Tensor,
    padding: &[i64]
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_internal_nnpack_spatial_convolution_backward_weight(
    weightsize: &[i64],
    grad_output: &Tensor,
    padding: &[i64]
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_internal_pack_padded_sequence(
    lengths: &Tensor,
    batch_first: bool
) -> Result<(Tensor, Tensor), TchError>

pub fn f_internal_pack_padded_sequence_backward(
    grad: &Tensor,
    input_size: &[i64],
    batch_sizes: &Tensor,
    batch_first: bool
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_internal_pad_packed_sequence<S: Into<Scalar>>(
    data: &Tensor,
    batch_sizes: &Tensor,
    batch_first: bool,
    padding_value: S,
    total_length: i64
) -> Result<(Tensor, Tensor), TchError>

pub fn f_internal_pdist_backward(
    grad: &Tensor,
    p: f64,
    pdist: &Tensor
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_internal_remove_batch_dim(
    level: i64,
    batch_size: i64,
    out_dim: i64
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_internal_reshape_from_tensor(
    shape: &Tensor
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_internal_rowwise_prune(
    weight: &Tensor,
    mask: &Tensor,
    compressed_indices_dtype: Kind
) -> Result<(Tensor, Tensor), TchError>

pub fn f_internal_s_where(
    condition: &Tensor,
    other: &Tensor
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_internal_sample_dirichlet(&self) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_internal_saturate_weight_to_fp16(
    weight: &Tensor
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_internal_shape_as_tensor(&self) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_internal_sobol_engine_draw(
    quasi: &Tensor,
    n: i64,
    sobolstate: &Tensor,
    dimension: i64,
    num_generated: i64,
    dtype: Kind
) -> Result<(Tensor, Tensor), TchError>

pub fn f_internal_sobol_engine_ff_(
    &mut self,
    n: i64,
    sobolstate: &Tensor,
    dimension: i64,
    num_generated: i64
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_internal_sobol_engine_initialize_state_(
    &mut self,
    dimension: i64
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_internal_sobol_engine_scramble_(
    &mut self,
    ltm: &Tensor,
    dimension: i64
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_internal_softmax(
    dim: i64,
    half_to_float: bool
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_internal_softmax_backward_data(
    grad_output: &Tensor,
    output: &Tensor,
    dim: i64
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_internal_solve_helper(
    a: &Tensor
) -> Result<(Tensor, Tensor), TchError>

pub fn f_internal_sparse_addmm(
    sparse: &Tensor,
    dense: &Tensor
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_internal_sparse_coo_tensor_unsafe(
    indices: &Tensor,
    values: &Tensor,
    size: &[i64],
    options: (Kind, Device)
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_internal_sparse_coo_tensor_with_dims(
    sparse_dim: i64,
    dense_dim: i64,
    size: &[i64],
    options: (Kind, Device)
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_internal_sparse_coo_tensor_with_dims_and_tensors(
    sparse_dim: i64,
    dense_dim: i64,
    size: &[i64],
    indices: &Tensor,
    values: &Tensor,
    options: (Kind, Device)
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_internal_sparse_log_softmax(
    dim: i64,
    dtype: Kind
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_internal_sparse_log_softmax1(
    dim: i64,
    half_to_float: bool
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_internal_sparse_log_softmax_backward_data(
    grad_output: &Tensor,
    output: &Tensor,
    dim: i64
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_internal_sparse_matrix_mask_helper(
    tr: &Tensor,
    mask_indices: &Tensor
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_internal_sparse_mm(
    sparse: &Tensor,
    dense: &Tensor
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_internal_sparse_softmax(
    dim: i64,
    dtype: Kind
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_internal_sparse_softmax1(
    dim: i64,
    half_to_float: bool
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_internal_sparse_softmax_backward_data(
    grad_output: &Tensor,
    output: &Tensor,
    dim: i64
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_internal_sparse_sparse_matmul(
    other: &Tensor
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_internal_sparse_sum(&self) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_internal_sparse_sum1(&self, dtype: Kind) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_internal_sparse_sum2(&self, dim: &[i64]) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_internal_sparse_sum3(
    dim: &[i64],
    dtype: Kind
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_internal_sparse_sum_backward(
    grad: &Tensor,
    dim: &[i64]
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_internal_stack<T: Borrow<Tensor>>(
    tensors: &[T],
    dim: i64
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_internal_stack_out<T: Borrow<Tensor>>(
    out: &Tensor,
    tensors: &[T],
    dim: i64
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_internal_standard_gamma(&self) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_internal_standard_gamma_grad(
    output: &Tensor
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_internal_std(&self, unbiased: bool) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_internal_svd_helper(
    some: bool,
    compute_uv: bool
) -> Result<(Tensor, Tensor, Tensor), TchError>

pub fn f_internal_syevd_helper(
    compute_eigenvectors: bool,
    uplo: &str
) -> Result<(Tensor, Tensor), TchError>

pub fn f_internal_symeig_helper(
    eigenvectors: bool,
    upper: bool
) -> Result<(Tensor, Tensor), TchError>

pub fn f_internal_test_ambiguous_defaults(
    dummy: &Tensor,
    a: i64,
    b: i64
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_internal_test_ambiguous_defaults1(
    dummy: &Tensor,
    a: i64,
    b: &str
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_internal_test_optional_filled_intlist(
    values: &Tensor,
    addends: &[i64]
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_internal_test_optional_intlist(
    values: &Tensor,
    addends: &[i64]
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_internal_test_serialization_subcmul(
    other: &Tensor
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_internal_test_string_default(
    dummy: &Tensor,
    a: &str,
    b: &str
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_internal_triangular_solve_helper(
    a: &Tensor,
    upper: bool,
    transpose: bool,
    unitriangular: bool
) -> Result<(Tensor, Tensor), TchError>

pub fn f_internal_trilinear(
    i1: &Tensor,
    i2: &Tensor,
    i3: &Tensor,
    expand1: &[i64],
    expand2: &[i64],
    expand3: &[i64],
    sumdim: &[i64],
    unroll_dim: i64
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_internal_unique(
    sorted: bool,
    return_inverse: bool
) -> Result<(Tensor, Tensor), TchError>

pub fn f_internal_unique2(
    sorted: bool,
    return_inverse: bool,
    return_counts: bool
) -> Result<(Tensor, Tensor, Tensor), TchError>

pub fn f_internal_unpack_dual(
    dual: &Tensor,
    level: i64
) -> Result<(Tensor, Tensor), TchError>

pub fn f_internal_unsafe_view(&self, size: &[i64]) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_internal_values(&self) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_internal_var(&self, unbiased: bool) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_internal_weight_norm(
    v: &Tensor,
    g: &Tensor,
    dim: i64
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_internal_weight_norm_cuda_interface(
    v: &Tensor,
    g: &Tensor,
    dim: i64
) -> Result<(Tensor, Tensor), TchError>

pub fn f_internal_weight_norm_cuda_interface_backward(
    grad_w: &Tensor,
    saved_v: &Tensor,
    saved_g: &Tensor,
    saved_norms: &Tensor,
    dim: i64
) -> Result<(Tensor, Tensor), TchError>

pub fn f_internal_weight_norm_differentiable_backward(
    grad_w: &Tensor,
    saved_v: &Tensor,
    saved_g: &Tensor,
    saved_norms: &Tensor,
    dim: i64
) -> Result<(Tensor, Tensor), TchError>

pub fn f_abs(&self) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_abs_(&mut self) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_abs_out(&self, out: &Tensor) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_absolute(&self) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_absolute_(&mut self) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_absolute_out(&self, out: &Tensor) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_acos(&self) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_acos_(&mut self) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_acos_out(&self, out: &Tensor) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_acosh(&self) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_acosh_(&mut self) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_acosh_out(&self, out: &Tensor) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_adaptive_avg_pool1d(
    output_size: &[i64]
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_adaptive_avg_pool2d(
    output_size: &[i64]
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_adaptive_avg_pool2d_out(
    out: &Tensor,
    output_size: &[i64]
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_adaptive_avg_pool3d(
    output_size: &[i64]
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_adaptive_avg_pool3d_backward(
    grad_output: &Tensor
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_adaptive_avg_pool3d_backward_out(
    grad_input: &Tensor,
    grad_output: &Tensor
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_adaptive_avg_pool3d_out(
    out: &Tensor,
    output_size: &[i64]
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_adaptive_max_pool1d(
    output_size: &[i64]
) -> Result<(Tensor, Tensor), TchError>

pub fn f_adaptive_max_pool2d(
    output_size: &[i64]
) -> Result<(Tensor, Tensor), TchError>

pub fn f_adaptive_max_pool2d_backward(
    grad_output: &Tensor,
    indices: &Tensor
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_adaptive_max_pool2d_backward_out(
    grad_input: &Tensor,
    grad_output: &Tensor,
    indices: &Tensor
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_adaptive_max_pool2d_out(
    out: &Tensor,
    indices: &Tensor,
    output_size: &[i64]
) -> Result<(Tensor, Tensor), TchError>

pub fn f_adaptive_max_pool3d(
    output_size: &[i64]
) -> Result<(Tensor, Tensor), TchError>

pub fn f_adaptive_max_pool3d_backward(
    grad_output: &Tensor,
    indices: &Tensor
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_adaptive_max_pool3d_backward_out(
    grad_input: &Tensor,
    grad_output: &Tensor,
    indices: &Tensor
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_adaptive_max_pool3d_out(
    out: &Tensor,
    indices: &Tensor,
    output_size: &[i64]
) -> Result<(Tensor, Tensor), TchError>

pub fn f_add(&self, other: &Tensor) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_add1<S: Into<Scalar>>(&self, other: S) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_add_(&mut self, other: &Tensor) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_add_1<S: Into<Scalar>>(&mut self, other: S) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_add_out(
    out: &Tensor,
    other: &Tensor
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_addbmm(
    batch1: &Tensor,
    batch2: &Tensor
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_addbmm_(
    &mut self,
    batch1: &Tensor,
    batch2: &Tensor
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_addbmm_out(
    out: &Tensor,
    batch1: &Tensor,
    batch2: &Tensor
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_addcdiv(
    tensor1: &Tensor,
    tensor2: &Tensor
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_addcdiv_(
    &mut self,
    tensor1: &Tensor,
    tensor2: &Tensor
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_addcdiv_out(
    out: &Tensor,
    tensor1: &Tensor,
    tensor2: &Tensor
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_addcmul(
    tensor1: &Tensor,
    tensor2: &Tensor
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_addcmul_(
    &mut self,
    tensor1: &Tensor,
    tensor2: &Tensor
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_addcmul_out(
    out: &Tensor,
    tensor1: &Tensor,
    tensor2: &Tensor
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_addmm(&self, mat1: &Tensor, mat2: &Tensor) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_addmm_(
    &mut self,
    mat1: &Tensor,
    mat2: &Tensor
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_addmm_out(
    out: &Tensor,
    mat1: &Tensor,
    mat2: &Tensor
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_addmv(&self, mat: &Tensor, vec: &Tensor) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_addmv_(
    &mut self,
    mat: &Tensor,
    vec: &Tensor
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_addmv_out(
    out: &Tensor,
    mat: &Tensor,
    vec: &Tensor
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_addr(&self, vec1: &Tensor, vec2: &Tensor) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_addr_(
    &mut self,
    vec1: &Tensor,
    vec2: &Tensor
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_addr_out(
    out: &Tensor,
    vec1: &Tensor,
    vec2: &Tensor
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_affine_grid_generator(
    theta: &Tensor,
    size: &[i64],
    align_corners: bool
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_affine_grid_generator_backward(
    grad: &Tensor,
    size: &[i64],
    align_corners: bool
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_alias(&self) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_align_as(&self, other: &Tensor) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_align_tensors<T: Borrow<Tensor>>(
    tensors: &[T]
) -> Result<Vec<Tensor>, TchError>

pub fn f_all(&self) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_all1(&self, dim: i64, keepdim: bool) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_all_out(
    out: &Tensor,
    dim: i64,
    keepdim: bool
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_alpha_dropout(&self, p: f64, train: bool) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_alpha_dropout_(
    &mut self,
    p: f64,
    train: bool
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_amax(&self, dim: &[i64], keepdim: bool) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_amax_out(
    out: &Tensor,
    dim: &[i64],
    keepdim: bool
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_amin(&self, dim: &[i64], keepdim: bool) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_amin_out(
    out: &Tensor,
    dim: &[i64],
    keepdim: bool
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_angle(&self) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_angle_out(&self, out: &Tensor) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_any(&self) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_any1(&self, dim: i64, keepdim: bool) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_any_out(
    out: &Tensor,
    dim: i64,
    keepdim: bool
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_arange<S: Into<Scalar>>(
    end: S,
    options: (Kind, Device)
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_arange1<S: Into<Scalar>>(
    start: S,
    end: S,
    options: (Kind, Device)
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_arange2<S: Into<Scalar>>(
    start: S,
    end: S,
    step: S,
    options: (Kind, Device)
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_arange_out<S: Into<Scalar>>(
    out: &Tensor,
    end: S
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_arange_out1<S: Into<Scalar>>(
    out: &Tensor,
    start: S,
    end: S
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_arccos(&self) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_arccos_(&mut self) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_arccos_out(&self, out: &Tensor) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_arccosh(&self) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_arccosh_(&mut self) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_arccosh_out(&self, out: &Tensor) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_arcsin(&self) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_arcsin_(&mut self) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_arcsin_out(&self, out: &Tensor) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_arcsinh(&self) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_arcsinh_(&mut self) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_arcsinh_out(&self, out: &Tensor) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_arctan(&self) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_arctan_(&mut self) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_arctan_out(&self, out: &Tensor) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_arctanh(&self) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_arctanh_(&mut self) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_arctanh_out(&self, out: &Tensor) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_argmax(
    dim: impl Into<Option<i64>>,
    keepdim: bool
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_argmax_out(
    out: &Tensor,
    dim: impl Into<Option<i64>>,
    keepdim: bool
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_argmin(
    dim: impl Into<Option<i64>>,
    keepdim: bool
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_argmin_out(
    out: &Tensor,
    dim: impl Into<Option<i64>>,
    keepdim: bool
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_argsort(&self, dim: i64, descending: bool) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_as_strided(
    size: &[i64],
    stride: &[i64],
    storage_offset: impl Into<Option<i64>>
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_as_strided_(
    &mut self,
    size: &[i64],
    stride: &[i64],
    storage_offset: impl Into<Option<i64>>
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_asin(&self) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_asin_(&mut self) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_asin_out(&self, out: &Tensor) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_asinh(&self) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_asinh_(&mut self) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_asinh_out(&self, out: &Tensor) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_atan(&self) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_atan2(&self, other: &Tensor) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_atan2_(&mut self, other: &Tensor) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_atan2_out(
    out: &Tensor,
    other: &Tensor
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_atan_(&mut self) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_atan_out(&self, out: &Tensor) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_atanh(&self) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_atanh_(&mut self) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_atanh_out(&self, out: &Tensor) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_atleast_1d(&self) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_atleast_1d1<T: Borrow<Tensor>>(
    tensors: &[T]
) -> Result<Vec<Tensor>, TchError>

pub fn f_atleast_2d(&self) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_atleast_2d1<T: Borrow<Tensor>>(
    tensors: &[T]
) -> Result<Vec<Tensor>, TchError>

pub fn f_atleast_3d(&self) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_atleast_3d1<T: Borrow<Tensor>>(
    tensors: &[T]
) -> Result<Vec<Tensor>, TchError>

pub fn f_avg_pool1d(
    kernel_size: &[i64],
    stride: &[i64],
    padding: &[i64],
    ceil_mode: bool,
    count_include_pad: bool
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_avg_pool2d(
    kernel_size: &[i64],
    stride: &[i64],
    padding: &[i64],
    ceil_mode: bool,
    count_include_pad: bool,
    divisor_override: impl Into<Option<i64>>
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_avg_pool2d_backward(
    grad_output: &Tensor,
    kernel_size: &[i64],
    stride: &[i64],
    padding: &[i64],
    ceil_mode: bool,
    count_include_pad: bool,
    divisor_override: impl Into<Option<i64>>
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_avg_pool2d_backward_out(
    grad_input: &Tensor,
    grad_output: &Tensor,
    kernel_size: &[i64],
    stride: &[i64],
    padding: &[i64],
    ceil_mode: bool,
    count_include_pad: bool,
    divisor_override: impl Into<Option<i64>>
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_avg_pool2d_out(
    out: &Tensor,
    kernel_size: &[i64],
    stride: &[i64],
    padding: &[i64],
    ceil_mode: bool,
    count_include_pad: bool,
    divisor_override: impl Into<Option<i64>>
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_avg_pool3d(
    kernel_size: &[i64],
    stride: &[i64],
    padding: &[i64],
    ceil_mode: bool,
    count_include_pad: bool,
    divisor_override: impl Into<Option<i64>>
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_avg_pool3d_backward(
    grad_output: &Tensor,
    kernel_size: &[i64],
    stride: &[i64],
    padding: &[i64],
    ceil_mode: bool,
    count_include_pad: bool,
    divisor_override: impl Into<Option<i64>>
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_avg_pool3d_backward_out(
    grad_input: &Tensor,
    grad_output: &Tensor,
    kernel_size: &[i64],
    stride: &[i64],
    padding: &[i64],
    ceil_mode: bool,
    count_include_pad: bool,
    divisor_override: impl Into<Option<i64>>
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_avg_pool3d_out(
    out: &Tensor,
    kernel_size: &[i64],
    stride: &[i64],
    padding: &[i64],
    ceil_mode: bool,
    count_include_pad: bool,
    divisor_override: impl Into<Option<i64>>
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_baddbmm(
    batch1: &Tensor,
    batch2: &Tensor
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_baddbmm_(
    &mut self,
    batch1: &Tensor,
    batch2: &Tensor
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_baddbmm_out(
    out: &Tensor,
    batch1: &Tensor,
    batch2: &Tensor
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_bartlett_window(
    window_length: i64,
    options: (Kind, Device)
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_bartlett_window1(
    window_length: i64,
    periodic: bool,
    options: (Kind, Device)
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_batch_norm<T: Borrow<Tensor>>(
    weight: Option<T>,
    bias: Option<T>,
    running_mean: Option<T>,
    running_var: Option<T>,
    training: bool,
    momentum: f64,
    eps: f64,
    cudnn_enabled: bool
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_batch_norm_backward_elemt<T: Borrow<Tensor>>(
    grad_out: &Tensor,
    mean: &Tensor,
    invstd: &Tensor,
    weight: Option<T>,
    mean_dy: &Tensor,
    mean_dy_xmu: &Tensor
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_batch_norm_backward_reduce<T: Borrow<Tensor>>(
    grad_out: &Tensor,
    mean: &Tensor,
    invstd: &Tensor,
    weight: Option<T>,
    input_g: bool,
    weight_g: bool,
    bias_g: bool
) -> Result<(Tensor, Tensor, Tensor, Tensor), TchError>

pub fn f_batch_norm_elemt<T: Borrow<Tensor>>(
    weight: Option<T>,
    bias: Option<T>,
    mean: &Tensor,
    invstd: &Tensor,
    eps: f64
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_batch_norm_elemt_out<T: Borrow<Tensor>>(
    out: &Tensor,
    weight: Option<T>,
    bias: Option<T>,
    mean: &Tensor,
    invstd: &Tensor,
    eps: f64
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_batch_norm_gather_stats<T: Borrow<Tensor>>(
    mean: &Tensor,
    invstd: &Tensor,
    running_mean: Option<T>,
    running_var: Option<T>,
    momentum: f64,
    eps: f64,
    count: i64
) -> Result<(Tensor, Tensor), TchError>

pub fn f_batch_norm_gather_stats_with_counts<T: Borrow<Tensor>>(
    mean: &Tensor,
    invstd: &Tensor,
    running_mean: Option<T>,
    running_var: Option<T>,
    momentum: f64,
    eps: f64,
    counts: &Tensor
) -> Result<(Tensor, Tensor), TchError>

pub fn f_batch_norm_stats(&self, eps: f64) -> Result<(Tensor, Tensor), TchError>[src]

pub fn f_batch_norm_update_stats<T: Borrow<Tensor>>(
    running_mean: Option<T>,
    running_var: Option<T>,
    momentum: f64
) -> Result<(Tensor, Tensor), TchError>

pub fn f_bernoulli(&self) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_bernoulli1(&self, p: f64) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_bernoulli_(&mut self, p: &Tensor) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_bernoulli_1(&mut self, p: f64) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_bernoulli_out(&self, out: &Tensor) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_bilinear<T: Borrow<Tensor>>(
    input1: &Tensor,
    input2: &Tensor,
    weight: &Tensor,
    bias: Option<T>
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_binary_cross_entropy<T: Borrow<Tensor>>(
    target: &Tensor,
    weight: Option<T>,
    reduction: Reduction
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_binary_cross_entropy_backward<T: Borrow<Tensor>>(
    grad_output: &Tensor,
    target: &Tensor,
    weight: Option<T>,
    reduction: Reduction
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_binary_cross_entropy_backward_out<T: Borrow<Tensor>>(
    grad_input: &Tensor,
    grad_output: &Tensor,
    target: &Tensor,
    weight: Option<T>,
    reduction: Reduction
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_binary_cross_entropy_out<T: Borrow<Tensor>>(
    out: &Tensor,
    target: &Tensor,
    weight: Option<T>,
    reduction: Reduction
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_binary_cross_entropy_with_logits<T: Borrow<Tensor>>(
    target: &Tensor,
    weight: Option<T>,
    pos_weight: Option<T>,
    reduction: Reduction
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_binary_cross_entropy_with_logits_backward<T: Borrow<Tensor>>(
    grad_output: &Tensor,
    target: &Tensor,
    weight: Option<T>,
    pos_weight: Option<T>,
    reduction: Reduction
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_bincount<T: Borrow<Tensor>>(
    weights: Option<T>,
    minlength: i64
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_binomial(count: &Tensor, prob: &Tensor) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_bitwise_and<S: Into<Scalar>>(
    other: S
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_bitwise_and1(&self, other: &Tensor) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_bitwise_and_<S: Into<Scalar>>(
    &mut self,
    other: S
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_bitwise_and_1(&mut self, other: &Tensor) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_bitwise_and_out(
    out: &Tensor,
    other: &Tensor
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_bitwise_and_out1<S: Into<Scalar>>(
    out: &Tensor,
    other: S
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_bitwise_not(&self) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_bitwise_not_(&mut self) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_bitwise_not_out(&self, out: &Tensor) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_bitwise_or<S: Into<Scalar>>(
    other: S
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_bitwise_or1(&self, other: &Tensor) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_bitwise_or_<S: Into<Scalar>>(
    &mut self,
    other: S
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_bitwise_or_1(&mut self, other: &Tensor) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_bitwise_or_out(
    out: &Tensor,
    other: &Tensor
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_bitwise_or_out1<S: Into<Scalar>>(
    out: &Tensor,
    other: S
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_bitwise_xor<S: Into<Scalar>>(
    other: S
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_bitwise_xor1(&self, other: &Tensor) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_bitwise_xor_<S: Into<Scalar>>(
    &mut self,
    other: S
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_bitwise_xor_1(&mut self, other: &Tensor) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_bitwise_xor_out(
    out: &Tensor,
    other: &Tensor
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_bitwise_xor_out1<S: Into<Scalar>>(
    out: &Tensor,
    other: S
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_blackman_window(
    window_length: i64,
    options: (Kind, Device)
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_blackman_window1(
    window_length: i64,
    periodic: bool,
    options: (Kind, Device)
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_block_diag<T: Borrow<Tensor>>(
    tensors: &[T]
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_bmm(&self, mat2: &Tensor) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_bmm_out(&self, out: &Tensor, mat2: &Tensor) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_broadcast_tensors<T: Borrow<Tensor>>(
    tensors: &[T]
) -> Result<Vec<Tensor>, TchError>

pub fn f_broadcast_to(&self, size: &[i64]) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_bucketize(
    boundaries: &Tensor,
    out_int32: bool,
    right: bool
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_bucketize1<S: Into<Scalar>>(
    self_scalar: S,
    boundaries: &Tensor,
    out_int32: bool,
    right: bool
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_bucketize_out(
    out: &Tensor,
    boundaries: &Tensor,
    out_int32: bool,
    right: bool
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_cartesian_prod<T: Borrow<Tensor>>(
    tensors: &[T]
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_cat<T: Borrow<Tensor>>(
    tensors: &[T],
    dim: i64
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_cat_out<T: Borrow<Tensor>>(
    out: &Tensor,
    tensors: &[T],
    dim: i64
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_cauchy_(&mut self, median: f64, sigma: f64) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_cdist(
    x1: &Tensor,
    x2: &Tensor,
    p: f64,
    compute_mode: impl Into<Option<i64>>
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_ceil(&self) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_ceil_(&mut self) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_ceil_out(&self, out: &Tensor) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_celu(&self) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_celu_(&mut self) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_chain_matmul<T: Borrow<Tensor>>(
    matrices: &[T]
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_channel_shuffle(&self, groups: i64) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_cholesky(&self, upper: bool) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_cholesky_inverse(&self, upper: bool) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_cholesky_inverse_out(
    out: &Tensor,
    upper: bool
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_cholesky_out(
    out: &Tensor,
    upper: bool
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_cholesky_solve(
    input2: &Tensor,
    upper: bool
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_cholesky_solve_out(
    out: &Tensor,
    input2: &Tensor,
    upper: bool
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_choose_qparams_optimized(
    numel: i64,
    n_bins: i64,
    ratio: f64,
    bit_width: i64
) -> Result<(Tensor, Tensor), TchError>

pub fn f_chunk(&self, chunks: i64, dim: i64) -> Result<Vec<Tensor>, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_clamp<S: Into<Scalar>>(
    min: S,
    max: S
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_clamp_<S: Into<Scalar>>(
    &mut self,
    min: S,
    max: S
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_clamp_max<S: Into<Scalar>>(&self, max: S) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_clamp_max_<S: Into<Scalar>>(
    &mut self,
    max: S
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_clamp_max_out<S: Into<Scalar>>(
    out: &Tensor,
    max: S
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_clamp_min<S: Into<Scalar>>(&self, min: S) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_clamp_min_<S: Into<Scalar>>(
    &mut self,
    min: S
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_clamp_min_out<S: Into<Scalar>>(
    out: &Tensor,
    min: S
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_clamp_out<S: Into<Scalar>>(
    out: &Tensor,
    min: S,
    max: S
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_clip<S: Into<Scalar>>(
    min: S,
    max: S
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_clip_<S: Into<Scalar>>(
    &mut self,
    min: S,
    max: S
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_clip_out<S: Into<Scalar>>(
    out: &Tensor,
    min: S,
    max: S
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_coalesce(&self) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_col2im(
    output_size: &[i64],
    kernel_size: &[i64],
    dilation: &[i64],
    padding: &[i64],
    stride: &[i64]
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_col2im_backward(
    grad_output: &Tensor,
    kernel_size: &[i64],
    dilation: &[i64],
    padding: &[i64],
    stride: &[i64]
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_col2im_backward_out(
    grad_input: &Tensor,
    grad_output: &Tensor,
    kernel_size: &[i64],
    dilation: &[i64],
    padding: &[i64],
    stride: &[i64]
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_col2im_out(
    out: &Tensor,
    output_size: &[i64],
    kernel_size: &[i64],
    dilation: &[i64],
    padding: &[i64],
    stride: &[i64]
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_column_stack<T: Borrow<Tensor>>(
    tensors: &[T]
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_column_stack_out<T: Borrow<Tensor>>(
    out: &Tensor,
    tensors: &[T]
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_combinations(
    r: i64,
    with_replacement: bool
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_complex(real: &Tensor, imag: &Tensor) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_complex_out(
    out: &Tensor,
    real: &Tensor,
    imag: &Tensor
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_conj(&self) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_conj_out(&self, out: &Tensor) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_constant_pad_nd(&self, pad: &[i64]) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_contiguous(&self) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_conv1d<T: Borrow<Tensor>>(
    weight: &Tensor,
    bias: Option<T>,
    stride: &[i64],
    padding: &[i64],
    dilation: &[i64],
    groups: i64
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_conv2d<T: Borrow<Tensor>>(
    weight: &Tensor,
    bias: Option<T>,
    stride: &[i64],
    padding: &[i64],
    dilation: &[i64],
    groups: i64
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_conv3d<T: Borrow<Tensor>>(
    weight: &Tensor,
    bias: Option<T>,
    stride: &[i64],
    padding: &[i64],
    dilation: &[i64],
    groups: i64
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_conv_tbc(
    weight: &Tensor,
    bias: &Tensor,
    pad: i64
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_conv_tbc_backward(
    input: &Tensor,
    weight: &Tensor,
    bias: &Tensor,
    pad: i64
) -> Result<(Tensor, Tensor, Tensor), TchError>

pub fn f_conv_transpose1d<T: Borrow<Tensor>>(
    weight: &Tensor,
    bias: Option<T>,
    stride: &[i64],
    padding: &[i64],
    output_padding: &[i64],
    groups: i64,
    dilation: &[i64]
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_conv_transpose2d<T: Borrow<Tensor>>(
    weight: &Tensor,
    bias: Option<T>,
    stride: &[i64],
    padding: &[i64],
    output_padding: &[i64],
    groups: i64,
    dilation: &[i64]
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_conv_transpose3d<T: Borrow<Tensor>>(
    weight: &Tensor,
    bias: Option<T>,
    stride: &[i64],
    padding: &[i64],
    output_padding: &[i64],
    groups: i64,
    dilation: &[i64]
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_convolution<T: Borrow<Tensor>>(
    weight: &Tensor,
    bias: Option<T>,
    stride: &[i64],
    padding: &[i64],
    dilation: &[i64],
    transposed: bool,
    output_padding: &[i64],
    groups: i64
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_convolution_overrideable<T: Borrow<Tensor>>(
    weight: &Tensor,
    bias: Option<T>,
    stride: &[i64],
    padding: &[i64],
    dilation: &[i64],
    transposed: bool,
    output_padding: &[i64],
    groups: i64
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_copy_sparse_to_sparse_(
    &mut self,
    src: &Tensor,
    non_blocking: bool
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_copysign(&self, other: &Tensor) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_copysign1<S: Into<Scalar>>(&self, other: S) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_copysign_(&mut self, other: &Tensor) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_copysign_1<S: Into<Scalar>>(
    &mut self,
    other: S
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_copysign_out(
    out: &Tensor,
    other: &Tensor
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_cos(&self) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_cos_(&mut self) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_cos_out(&self, out: &Tensor) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_cosh(&self) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_cosh_(&mut self) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_cosh_out(&self, out: &Tensor) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_cosine_embedding_loss(
    input1: &Tensor,
    input2: &Tensor,
    target: &Tensor,
    margin: f64,
    reduction: Reduction
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_cosine_similarity(
    x1: &Tensor,
    x2: &Tensor,
    dim: i64,
    eps: f64
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_count_nonzero(&self, dim: &[i64]) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_count_nonzero1(
    dim: impl Into<Option<i64>>
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_cross(
    other: &Tensor,
    dim: impl Into<Option<i64>>
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_cross_out(
    out: &Tensor,
    other: &Tensor,
    dim: impl Into<Option<i64>>
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_ctc_loss(
    log_probs: &Tensor,
    targets: &Tensor,
    input_lengths: &[i64],
    target_lengths: &[i64],
    blank: i64,
    reduction: Reduction,
    zero_infinity: bool
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_ctc_loss1(
    log_probs: &Tensor,
    targets: &Tensor,
    input_lengths: &Tensor,
    target_lengths: &Tensor,
    blank: i64,
    reduction: Reduction,
    zero_infinity: bool
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_cudnn_affine_grid_generator(
    theta: &Tensor,
    n: i64,
    c: i64,
    h: i64,
    w: i64
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_cudnn_affine_grid_generator_backward(
    grad: &Tensor,
    n: i64,
    c: i64,
    h: i64,
    w: i64
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_cudnn_batch_norm<T: Borrow<Tensor>>(
    weight: &Tensor,
    bias: Option<T>,
    running_mean: Option<T>,
    running_var: Option<T>,
    training: bool,
    exponential_average_factor: f64,
    epsilon: f64
) -> Result<(Tensor, Tensor, Tensor, Tensor), TchError>

pub fn f_cudnn_batch_norm_backward<T: Borrow<Tensor>>(
    grad_output: &Tensor,
    weight: &Tensor,
    running_mean: Option<T>,
    running_var: Option<T>,
    save_mean: Option<T>,
    save_var: Option<T>,
    epsilon: f64,
    reservespace: &Tensor
) -> Result<(Tensor, Tensor, Tensor), TchError>

pub fn f_cudnn_convolution(
    weight: &Tensor,
    padding: &[i64],
    stride: &[i64],
    dilation: &[i64],
    groups: i64,
    benchmark: bool,
    deterministic: bool
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_cudnn_convolution1<T: Borrow<Tensor>>(
    weight: &Tensor,
    bias: Option<T>,
    padding: &[i64],
    stride: &[i64],
    dilation: &[i64],
    groups: i64,
    benchmark: bool,
    deterministic: bool
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_cudnn_convolution2(
    weight: &Tensor,
    padding: &[i64],
    stride: &[i64],
    dilation: &[i64],
    groups: i64,
    benchmark: bool,
    deterministic: bool,
    allow_tf32: bool
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_cudnn_convolution_backward_input(
    self_size: &[i64],
    grad_output: &Tensor,
    weight: &Tensor,
    padding: &[i64],
    stride: &[i64],
    dilation: &[i64],
    groups: i64,
    benchmark: bool,
    deterministic: bool,
    allow_tf32: bool
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_cudnn_convolution_backward_weight(
    weight_size: &[i64],
    grad_output: &Tensor,
    padding: &[i64],
    stride: &[i64],
    dilation: &[i64],
    groups: i64,
    benchmark: bool,
    deterministic: bool,
    allow_tf32: bool
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_cudnn_convolution_transpose(
    weight: &Tensor,
    padding: &[i64],
    output_padding: &[i64],
    stride: &[i64],
    dilation: &[i64],
    groups: i64,
    benchmark: bool,
    deterministic: bool
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_cudnn_convolution_transpose1<T: Borrow<Tensor>>(
    weight: &Tensor,
    bias: Option<T>,
    padding: &[i64],
    output_padding: &[i64],
    stride: &[i64],
    dilation: &[i64],
    groups: i64,
    benchmark: bool,
    deterministic: bool
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_cudnn_convolution_transpose2(
    weight: &Tensor,
    padding: &[i64],
    output_padding: &[i64],
    stride: &[i64],
    dilation: &[i64],
    groups: i64,
    benchmark: bool,
    deterministic: bool,
    allow_tf32: bool
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_cudnn_convolution_transpose_backward_input(
    grad_output: &Tensor,
    weight: &Tensor,
    padding: &[i64],
    stride: &[i64],
    dilation: &[i64],
    groups: i64,
    benchmark: bool,
    deterministic: bool,
    allow_tf32: bool
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_cudnn_convolution_transpose_backward_weight(
    weight_size: &[i64],
    grad_output: &Tensor,
    padding: &[i64],
    stride: &[i64],
    dilation: &[i64],
    groups: i64,
    benchmark: bool,
    deterministic: bool,
    allow_tf32: bool
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_cudnn_grid_sampler(&self, grid: &Tensor) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_cudnn_grid_sampler_backward(
    grid: &Tensor,
    grad_output: &Tensor
) -> Result<(Tensor, Tensor), TchError>

pub fn f_cummax(&self, dim: i64) -> Result<(Tensor, Tensor), TchError>[src]

pub fn f_cummax_out(
    values: &Tensor,
    indices: &Tensor,
    dim: i64
) -> Result<(Tensor, Tensor), TchError>

pub fn f_cummaxmin_backward(
    grad: &Tensor,
    indices: &Tensor,
    dim: i64
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_cummin(&self, dim: i64) -> Result<(Tensor, Tensor), TchError>[src]

pub fn f_cummin_out(
    values: &Tensor,
    indices: &Tensor,
    dim: i64
) -> Result<(Tensor, Tensor), TchError>

pub fn f_cumprod(&self, dim: i64, dtype: Kind) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_cumprod_(&mut self, dim: i64, dtype: Kind) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_cumprod_backward(
    grad: &Tensor,
    dim: i64
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_cumprod_out(
    out: &Tensor,
    dim: i64,
    dtype: Kind
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_cumsum(&self, dim: i64, dtype: Kind) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_cumsum_(&mut self, dim: i64, dtype: Kind) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_cumsum_out(
    out: &Tensor,
    dim: i64,
    dtype: Kind
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_data(&self) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_deg2rad(&self) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_deg2rad_(&mut self) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_deg2rad_out(&self, out: &Tensor) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_dequantize(&self) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_dequantize1<T: Borrow<Tensor>>(
    tensors: &[T]
) -> Result<Vec<Tensor>, TchError>

pub fn f_det(&self) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_detach(&self) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_detach_(&mut self) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_diag(&self, diagonal: i64) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_diag_backward(
    grad: &Tensor,
    input_sizes: &[i64],
    diagonal: i64
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_diag_embed(
    offset: i64,
    dim1: i64,
    dim2: i64
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_diag_out(
    out: &Tensor,
    diagonal: i64
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_diagflat(&self, offset: i64) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_diagonal(
    offset: i64,
    dim1: i64,
    dim2: i64
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_diagonal_backward(
    grad: &Tensor,
    input_sizes: &[i64],
    offset: i64,
    dim1: i64,
    dim2: i64
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_diff<T: Borrow<Tensor>>(
    n: i64,
    dim: i64,
    prepend: Option<T>,
    append: Option<T>
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_diff_out<T: Borrow<Tensor>>(
    out: &Tensor,
    n: i64,
    dim: i64,
    prepend: Option<T>,
    append: Option<T>
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_digamma(&self) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_digamma_(&mut self) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_digamma_out(&self, out: &Tensor) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_dist(&self, other: &Tensor) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_div(&self, other: &Tensor) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_div1<S: Into<Scalar>>(&self, other: S) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_div2(
    other: &Tensor,
    rounding_mode: &str
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_div3<S: Into<Scalar>>(
    other: S,
    rounding_mode: &str
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_div_(&mut self, other: &Tensor) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_div_1<S: Into<Scalar>>(&mut self, other: S) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_div_2(
    &mut self,
    other: &Tensor,
    rounding_mode: &str
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_div_3<S: Into<Scalar>>(
    &mut self,
    other: S,
    rounding_mode: &str
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_div_out(
    out: &Tensor,
    other: &Tensor
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_div_out1(
    out: &Tensor,
    other: &Tensor,
    rounding_mode: &str
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_divide(&self, other: &Tensor) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_divide1<S: Into<Scalar>>(&self, other: S) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_divide2(
    other: &Tensor,
    rounding_mode: &str
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_divide3<S: Into<Scalar>>(
    other: S,
    rounding_mode: &str
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_divide_(&mut self, other: &Tensor) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_divide_1<S: Into<Scalar>>(
    &mut self,
    other: S
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_divide_2(
    &mut self,
    other: &Tensor,
    rounding_mode: &str
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_divide_3<S: Into<Scalar>>(
    &mut self,
    other: S,
    rounding_mode: &str
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_divide_out(
    out: &Tensor,
    other: &Tensor
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_divide_out1(
    out: &Tensor,
    other: &Tensor,
    rounding_mode: &str
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_dot(&self, tensor: &Tensor) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_dot_out(
    out: &Tensor,
    tensor: &Tensor
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_dropout(&self, p: f64, train: bool) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_dropout_(&mut self, p: f64, train: bool) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_dstack<T: Borrow<Tensor>>(tensors: &[T]) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_dstack_out<T: Borrow<Tensor>>(
    out: &Tensor,
    tensors: &[T]
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_eig(&self, eigenvectors: bool) -> Result<(Tensor, Tensor), TchError>[src]

pub fn f_eig_out(
    e: &Tensor,
    v: &Tensor,
    eigenvectors: bool
) -> Result<(Tensor, Tensor), TchError>

pub fn f_einsum<T: Borrow<Tensor>>(
    equation: &str,
    tensors: &[T]
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_elu(&self) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_elu_(&mut self) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_elu_backward<S: Into<Scalar>>(
    grad_output: &Tensor,
    alpha: S,
    scale: S,
    input_scale: S,
    is_result: bool,
    self_or_result: &Tensor
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_elu_out(&self, out: &Tensor) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_embedding(
    weight: &Tensor,
    indices: &Tensor,
    padding_idx: i64,
    scale_grad_by_freq: bool,
    sparse: bool
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_embedding_backward(
    grad: &Tensor,
    indices: &Tensor,
    num_weights: i64,
    padding_idx: i64,
    scale_grad_by_freq: bool,
    sparse: bool
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_embedding_bag<T: Borrow<Tensor>>(
    weight: &Tensor,
    indices: &Tensor,
    offsets: &Tensor,
    scale_grad_by_freq: bool,
    mode: i64,
    sparse: bool,
    per_sample_weights: Option<T>,
    include_last_offset: bool
) -> Result<(Tensor, Tensor, Tensor, Tensor), TchError>

pub fn f_embedding_dense_backward(
    grad_output: &Tensor,
    indices: &Tensor,
    num_weights: i64,
    padding_idx: i64,
    scale_grad_by_freq: bool
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_embedding_renorm_(
    &mut self,
    indices: &Tensor,
    max_norm: f64,
    norm_type: f64
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_embedding_sparse_backward(
    grad: &Tensor,
    indices: &Tensor,
    num_weights: i64,
    padding_idx: i64,
    scale_grad_by_freq: bool
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_empty(
    size: &[i64],
    options: (Kind, Device)
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_empty_like(&self) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_empty_meta(
    size: &[i64],
    options: (Kind, Device)
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_empty_out(out: &Tensor, size: &[i64]) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_empty_quantized(
    size: &[i64],
    qtensor: &Tensor
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_empty_strided(
    size: &[i64],
    stride: &[i64],
    options: (Kind, Device)
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_eq<S: Into<Scalar>>(&self, other: S) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_eq1(&self, other: &Tensor) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_eq_<S: Into<Scalar>>(&mut self, other: S) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_eq_1(&mut self, other: &Tensor) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_eq_out<S: Into<Scalar>>(
    out: &Tensor,
    other: S
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_eq_out1(
    out: &Tensor,
    other: &Tensor
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_erf(&self) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_erf_(&mut self) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_erf_out(&self, out: &Tensor) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_erfc(&self) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_erfc_(&mut self) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_erfc_out(&self, out: &Tensor) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_erfinv(&self) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_erfinv_(&mut self) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_erfinv_out(&self, out: &Tensor) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_exp(&self) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_exp2(&self) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_exp2_(&mut self) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_exp2_out(&self, out: &Tensor) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_exp_(&mut self) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_exp_out(&self, out: &Tensor) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_expand(&self, size: &[i64], implicit: bool) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_expand_as(&self, other: &Tensor) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_expm1(&self) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_expm1_(&mut self) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_expm1_out(&self, out: &Tensor) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_exponential_(&mut self, lambd: f64) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_eye(n: i64, options: (Kind, Device)) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_eye1(
    n: i64,
    m: i64,
    options: (Kind, Device)
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_eye_out(out: &Tensor, n: i64) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_eye_out1(out: &Tensor, n: i64, m: i64) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_fake_quantize_per_channel_affine(
    scale: &Tensor,
    zero_point: &Tensor,
    axis: i64,
    quant_min: i64,
    quant_max: i64
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_fake_quantize_per_channel_affine_cachemask(
    scale: &Tensor,
    zero_point: &Tensor,
    axis: i64,
    quant_min: i64,
    quant_max: i64
) -> Result<(Tensor, Tensor), TchError>

pub fn f_fake_quantize_per_channel_affine_cachemask_backward(
    grad: &Tensor,
    mask: &Tensor
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_fake_quantize_per_tensor_affine(
    scale: f64,
    zero_point: i64,
    quant_min: i64,
    quant_max: i64
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_fake_quantize_per_tensor_affine_cachemask(
    scale: f64,
    zero_point: i64,
    quant_min: i64,
    quant_max: i64
) -> Result<(Tensor, Tensor), TchError>

pub fn f_fake_quantize_per_tensor_affine_cachemask_backward(
    grad: &Tensor,
    mask: &Tensor
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_fbgemm_linear_fp16_weight(
    packed_weight: &Tensor,
    bias: &Tensor
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_fbgemm_linear_fp16_weight_fp32_activation(
    packed_weight: &Tensor,
    bias: &Tensor
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_fbgemm_linear_int8_weight<S: Into<Scalar>>(
    weight: &Tensor,
    packed: &Tensor,
    col_offsets: &Tensor,
    weight_scale: S,
    weight_zero_point: S,
    bias: &Tensor
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_fbgemm_linear_int8_weight_fp32_activation<S: Into<Scalar>>(
    weight: &Tensor,
    packed: &Tensor,
    col_offsets: &Tensor,
    weight_scale: S,
    weight_zero_point: S,
    bias: &Tensor
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_fbgemm_pack_gemm_matrix_fp16(&self) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_fbgemm_pack_quantized_matrix(&self) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_fbgemm_pack_quantized_matrix1(
    k: i64,
    n: i64
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_feature_alpha_dropout(
    p: f64,
    train: bool
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_feature_alpha_dropout_(
    &mut self,
    p: f64,
    train: bool
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_feature_dropout(&self, p: f64, train: bool) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_feature_dropout_(
    &mut self,
    p: f64,
    train: bool
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_fft_fft(
    n: impl Into<Option<i64>>,
    dim: i64,
    norm: &str
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_fft_fft2(
    s: &[i64],
    dim: &[i64],
    norm: &str
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_fft_fft2_out(
    out: &Tensor,
    s: &[i64],
    dim: &[i64],
    norm: &str
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_fft_fft_out(
    out: &Tensor,
    n: impl Into<Option<i64>>,
    dim: i64,
    norm: &str
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_fft_fftfreq(
    n: i64,
    d: f64,
    options: (Kind, Device)
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_fft_fftfreq_out(
    out: &Tensor,
    n: i64,
    d: f64
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_fft_fftn(
    s: &[i64],
    dim: &[i64],
    norm: &str
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_fft_fftn_out(
    out: &Tensor,
    s: &[i64],
    dim: &[i64],
    norm: &str
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_fft_fftshift(&self, dim: &[i64]) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_fft_hfft(
    n: impl Into<Option<i64>>,
    dim: i64,
    norm: &str
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_fft_hfft_out(
    out: &Tensor,
    n: impl Into<Option<i64>>,
    dim: i64,
    norm: &str
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_fft_ifft(
    n: impl Into<Option<i64>>,
    dim: i64,
    norm: &str
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_fft_ifft2(
    s: &[i64],
    dim: &[i64],
    norm: &str
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_fft_ifft2_out(
    out: &Tensor,
    s: &[i64],
    dim: &[i64],
    norm: &str
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_fft_ifft_out(
    out: &Tensor,
    n: impl Into<Option<i64>>,
    dim: i64,
    norm: &str
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_fft_ifftn(
    s: &[i64],
    dim: &[i64],
    norm: &str
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_fft_ifftn_out(
    out: &Tensor,
    s: &[i64],
    dim: &[i64],
    norm: &str
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_fft_ifftshift(&self, dim: &[i64]) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_fft_ihfft(
    n: impl Into<Option<i64>>,
    dim: i64,
    norm: &str
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_fft_ihfft_out(
    out: &Tensor,
    n: impl Into<Option<i64>>,
    dim: i64,
    norm: &str
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_fft_irfft(
    n: impl Into<Option<i64>>,
    dim: i64,
    norm: &str
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_fft_irfft2(
    s: &[i64],
    dim: &[i64],
    norm: &str
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_fft_irfft2_out(
    out: &Tensor,
    s: &[i64],
    dim: &[i64],
    norm: &str
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_fft_irfft_out(
    out: &Tensor,
    n: impl Into<Option<i64>>,
    dim: i64,
    norm: &str
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_fft_irfftn(
    s: &[i64],
    dim: &[i64],
    norm: &str
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_fft_irfftn_out(
    out: &Tensor,
    s: &[i64],
    dim: &[i64],
    norm: &str
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_fft_rfft(
    n: impl Into<Option<i64>>,
    dim: i64,
    norm: &str
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_fft_rfft2(
    s: &[i64],
    dim: &[i64],
    norm: &str
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_fft_rfft2_out(
    out: &Tensor,
    s: &[i64],
    dim: &[i64],
    norm: &str
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_fft_rfft_out(
    out: &Tensor,
    n: impl Into<Option<i64>>,
    dim: i64,
    norm: &str
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_fft_rfftfreq(
    n: i64,
    d: f64,
    options: (Kind, Device)
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_fft_rfftfreq_out(
    out: &Tensor,
    n: i64,
    d: f64
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_fft_rfftn(
    s: &[i64],
    dim: &[i64],
    norm: &str
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_fft_rfftn_out(
    out: &Tensor,
    s: &[i64],
    dim: &[i64],
    norm: &str
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_fill_<S: Into<Scalar>>(&mut self, value: S) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_fill_1(&mut self, value: &Tensor) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_fill_diagonal_<S: Into<Scalar>>(
    &mut self,
    fill_value: S,
    wrap: bool
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_fix(&self) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_fix_(&mut self) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_fix_out(&self, out: &Tensor) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_flatten(
    start_dim: i64,
    end_dim: i64
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_flip(&self, dims: &[i64]) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_fliplr(&self) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_flipud(&self) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_float_power(&self, exponent: &Tensor) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_float_power1<S: Into<Scalar>>(
    self_scalar: S,
    exponent: &Tensor
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_float_power2<S: Into<Scalar>>(
    exponent: S
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_float_power_<S: Into<Scalar>>(
    &mut self,
    exponent: S
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_float_power_1(&mut self, exponent: &Tensor) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_float_power_out(
    out: &Tensor,
    exponent: &Tensor
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_float_power_out1<S: Into<Scalar>>(
    out: &Tensor,
    self_scalar: S,
    exponent: &Tensor
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_float_power_out2<S: Into<Scalar>>(
    out: &Tensor,
    exponent: S
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_floor(&self) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_floor_(&mut self) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_floor_divide(&self, other: &Tensor) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_floor_divide1<S: Into<Scalar>>(
    other: S
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_floor_divide_(&mut self, other: &Tensor) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_floor_divide_1<S: Into<Scalar>>(
    &mut self,
    other: S
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_floor_divide_out(
    out: &Tensor,
    other: &Tensor
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_floor_out(&self, out: &Tensor) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_fmax(&self, other: &Tensor) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_fmax_out(
    out: &Tensor,
    other: &Tensor
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_fmin(&self, other: &Tensor) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_fmin_out(
    out: &Tensor,
    other: &Tensor
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_fmod<S: Into<Scalar>>(&self, other: S) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_fmod1(&self, other: &Tensor) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_fmod_<S: Into<Scalar>>(&mut self, other: S) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_fmod_1(&mut self, other: &Tensor) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_fmod_out<S: Into<Scalar>>(
    out: &Tensor,
    other: S
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_fmod_out1(
    out: &Tensor,
    other: &Tensor
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_frac(&self) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_frac_(&mut self) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_frac_out(&self, out: &Tensor) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_fractional_max_pool2d(
    kernel_size: &[i64],
    output_size: &[i64],
    random_samples: &Tensor
) -> Result<(Tensor, Tensor), TchError>

pub fn f_fractional_max_pool2d_backward(
    grad_output: &Tensor,
    kernel_size: &[i64],
    output_size: &[i64],
    indices: &Tensor
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_fractional_max_pool2d_backward_out(
    grad_input: &Tensor,
    grad_output: &Tensor,
    kernel_size: &[i64],
    output_size: &[i64],
    indices: &Tensor
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_fractional_max_pool2d_out(
    output: &Tensor,
    indices: &Tensor,
    kernel_size: &[i64],
    output_size: &[i64],
    random_samples: &Tensor
) -> Result<(Tensor, Tensor), TchError>

pub fn f_fractional_max_pool3d(
    kernel_size: &[i64],
    output_size: &[i64],
    random_samples: &Tensor
) -> Result<(Tensor, Tensor), TchError>

pub fn f_fractional_max_pool3d_backward(
    grad_output: &Tensor,
    kernel_size: &[i64],
    output_size: &[i64],
    indices: &Tensor
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_fractional_max_pool3d_backward_out(
    grad_input: &Tensor,
    grad_output: &Tensor,
    kernel_size: &[i64],
    output_size: &[i64],
    indices: &Tensor
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_fractional_max_pool3d_out(
    output: &Tensor,
    indices: &Tensor,
    kernel_size: &[i64],
    output_size: &[i64],
    random_samples: &Tensor
) -> Result<(Tensor, Tensor), TchError>

pub fn f_frobenius_norm(&self) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_frobenius_norm1(
    dim: &[i64],
    keepdim: bool
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_frobenius_norm_out(
    out: &Tensor,
    dim: &[i64],
    keepdim: bool
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_from_file(
    filename: &str,
    shared: bool,
    size: impl Into<Option<i64>>,
    options: (Kind, Device)
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_full<S: Into<Scalar>>(
    size: &[i64],
    fill_value: S,
    options: (Kind, Device)
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_full_like<S: Into<Scalar>>(
    fill_value: S
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_full_out<S: Into<Scalar>>(
    out: &Tensor,
    size: &[i64],
    fill_value: S
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_gather(
    dim: i64,
    index: &Tensor,
    sparse_grad: bool
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_gather_backward(
    grad: &Tensor,
    dim: i64,
    index: &Tensor,
    sparse_grad: bool
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_gather_out(
    out: &Tensor,
    dim: i64,
    index: &Tensor,
    sparse_grad: bool
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_gcd(&self, other: &Tensor) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_gcd_(&mut self, other: &Tensor) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_gcd_out(
    out: &Tensor,
    other: &Tensor
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_ge<S: Into<Scalar>>(&self, other: S) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_ge1(&self, other: &Tensor) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_ge_<S: Into<Scalar>>(&mut self, other: S) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_ge_1(&mut self, other: &Tensor) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_ge_out<S: Into<Scalar>>(
    out: &Tensor,
    other: S
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_ge_out1(
    out: &Tensor,
    other: &Tensor
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_gelu(&self) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_gelu_backward(&self, grad: &Tensor) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_geometric_(&mut self, p: f64) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_geqrf(&self) -> Result<(Tensor, Tensor), TchError>[src]

pub fn f_geqrf_out(
    a: &Tensor,
    tau: &Tensor
) -> Result<(Tensor, Tensor), TchError>

pub fn f_ger(&self, vec2: &Tensor) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_ger_out(&self, out: &Tensor, vec2: &Tensor) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_glu(&self, dim: i64) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_glu_backward(
    grad_output: &Tensor,
    dim: i64
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_glu_backward_out(
    grad_input: &Tensor,
    grad_output: &Tensor,
    dim: i64
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_glu_out(&self, out: &Tensor, dim: i64) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_grad(&self) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_greater<S: Into<Scalar>>(&self, other: S) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_greater1(&self, other: &Tensor) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_greater_<S: Into<Scalar>>(
    &mut self,
    other: S
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_greater_1(&mut self, other: &Tensor) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_greater_equal<S: Into<Scalar>>(
    other: S
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_greater_equal1(&self, other: &Tensor) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_greater_equal_<S: Into<Scalar>>(
    &mut self,
    other: S
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_greater_equal_1(&mut self, other: &Tensor) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_greater_equal_out<S: Into<Scalar>>(
    out: &Tensor,
    other: S
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_greater_equal_out1(
    out: &Tensor,
    other: &Tensor
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_greater_out<S: Into<Scalar>>(
    out: &Tensor,
    other: S
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_greater_out1(
    out: &Tensor,
    other: &Tensor
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_grid_sampler(
    grid: &Tensor,
    interpolation_mode: i64,
    padding_mode: i64,
    align_corners: bool
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_grid_sampler_2d(
    grid: &Tensor,
    interpolation_mode: i64,
    padding_mode: i64,
    align_corners: bool
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_grid_sampler_2d_backward(
    grad_output: &Tensor,
    grid: &Tensor,
    interpolation_mode: i64,
    padding_mode: i64,
    align_corners: bool
) -> Result<(Tensor, Tensor), TchError>

pub fn f_grid_sampler_3d(
    grid: &Tensor,
    interpolation_mode: i64,
    padding_mode: i64,
    align_corners: bool
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_grid_sampler_3d_backward(
    grad_output: &Tensor,
    grid: &Tensor,
    interpolation_mode: i64,
    padding_mode: i64,
    align_corners: bool
) -> Result<(Tensor, Tensor), TchError>

pub fn f_group_norm<T: Borrow<Tensor>>(
    num_groups: i64,
    weight: Option<T>,
    bias: Option<T>,
    eps: f64,
    cudnn_enabled: bool
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_gru<T: Borrow<Tensor>>(
    hx: &Tensor,
    params: &[T],
    has_biases: bool,
    num_layers: i64,
    dropout: f64,
    train: bool,
    bidirectional: bool,
    batch_first: bool
) -> Result<(Tensor, Tensor), TchError>

pub fn f_gru1<T: Borrow<Tensor>>(
    data: &Tensor,
    batch_sizes: &Tensor,
    hx: &Tensor,
    params: &[T],
    has_biases: bool,
    num_layers: i64,
    dropout: f64,
    train: bool,
    bidirectional: bool
) -> Result<(Tensor, Tensor), TchError>

pub fn f_gru_cell<T: Borrow<Tensor>>(
    hx: &Tensor,
    w_ih: &Tensor,
    w_hh: &Tensor,
    b_ih: Option<T>,
    b_hh: Option<T>
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_gt<S: Into<Scalar>>(&self, other: S) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_gt1(&self, other: &Tensor) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_gt_<S: Into<Scalar>>(&mut self, other: S) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_gt_1(&mut self, other: &Tensor) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_gt_out<S: Into<Scalar>>(
    out: &Tensor,
    other: S
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_gt_out1(
    out: &Tensor,
    other: &Tensor
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_hamming_window(
    window_length: i64,
    options: (Kind, Device)
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_hamming_window1(
    window_length: i64,
    periodic: bool,
    options: (Kind, Device)
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_hamming_window2(
    window_length: i64,
    periodic: bool,
    alpha: f64,
    options: (Kind, Device)
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_hamming_window3(
    window_length: i64,
    periodic: bool,
    alpha: f64,
    beta: f64,
    options: (Kind, Device)
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_hann_window(
    window_length: i64,
    options: (Kind, Device)
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_hann_window1(
    window_length: i64,
    periodic: bool,
    options: (Kind, Device)
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_hardshrink(&self) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_hardshrink_backward<S: Into<Scalar>>(
    grad_out: &Tensor,
    lambd: S
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_hardsigmoid(&self) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_hardsigmoid_(&mut self) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_hardsigmoid_backward(
    grad_output: &Tensor
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_hardsigmoid_out(&self, out: &Tensor) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_hardswish(&self) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_hardswish_(&mut self) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_hardswish_backward(
    grad_output: &Tensor
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_hardswish_out(&self, out: &Tensor) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_hardtanh(&self) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_hardtanh_(&mut self) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_hardtanh_backward<S: Into<Scalar>>(
    grad_output: &Tensor,
    min_val: S,
    max_val: S
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_hardtanh_backward_out<S: Into<Scalar>>(
    grad_input: &Tensor,
    grad_output: &Tensor,
    min_val: S,
    max_val: S
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_hardtanh_out(&self, out: &Tensor) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_heaviside(&self, values: &Tensor) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_heaviside_(&mut self, values: &Tensor) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_heaviside_out(
    out: &Tensor,
    values: &Tensor
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_hinge_embedding_loss(
    target: &Tensor,
    margin: f64,
    reduction: Reduction
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_histc(&self, bins: i64) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_histc_out(&self, out: &Tensor, bins: i64) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_hspmm(mat1: &Tensor, mat2: &Tensor) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_hspmm_out(
    out: &Tensor,
    mat1: &Tensor,
    mat2: &Tensor
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_hstack<T: Borrow<Tensor>>(tensors: &[T]) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_hstack_out<T: Borrow<Tensor>>(
    out: &Tensor,
    tensors: &[T]
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_hypot(&self, other: &Tensor) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_hypot_(&mut self, other: &Tensor) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_hypot_out(
    out: &Tensor,
    other: &Tensor
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_i0(&self) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_i0_(&mut self) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_i0_out(&self, out: &Tensor) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_igamma(&self, other: &Tensor) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_igamma_(&mut self, other: &Tensor) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_igamma_out(
    out: &Tensor,
    other: &Tensor
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_igammac(&self, other: &Tensor) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_igammac_(&mut self, other: &Tensor) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_igammac_out(
    out: &Tensor,
    other: &Tensor
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_im2col(
    kernel_size: &[i64],
    dilation: &[i64],
    padding: &[i64],
    stride: &[i64]
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_im2col_backward(
    grad_output: &Tensor,
    input_size: &[i64],
    kernel_size: &[i64],
    dilation: &[i64],
    padding: &[i64],
    stride: &[i64]
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_im2col_backward_out(
    grad_input: &Tensor,
    grad_output: &Tensor,
    input_size: &[i64],
    kernel_size: &[i64],
    dilation: &[i64],
    padding: &[i64],
    stride: &[i64]
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_im2col_out(
    out: &Tensor,
    kernel_size: &[i64],
    dilation: &[i64],
    padding: &[i64],
    stride: &[i64]
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_imag(&self) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_index<T: Borrow<Tensor>>(
    indices: &[Option<T>]
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_index_add(
    dim: i64,
    index: &Tensor,
    source: &Tensor
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_index_add_(
    &mut self,
    dim: i64,
    index: &Tensor,
    source: &Tensor
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_index_copy(
    dim: i64,
    index: &Tensor,
    source: &Tensor
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_index_copy_(
    &mut self,
    dim: i64,
    index: &Tensor,
    source: &Tensor
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_index_fill<S: Into<Scalar>>(
    dim: i64,
    index: &Tensor,
    value: S
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_index_fill1(
    dim: i64,
    index: &Tensor,
    value: &Tensor
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_index_fill_<S: Into<Scalar>>(
    &mut self,
    dim: i64,
    index: &Tensor,
    value: S
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_index_fill_1(
    &mut self,
    dim: i64,
    index: &Tensor,
    value: &Tensor
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_index_put<T: Borrow<Tensor>>(
    indices: &[Option<T>],
    values: &Tensor,
    accumulate: bool
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_index_put_<T: Borrow<Tensor>>(
    &mut self,
    indices: &[Option<T>],
    values: &Tensor,
    accumulate: bool
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_index_select(
    dim: i64,
    index: &Tensor
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_index_select_backward(
    grad: &Tensor,
    self_sizes: &[i64],
    dim: i64,
    index: &Tensor
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_index_select_out(
    out: &Tensor,
    dim: i64,
    index: &Tensor
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_indices(&self) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_infinitely_differentiable_gelu_backward(
    grad: &Tensor
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_inner(&self, other: &Tensor) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_inner_out(
    out: &Tensor,
    other: &Tensor
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_instance_norm<T: Borrow<Tensor>>(
    weight: Option<T>,
    bias: Option<T>,
    running_mean: Option<T>,
    running_var: Option<T>,
    use_input_stats: bool,
    momentum: f64,
    eps: f64,
    cudnn_enabled: bool
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_int_repr(&self) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_inverse(&self) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_inverse_out(&self, out: &Tensor) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_isclose(
    other: &Tensor,
    rtol: f64,
    atol: f64,
    equal_nan: bool
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_isfinite(&self) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_isinf(&self) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_isnan(&self) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_isneginf(&self) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_isneginf_out(&self, out: &Tensor) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_isposinf(&self) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_isposinf_out(&self, out: &Tensor) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_isreal(&self) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_istft<T: Borrow<Tensor>>(
    n_fft: i64,
    hop_length: impl Into<Option<i64>>,
    win_length: impl Into<Option<i64>>,
    window: Option<T>,
    center: bool,
    normalized: bool,
    onesided: bool,
    length: impl Into<Option<i64>>,
    return_complex: bool
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_kaiser_window(
    window_length: i64,
    options: (Kind, Device)
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_kaiser_window1(
    window_length: i64,
    periodic: bool,
    options: (Kind, Device)
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_kaiser_window2(
    window_length: i64,
    periodic: bool,
    beta: f64,
    options: (Kind, Device)
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_kl_div(
    target: &Tensor,
    reduction: Reduction,
    log_target: bool
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_kl_div_backward(
    grad_output: &Tensor,
    target: &Tensor,
    reduction: Reduction,
    log_target: bool
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_kron(&self, other: &Tensor) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_kron_out(
    out: &Tensor,
    other: &Tensor
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_kthvalue(
    k: i64,
    dim: i64,
    keepdim: bool
) -> Result<(Tensor, Tensor), TchError>

pub fn f_kthvalue_out(
    values: &Tensor,
    indices: &Tensor,
    k: i64,
    dim: i64,
    keepdim: bool
) -> Result<(Tensor, Tensor), TchError>

pub fn f_l1_loss(
    target: &Tensor,
    reduction: Reduction
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_l1_loss_backward(
    grad_output: &Tensor,
    target: &Tensor,
    reduction: Reduction
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_l1_loss_backward_out(
    grad_input: &Tensor,
    grad_output: &Tensor,
    target: &Tensor,
    reduction: Reduction
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_l1_loss_out(
    out: &Tensor,
    target: &Tensor,
    reduction: Reduction
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_layer_norm<T: Borrow<Tensor>>(
    normalized_shape: &[i64],
    weight: Option<T>,
    bias: Option<T>,
    eps: f64,
    cudnn_enable: bool
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_lcm(&self, other: &Tensor) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_lcm_(&mut self, other: &Tensor) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_lcm_out(
    out: &Tensor,
    other: &Tensor
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_ldexp(&self, other: &Tensor) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_ldexp_(&mut self, other: &Tensor) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_ldexp_out(
    out: &Tensor,
    other: &Tensor
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_le<S: Into<Scalar>>(&self, other: S) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_le1(&self, other: &Tensor) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_le_<S: Into<Scalar>>(&mut self, other: S) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_le_1(&mut self, other: &Tensor) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_le_out<S: Into<Scalar>>(
    out: &Tensor,
    other: S
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_le_out1(
    out: &Tensor,
    other: &Tensor
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_leaky_relu(&self) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_leaky_relu_(&mut self) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_leaky_relu_backward<S: Into<Scalar>>(
    grad_output: &Tensor,
    negative_slope: S,
    self_is_result: bool
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_leaky_relu_out(&self, out: &Tensor) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_lerp<S: Into<Scalar>>(
    end: &Tensor,
    weight: S
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_lerp1(&self, end: &Tensor, weight: &Tensor) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_lerp_<S: Into<Scalar>>(
    &mut self,
    end: &Tensor,
    weight: S
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_lerp_1(
    &mut self,
    end: &Tensor,
    weight: &Tensor
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_lerp_out<S: Into<Scalar>>(
    out: &Tensor,
    end: &Tensor,
    weight: S
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_lerp_out1(
    out: &Tensor,
    end: &Tensor,
    weight: &Tensor
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_less<S: Into<Scalar>>(&self, other: S) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_less1(&self, other: &Tensor) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_less_<S: Into<Scalar>>(&mut self, other: S) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_less_1(&mut self, other: &Tensor) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_less_equal<S: Into<Scalar>>(
    other: S
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_less_equal1(&self, other: &Tensor) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_less_equal_<S: Into<Scalar>>(
    &mut self,
    other: S
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_less_equal_1(&mut self, other: &Tensor) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_less_equal_out<S: Into<Scalar>>(
    out: &Tensor,
    other: S
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_less_equal_out1(
    out: &Tensor,
    other: &Tensor
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_less_out<S: Into<Scalar>>(
    out: &Tensor,
    other: S
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_less_out1(
    out: &Tensor,
    other: &Tensor
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_lgamma(&self) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_lgamma_(&mut self) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_lgamma_out(&self, out: &Tensor) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_linalg_cholesky(&self) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_linalg_cholesky_out(&self, out: &Tensor) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_linalg_cond<S: Into<Scalar>>(&self, p: S) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_linalg_cond1(&self, p: &str) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_linalg_cond_out<S: Into<Scalar>>(
    out: &Tensor,
    p: S
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_linalg_cond_out1(
    out: &Tensor,
    p: &str
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_linalg_det(&self) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_linalg_eigh(&self, uplo: &str) -> Result<(Tensor, Tensor), TchError>[src]

pub fn f_linalg_eigh_out(
    eigvals: &Tensor,
    eigvecs: &Tensor,
    uplo: &str
) -> Result<(Tensor, Tensor), TchError>

pub fn f_linalg_eigvalsh(&self, uplo: &str) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_linalg_eigvalsh_out(
    out: &Tensor,
    uplo: &str
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_linalg_inv(&self) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_linalg_inv_out(&self, out: &Tensor) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_linalg_matrix_rank(
    tol: impl Into<Option<f64>>,
    hermitian: bool
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_linalg_matrix_rank_out(
    out: &Tensor,
    tol: impl Into<Option<f64>>,
    hermitian: bool
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_linalg_norm<S: Into<Scalar>>(
    ord: S,
    dim: &[i64],
    keepdim: bool,
    dtype: Kind
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_linalg_norm1(
    ord: &str,
    dim: &[i64],
    keepdim: bool,
    dtype: Kind
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_linalg_norm_out<S: Into<Scalar>>(
    out: &Tensor,
    ord: S,
    dim: &[i64],
    keepdim: bool,
    dtype: Kind
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_linalg_norm_out1(
    out: &Tensor,
    ord: &str,
    dim: &[i64],
    keepdim: bool,
    dtype: Kind
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_linalg_pinv(
    rcond: f64,
    hermitian: bool
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_linalg_pinv1(
    rcond: &Tensor,
    hermitian: bool
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_linalg_pinv_out(
    out: &Tensor,
    rcond: f64,
    hermitian: bool
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_linalg_pinv_out1(
    out: &Tensor,
    rcond: &Tensor,
    hermitian: bool
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_linalg_qr(&self, mode: &str) -> Result<(Tensor, Tensor), TchError>[src]

pub fn f_linalg_qr_out(
    q: &Tensor,
    r: &Tensor,
    mode: &str
) -> Result<(Tensor, Tensor), TchError>

pub fn f_linalg_slogdet(&self) -> Result<(Tensor, Tensor), TchError>[src]

pub fn f_linalg_slogdet_out(
    sign: &Tensor,
    logabsdet: &Tensor
) -> Result<(Tensor, Tensor), TchError>

pub fn f_linalg_solve(&self, other: &Tensor) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_linalg_solve_out(
    out: &Tensor,
    other: &Tensor
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_linalg_svd(
    full_matrices: bool,
    compute_uv: bool
) -> Result<(Tensor, Tensor, Tensor), TchError>

pub fn f_linalg_svd_out(
    u: &Tensor,
    s: &Tensor,
    v: &Tensor,
    full_matrices: bool,
    compute_uv: bool
) -> Result<(Tensor, Tensor, Tensor), TchError>

pub fn f_linalg_tensorinv(&self, ind: i64) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_linalg_tensorinv_out(
    out: &Tensor,
    ind: i64
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_linalg_tensorsolve(
    other: &Tensor,
    dims: &[i64]
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_linalg_tensorsolve_out(
    out: &Tensor,
    other: &Tensor,
    dims: &[i64]
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_linear<T: Borrow<Tensor>>(
    weight: &Tensor,
    bias: Option<T>
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_linspace<S: Into<Scalar>>(
    start: S,
    end: S,
    steps: impl Into<Option<i64>>,
    options: (Kind, Device)
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_linspace_out<S: Into<Scalar>>(
    out: &Tensor,
    start: S,
    end: S,
    steps: impl Into<Option<i64>>
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_log(&self) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_log10(&self) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_log10_(&mut self) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_log10_out(&self, out: &Tensor) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_log1p(&self) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_log1p_(&mut self) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_log1p_out(&self, out: &Tensor) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_log2(&self) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_log2_(&mut self) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_log2_out(&self, out: &Tensor) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_log_(&mut self) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_log_normal_(&mut self, mean: f64, std: f64) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_log_out(&self, out: &Tensor) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_log_sigmoid(&self) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_log_sigmoid_backward(
    grad_output: &Tensor,
    buffer: &Tensor
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_log_sigmoid_backward_out(
    grad_input: &Tensor,
    grad_output: &Tensor,
    buffer: &Tensor
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_log_sigmoid_out(&self, out: &Tensor) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_log_softmax(&self, dim: i64, dtype: Kind) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_logaddexp(&self, other: &Tensor) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_logaddexp2(&self, other: &Tensor) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_logaddexp2_out(
    out: &Tensor,
    other: &Tensor
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_logaddexp_out(
    out: &Tensor,
    other: &Tensor
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_logcumsumexp(&self, dim: i64) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_logcumsumexp_out(
    out: &Tensor,
    dim: i64
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_logdet(&self) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_logical_and(&self, other: &Tensor) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_logical_and_(&mut self, other: &Tensor) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_logical_and_out(
    out: &Tensor,
    other: &Tensor
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_logical_not(&self) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_logical_not_(&mut self) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_logical_not_out(&self, out: &Tensor) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_logical_or(&self, other: &Tensor) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_logical_or_(&mut self, other: &Tensor) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_logical_or_out(
    out: &Tensor,
    other: &Tensor
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_logical_xor(&self, other: &Tensor) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_logical_xor_(&mut self, other: &Tensor) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_logical_xor_out(
    out: &Tensor,
    other: &Tensor
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_logit(&self, eps: impl Into<Option<f64>>) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_logit_(
    &mut self,
    eps: impl Into<Option<f64>>
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_logit_backward(
    grad_output: &Tensor,
    eps: impl Into<Option<f64>>
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_logit_backward_out(
    grad_input: &Tensor,
    grad_output: &Tensor,
    eps: impl Into<Option<f64>>
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_logit_out(
    out: &Tensor,
    eps: impl Into<Option<f64>>
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_logspace<S: Into<Scalar>>(
    start: S,
    end: S,
    steps: impl Into<Option<i64>>,
    base: f64,
    options: (Kind, Device)
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_logspace_out<S: Into<Scalar>>(
    out: &Tensor,
    start: S,
    end: S,
    steps: impl Into<Option<i64>>,
    base: f64
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_logsumexp(
    dim: &[i64],
    keepdim: bool
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_logsumexp_out(
    out: &Tensor,
    dim: &[i64],
    keepdim: bool
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_lstm<T: Borrow<Tensor>>(
    hx: &[T],
    params: &[T],
    has_biases: bool,
    num_layers: i64,
    dropout: f64,
    train: bool,
    bidirectional: bool,
    batch_first: bool
) -> Result<(Tensor, Tensor, Tensor), TchError>

pub fn f_lstm1<T: Borrow<Tensor>>(
    data: &Tensor,
    batch_sizes: &Tensor,
    hx: &[T],
    params: &[T],
    has_biases: bool,
    num_layers: i64,
    dropout: f64,
    train: bool,
    bidirectional: bool
) -> Result<(Tensor, Tensor, Tensor), TchError>

pub fn f_lstm_cell<T: Borrow<Tensor>>(
    hx: &[T],
    w_ih: &Tensor,
    w_hh: &Tensor,
    b_ih: Option<T>,
    b_hh: Option<T>
) -> Result<(Tensor, Tensor), TchError>

pub fn f_lstsq(&self, a: &Tensor) -> Result<(Tensor, Tensor), TchError>[src]

pub fn f_lstsq_out(
    x: &Tensor,
    qr: &Tensor,
    a: &Tensor
) -> Result<(Tensor, Tensor), TchError>

pub fn f_lt<S: Into<Scalar>>(&self, other: S) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_lt1(&self, other: &Tensor) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_lt_<S: Into<Scalar>>(&mut self, other: S) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_lt_1(&mut self, other: &Tensor) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_lt_out<S: Into<Scalar>>(
    out: &Tensor,
    other: S
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_lt_out1(
    out: &Tensor,
    other: &Tensor
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_lu_solve(
    lu_data: &Tensor,
    lu_pivots: &Tensor
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_lu_solve_out(
    out: &Tensor,
    lu_data: &Tensor,
    lu_pivots: &Tensor
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_margin_ranking_loss(
    input1: &Tensor,
    input2: &Tensor,
    target: &Tensor,
    margin: f64,
    reduction: Reduction
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_masked_fill<S: Into<Scalar>>(
    mask: &Tensor,
    value: S
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_masked_fill1(
    mask: &Tensor,
    value: &Tensor
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_masked_fill_<S: Into<Scalar>>(
    &mut self,
    mask: &Tensor,
    value: S
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_masked_fill_1(
    &mut self,
    mask: &Tensor,
    value: &Tensor
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_masked_scatter(
    mask: &Tensor,
    source: &Tensor
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_masked_scatter_(
    &mut self,
    mask: &Tensor,
    source: &Tensor
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_masked_select(&self, mask: &Tensor) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_masked_select_backward(
    grad: &Tensor,
    mask: &Tensor
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_masked_select_out(
    out: &Tensor,
    mask: &Tensor
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_matmul(&self, other: &Tensor) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_matmul_out(
    out: &Tensor,
    other: &Tensor
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_matrix_exp(&self) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_matrix_exp_backward(&self, grad: &Tensor) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_matrix_power(&self, n: i64) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_matrix_rank(&self, symmetric: bool) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_matrix_rank1(
    tol: f64,
    symmetric: bool
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_max(&self) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_max1(&self, other: &Tensor) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_max2(
    dim: i64,
    keepdim: bool
) -> Result<(Tensor, Tensor), TchError>

pub fn f_max_out(
    out: &Tensor,
    other: &Tensor
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_max_out1(
    max: &Tensor,
    max_values: &Tensor,
    dim: i64,
    keepdim: bool
) -> Result<(Tensor, Tensor), TchError>

pub fn f_max_pool1d(
    kernel_size: &[i64],
    stride: &[i64],
    padding: &[i64],
    dilation: &[i64],
    ceil_mode: bool
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_max_pool1d_with_indices(
    kernel_size: &[i64],
    stride: &[i64],
    padding: &[i64],
    dilation: &[i64],
    ceil_mode: bool
) -> Result<(Tensor, Tensor), TchError>

pub fn f_max_pool2d(
    kernel_size: &[i64],
    stride: &[i64],
    padding: &[i64],
    dilation: &[i64],
    ceil_mode: bool
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_max_pool2d_with_indices(
    kernel_size: &[i64],
    stride: &[i64],
    padding: &[i64],
    dilation: &[i64],
    ceil_mode: bool
) -> Result<(Tensor, Tensor), TchError>

pub fn f_max_pool2d_with_indices_backward(
    grad_output: &Tensor,
    kernel_size: &[i64],
    stride: &[i64],
    padding: &[i64],
    dilation: &[i64],
    ceil_mode: bool,
    indices: &Tensor
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_max_pool2d_with_indices_backward_out(
    grad_input: &Tensor,
    grad_output: &Tensor,
    kernel_size: &[i64],
    stride: &[i64],
    padding: &[i64],
    dilation: &[i64],
    ceil_mode: bool,
    indices: &Tensor
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_max_pool2d_with_indices_out(
    out: &Tensor,
    indices: &Tensor,
    kernel_size: &[i64],
    stride: &[i64],
    padding: &[i64],
    dilation: &[i64],
    ceil_mode: bool
) -> Result<(Tensor, Tensor), TchError>

pub fn f_max_pool3d(
    kernel_size: &[i64],
    stride: &[i64],
    padding: &[i64],
    dilation: &[i64],
    ceil_mode: bool
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_max_pool3d_with_indices(
    kernel_size: &[i64],
    stride: &[i64],
    padding: &[i64],
    dilation: &[i64],
    ceil_mode: bool
) -> Result<(Tensor, Tensor), TchError>

pub fn f_max_pool3d_with_indices_backward(
    grad_output: &Tensor,
    kernel_size: &[i64],
    stride: &[i64],
    padding: &[i64],
    dilation: &[i64],
    ceil_mode: bool,
    indices: &Tensor
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_max_pool3d_with_indices_backward_out(
    grad_input: &Tensor,
    grad_output: &Tensor,
    kernel_size: &[i64],
    stride: &[i64],
    padding: &[i64],
    dilation: &[i64],
    ceil_mode: bool,
    indices: &Tensor
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_max_pool3d_with_indices_out(
    out: &Tensor,
    indices: &Tensor,
    kernel_size: &[i64],
    stride: &[i64],
    padding: &[i64],
    dilation: &[i64],
    ceil_mode: bool
) -> Result<(Tensor, Tensor), TchError>

pub fn f_max_unpool2d(
    indices: &Tensor,
    output_size: &[i64]
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_max_unpool2d_backward(
    grad_output: &Tensor,
    indices: &Tensor,
    output_size: &[i64]
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_max_unpool2d_backward_out(
    grad_input: &Tensor,
    grad_output: &Tensor,
    indices: &Tensor,
    output_size: &[i64]
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_max_unpool2d_out(
    out: &Tensor,
    indices: &Tensor,
    output_size: &[i64]
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_max_unpool3d(
    indices: &Tensor,
    output_size: &[i64],
    stride: &[i64],
    padding: &[i64]
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_max_unpool3d_backward(
    grad_output: &Tensor,
    indices: &Tensor,
    output_size: &[i64],
    stride: &[i64],
    padding: &[i64]
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_max_unpool3d_backward_out(
    grad_input: &Tensor,
    grad_output: &Tensor,
    indices: &Tensor,
    output_size: &[i64],
    stride: &[i64],
    padding: &[i64]
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_max_unpool3d_out(
    out: &Tensor,
    indices: &Tensor,
    output_size: &[i64],
    stride: &[i64],
    padding: &[i64]
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_maximum(&self, other: &Tensor) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_maximum_out(
    out: &Tensor,
    other: &Tensor
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_mean(&self, dtype: Kind) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_mean1(
    dim: &[i64],
    keepdim: bool,
    dtype: Kind
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_mean_out(
    out: &Tensor,
    dim: &[i64],
    keepdim: bool,
    dtype: Kind
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_median(&self) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_median1(
    dim: i64,
    keepdim: bool
) -> Result<(Tensor, Tensor), TchError>

pub fn f_median_out(
    values: &Tensor,
    indices: &Tensor,
    dim: i64,
    keepdim: bool
) -> Result<(Tensor, Tensor), TchError>

pub fn f_meshgrid<T: Borrow<Tensor>>(
    tensors: &[T]
) -> Result<Vec<Tensor>, TchError>

pub fn f_min(&self) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_min1(&self, other: &Tensor) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_min2(
    dim: i64,
    keepdim: bool
) -> Result<(Tensor, Tensor), TchError>

pub fn f_min_out(
    out: &Tensor,
    other: &Tensor
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_min_out1(
    min: &Tensor,
    min_indices: &Tensor,
    dim: i64,
    keepdim: bool
) -> Result<(Tensor, Tensor), TchError>

pub fn f_minimum(&self, other: &Tensor) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_minimum_out(
    out: &Tensor,
    other: &Tensor
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_miopen_batch_norm<T: Borrow<Tensor>>(
    weight: &Tensor,
    bias: Option<T>,
    running_mean: Option<T>,
    running_var: Option<T>,
    training: bool,
    exponential_average_factor: f64,
    epsilon: f64
) -> Result<(Tensor, Tensor, Tensor), TchError>

pub fn f_miopen_batch_norm_backward<T: Borrow<Tensor>>(
    grad_output: &Tensor,
    weight: &Tensor,
    running_mean: Option<T>,
    running_var: Option<T>,
    save_mean: Option<T>,
    save_var: Option<T>,
    epsilon: f64
) -> Result<(Tensor, Tensor, Tensor), TchError>

pub fn f_miopen_convolution<T: Borrow<Tensor>>(
    weight: &Tensor,
    bias: Option<T>,
    padding: &[i64],
    stride: &[i64],
    dilation: &[i64],
    groups: i64,
    benchmark: bool,
    deterministic: bool
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_miopen_convolution_backward_bias(
    grad_output: &Tensor
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_miopen_convolution_backward_input(
    self_size: &[i64],
    grad_output: &Tensor,
    weight: &Tensor,
    padding: &[i64],
    stride: &[i64],
    dilation: &[i64],
    groups: i64,
    benchmark: bool,
    deterministic: bool
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_miopen_convolution_backward_weight(
    weight_size: &[i64],
    grad_output: &Tensor,
    padding: &[i64],
    stride: &[i64],
    dilation: &[i64],
    groups: i64,
    benchmark: bool,
    deterministic: bool
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_miopen_convolution_transpose<T: Borrow<Tensor>>(
    weight: &Tensor,
    bias: Option<T>,
    padding: &[i64],
    output_padding: &[i64],
    stride: &[i64],
    dilation: &[i64],
    groups: i64,
    benchmark: bool,
    deterministic: bool
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_miopen_convolution_transpose_backward_input(
    grad_output: &Tensor,
    weight: &Tensor,
    padding: &[i64],
    stride: &[i64],
    dilation: &[i64],
    groups: i64,
    benchmark: bool,
    deterministic: bool
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_miopen_convolution_transpose_backward_weight(
    weight_size: &[i64],
    grad_output: &Tensor,
    padding: &[i64],
    stride: &[i64],
    dilation: &[i64],
    groups: i64,
    benchmark: bool,
    deterministic: bool
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_miopen_depthwise_convolution<T: Borrow<Tensor>>(
    weight: &Tensor,
    bias: Option<T>,
    padding: &[i64],
    stride: &[i64],
    dilation: &[i64],
    groups: i64,
    benchmark: bool,
    deterministic: bool
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_miopen_depthwise_convolution_backward_input(
    self_size: &[i64],
    grad_output: &Tensor,
    weight: &Tensor,
    padding: &[i64],
    stride: &[i64],
    dilation: &[i64],
    groups: i64,
    benchmark: bool,
    deterministic: bool
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_miopen_depthwise_convolution_backward_weight(
    weight_size: &[i64],
    grad_output: &Tensor,
    padding: &[i64],
    stride: &[i64],
    dilation: &[i64],
    groups: i64,
    benchmark: bool,
    deterministic: bool
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_miopen_rnn<T: Borrow<Tensor>>(
    weight: &[T],
    weight_stride0: i64,
    hx: &Tensor,
    cx: Option<T>,
    mode: i64,
    hidden_size: i64,
    num_layers: i64,
    batch_first: bool,
    dropout: f64,
    train: bool,
    bidirectional: bool,
    batch_sizes: &[i64],
    dropout_state: Option<T>
) -> Result<(Tensor, Tensor, Tensor, Tensor, Tensor), TchError>

pub fn f_mkldnn_adaptive_avg_pool2d(
    output_size: &[i64]
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_mkldnn_convolution<T: Borrow<Tensor>>(
    weight: &Tensor,
    bias: Option<T>,
    padding: &[i64],
    stride: &[i64],
    dilation: &[i64],
    groups: i64
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_mkldnn_convolution_backward_input(
    self_size: &[i64],
    grad_output: &Tensor,
    weight: &Tensor,
    padding: &[i64],
    stride: &[i64],
    dilation: &[i64],
    groups: i64,
    bias_defined: bool
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_mkldnn_convolution_backward_weights(
    weight_size: &[i64],
    grad_output: &Tensor,
    padding: &[i64],
    stride: &[i64],
    dilation: &[i64],
    groups: i64,
    bias_defined: bool
) -> Result<(Tensor, Tensor), TchError>

pub fn f_mkldnn_linear<T: Borrow<Tensor>>(
    weight: &Tensor,
    bias: Option<T>
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_mkldnn_linear_backward_input(
    input_size: &[i64],
    grad_output: &Tensor,
    weight: &Tensor
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_mkldnn_linear_backward_weights(
    grad_output: &Tensor,
    weight: &Tensor,
    bias_defined: bool
) -> Result<(Tensor, Tensor), TchError>

pub fn f_mkldnn_max_pool2d(
    kernel_size: &[i64],
    stride: &[i64],
    padding: &[i64],
    dilation: &[i64],
    ceil_mode: bool
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_mkldnn_max_pool3d(
    kernel_size: &[i64],
    stride: &[i64],
    padding: &[i64],
    dilation: &[i64],
    ceil_mode: bool
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_mkldnn_reorder_conv2d_weight(
    padding: &[i64],
    stride: &[i64],
    dilation: &[i64],
    groups: i64
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_mkldnn_reorder_conv3d_weight(
    padding: &[i64],
    stride: &[i64],
    dilation: &[i64],
    groups: i64
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_mm(&self, mat2: &Tensor) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_mm_out(&self, out: &Tensor, mat2: &Tensor) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_mode(
    dim: i64,
    keepdim: bool
) -> Result<(Tensor, Tensor), TchError>

pub fn f_mode_out(
    values: &Tensor,
    indices: &Tensor,
    dim: i64,
    keepdim: bool
) -> Result<(Tensor, Tensor), TchError>

pub fn f_moveaxis(
    source: &[i64],
    destination: &[i64]
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_moveaxis1(
    source: i64,
    destination: i64
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_movedim(
    source: &[i64],
    destination: &[i64]
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_movedim1(
    source: i64,
    destination: i64
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_mse_loss(
    target: &Tensor,
    reduction: Reduction
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_mse_loss_backward(
    grad_output: &Tensor,
    target: &Tensor,
    reduction: Reduction
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_mse_loss_backward_out(
    grad_input: &Tensor,
    grad_output: &Tensor,
    target: &Tensor,
    reduction: Reduction
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_mse_loss_out(
    out: &Tensor,
    target: &Tensor,
    reduction: Reduction
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_msort(&self) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_msort_out(&self, out: &Tensor) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_mul(&self, other: &Tensor) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_mul1<S: Into<Scalar>>(&self, other: S) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_mul_(&mut self, other: &Tensor) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_mul_1<S: Into<Scalar>>(&mut self, other: S) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_mul_out(
    out: &Tensor,
    other: &Tensor
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_multi_margin_loss_backward<T: Borrow<Tensor>, S: Into<Scalar>>(
    grad_output: &Tensor,
    target: &Tensor,
    p: S,
    margin: S,
    weight: Option<T>,
    reduction: Reduction
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_multi_margin_loss_backward_out<T: Borrow<Tensor>, S: Into<Scalar>>(
    grad_input: &Tensor,
    grad_output: &Tensor,
    target: &Tensor,
    p: S,
    margin: S,
    weight: Option<T>,
    reduction: Reduction
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_multilabel_margin_loss(
    target: &Tensor,
    reduction: Reduction
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_multilabel_margin_loss_backward(
    grad_output: &Tensor,
    target: &Tensor,
    reduction: Reduction,
    is_target: &Tensor
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_multilabel_margin_loss_backward_out(
    grad_input: &Tensor,
    grad_output: &Tensor,
    target: &Tensor,
    reduction: Reduction,
    is_target: &Tensor
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_multilabel_margin_loss_out(
    out: &Tensor,
    target: &Tensor,
    reduction: Reduction
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_multinomial(
    num_samples: i64,
    replacement: bool
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_multinomial_out(
    out: &Tensor,
    num_samples: i64,
    replacement: bool
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_multiply(&self, other: &Tensor) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_multiply1<S: Into<Scalar>>(&self, other: S) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_multiply_(&mut self, other: &Tensor) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_multiply_1<S: Into<Scalar>>(
    &mut self,
    other: S
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_multiply_out(
    out: &Tensor,
    other: &Tensor
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_mv(&self, vec: &Tensor) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_mv_out(&self, out: &Tensor, vec: &Tensor) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_mvlgamma(&self, p: i64) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_mvlgamma_(&mut self, p: i64) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_nan_to_num(
    nan: impl Into<Option<f64>>,
    posinf: impl Into<Option<f64>>,
    neginf: impl Into<Option<f64>>
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_nan_to_num_(
    &mut self,
    nan: impl Into<Option<f64>>,
    posinf: impl Into<Option<f64>>,
    neginf: impl Into<Option<f64>>
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_nan_to_num_out(
    out: &Tensor,
    nan: impl Into<Option<f64>>,
    posinf: impl Into<Option<f64>>,
    neginf: impl Into<Option<f64>>
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_nanmedian(&self) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_nanmedian1(
    dim: i64,
    keepdim: bool
) -> Result<(Tensor, Tensor), TchError>

pub fn f_nanmedian_out(
    values: &Tensor,
    indices: &Tensor,
    dim: i64,
    keepdim: bool
) -> Result<(Tensor, Tensor), TchError>

pub fn f_nanquantile(
    q: f64,
    dim: impl Into<Option<i64>>,
    keepdim: bool
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_nanquantile1(
    q: &Tensor,
    dim: impl Into<Option<i64>>,
    keepdim: bool
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_nanquantile_out(
    out: &Tensor,
    q: f64,
    dim: impl Into<Option<i64>>,
    keepdim: bool
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_nanquantile_out1(
    out: &Tensor,
    q: &Tensor,
    dim: impl Into<Option<i64>>,
    keepdim: bool
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_nansum(&self, dtype: Kind) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_nansum1(
    dim: &[i64],
    keepdim: bool,
    dtype: Kind
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_nansum_out(
    out: &Tensor,
    dim: &[i64],
    keepdim: bool,
    dtype: Kind
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_narrow(
    dim: i64,
    start: i64,
    length: i64
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_narrow1(
    dim: i64,
    start: &Tensor,
    length: i64
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_narrow_copy(
    dim: i64,
    start: i64,
    length: i64
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_narrow_copy_out(
    out: &Tensor,
    dim: i64,
    start: i64,
    length: i64
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_native_batch_norm<T: Borrow<Tensor>>(
    weight: Option<T>,
    bias: Option<T>,
    running_mean: Option<T>,
    running_var: Option<T>,
    training: bool,
    momentum: f64,
    eps: f64
) -> Result<(Tensor, Tensor, Tensor), TchError>

pub fn f_native_batch_norm_out<T: Borrow<Tensor>>(
    out: &Tensor,
    save_mean: &Tensor,
    save_invstd: &Tensor,
    weight: Option<T>,
    bias: Option<T>,
    running_mean: Option<T>,
    running_var: Option<T>,
    training: bool,
    momentum: f64,
    eps: f64
) -> Result<(Tensor, Tensor, Tensor), TchError>

pub fn f_native_group_norm<T: Borrow<Tensor>>(
    weight: Option<T>,
    bias: Option<T>,
    n: i64,
    c: i64,
    hxw: i64,
    group: i64,
    eps: f64
) -> Result<(Tensor, Tensor, Tensor), TchError>

pub fn f_native_layer_norm<T: Borrow<Tensor>>(
    normalized_shape: &[i64],
    weight: Option<T>,
    bias: Option<T>,
    eps: f64
) -> Result<(Tensor, Tensor, Tensor), TchError>

pub fn f_native_norm(&self) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_native_norm1<S: Into<Scalar>>(
    p: S,
    dim: &[i64],
    keepdim: bool,
    dtype: Kind
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_ne<S: Into<Scalar>>(&self, other: S) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_ne1(&self, other: &Tensor) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_ne_<S: Into<Scalar>>(&mut self, other: S) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_ne_1(&mut self, other: &Tensor) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_ne_out<S: Into<Scalar>>(
    out: &Tensor,
    other: S
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_ne_out1(
    out: &Tensor,
    other: &Tensor
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_neg(&self) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_neg_(&mut self) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_neg_out(&self, out: &Tensor) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_negative(&self) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_negative_(&mut self) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_negative_out(&self, out: &Tensor) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_new_empty(
    size: &[i64],
    options: (Kind, Device)
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_new_empty_strided(
    size: &[i64],
    stride: &[i64],
    options: (Kind, Device)
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_new_full<S: Into<Scalar>>(
    size: &[i64],
    fill_value: S,
    options: (Kind, Device)
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_new_zeros(
    size: &[i64],
    options: (Kind, Device)
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_nextafter(&self, other: &Tensor) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_nextafter_(&mut self, other: &Tensor) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_nextafter_out(
    out: &Tensor,
    other: &Tensor
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_nll_loss<T: Borrow<Tensor>>(
    target: &Tensor,
    weight: Option<T>,
    reduction: Reduction,
    ignore_index: i64
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_nll_loss2d<T: Borrow<Tensor>>(
    target: &Tensor,
    weight: Option<T>,
    reduction: Reduction,
    ignore_index: i64
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_nll_loss2d_backward<T: Borrow<Tensor>>(
    grad_output: &Tensor,
    target: &Tensor,
    weight: Option<T>,
    reduction: Reduction,
    ignore_index: i64,
    total_weight: &Tensor
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_nll_loss2d_backward_out<T: Borrow<Tensor>>(
    grad_input: &Tensor,
    grad_output: &Tensor,
    target: &Tensor,
    weight: Option<T>,
    reduction: Reduction,
    ignore_index: i64,
    total_weight: &Tensor
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_nll_loss2d_out<T: Borrow<Tensor>>(
    out: &Tensor,
    target: &Tensor,
    weight: Option<T>,
    reduction: Reduction,
    ignore_index: i64
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_nll_loss_backward<T: Borrow<Tensor>>(
    grad_output: &Tensor,
    target: &Tensor,
    weight: Option<T>,
    reduction: Reduction,
    ignore_index: i64,
    total_weight: &Tensor
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_nll_loss_backward_out<T: Borrow<Tensor>>(
    grad_input: &Tensor,
    grad_output: &Tensor,
    target: &Tensor,
    weight: Option<T>,
    reduction: Reduction,
    ignore_index: i64,
    total_weight: &Tensor
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_nll_loss_out<T: Borrow<Tensor>>(
    out: &Tensor,
    target: &Tensor,
    weight: Option<T>,
    reduction: Reduction,
    ignore_index: i64
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_nonzero(&self) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_nonzero_numpy(&self) -> Result<Vec<Tensor>, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_nonzero_out(&self, out: &Tensor) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_norm(&self) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_norm1<S: Into<Scalar>>(
    p: S,
    dtype: Kind
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_norm2<S: Into<Scalar>>(
    p: S,
    dim: &[i64],
    keepdim: bool
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_norm3<S: Into<Scalar>>(
    p: S,
    dim: &[i64],
    keepdim: bool,
    dtype: Kind
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_norm_except_dim(
    v: &Tensor,
    pow: i64,
    dim: i64
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_norm_out<S: Into<Scalar>>(
    out: &Tensor,
    p: S,
    dim: &[i64],
    keepdim: bool
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_norm_out1<S: Into<Scalar>>(
    out: &Tensor,
    p: S,
    dim: &[i64],
    keepdim: bool,
    dtype: Kind
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_normal_(&mut self, mean: f64, std: f64) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_normal_out(
    out: &Tensor,
    mean: &Tensor,
    std: f64
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_normal_out1(
    out: &Tensor,
    mean: f64,
    std: &Tensor
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_normal_out2(
    out: &Tensor,
    mean: &Tensor,
    std: &Tensor
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_normal_out3(
    out: &Tensor,
    mean: f64,
    std: f64,
    size: &[i64]
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_not_equal<S: Into<Scalar>>(&self, other: S) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_not_equal1(&self, other: &Tensor) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_not_equal_<S: Into<Scalar>>(
    &mut self,
    other: S
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_not_equal_1(&mut self, other: &Tensor) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_not_equal_out<S: Into<Scalar>>(
    out: &Tensor,
    other: S
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_not_equal_out1(
    out: &Tensor,
    other: &Tensor
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_nuclear_norm(&self, keepdim: bool) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_nuclear_norm1(
    dim: &[i64],
    keepdim: bool
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_nuclear_norm_out(
    out: &Tensor,
    keepdim: bool
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_nuclear_norm_out1(
    out: &Tensor,
    dim: &[i64],
    keepdim: bool
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_numpy_t(&self) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_one_hot(&self, num_classes: i64) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_ones(size: &[i64], options: (Kind, Device)) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_ones_like(&self) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_ones_out(out: &Tensor, size: &[i64]) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_orgqr(&self, input2: &Tensor) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_orgqr_out(
    out: &Tensor,
    input2: &Tensor
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_ormqr(
    input2: &Tensor,
    input3: &Tensor,
    left: bool,
    transpose: bool
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_ormqr_out(
    out: &Tensor,
    input2: &Tensor,
    input3: &Tensor,
    left: bool,
    transpose: bool
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_outer(&self, vec2: &Tensor) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_outer_out(
    out: &Tensor,
    vec2: &Tensor
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_pairwise_distance(
    x1: &Tensor,
    x2: &Tensor,
    p: f64,
    eps: f64,
    keepdim: bool
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_pdist(&self, p: f64) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_permute(&self, dims: &[i64]) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_pin_memory(&self) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_pinverse(&self, rcond: f64) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_pixel_shuffle(&self, upscale_factor: i64) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_pixel_unshuffle(
    downscale_factor: i64
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_poisson(&self) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_poisson_nll_loss(
    target: &Tensor,
    log_input: bool,
    full: bool,
    eps: f64,
    reduction: Reduction
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_polar(abs: &Tensor, angle: &Tensor) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_polar_out(
    out: &Tensor,
    abs: &Tensor,
    angle: &Tensor
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_polygamma(&self, n: i64) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_polygamma_(&mut self, n: i64) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_polygamma_out(&self, out: &Tensor, n: i64) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_pow<S: Into<Scalar>>(&self, exponent: S) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_pow1(&self, exponent: &Tensor) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_pow2<S: Into<Scalar>>(
    self_scalar: S,
    exponent: &Tensor
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_pow_<S: Into<Scalar>>(
    &mut self,
    exponent: S
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_pow_1(&mut self, exponent: &Tensor) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_pow_out(
    out: &Tensor,
    exponent: &Tensor
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_pow_out1<S: Into<Scalar>>(
    out: &Tensor,
    self_scalar: S,
    exponent: &Tensor
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_pow_out2<S: Into<Scalar>>(
    out: &Tensor,
    exponent: S
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_prelu(&self, weight: &Tensor) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_prelu_backward(
    grad_output: &Tensor,
    weight: &Tensor
) -> Result<(Tensor, Tensor), TchError>

pub fn f_prod(&self, dtype: Kind) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_prod1(
    dim: i64,
    keepdim: bool,
    dtype: Kind
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_prod_out(
    out: &Tensor,
    dim: i64,
    keepdim: bool,
    dtype: Kind
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_put_(
    &mut self,
    index: &Tensor,
    source: &Tensor,
    accumulate: bool
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_q_per_channel_scales(&self) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_q_per_channel_zero_points(&self) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_qr(&self, some: bool) -> Result<(Tensor, Tensor), TchError>[src]

pub fn f_qr_out(
    q: &Tensor,
    r: &Tensor,
    some: bool
) -> Result<(Tensor, Tensor), TchError>

pub fn f_quantile(
    q: f64,
    dim: impl Into<Option<i64>>,
    keepdim: bool
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_quantile1(
    q: &Tensor,
    dim: impl Into<Option<i64>>,
    keepdim: bool
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_quantile_out(
    out: &Tensor,
    q: f64,
    dim: impl Into<Option<i64>>,
    keepdim: bool
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_quantile_out1(
    out: &Tensor,
    q: &Tensor,
    dim: impl Into<Option<i64>>,
    keepdim: bool
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_quantize_per_channel(
    scales: &Tensor,
    zero_points: &Tensor,
    axis: i64,
    dtype: Kind
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_quantize_per_tensor(
    scale: f64,
    zero_point: i64,
    dtype: Kind
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_quantize_per_tensor1<T: Borrow<Tensor>>(
    tensors: &[T],
    scales: &Tensor,
    zero_points: &Tensor,
    dtype: Kind
) -> Result<Vec<Tensor>, TchError>

pub fn f_quantized_batch_norm<T: Borrow<Tensor>>(
    weight: Option<T>,
    bias: Option<T>,
    mean: &Tensor,
    var: &Tensor,
    eps: f64,
    output_scale: f64,
    output_zero_point: i64
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_quantized_gru_cell<S: Into<Scalar>>(
    hx: &Tensor,
    w_ih: &Tensor,
    w_hh: &Tensor,
    b_ih: &Tensor,
    b_hh: &Tensor,
    packed_ih: &Tensor,
    packed_hh: &Tensor,
    col_offsets_ih: &Tensor,
    col_offsets_hh: &Tensor,
    scale_ih: S,
    scale_hh: S,
    zero_point_ih: S,
    zero_point_hh: S
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_quantized_lstm_cell<T: Borrow<Tensor>, S: Into<Scalar>>(
    hx: &[T],
    w_ih: &Tensor,
    w_hh: &Tensor,
    b_ih: &Tensor,
    b_hh: &Tensor,
    packed_ih: &Tensor,
    packed_hh: &Tensor,
    col_offsets_ih: &Tensor,
    col_offsets_hh: &Tensor,
    scale_ih: S,
    scale_hh: S,
    zero_point_ih: S,
    zero_point_hh: S
) -> Result<(Tensor, Tensor), TchError>

pub fn f_quantized_max_pool1d(
    kernel_size: &[i64],
    stride: &[i64],
    padding: &[i64],
    dilation: &[i64],
    ceil_mode: bool
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_quantized_max_pool2d(
    kernel_size: &[i64],
    stride: &[i64],
    padding: &[i64],
    dilation: &[i64],
    ceil_mode: bool
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_quantized_rnn_relu_cell<S: Into<Scalar>>(
    hx: &Tensor,
    w_ih: &Tensor,
    w_hh: &Tensor,
    b_ih: &Tensor,
    b_hh: &Tensor,
    packed_ih: &Tensor,
    packed_hh: &Tensor,
    col_offsets_ih: &Tensor,
    col_offsets_hh: &Tensor,
    scale_ih: S,
    scale_hh: S,
    zero_point_ih: S,
    zero_point_hh: S
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_quantized_rnn_tanh_cell<S: Into<Scalar>>(
    hx: &Tensor,
    w_ih: &Tensor,
    w_hh: &Tensor,
    b_ih: &Tensor,
    b_hh: &Tensor,
    packed_ih: &Tensor,
    packed_hh: &Tensor,
    col_offsets_ih: &Tensor,
    col_offsets_hh: &Tensor,
    scale_ih: S,
    scale_hh: S,
    zero_point_ih: S,
    zero_point_hh: S
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_rad2deg(&self) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_rad2deg_(&mut self) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_rad2deg_out(&self, out: &Tensor) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_rand(size: &[i64], options: (Kind, Device)) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_rand_like(&self) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_rand_out(out: &Tensor, size: &[i64]) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_randint(
    high: i64,
    size: &[i64],
    options: (Kind, Device)
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_randint1(
    low: i64,
    high: i64,
    size: &[i64],
    options: (Kind, Device)
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_randint_like(&self, high: i64) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_randint_like1(&self, low: i64, high: i64) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_randint_out(
    out: &Tensor,
    high: i64,
    size: &[i64]
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_randint_out1(
    out: &Tensor,
    low: i64,
    high: i64,
    size: &[i64]
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_randn(
    size: &[i64],
    options: (Kind, Device)
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_randn_like(&self) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_randn_out(out: &Tensor, size: &[i64]) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_random_(&mut self) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_random_1(&mut self, to: i64) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_random_2(
    &mut self,
    from: i64,
    to: impl Into<Option<i64>>
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_randperm(n: i64, options: (Kind, Device)) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_randperm_out(out: &Tensor, n: i64) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_range<S: Into<Scalar>>(
    start: S,
    end: S,
    options: (Kind, Device)
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_range1<S: Into<Scalar>>(
    start: S,
    end: S,
    options: (Kind, Device)
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_range_out<S: Into<Scalar>>(
    out: &Tensor,
    start: S,
    end: S
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_ravel(&self) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_real(&self) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_reciprocal(&self) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_reciprocal_(&mut self) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_reciprocal_out(&self, out: &Tensor) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_reflection_pad1d(&self, padding: &[i64]) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_reflection_pad1d_backward(
    grad_output: &Tensor,
    padding: &[i64]
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_reflection_pad1d_backward_out(
    grad_input: &Tensor,
    grad_output: &Tensor,
    padding: &[i64]
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_reflection_pad1d_out(
    out: &Tensor,
    padding: &[i64]
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_reflection_pad2d(&self, padding: &[i64]) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_reflection_pad2d_backward(
    grad_output: &Tensor,
    padding: &[i64]
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_reflection_pad2d_backward_out(
    grad_input: &Tensor,
    grad_output: &Tensor,
    padding: &[i64]
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_reflection_pad2d_out(
    out: &Tensor,
    padding: &[i64]
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_relu(&self) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_relu_(&mut self) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_remainder<S: Into<Scalar>>(&self, other: S) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_remainder1(&self, other: &Tensor) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_remainder_<S: Into<Scalar>>(
    &mut self,
    other: S
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_remainder_1(&mut self, other: &Tensor) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_remainder_out<S: Into<Scalar>>(
    out: &Tensor,
    other: S
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_remainder_out1(
    out: &Tensor,
    other: &Tensor
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_renorm<S: Into<Scalar>>(
    p: S,
    dim: i64,
    maxnorm: S
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_renorm_<S: Into<Scalar>>(
    &mut self,
    p: S,
    dim: i64,
    maxnorm: S
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_renorm_out<S: Into<Scalar>>(
    out: &Tensor,
    p: S,
    dim: i64,
    maxnorm: S
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_repeat(&self, repeats: &[i64]) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_repeat_interleave(repeats: &Tensor) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_repeat_interleave1(
    repeats: &Tensor,
    dim: impl Into<Option<i64>>
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_repeat_interleave2(
    repeats: i64,
    dim: impl Into<Option<i64>>
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_replication_pad1d(&self, padding: &[i64]) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_replication_pad1d_backward(
    grad_output: &Tensor,
    padding: &[i64]
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_replication_pad1d_backward_out(
    grad_input: &Tensor,
    grad_output: &Tensor,
    padding: &[i64]
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_replication_pad1d_out(
    out: &Tensor,
    padding: &[i64]
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_replication_pad2d(&self, padding: &[i64]) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_replication_pad2d_backward(
    grad_output: &Tensor,
    padding: &[i64]
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_replication_pad2d_backward_out(
    grad_input: &Tensor,
    grad_output: &Tensor,
    padding: &[i64]
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_replication_pad2d_out(
    out: &Tensor,
    padding: &[i64]
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_replication_pad3d(&self, padding: &[i64]) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_replication_pad3d_backward(
    grad_output: &Tensor,
    padding: &[i64]
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_replication_pad3d_backward_out(
    grad_input: &Tensor,
    grad_output: &Tensor,
    padding: &[i64]
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_replication_pad3d_out(
    out: &Tensor,
    padding: &[i64]
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_requires_grad_(
    &mut self,
    requires_grad: bool
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_reshape(&self, shape: &[i64]) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_reshape_as(&self, other: &Tensor) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_resize_(&mut self, size: &[i64]) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_resize_as_(
    &mut self,
    the_template: &Tensor
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_rnn_relu<T: Borrow<Tensor>>(
    hx: &Tensor,
    params: &[T],
    has_biases: bool,
    num_layers: i64,
    dropout: f64,
    train: bool,
    bidirectional: bool,
    batch_first: bool
) -> Result<(Tensor, Tensor), TchError>

pub fn f_rnn_relu1<T: Borrow<Tensor>>(
    data: &Tensor,
    batch_sizes: &Tensor,
    hx: &Tensor,
    params: &[T],
    has_biases: bool,
    num_layers: i64,
    dropout: f64,
    train: bool,
    bidirectional: bool
) -> Result<(Tensor, Tensor), TchError>

pub fn f_rnn_relu_cell<T: Borrow<Tensor>>(
    hx: &Tensor,
    w_ih: &Tensor,
    w_hh: &Tensor,
    b_ih: Option<T>,
    b_hh: Option<T>
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_rnn_tanh<T: Borrow<Tensor>>(
    hx: &Tensor,
    params: &[T],
    has_biases: bool,
    num_layers: i64,
    dropout: f64,
    train: bool,
    bidirectional: bool,
    batch_first: bool
) -> Result<(Tensor, Tensor), TchError>

pub fn f_rnn_tanh1<T: Borrow<Tensor>>(
    data: &Tensor,
    batch_sizes: &Tensor,
    hx: &Tensor,
    params: &[T],
    has_biases: bool,
    num_layers: i64,
    dropout: f64,
    train: bool,
    bidirectional: bool
) -> Result<(Tensor, Tensor), TchError>

pub fn f_rnn_tanh_cell<T: Borrow<Tensor>>(
    hx: &Tensor,
    w_ih: &Tensor,
    w_hh: &Tensor,
    b_ih: Option<T>,
    b_hh: Option<T>
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_roll(&self, shifts: &[i64], dims: &[i64]) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_rot90(&self, k: i64, dims: &[i64]) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_round(&self) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_round_(&mut self) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_round_out(&self, out: &Tensor) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_row_stack<T: Borrow<Tensor>>(tensors: &[T]) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_row_stack_out<T: Borrow<Tensor>>(
    out: &Tensor,
    tensors: &[T]
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_rrelu(&self, training: bool) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_rrelu_(&mut self, training: bool) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_rrelu_with_noise(
    noise: &Tensor,
    training: bool
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_rrelu_with_noise_(
    &mut self,
    noise: &Tensor,
    training: bool
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_rrelu_with_noise_backward<S: Into<Scalar>>(
    grad_output: &Tensor,
    noise: &Tensor,
    lower: S,
    upper: S,
    training: bool,
    self_is_result: bool
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_rrelu_with_noise_out(
    out: &Tensor,
    noise: &Tensor,
    training: bool
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_rsqrt(&self) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_rsqrt_(&mut self) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_rsqrt_out(&self, out: &Tensor) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_rsub(&self, other: &Tensor) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_rsub1<S: Into<Scalar>>(&self, other: S) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_scalar_tensor<S: Into<Scalar>>(
    s: S,
    options: (Kind, Device)
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_scatter(
    dim: i64,
    index: &Tensor,
    src: &Tensor
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_scatter1<S: Into<Scalar>>(
    dim: i64,
    index: &Tensor,
    value: S
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_scatter_(
    &mut self,
    dim: i64,
    index: &Tensor,
    src: &Tensor
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_scatter_1<S: Into<Scalar>>(
    &mut self,
    dim: i64,
    index: &Tensor,
    value: S
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_scatter_2(
    &mut self,
    dim: i64,
    index: &Tensor,
    src: &Tensor,
    reduce: &str
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_scatter_3<S: Into<Scalar>>(
    &mut self,
    dim: i64,
    index: &Tensor,
    value: S,
    reduce: &str
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_scatter_add(
    dim: i64,
    index: &Tensor,
    src: &Tensor
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_scatter_add_(
    &mut self,
    dim: i64,
    index: &Tensor,
    src: &Tensor
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_searchsorted(
    sorted_sequence: &Tensor,
    out_int32: bool,
    right: bool
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_searchsorted1<S: Into<Scalar>>(
    sorted_sequence: &Tensor,
    self_scalar: S,
    out_int32: bool,
    right: bool
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_searchsorted_out(
    out: &Tensor,
    sorted_sequence: &Tensor,
    out_int32: bool,
    right: bool
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_select(&self, dim: i64, index: i64) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_select_backward(
    grad: &Tensor,
    input_sizes: &[i64],
    dim: i64,
    index: i64
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_selu(&self) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_selu_(&mut self) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_set_(&mut self) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_set_1(&mut self, source: &Tensor) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_set_requires_grad(&self, r: bool) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_sgn(&self) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_sgn_(&mut self) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_sgn_out(&self, out: &Tensor) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_sigmoid(&self) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_sigmoid_(&mut self) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_sigmoid_backward(
    grad_output: &Tensor,
    output: &Tensor
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_sigmoid_backward_out(
    grad_input: &Tensor,
    grad_output: &Tensor,
    output: &Tensor
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_sigmoid_out(&self, out: &Tensor) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_sign(&self) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_sign_(&mut self) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_sign_out(&self, out: &Tensor) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_signbit(&self) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_signbit_out(&self, out: &Tensor) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_silu(&self) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_silu_(&mut self) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_silu_backward(&self, grad_output: &Tensor) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_silu_out(&self, out: &Tensor) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_sin(&self) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_sin_(&mut self) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_sin_out(&self, out: &Tensor) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_sinc(&self) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_sinc_(&mut self) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_sinc_out(&self, out: &Tensor) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_sinh(&self) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_sinh_(&mut self) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_sinh_out(&self, out: &Tensor) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_slice(
    dim: i64,
    start: impl Into<Option<i64>>,
    end: impl Into<Option<i64>>,
    step: i64
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_slice_backward(
    grad: &Tensor,
    input_sizes: &[i64],
    dim: i64,
    start: i64,
    end: i64,
    step: i64
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_slogdet(&self) -> Result<(Tensor, Tensor), TchError>[src]

pub fn f_slow_conv3d<T: Borrow<Tensor>>(
    weight: &Tensor,
    kernel_size: &[i64],
    bias: Option<T>,
    stride: &[i64],
    padding: &[i64]
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_slow_conv3d_out<T: Borrow<Tensor>>(
    out: &Tensor,
    weight: &Tensor,
    kernel_size: &[i64],
    bias: Option<T>,
    stride: &[i64],
    padding: &[i64]
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_slow_conv_dilated2d<T: Borrow<Tensor>>(
    weight: &Tensor,
    kernel_size: &[i64],
    bias: Option<T>,
    stride: &[i64],
    padding: &[i64],
    dilation: &[i64]
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_slow_conv_dilated3d<T: Borrow<Tensor>>(
    weight: &Tensor,
    kernel_size: &[i64],
    bias: Option<T>,
    stride: &[i64],
    padding: &[i64],
    dilation: &[i64]
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_slow_conv_transpose2d<T: Borrow<Tensor>>(
    weight: &Tensor,
    kernel_size: &[i64],
    bias: Option<T>,
    stride: &[i64],
    padding: &[i64],
    output_padding: &[i64],
    dilation: &[i64]
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_slow_conv_transpose2d_out<T: Borrow<Tensor>>(
    out: &Tensor,
    weight: &Tensor,
    kernel_size: &[i64],
    bias: Option<T>,
    stride: &[i64],
    padding: &[i64],
    output_padding: &[i64],
    dilation: &[i64]
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_slow_conv_transpose3d<T: Borrow<Tensor>>(
    weight: &Tensor,
    kernel_size: &[i64],
    bias: Option<T>,
    stride: &[i64],
    padding: &[i64],
    output_padding: &[i64],
    dilation: &[i64]
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_slow_conv_transpose3d_out<T: Borrow<Tensor>>(
    out: &Tensor,
    weight: &Tensor,
    kernel_size: &[i64],
    bias: Option<T>,
    stride: &[i64],
    padding: &[i64],
    output_padding: &[i64],
    dilation: &[i64]
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_smm(&self, mat2: &Tensor) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_smooth_l1_loss(
    target: &Tensor,
    reduction: Reduction,
    beta: f64
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_smooth_l1_loss_backward(
    grad_output: &Tensor,
    target: &Tensor,
    reduction: Reduction,
    beta: f64
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_smooth_l1_loss_backward_out(
    grad_input: &Tensor,
    grad_output: &Tensor,
    target: &Tensor,
    reduction: Reduction,
    beta: f64
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_smooth_l1_loss_out(
    out: &Tensor,
    target: &Tensor,
    reduction: Reduction,
    beta: f64
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_soft_margin_loss(
    target: &Tensor,
    reduction: Reduction
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_soft_margin_loss_backward(
    grad_output: &Tensor,
    target: &Tensor,
    reduction: Reduction
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_soft_margin_loss_backward_out(
    grad_input: &Tensor,
    grad_output: &Tensor,
    target: &Tensor,
    reduction: Reduction
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_soft_margin_loss_out(
    out: &Tensor,
    target: &Tensor,
    reduction: Reduction
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_softmax(&self, dim: i64, dtype: Kind) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_softplus(&self) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_softplus_backward<S: Into<Scalar>>(
    grad_output: &Tensor,
    beta: S,
    threshold: S,
    output: &Tensor
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_softplus_backward_out<S: Into<Scalar>>(
    grad_input: &Tensor,
    grad_output: &Tensor,
    beta: S,
    threshold: S,
    output: &Tensor
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_softplus_out(&self, out: &Tensor) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_softshrink(&self) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_softshrink_backward<S: Into<Scalar>>(
    grad_output: &Tensor,
    lambd: S
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_softshrink_backward_out<S: Into<Scalar>>(
    grad_input: &Tensor,
    grad_output: &Tensor,
    lambd: S
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_softshrink_out(&self, out: &Tensor) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_solve(&self, a: &Tensor) -> Result<(Tensor, Tensor), TchError>[src]

pub fn f_solve_out(
    solution: &Tensor,
    lu: &Tensor,
    a: &Tensor
) -> Result<(Tensor, Tensor), TchError>

pub fn f_sort(
    dim: i64,
    descending: bool
) -> Result<(Tensor, Tensor), TchError>

pub fn f_sort_out(
    values: &Tensor,
    indices: &Tensor,
    dim: i64,
    descending: bool
) -> Result<(Tensor, Tensor), TchError>

pub fn f_sparse_coo_tensor(
    size: &[i64],
    options: (Kind, Device)
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_sparse_coo_tensor1(
    indices: &Tensor,
    values: &Tensor,
    options: (Kind, Device)
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_sparse_coo_tensor2(
    indices: &Tensor,
    values: &Tensor,
    size: &[i64],
    options: (Kind, Device)
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_sparse_mask(&self, mask: &Tensor) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_sparse_resize_(
    &mut self,
    size: &[i64],
    sparse_dim: i64,
    dense_dim: i64
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_sparse_resize_and_clear_(
    &mut self,
    size: &[i64],
    sparse_dim: i64,
    dense_dim: i64
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_split(
    split_size: i64,
    dim: i64
) -> Result<Vec<Tensor>, TchError>

pub fn f_split_with_sizes(
    split_sizes: &[i64],
    dim: i64
) -> Result<Vec<Tensor>, TchError>

pub fn f_sqrt(&self) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_sqrt_(&mut self) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_sqrt_out(&self, out: &Tensor) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_square(&self) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_square_(&mut self) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_squeeze(&self) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_squeeze1(&self, dim: i64) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_squeeze_(&mut self) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_squeeze_1(&mut self, dim: i64) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_sspaddmm(
    mat1: &Tensor,
    mat2: &Tensor
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_sspaddmm_out(
    out: &Tensor,
    mat1: &Tensor,
    mat2: &Tensor
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_stack<T: Borrow<Tensor>>(
    tensors: &[T],
    dim: i64
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_stack_out<T: Borrow<Tensor>>(
    out: &Tensor,
    tensors: &[T],
    dim: i64
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_std(&self, unbiased: bool) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_std1(
    dim: &[i64],
    unbiased: bool,
    keepdim: bool
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_std_mean(&self, unbiased: bool) -> Result<(Tensor, Tensor), TchError>[src]

pub fn f_std_mean1(
    dim: &[i64],
    unbiased: bool,
    keepdim: bool
) -> Result<(Tensor, Tensor), TchError>

pub fn f_std_out(
    out: &Tensor,
    dim: &[i64],
    unbiased: bool,
    keepdim: bool
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_stft<T: Borrow<Tensor>>(
    n_fft: i64,
    hop_length: impl Into<Option<i64>>,
    win_length: impl Into<Option<i64>>,
    window: Option<T>,
    normalized: bool,
    onesided: bool,
    return_complex: bool
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_sub(&self, other: &Tensor) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_sub1<S: Into<Scalar>>(&self, other: S) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_sub_(&mut self, other: &Tensor) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_sub_1<S: Into<Scalar>>(&mut self, other: S) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_sub_out(
    out: &Tensor,
    other: &Tensor
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_subtract(&self, other: &Tensor) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_subtract1<S: Into<Scalar>>(&self, other: S) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_subtract_(&mut self, other: &Tensor) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_subtract_1<S: Into<Scalar>>(
    &mut self,
    other: S
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_subtract_out(
    out: &Tensor,
    other: &Tensor
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_sum(&self, dtype: Kind) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_sum1(
    dim: &[i64],
    keepdim: bool,
    dtype: Kind
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_sum_out(
    out: &Tensor,
    dim: &[i64],
    keepdim: bool,
    dtype: Kind
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_sum_to_size(&self, size: &[i64]) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_svd(
    some: bool,
    compute_uv: bool
) -> Result<(Tensor, Tensor, Tensor), TchError>

pub fn f_svd_out(
    u: &Tensor,
    s: &Tensor,
    v: &Tensor,
    some: bool,
    compute_uv: bool
) -> Result<(Tensor, Tensor, Tensor), TchError>

pub fn f_swapaxes(&self, axis0: i64, axis1: i64) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_swapaxes_(
    &mut self,
    axis0: i64,
    axis1: i64
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_swapdims(&self, dim0: i64, dim1: i64) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_swapdims_(&mut self, dim0: i64, dim1: i64) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_symeig(
    eigenvectors: bool,
    upper: bool
) -> Result<(Tensor, Tensor), TchError>

pub fn f_symeig_out(
    e: &Tensor,
    v: &Tensor,
    eigenvectors: bool,
    upper: bool
) -> Result<(Tensor, Tensor), TchError>

pub fn f_tr(&self) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_t_(&mut self) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_take(&self, index: &Tensor) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_take_backward(
    grad: &Tensor,
    index: &Tensor
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_take_out(
    out: &Tensor,
    index: &Tensor
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_tan(&self) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_tan_(&mut self) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_tan_out(&self, out: &Tensor) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_tanh(&self) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_tanh_(&mut self) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_tanh_backward(
    grad_output: &Tensor,
    output: &Tensor
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_tanh_backward_out(
    grad_input: &Tensor,
    grad_output: &Tensor,
    output: &Tensor
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_tanh_out(&self, out: &Tensor) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_tensor_split(
    sections: i64,
    dim: i64
) -> Result<Vec<Tensor>, TchError>

pub fn f_tensor_split1(
    indices: &[i64],
    dim: i64
) -> Result<Vec<Tensor>, TchError>

pub fn f_tensor_split2(
    tensor_indices_or_sections: &Tensor,
    dim: i64
) -> Result<Vec<Tensor>, TchError>

pub fn f_tensordot(
    other: &Tensor,
    dims_self: &[i64],
    dims_other: &[i64]
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_tensordot_out(
    out: &Tensor,
    other: &Tensor,
    dims_self: &[i64],
    dims_other: &[i64]
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_threshold<S: Into<Scalar>>(
    threshold: S,
    value: S
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_threshold_<S: Into<Scalar>>(
    &mut self,
    threshold: S,
    value: S
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_threshold_backward<S: Into<Scalar>>(
    grad_output: &Tensor,
    threshold: S
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_threshold_out<S: Into<Scalar>>(
    out: &Tensor,
    threshold: S,
    value: S
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_tile(&self, dims: &[i64]) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_to(&self, device: Device) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_to1(
    options: (Kind, Device),
    non_blocking: bool,
    copy: bool
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_to2(
    dtype: Kind,
    non_blocking: bool,
    copy: bool
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_to3(
    other: &Tensor,
    non_blocking: bool,
    copy: bool
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_to4(
    device: Device,
    dtype: Kind,
    non_blocking: bool,
    copy: bool
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_to_dense(&self, dtype: Kind) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_to_dense_backward(&self, grad: &Tensor) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_to_mkldnn(&self, dtype: Kind) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_to_mkldnn_backward(&self, grad: &Tensor) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_to_sparse(&self) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_to_sparse1(&self, sparse_dim: i64) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_topk(
    k: i64,
    dim: i64,
    largest: bool,
    sorted: bool
) -> Result<(Tensor, Tensor), TchError>

pub fn f_topk_out(
    values: &Tensor,
    indices: &Tensor,
    k: i64,
    dim: i64,
    largest: bool,
    sorted: bool
) -> Result<(Tensor, Tensor), TchError>

pub fn f_totype(&self, scalar_type: Kind) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_trace(&self) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_trace_backward(
    grad: &Tensor,
    sizes: &[i64]
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_transpose(&self, dim0: i64, dim1: i64) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_transpose_(&mut self, dim0: i64, dim1: i64) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_trapz(y: &Tensor, x: &Tensor, dim: i64) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_trapz1(y: &Tensor, dx: f64, dim: i64) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_triangular_solve(
    a: &Tensor,
    upper: bool,
    transpose: bool,
    unitriangular: bool
) -> Result<(Tensor, Tensor), TchError>

pub fn f_triangular_solve_out(
    x: &Tensor,
    m: &Tensor,
    a: &Tensor,
    upper: bool,
    transpose: bool,
    unitriangular: bool
) -> Result<(Tensor, Tensor), TchError>

pub fn f_tril(&self, diagonal: i64) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_tril_(&mut self, diagonal: i64) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_tril_indices(
    row: i64,
    col: i64,
    offset: i64,
    options: (Kind, Device)
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_tril_out(
    out: &Tensor,
    diagonal: i64
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_triplet_margin_loss(
    anchor: &Tensor,
    positive: &Tensor,
    negative: &Tensor,
    margin: f64,
    p: f64,
    eps: f64,
    swap: bool,
    reduction: Reduction
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_triu(&self, diagonal: i64) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_triu_(&mut self, diagonal: i64) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_triu_indices(
    row: i64,
    col: i64,
    offset: i64,
    options: (Kind, Device)
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_triu_out(
    out: &Tensor,
    diagonal: i64
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_true_divide(&self, other: &Tensor) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_true_divide1<S: Into<Scalar>>(
    other: S
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_true_divide_(&mut self, other: &Tensor) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_true_divide_1<S: Into<Scalar>>(
    &mut self,
    other: S
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_true_divide_out(
    out: &Tensor,
    other: &Tensor
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_trunc(&self) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_trunc_(&mut self) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_trunc_out(&self, out: &Tensor) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_type_as(&self, other: &Tensor) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_unbind(&self, dim: i64) -> Result<Vec<Tensor>, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_unflatten(&self, dim: i64, sizes: &[i64]) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_unfold(
    dimension: i64,
    size: i64,
    step: i64
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_unfold_backward(
    grad_in: &Tensor,
    input_sizes: &[i64],
    dim: i64,
    size: i64,
    step: i64
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_uniform_(&mut self, from: f64, to: f64) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_unique_consecutive(
    return_inverse: bool,
    return_counts: bool,
    dim: impl Into<Option<i64>>
) -> Result<(Tensor, Tensor, Tensor), TchError>

pub fn f_unique_dim(
    dim: i64,
    sorted: bool,
    return_inverse: bool,
    return_counts: bool
) -> Result<(Tensor, Tensor, Tensor), TchError>

pub fn f_unique_dim_consecutive(
    dim: i64,
    return_inverse: bool,
    return_counts: bool
) -> Result<(Tensor, Tensor, Tensor), TchError>

pub fn f_unsafe_chunk(
    chunks: i64,
    dim: i64
) -> Result<Vec<Tensor>, TchError>

pub fn f_unsafe_split(
    split_size: i64,
    dim: i64
) -> Result<Vec<Tensor>, TchError>

pub fn f_unsafe_split_with_sizes(
    split_sizes: &[i64],
    dim: i64
) -> Result<Vec<Tensor>, TchError>

pub fn f_unsqueeze(&self, dim: i64) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_unsqueeze_(&mut self, dim: i64) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_upsample_bicubic2d(
    output_size: &[i64],
    align_corners: bool,
    scales_h: impl Into<Option<f64>>,
    scales_w: impl Into<Option<f64>>
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_upsample_bicubic2d_backward(
    grad_output: &Tensor,
    output_size: &[i64],
    input_size: &[i64],
    align_corners: bool,
    scales_h: impl Into<Option<f64>>,
    scales_w: impl Into<Option<f64>>
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_upsample_bicubic2d_backward_out(
    grad_input: &Tensor,
    grad_output: &Tensor,
    output_size: &[i64],
    input_size: &[i64],
    align_corners: bool,
    scales_h: impl Into<Option<f64>>,
    scales_w: impl Into<Option<f64>>
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_upsample_bicubic2d_out(
    out: &Tensor,
    output_size: &[i64],
    align_corners: bool,
    scales_h: impl Into<Option<f64>>,
    scales_w: impl Into<Option<f64>>
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_upsample_bilinear2d(
    output_size: &[i64],
    align_corners: bool,
    scales_h: impl Into<Option<f64>>,
    scales_w: impl Into<Option<f64>>
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_upsample_bilinear2d_backward(
    grad_output: &Tensor,
    output_size: &[i64],
    input_size: &[i64],
    align_corners: bool,
    scales_h: impl Into<Option<f64>>,
    scales_w: impl Into<Option<f64>>
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_upsample_bilinear2d_backward_out(
    grad_input: &Tensor,
    grad_output: &Tensor,
    output_size: &[i64],
    input_size: &[i64],
    align_corners: bool,
    scales_h: impl Into<Option<f64>>,
    scales_w: impl Into<Option<f64>>
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_upsample_bilinear2d_out(
    out: &Tensor,
    output_size: &[i64],
    align_corners: bool,
    scales_h: impl Into<Option<f64>>,
    scales_w: impl Into<Option<f64>>
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_upsample_linear1d(
    output_size: &[i64],
    align_corners: bool,
    scales: impl Into<Option<f64>>
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_upsample_linear1d_backward(
    grad_output: &Tensor,
    output_size: &[i64],
    input_size: &[i64],
    align_corners: bool,
    scales: impl Into<Option<f64>>
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_upsample_linear1d_backward_out(
    grad_input: &Tensor,
    grad_output: &Tensor,
    output_size: &[i64],
    input_size: &[i64],
    align_corners: bool,
    scales: impl Into<Option<f64>>
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_upsample_linear1d_out(
    out: &Tensor,
    output_size: &[i64],
    align_corners: bool,
    scales: impl Into<Option<f64>>
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_upsample_nearest1d(
    output_size: &[i64],
    scales: impl Into<Option<f64>>
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_upsample_nearest1d_backward(
    grad_output: &Tensor,
    output_size: &[i64],
    input_size: &[i64],
    scales: impl Into<Option<f64>>
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_upsample_nearest1d_backward_out(
    grad_input: &Tensor,
    grad_output: &Tensor,
    output_size: &[i64],
    input_size: &[i64],
    scales: impl Into<Option<f64>>
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_upsample_nearest1d_out(
    out: &Tensor,
    output_size: &[i64],
    scales: impl Into<Option<f64>>
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_upsample_nearest2d(
    output_size: &[i64],
    scales_h: impl Into<Option<f64>>,
    scales_w: impl Into<Option<f64>>
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_upsample_nearest2d_backward(
    grad_output: &Tensor,
    output_size: &[i64],
    input_size: &[i64],
    scales_h: impl Into<Option<f64>>,
    scales_w: impl Into<Option<f64>>
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_upsample_nearest2d_backward_out(
    grad_input: &Tensor,
    grad_output: &Tensor,
    output_size: &[i64],
    input_size: &[i64],
    scales_h: impl Into<Option<f64>>,
    scales_w: impl Into<Option<f64>>
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_upsample_nearest2d_out(
    out: &Tensor,
    output_size: &[i64],
    scales_h: impl Into<Option<f64>>,
    scales_w: impl Into<Option<f64>>
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_upsample_nearest3d(
    output_size: &[i64],
    scales_d: impl Into<Option<f64>>,
    scales_h: impl Into<Option<f64>>,
    scales_w: impl Into<Option<f64>>
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_upsample_nearest3d_backward(
    grad_output: &Tensor,
    output_size: &[i64],
    input_size: &[i64],
    scales_d: impl Into<Option<f64>>,
    scales_h: impl Into<Option<f64>>,
    scales_w: impl Into<Option<f64>>
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_upsample_nearest3d_backward_out(
    grad_input: &Tensor,
    grad_output: &Tensor,
    output_size: &[i64],
    input_size: &[i64],
    scales_d: impl Into<Option<f64>>,
    scales_h: impl Into<Option<f64>>,
    scales_w: impl Into<Option<f64>>
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_upsample_nearest3d_out(
    out: &Tensor,
    output_size: &[i64],
    scales_d: impl Into<Option<f64>>,
    scales_h: impl Into<Option<f64>>,
    scales_w: impl Into<Option<f64>>
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_upsample_trilinear3d(
    output_size: &[i64],
    align_corners: bool,
    scales_d: impl Into<Option<f64>>,
    scales_h: impl Into<Option<f64>>,
    scales_w: impl Into<Option<f64>>
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_upsample_trilinear3d_backward(
    grad_output: &Tensor,
    output_size: &[i64],
    input_size: &[i64],
    align_corners: bool,
    scales_d: impl Into<Option<f64>>,
    scales_h: impl Into<Option<f64>>,
    scales_w: impl Into<Option<f64>>
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_upsample_trilinear3d_backward_out(
    grad_input: &Tensor,
    grad_output: &Tensor,
    output_size: &[i64],
    input_size: &[i64],
    align_corners: bool,
    scales_d: impl Into<Option<f64>>,
    scales_h: impl Into<Option<f64>>,
    scales_w: impl Into<Option<f64>>
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_upsample_trilinear3d_out(
    out: &Tensor,
    output_size: &[i64],
    align_corners: bool,
    scales_d: impl Into<Option<f64>>,
    scales_h: impl Into<Option<f64>>,
    scales_w: impl Into<Option<f64>>
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_value_selecting_reduction_backward(
    grad: &Tensor,
    dim: i64,
    indices: &Tensor,
    sizes: &[i64],
    keepdim: bool
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_values(&self) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_vander(
    x: &Tensor,
    n: impl Into<Option<i64>>,
    increasing: bool
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_var(&self, unbiased: bool) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_var1(
    dim: &[i64],
    unbiased: bool,
    keepdim: bool
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_var_mean(&self, unbiased: bool) -> Result<(Tensor, Tensor), TchError>[src]

pub fn f_var_mean1(
    dim: &[i64],
    unbiased: bool,
    keepdim: bool
) -> Result<(Tensor, Tensor), TchError>

pub fn f_var_out(
    out: &Tensor,
    dim: &[i64],
    unbiased: bool,
    keepdim: bool
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_vdot(&self, other: &Tensor) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_vdot_out(
    out: &Tensor,
    other: &Tensor
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_view_(&self, size: &[i64]) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_view1(&self, dtype: Kind) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_view_as(&self, other: &Tensor) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_view_as_complex(&self) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_view_as_real(&self) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_vstack<T: Borrow<Tensor>>(tensors: &[T]) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_vstack_out<T: Borrow<Tensor>>(
    out: &Tensor,
    tensors: &[T]
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_where_(condition: &Tensor) -> Result<Vec<Tensor>, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_where1(
    condition: &Tensor,
    other: &Tensor
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_where2<S: Into<Scalar>>(
    condition: &Tensor,
    self_scalar: S,
    other: &Tensor
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_where3<S: Into<Scalar>>(
    condition: &Tensor,
    other: S
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_where4<S: Into<Scalar>>(
    condition: &Tensor,
    self_scalar: S,
    other: S
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_xlogy(&self, other: &Tensor) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_xlogy1<S: Into<Scalar>>(
    self_scalar: S,
    other: &Tensor
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_xlogy2<S: Into<Scalar>>(&self, other: S) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_xlogy_(&mut self, other: &Tensor) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_xlogy_1<S: Into<Scalar>>(
    &mut self,
    other: S
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_xlogy_out(
    out: &Tensor,
    other: &Tensor
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_xlogy_out1<S: Into<Scalar>>(
    out: &Tensor,
    self_scalar: S,
    other: &Tensor
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_xlogy_out2<S: Into<Scalar>>(
    out: &Tensor,
    other: S
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_zero_(&mut self) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_zeros(
    size: &[i64],
    options: (Kind, Device)
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn f_zeros_like(&self) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn f_zeros_out(out: &Tensor, size: &[i64]) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

impl Tensor[src]

pub fn internal_and_<S: Into<Scalar>>(&mut self, other: S) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn internal_and_1(&mut self, other: &Tensor) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn internal_iand_<S: Into<Scalar>>(&mut self, other: S) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn internal_iand_1(&mut self, other: &Tensor) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn internal_ilshift_<S: Into<Scalar>>(&mut self, other: S) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn internal_ilshift_1(&mut self, other: &Tensor) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn internal_ior_<S: Into<Scalar>>(&mut self, other: S) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn internal_ior_1(&mut self, other: &Tensor) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn internal_irshift_<S: Into<Scalar>>(&mut self, other: S) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn internal_irshift_1(&mut self, other: &Tensor) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn internal_ixor_<S: Into<Scalar>>(&mut self, other: S) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn internal_ixor_1(&mut self, other: &Tensor) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn internal_lshift_<S: Into<Scalar>>(&mut self, other: S) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn internal_lshift_1(&mut self, other: &Tensor) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn internal_or_<S: Into<Scalar>>(&mut self, other: S) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn internal_or_1(&mut self, other: &Tensor) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn internal_rshift_<S: Into<Scalar>>(&mut self, other: S) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn internal_rshift_1(&mut self, other: &Tensor) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn internal_xor_<S: Into<Scalar>>(&mut self, other: S) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn internal_xor_1(&mut self, other: &Tensor) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn internal_adaptive_avg_pool2d(&self, output_size: &[i64]) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn internal_adaptive_avg_pool2d_backward(
    grad_output: &Tensor
) -> Tensor

pub fn internal_add_batch_dim(&self, batch_dim: i64, level: i64) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn internal_add_relu(&self, other: &Tensor) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn internal_add_relu_(&mut self, other: &Tensor) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn internal_add_relu_out(&self, out: &Tensor, other: &Tensor) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn internal_addmv_impl_(
    &mut self,
    self2: &Tensor,
    mat: &Tensor,
    vec: &Tensor
) -> Tensor

pub fn internal_aminmax(&self) -> (Tensor, Tensor)[src]

pub fn internal_aminmax1(&self, dim: i64, keepdim: bool) -> (Tensor, Tensor)[src]

pub fn internal_amp_update_scale(
    growth_tracker: &Tensor,
    current_scale: &Tensor,
    found_inf: &Tensor,
    scale_growth_factor: f64,
    scale_backoff_factor: f64,
    growth_interval: i64
) -> Tensor

pub fn internal_baddbmm_mkl_(
    &mut self,
    batch1: &Tensor,
    batch2: &Tensor
) -> Tensor

pub fn internal_bmm(&self, mat2: &Tensor, deterministic: bool) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn internal_bmm_out(
    out: &Tensor,
    mat2: &Tensor,
    deterministic: bool
) -> Tensor

pub fn internal_cast_byte(&self, non_blocking: bool) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn internal_cast_char(&self, non_blocking: bool) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn internal_cast_double(&self, non_blocking: bool) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn internal_cast_float(&self, non_blocking: bool) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn internal_cast_half(&self, non_blocking: bool) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn internal_cast_int(&self, non_blocking: bool) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn internal_cast_long(&self, non_blocking: bool) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn internal_cast_short(&self, non_blocking: bool) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn internal_cat<T: Borrow<Tensor>>(tensors: &[T], dim: i64) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn internal_cat_out<T: Borrow<Tensor>>(
    out: &Tensor,
    tensors: &[T],
    dim: i64
) -> Tensor

pub fn internal_cdist_backward(
    grad: &Tensor,
    x1: &Tensor,
    x2: &Tensor,
    p: f64,
    cdist: &Tensor
) -> Tensor

pub fn internal_cholesky_helper(&self, upper: bool) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn internal_cholesky_solve_helper(&self, a: &Tensor, upper: bool) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn internal_coalesced_(&mut self, coalesced: bool) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn internal_compute_linear_combination(
    coefficients: &Tensor
) -> Tensor

pub fn internal_compute_linear_combination_out(
    out: &Tensor,
    coefficients: &Tensor
) -> Tensor

pub fn internal_conj(&self) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn internal_convolution<T: Borrow<Tensor>>(
    weight: &Tensor,
    bias: Option<T>,
    stride: &[i64],
    padding: &[i64],
    dilation: &[i64],
    transposed: bool,
    output_padding: &[i64],
    groups: i64,
    benchmark: bool,
    deterministic: bool,
    cudnn_enabled: bool
) -> Tensor

pub fn internal_convolution1<T: Borrow<Tensor>>(
    weight: &Tensor,
    bias: Option<T>,
    stride: &[i64],
    padding: &[i64],
    dilation: &[i64],
    transposed: bool,
    output_padding: &[i64],
    groups: i64,
    benchmark: bool,
    deterministic: bool,
    cudnn_enabled: bool,
    allow_tf32: bool
) -> Tensor

pub fn internal_convolution_nogroup<T: Borrow<Tensor>>(
    weight: &Tensor,
    bias: Option<T>,
    stride: &[i64],
    padding: &[i64],
    dilation: &[i64],
    transposed: bool,
    output_padding: &[i64]
) -> Tensor

pub fn internal_copy_from(&self, dst: &Tensor, non_blocking: bool) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn internal_ctc_loss(
    log_probs: &Tensor,
    targets: &Tensor,
    input_lengths: &[i64],
    target_lengths: &[i64],
    blank: i64,
    zero_infinity: bool
) -> (Tensor, Tensor)

pub fn internal_ctc_loss_backward(
    grad: &Tensor,
    log_probs: &Tensor,
    targets: &Tensor,
    input_lengths: &[i64],
    target_lengths: &[i64],
    neg_log_likelihood: &Tensor,
    log_alpha: &Tensor,
    blank: i64,
    zero_infinity: bool
) -> Tensor

pub fn internal_cudnn_ctc_loss(
    log_probs: &Tensor,
    targets: &Tensor,
    input_lengths: &[i64],
    target_lengths: &[i64],
    blank: i64,
    deterministic: bool,
    zero_infinity: bool
) -> (Tensor, Tensor)

pub fn internal_cudnn_init_dropout_state(
    dropout: f64,
    train: bool,
    dropout_seed: i64,
    options: (Kind, Device)
) -> Tensor

pub fn internal_cudnn_rnn<T: Borrow<Tensor>>(
    weight: &[T],
    weight_stride0: i64,
    weight_buf: Option<T>,
    hx: &Tensor,
    cx: Option<T>,
    mode: i64,
    hidden_size: i64,
    proj_size: i64,
    num_layers: i64,
    batch_first: bool,
    dropout: f64,
    train: bool,
    bidirectional: bool,
    batch_sizes: &[i64],
    dropout_state: Option<T>
) -> (Tensor, Tensor, Tensor, Tensor, Tensor)

pub fn internal_cudnn_rnn_flatten_weight<T: Borrow<Tensor>>(
    weight_arr: &[T],
    weight_stride0: i64,
    input_size: i64,
    mode: i64,
    hidden_size: i64,
    proj_size: i64,
    num_layers: i64,
    batch_first: bool,
    bidirectional: bool
) -> Tensor

pub fn internal_cumprod(&self, dim: i64) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn internal_cumprod_out(&self, out: &Tensor, dim: i64) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn internal_cumsum(&self, dim: i64) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn internal_cumsum_out(&self, out: &Tensor, dim: i64) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn internal_dim_arange(like: &Tensor, dim: i64) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn internal_dirichlet_grad(
    x: &Tensor,
    alpha: &Tensor,
    total: &Tensor
) -> Tensor

pub fn internal_embedding_bag<T: Borrow<Tensor>>(
    weight: &Tensor,
    indices: &Tensor,
    offsets: &Tensor,
    scale_grad_by_freq: bool,
    mode: i64,
    sparse: bool,
    per_sample_weights: Option<T>,
    include_last_offset: bool
) -> (Tensor, Tensor, Tensor, Tensor)

pub fn internal_embedding_bag_backward<T: Borrow<Tensor>>(
    grad: &Tensor,
    indices: &Tensor,
    offsets: &Tensor,
    offset2bag: &Tensor,
    bag_size: &Tensor,
    maximum_indices: &Tensor,
    num_weights: i64,
    scale_grad_by_freq: bool,
    mode: i64,
    sparse: bool,
    per_sample_weights: Option<T>
) -> Tensor

pub fn internal_embedding_bag_dense_backward<T: Borrow<Tensor>>(
    grad: &Tensor,
    indices: &Tensor,
    offsets: &Tensor,
    offset2bag: &Tensor,
    bag_size: &Tensor,
    maximum_indices: &Tensor,
    num_weights: i64,
    scale_grad_by_freq: bool,
    mode: i64,
    per_sample_weights: Option<T>
) -> Tensor

pub fn internal_embedding_bag_forward_only<T: Borrow<Tensor>>(
    weight: &Tensor,
    indices: &Tensor,
    offsets: &Tensor,
    scale_grad_by_freq: bool,
    mode: i64,
    sparse: bool,
    per_sample_weights: Option<T>,
    include_last_offset: bool
) -> (Tensor, Tensor, Tensor, Tensor)

pub fn internal_embedding_bag_per_sample_weights_backward(
    grad: &Tensor,
    weight: &Tensor,
    indices: &Tensor,
    offsets: &Tensor,
    offset2bag: &Tensor,
    mode: i64
) -> Tensor

pub fn internal_embedding_bag_sparse_backward<T: Borrow<Tensor>>(
    grad: &Tensor,
    indices: &Tensor,
    offsets: &Tensor,
    offset2bag: &Tensor,
    bag_size: &Tensor,
    num_weights: i64,
    scale_grad_by_freq: bool,
    mode: i64,
    per_sample_weights: Option<T>
) -> Tensor

pub fn internal_empty_affine_quantized(
    size: &[i64],
    options: (Kind, Device),
    scale: f64,
    zero_point: i64
) -> Tensor

pub fn internal_empty_per_channel_affine_quantized(
    size: &[i64],
    scales: &Tensor,
    zero_points: &Tensor,
    axis: i64,
    options: (Kind, Device)
) -> Tensor

pub fn internal_euclidean_dist(x1: &Tensor, x2: &Tensor) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn internal_fake_quantize_learnable_per_channel_affine(
    scale: &Tensor,
    zero_point: &Tensor,
    axis: i64,
    quant_min: i64,
    quant_max: i64,
    grad_factor: f64
) -> Tensor

pub fn internal_fake_quantize_learnable_per_channel_affine_backward(
    grad: &Tensor,
    scale: &Tensor,
    zero_point: &Tensor,
    axis: i64,
    quant_min: i64,
    quant_max: i64,
    grad_factor: f64
) -> (Tensor, Tensor, Tensor)

pub fn internal_fake_quantize_learnable_per_tensor_affine(
    scale: &Tensor,
    zero_point: &Tensor,
    quant_min: i64,
    quant_max: i64,
    grad_factor: f64
) -> Tensor

pub fn internal_fake_quantize_learnable_per_tensor_affine_backward(
    grad: &Tensor,
    scale: &Tensor,
    zero_point: &Tensor,
    quant_min: i64,
    quant_max: i64,
    grad_factor: f64
) -> (Tensor, Tensor, Tensor)

pub fn internal_fft_c2c(
    dim: &[i64],
    normalization: i64,
    forward: bool
) -> Tensor

pub fn internal_fft_c2c_out(
    out: &Tensor,
    dim: &[i64],
    normalization: i64,
    forward: bool
) -> Tensor

pub fn internal_fft_c2r(
    dim: &[i64],
    normalization: i64,
    last_dim_size: i64
) -> Tensor

pub fn internal_fft_c2r_out(
    out: &Tensor,
    dim: &[i64],
    normalization: i64,
    last_dim_size: i64
) -> Tensor

pub fn internal_fft_r2c(
    dim: &[i64],
    normalization: i64,
    onesided: bool
) -> Tensor

pub fn internal_fft_r2c_out(
    out: &Tensor,
    dim: &[i64],
    normalization: i64,
    onesided: bool
) -> Tensor

pub fn internal_fused_dropout(&self, p: f64) -> (Tensor, Tensor)[src]

pub fn internal_fw_primal(&self, level: i64) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn internal_gather_sparse_backward(
    dim: i64,
    index: &Tensor,
    grad: &Tensor
) -> Tensor

pub fn internal_grid_sampler_2d_cpu_fallback(
    grid: &Tensor,
    interpolation_mode: i64,
    padding_mode: i64,
    align_corners: bool
) -> Tensor

pub fn internal_grid_sampler_2d_cpu_fallback_backward(
    grad_output: &Tensor,
    grid: &Tensor,
    interpolation_mode: i64,
    padding_mode: i64,
    align_corners: bool
) -> (Tensor, Tensor)

pub fn internal_index_copy_(
    &mut self,
    dim: i64,
    index: &Tensor,
    source: &Tensor
) -> Tensor

pub fn internal_index_put_impl_<T: Borrow<Tensor>>(
    &mut self,
    indices: &[Option<T>],
    values: &Tensor,
    accumulate: bool,
    unsafe_: bool
) -> Tensor

pub fn internal_indices(&self) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn internal_inverse_helper(&self) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn internal_linalg_inv_out_helper_(
    &mut self,
    infos_lu: &Tensor,
    infos_getri: &Tensor
) -> Tensor

pub fn internal_linalg_qr_helper(&self, mode: &str) -> (Tensor, Tensor)[src]

pub fn internal_linalg_solve_out_helper_(
    &mut self,
    other: &Tensor,
    infos: &Tensor
) -> Tensor

pub fn internal_log_softmax(&self, dim: i64, half_to_float: bool) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn internal_log_softmax_backward_data(
    grad_output: &Tensor,
    output: &Tensor,
    dim: i64
) -> Tensor

pub fn internal_logcumsumexp(&self, dim: i64) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn internal_logcumsumexp_out(&self, out: &Tensor, dim: i64) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn internal_lu_solve_helper(
    lu_data: &Tensor,
    lu_pivots: &Tensor
) -> Tensor

pub fn internal_lu_with_info(
    pivot: bool,
    check_errors: bool
) -> (Tensor, Tensor, Tensor)

pub fn internal_make_dual(
    primal: &Tensor,
    tangent: &Tensor,
    level: i64
) -> Tensor

pub fn internal_make_per_channel_quantized_tensor(
    scale: &Tensor,
    zero_point: &Tensor,
    axis: i64
) -> Tensor

pub fn internal_make_per_tensor_quantized_tensor(
    scale: f64,
    zero_point: i64
) -> Tensor

pub fn internal_masked_scale(&self, mask: &Tensor, scale: f64) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn internal_mkldnn_reshape(&self, shape: &[i64]) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn internal_mkldnn_transpose(&self, dim0: i64, dim1: i64) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn internal_mkldnn_transpose_(&mut self, dim0: i64, dim1: i64) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn internal_mode(&self, dim: i64, keepdim: bool) -> (Tensor, Tensor)[src]

pub fn internal_mode_out(
    values: &Tensor,
    indices: &Tensor,
    dim: i64,
    keepdim: bool
) -> (Tensor, Tensor)

pub fn internal_nnpack_spatial_convolution<T: Borrow<Tensor>>(
    weight: &Tensor,
    bias: Option<T>,
    padding: &[i64],
    stride: &[i64]
) -> Tensor

pub fn internal_nnpack_spatial_convolution_backward_input(
    grad_output: &Tensor,
    weight: &Tensor,
    padding: &[i64]
) -> Tensor

pub fn internal_nnpack_spatial_convolution_backward_weight(
    weightsize: &[i64],
    grad_output: &Tensor,
    padding: &[i64]
) -> Tensor

pub fn internal_pack_padded_sequence(
    lengths: &Tensor,
    batch_first: bool
) -> (Tensor, Tensor)

pub fn internal_pack_padded_sequence_backward(
    grad: &Tensor,
    input_size: &[i64],
    batch_sizes: &Tensor,
    batch_first: bool
) -> Tensor

pub fn internal_pad_packed_sequence<S: Into<Scalar>>(
    data: &Tensor,
    batch_sizes: &Tensor,
    batch_first: bool,
    padding_value: S,
    total_length: i64
) -> (Tensor, Tensor)

pub fn internal_pdist_backward(
    grad: &Tensor,
    p: f64,
    pdist: &Tensor
) -> Tensor

pub fn internal_remove_batch_dim(
    level: i64,
    batch_size: i64,
    out_dim: i64
) -> Tensor

pub fn internal_reshape_from_tensor(&self, shape: &Tensor) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn internal_rowwise_prune(
    weight: &Tensor,
    mask: &Tensor,
    compressed_indices_dtype: Kind
) -> (Tensor, Tensor)

pub fn internal_s_where(&self, condition: &Tensor, other: &Tensor) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn internal_sample_dirichlet(&self) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn internal_saturate_weight_to_fp16(weight: &Tensor) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn internal_shape_as_tensor(&self) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn internal_sobol_engine_draw(
    quasi: &Tensor,
    n: i64,
    sobolstate: &Tensor,
    dimension: i64,
    num_generated: i64,
    dtype: Kind
) -> (Tensor, Tensor)

pub fn internal_sobol_engine_ff_(
    &mut self,
    n: i64,
    sobolstate: &Tensor,
    dimension: i64,
    num_generated: i64
) -> Tensor

pub fn internal_sobol_engine_initialize_state_(
    &mut self,
    dimension: i64
) -> Tensor

pub fn internal_sobol_engine_scramble_(
    &mut self,
    ltm: &Tensor,
    dimension: i64
) -> Tensor

pub fn internal_softmax(&self, dim: i64, half_to_float: bool) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn internal_softmax_backward_data(
    grad_output: &Tensor,
    output: &Tensor,
    dim: i64
) -> Tensor

pub fn internal_solve_helper(&self, a: &Tensor) -> (Tensor, Tensor)[src]

pub fn internal_sparse_addmm(&self, sparse: &Tensor, dense: &Tensor) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn internal_sparse_coo_tensor_unsafe(
    indices: &Tensor,
    values: &Tensor,
    size: &[i64],
    options: (Kind, Device)
) -> Tensor

pub fn internal_sparse_coo_tensor_with_dims(
    sparse_dim: i64,
    dense_dim: i64,
    size: &[i64],
    options: (Kind, Device)
) -> Tensor

pub fn internal_sparse_coo_tensor_with_dims_and_tensors(
    sparse_dim: i64,
    dense_dim: i64,
    size: &[i64],
    indices: &Tensor,
    values: &Tensor,
    options: (Kind, Device)
) -> Tensor

pub fn internal_sparse_log_softmax(&self, dim: i64, dtype: Kind) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn internal_sparse_log_softmax1(
    dim: i64,
    half_to_float: bool
) -> Tensor

pub fn internal_sparse_log_softmax_backward_data(
    grad_output: &Tensor,
    output: &Tensor,
    dim: i64
) -> Tensor

pub fn internal_sparse_matrix_mask_helper(
    tr: &Tensor,
    mask_indices: &Tensor
) -> Tensor

pub fn internal_sparse_mm(sparse: &Tensor, dense: &Tensor) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn internal_sparse_softmax(&self, dim: i64, dtype: Kind) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn internal_sparse_softmax1(&self, dim: i64, half_to_float: bool) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn internal_sparse_softmax_backward_data(
    grad_output: &Tensor,
    output: &Tensor,
    dim: i64
) -> Tensor

pub fn internal_sparse_sparse_matmul(&self, other: &Tensor) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn internal_sparse_sum(&self) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn internal_sparse_sum1(&self, dtype: Kind) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn internal_sparse_sum2(&self, dim: &[i64]) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn internal_sparse_sum3(&self, dim: &[i64], dtype: Kind) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn internal_sparse_sum_backward(&self, grad: &Tensor, dim: &[i64]) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn internal_stack<T: Borrow<Tensor>>(tensors: &[T], dim: i64) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn internal_stack_out<T: Borrow<Tensor>>(
    out: &Tensor,
    tensors: &[T],
    dim: i64
) -> Tensor

pub fn internal_standard_gamma(&self) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn internal_standard_gamma_grad(&self, output: &Tensor) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn internal_std(&self, unbiased: bool) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn internal_svd_helper(
    some: bool,
    compute_uv: bool
) -> (Tensor, Tensor, Tensor)

pub fn internal_syevd_helper(
    compute_eigenvectors: bool,
    uplo: &str
) -> (Tensor, Tensor)

pub fn internal_symeig_helper(
    eigenvectors: bool,
    upper: bool
) -> (Tensor, Tensor)

pub fn internal_test_ambiguous_defaults(
    dummy: &Tensor,
    a: i64,
    b: i64
) -> Tensor

pub fn internal_test_ambiguous_defaults1(
    dummy: &Tensor,
    a: i64,
    b: &str
) -> Tensor

pub fn internal_test_optional_filled_intlist(
    values: &Tensor,
    addends: &[i64]
) -> Tensor

pub fn internal_test_optional_intlist(
    values: &Tensor,
    addends: &[i64]
) -> Tensor

pub fn internal_test_serialization_subcmul(&self, other: &Tensor) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn internal_test_string_default(dummy: &Tensor, a: &str, b: &str) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn internal_triangular_solve_helper(
    a: &Tensor,
    upper: bool,
    transpose: bool,
    unitriangular: bool
) -> (Tensor, Tensor)

pub fn internal_trilinear(
    i1: &Tensor,
    i2: &Tensor,
    i3: &Tensor,
    expand1: &[i64],
    expand2: &[i64],
    expand3: &[i64],
    sumdim: &[i64],
    unroll_dim: i64
) -> Tensor

pub fn internal_unique(
    sorted: bool,
    return_inverse: bool
) -> (Tensor, Tensor)

pub fn internal_unique2(
    sorted: bool,
    return_inverse: bool,
    return_counts: bool
) -> (Tensor, Tensor, Tensor)

pub fn internal_unpack_dual(dual: &Tensor, level: i64) -> (Tensor, Tensor)[src]

pub fn internal_unsafe_view(&self, size: &[i64]) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn internal_values(&self) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn internal_var(&self, unbiased: bool) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn internal_weight_norm(v: &Tensor, g: &Tensor, dim: i64) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn internal_weight_norm_cuda_interface(
    v: &Tensor,
    g: &Tensor,
    dim: i64
) -> (Tensor, Tensor)

pub fn internal_weight_norm_cuda_interface_backward(
    grad_w: &Tensor,
    saved_v: &Tensor,
    saved_g: &Tensor,
    saved_norms: &Tensor,
    dim: i64
) -> (Tensor, Tensor)

pub fn internal_weight_norm_differentiable_backward(
    grad_w: &Tensor,
    saved_v: &Tensor,
    saved_g: &Tensor,
    saved_norms: &Tensor,
    dim: i64
) -> (Tensor, Tensor)

pub fn abs(&self) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn abs_(&mut self) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn abs_out(&self, out: &Tensor) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn absolute(&self) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn absolute_(&mut self) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn absolute_out(&self, out: &Tensor) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn acos(&self) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn acos_(&mut self) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn acos_out(&self, out: &Tensor) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn acosh(&self) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn acosh_(&mut self) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn acosh_out(&self, out: &Tensor) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn adaptive_avg_pool1d(&self, output_size: &[i64]) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn adaptive_avg_pool2d(&self, output_size: &[i64]) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn adaptive_avg_pool2d_out(
    out: &Tensor,
    output_size: &[i64]
) -> Tensor

pub fn adaptive_avg_pool3d(&self, output_size: &[i64]) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn adaptive_avg_pool3d_backward(&self, grad_output: &Tensor) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn adaptive_avg_pool3d_backward_out(
    grad_input: &Tensor,
    grad_output: &Tensor
) -> Tensor

pub fn adaptive_avg_pool3d_out(
    out: &Tensor,
    output_size: &[i64]
) -> Tensor

pub fn adaptive_max_pool1d(&self, output_size: &[i64]) -> (Tensor, Tensor)[src]

pub fn adaptive_max_pool2d(&self, output_size: &[i64]) -> (Tensor, Tensor)[src]

pub fn adaptive_max_pool2d_backward(
    grad_output: &Tensor,
    indices: &Tensor
) -> Tensor

pub fn adaptive_max_pool2d_backward_out(
    grad_input: &Tensor,
    grad_output: &Tensor,
    indices: &Tensor
) -> Tensor

pub fn adaptive_max_pool2d_out(
    out: &Tensor,
    indices: &Tensor,
    output_size: &[i64]
) -> (Tensor, Tensor)

pub fn adaptive_max_pool3d(&self, output_size: &[i64]) -> (Tensor, Tensor)[src]

pub fn adaptive_max_pool3d_backward(
    grad_output: &Tensor,
    indices: &Tensor
) -> Tensor

pub fn adaptive_max_pool3d_backward_out(
    grad_input: &Tensor,
    grad_output: &Tensor,
    indices: &Tensor
) -> Tensor

pub fn adaptive_max_pool3d_out(
    out: &Tensor,
    indices: &Tensor,
    output_size: &[i64]
) -> (Tensor, Tensor)

pub fn g_add(&self, other: &Tensor) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn g_add1<S: Into<Scalar>>(&self, other: S) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn g_add_(&mut self, other: &Tensor) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn g_add_1<S: Into<Scalar>>(&mut self, other: S) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn add_out(&self, out: &Tensor, other: &Tensor) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn addbmm(&self, batch1: &Tensor, batch2: &Tensor) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn addbmm_(&mut self, batch1: &Tensor, batch2: &Tensor) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn addbmm_out(
    out: &Tensor,
    batch1: &Tensor,
    batch2: &Tensor
) -> Tensor

pub fn addcdiv(&self, tensor1: &Tensor, tensor2: &Tensor) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn addcdiv_(&mut self, tensor1: &Tensor, tensor2: &Tensor) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn addcdiv_out(
    out: &Tensor,
    tensor1: &Tensor,
    tensor2: &Tensor
) -> Tensor

pub fn addcmul(&self, tensor1: &Tensor, tensor2: &Tensor) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn addcmul_(&mut self, tensor1: &Tensor, tensor2: &Tensor) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn addcmul_out(
    out: &Tensor,
    tensor1: &Tensor,
    tensor2: &Tensor
) -> Tensor

pub fn addmm(&self, mat1: &Tensor, mat2: &Tensor) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn addmm_(&mut self, mat1: &Tensor, mat2: &Tensor) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn addmm_out(&self, out: &Tensor, mat1: &Tensor, mat2: &Tensor) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn addmv(&self, mat: &Tensor, vec: &Tensor) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn addmv_(&mut self, mat: &Tensor, vec: &Tensor) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn addmv_out(&self, out: &Tensor, mat: &Tensor, vec: &Tensor) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn addr(&self, vec1: &Tensor, vec2: &Tensor) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn addr_(&mut self, vec1: &Tensor, vec2: &Tensor) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn addr_out(&self, out: &Tensor, vec1: &Tensor, vec2: &Tensor) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn affine_grid_generator(
    theta: &Tensor,
    size: &[i64],
    align_corners: bool
) -> Tensor

pub fn affine_grid_generator_backward(
    grad: &Tensor,
    size: &[i64],
    align_corners: bool
) -> Tensor

pub fn alias(&self) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn align_as(&self, other: &Tensor) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn align_tensors<T: Borrow<Tensor>>(tensors: &[T]) -> Vec<Tensor>[src]

pub fn all(&self) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn all1(&self, dim: i64, keepdim: bool) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn all_out(&self, out: &Tensor, dim: i64, keepdim: bool) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn alpha_dropout(&self, p: f64, train: bool) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn alpha_dropout_(&mut self, p: f64, train: bool) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn amax(&self, dim: &[i64], keepdim: bool) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn amax_out(&self, out: &Tensor, dim: &[i64], keepdim: bool) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn amin(&self, dim: &[i64], keepdim: bool) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn amin_out(&self, out: &Tensor, dim: &[i64], keepdim: bool) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn angle(&self) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn angle_out(&self, out: &Tensor) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn any(&self) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn any1(&self, dim: i64, keepdim: bool) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn any_out(&self, out: &Tensor, dim: i64, keepdim: bool) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn arange<S: Into<Scalar>>(end: S, options: (Kind, Device)) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn arange1<S: Into<Scalar>>(
    start: S,
    end: S,
    options: (Kind, Device)
) -> Tensor

pub fn arange2<S: Into<Scalar>>(
    start: S,
    end: S,
    step: S,
    options: (Kind, Device)
) -> Tensor

pub fn arange_out<S: Into<Scalar>>(out: &Tensor, end: S) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn arange_out1<S: Into<Scalar>>(out: &Tensor, start: S, end: S) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn arccos(&self) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn arccos_(&mut self) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn arccos_out(&self, out: &Tensor) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn arccosh(&self) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn arccosh_(&mut self) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn arccosh_out(&self, out: &Tensor) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn arcsin(&self) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn arcsin_(&mut self) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn arcsin_out(&self, out: &Tensor) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn arcsinh(&self) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn arcsinh_(&mut self) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn arcsinh_out(&self, out: &Tensor) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn arctan(&self) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn arctan_(&mut self) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn arctan_out(&self, out: &Tensor) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn arctanh(&self) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn arctanh_(&mut self) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn arctanh_out(&self, out: &Tensor) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn argmax(&self, dim: impl Into<Option<i64>>, keepdim: bool) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn argmax_out(
    out: &Tensor,
    dim: impl Into<Option<i64>>,
    keepdim: bool
) -> Tensor

pub fn argmin(&self, dim: impl Into<Option<i64>>, keepdim: bool) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn argmin_out(
    out: &Tensor,
    dim: impl Into<Option<i64>>,
    keepdim: bool
) -> Tensor

pub fn argsort(&self, dim: i64, descending: bool) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn as_strided(
    size: &[i64],
    stride: &[i64],
    storage_offset: impl Into<Option<i64>>
) -> Tensor

pub fn as_strided_(
    &mut self,
    size: &[i64],
    stride: &[i64],
    storage_offset: impl Into<Option<i64>>
) -> Tensor

pub fn asin(&self) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn asin_(&mut self) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn asin_out(&self, out: &Tensor) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn asinh(&self) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn asinh_(&mut self) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn asinh_out(&self, out: &Tensor) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn atan(&self) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn atan2(&self, other: &Tensor) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn atan2_(&mut self, other: &Tensor) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn atan2_out(&self, out: &Tensor, other: &Tensor) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn atan_(&mut self) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn atan_out(&self, out: &Tensor) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn atanh(&self) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn atanh_(&mut self) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn atanh_out(&self, out: &Tensor) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn atleast_1d(&self) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn atleast_1d1<T: Borrow<Tensor>>(tensors: &[T]) -> Vec<Tensor>[src]

pub fn atleast_2d(&self) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn atleast_2d1<T: Borrow<Tensor>>(tensors: &[T]) -> Vec<Tensor>[src]

pub fn atleast_3d(&self) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn atleast_3d1<T: Borrow<Tensor>>(tensors: &[T]) -> Vec<Tensor>[src]

pub fn avg_pool1d(
    kernel_size: &[i64],
    stride: &[i64],
    padding: &[i64],
    ceil_mode: bool,
    count_include_pad: bool
) -> Tensor

pub fn avg_pool2d(
    kernel_size: &[i64],
    stride: &[i64],
    padding: &[i64],
    ceil_mode: bool,
    count_include_pad: bool,
    divisor_override: impl Into<Option<i64>>
) -> Tensor

pub fn avg_pool2d_backward(
    grad_output: &Tensor,
    kernel_size: &[i64],
    stride: &[i64],
    padding: &[i64],
    ceil_mode: bool,
    count_include_pad: bool,
    divisor_override: impl Into<Option<i64>>
) -> Tensor

pub fn avg_pool2d_backward_out(
    grad_input: &Tensor,
    grad_output: &Tensor,
    kernel_size: &[i64],
    stride: &[i64],
    padding: &[i64],
    ceil_mode: bool,
    count_include_pad: bool,
    divisor_override: impl Into<Option<i64>>
) -> Tensor

pub fn avg_pool2d_out(
    out: &Tensor,
    kernel_size: &[i64],
    stride: &[i64],
    padding: &[i64],
    ceil_mode: bool,
    count_include_pad: bool,
    divisor_override: impl Into<Option<i64>>
) -> Tensor

pub fn avg_pool3d(
    kernel_size: &[i64],
    stride: &[i64],
    padding: &[i64],
    ceil_mode: bool,
    count_include_pad: bool,
    divisor_override: impl Into<Option<i64>>
) -> Tensor

pub fn avg_pool3d_backward(
    grad_output: &Tensor,
    kernel_size: &[i64],
    stride: &[i64],
    padding: &[i64],
    ceil_mode: bool,
    count_include_pad: bool,
    divisor_override: impl Into<Option<i64>>
) -> Tensor

pub fn avg_pool3d_backward_out(
    grad_input: &Tensor,
    grad_output: &Tensor,
    kernel_size: &[i64],
    stride: &[i64],
    padding: &[i64],
    ceil_mode: bool,
    count_include_pad: bool,
    divisor_override: impl Into<Option<i64>>
) -> Tensor

pub fn avg_pool3d_out(
    out: &Tensor,
    kernel_size: &[i64],
    stride: &[i64],
    padding: &[i64],
    ceil_mode: bool,
    count_include_pad: bool,
    divisor_override: impl Into<Option<i64>>
) -> Tensor

pub fn baddbmm(&self, batch1: &Tensor, batch2: &Tensor) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn baddbmm_(&mut self, batch1: &Tensor, batch2: &Tensor) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn baddbmm_out(
    out: &Tensor,
    batch1: &Tensor,
    batch2: &Tensor
) -> Tensor

pub fn bartlett_window(window_length: i64, options: (Kind, Device)) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn bartlett_window1(
    window_length: i64,
    periodic: bool,
    options: (Kind, Device)
) -> Tensor

pub fn batch_norm<T: Borrow<Tensor>>(
    weight: Option<T>,
    bias: Option<T>,
    running_mean: Option<T>,
    running_var: Option<T>,
    training: bool,
    momentum: f64,
    eps: f64,
    cudnn_enabled: bool
) -> Tensor

pub fn batch_norm_backward_elemt<T: Borrow<Tensor>>(
    grad_out: &Tensor,
    mean: &Tensor,
    invstd: &Tensor,
    weight: Option<T>,
    mean_dy: &Tensor,
    mean_dy_xmu: &Tensor
) -> Tensor

pub fn batch_norm_backward_reduce<T: Borrow<Tensor>>(
    grad_out: &Tensor,
    mean: &Tensor,
    invstd: &Tensor,
    weight: Option<T>,
    input_g: bool,
    weight_g: bool,
    bias_g: bool
) -> (Tensor, Tensor, Tensor, Tensor)

pub fn batch_norm_elemt<T: Borrow<Tensor>>(
    weight: Option<T>,
    bias: Option<T>,
    mean: &Tensor,
    invstd: &Tensor,
    eps: f64
) -> Tensor

pub fn batch_norm_elemt_out<T: Borrow<Tensor>>(
    out: &Tensor,
    weight: Option<T>,
    bias: Option<T>,
    mean: &Tensor,
    invstd: &Tensor,
    eps: f64
) -> Tensor

pub fn batch_norm_gather_stats<T: Borrow<Tensor>>(
    mean: &Tensor,
    invstd: &Tensor,
    running_mean: Option<T>,
    running_var: Option<T>,
    momentum: f64,
    eps: f64,
    count: i64
) -> (Tensor, Tensor)

pub fn batch_norm_gather_stats_with_counts<T: Borrow<Tensor>>(
    mean: &Tensor,
    invstd: &Tensor,
    running_mean: Option<T>,
    running_var: Option<T>,
    momentum: f64,
    eps: f64,
    counts: &Tensor
) -> (Tensor, Tensor)

pub fn batch_norm_stats(&self, eps: f64) -> (Tensor, Tensor)[src]

pub fn batch_norm_update_stats<T: Borrow<Tensor>>(
    running_mean: Option<T>,
    running_var: Option<T>,
    momentum: f64
) -> (Tensor, Tensor)

pub fn bernoulli(&self) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn bernoulli1(&self, p: f64) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn bernoulli_(&mut self, p: &Tensor) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn bernoulli_1(&mut self, p: f64) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn bernoulli_out(&self, out: &Tensor) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn bilinear<T: Borrow<Tensor>>(
    input1: &Tensor,
    input2: &Tensor,
    weight: &Tensor,
    bias: Option<T>
) -> Tensor

pub fn binary_cross_entropy<T: Borrow<Tensor>>(
    target: &Tensor,
    weight: Option<T>,
    reduction: Reduction
) -> Tensor

pub fn binary_cross_entropy_backward<T: Borrow<Tensor>>(
    grad_output: &Tensor,
    target: &Tensor,
    weight: Option<T>,
    reduction: Reduction
) -> Tensor

pub fn binary_cross_entropy_backward_out<T: Borrow<Tensor>>(
    grad_input: &Tensor,
    grad_output: &Tensor,
    target: &Tensor,
    weight: Option<T>,
    reduction: Reduction
) -> Tensor

pub fn binary_cross_entropy_out<T: Borrow<Tensor>>(
    out: &Tensor,
    target: &Tensor,
    weight: Option<T>,
    reduction: Reduction
) -> Tensor

pub fn binary_cross_entropy_with_logits<T: Borrow<Tensor>>(
    target: &Tensor,
    weight: Option<T>,
    pos_weight: Option<T>,
    reduction: Reduction
) -> Tensor

pub fn binary_cross_entropy_with_logits_backward<T: Borrow<Tensor>>(
    grad_output: &Tensor,
    target: &Tensor,
    weight: Option<T>,
    pos_weight: Option<T>,
    reduction: Reduction
) -> Tensor

pub fn bincount<T: Borrow<Tensor>>(
    weights: Option<T>,
    minlength: i64
) -> Tensor

pub fn binomial(count: &Tensor, prob: &Tensor) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn bitwise_and<S: Into<Scalar>>(&self, other: S) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn bitwise_and1(&self, other: &Tensor) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn bitwise_and_<S: Into<Scalar>>(&mut self, other: S) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn bitwise_and_1(&mut self, other: &Tensor) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn bitwise_and_out(&self, out: &Tensor, other: &Tensor) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn bitwise_and_out1<S: Into<Scalar>>(
    out: &Tensor,
    other: S
) -> Tensor

pub fn bitwise_not(&self) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn bitwise_not_(&mut self) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn bitwise_not_out(&self, out: &Tensor) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn bitwise_or<S: Into<Scalar>>(&self, other: S) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn bitwise_or1(&self, other: &Tensor) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn bitwise_or_<S: Into<Scalar>>(&mut self, other: S) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn bitwise_or_1(&mut self, other: &Tensor) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn bitwise_or_out(&self, out: &Tensor, other: &Tensor) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn bitwise_or_out1<S: Into<Scalar>>(&self, out: &Tensor, other: S) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn bitwise_xor<S: Into<Scalar>>(&self, other: S) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn bitwise_xor1(&self, other: &Tensor) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn bitwise_xor_<S: Into<Scalar>>(&mut self, other: S) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn bitwise_xor_1(&mut self, other: &Tensor) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn bitwise_xor_out(&self, out: &Tensor, other: &Tensor) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn bitwise_xor_out1<S: Into<Scalar>>(
    out: &Tensor,
    other: S
) -> Tensor

pub fn blackman_window(window_length: i64, options: (Kind, Device)) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn blackman_window1(
    window_length: i64,
    periodic: bool,
    options: (Kind, Device)
) -> Tensor

pub fn block_diag<T: Borrow<Tensor>>(tensors: &[T]) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn bmm(&self, mat2: &Tensor) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn bmm_out(&self, out: &Tensor, mat2: &Tensor) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn broadcast_tensors<T: Borrow<Tensor>>(tensors: &[T]) -> Vec<Tensor>[src]

pub fn broadcast_to(&self, size: &[i64]) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn bucketize(
    boundaries: &Tensor,
    out_int32: bool,
    right: bool
) -> Tensor

pub fn bucketize1<S: Into<Scalar>>(
    self_scalar: S,
    boundaries: &Tensor,
    out_int32: bool,
    right: bool
) -> Tensor

pub fn bucketize_out(
    out: &Tensor,
    boundaries: &Tensor,
    out_int32: bool,
    right: bool
) -> Tensor

pub fn cartesian_prod<T: Borrow<Tensor>>(tensors: &[T]) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn cat<T: Borrow<Tensor>>(tensors: &[T], dim: i64) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn cat_out<T: Borrow<Tensor>>(
    out: &Tensor,
    tensors: &[T],
    dim: i64
) -> Tensor

pub fn cauchy_(&mut self, median: f64, sigma: f64) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn cdist(
    x1: &Tensor,
    x2: &Tensor,
    p: f64,
    compute_mode: impl Into<Option<i64>>
) -> Tensor

pub fn ceil(&self) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn ceil_(&mut self) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn ceil_out(&self, out: &Tensor) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn celu(&self) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn celu_(&mut self) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn chain_matmul<T: Borrow<Tensor>>(matrices: &[T]) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn channel_shuffle(&self, groups: i64) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn cholesky(&self, upper: bool) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn cholesky_inverse(&self, upper: bool) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn cholesky_inverse_out(&self, out: &Tensor, upper: bool) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn cholesky_out(&self, out: &Tensor, upper: bool) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn cholesky_solve(&self, input2: &Tensor, upper: bool) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn cholesky_solve_out(
    out: &Tensor,
    input2: &Tensor,
    upper: bool
) -> Tensor

pub fn choose_qparams_optimized(
    numel: i64,
    n_bins: i64,
    ratio: f64,
    bit_width: i64
) -> (Tensor, Tensor)

pub fn chunk(&self, chunks: i64, dim: i64) -> Vec<Tensor>[src]

pub fn clamp<S: Into<Scalar>>(&self, min: S, max: S) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn clamp_<S: Into<Scalar>>(&mut self, min: S, max: S) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn clamp_max<S: Into<Scalar>>(&self, max: S) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn clamp_max_<S: Into<Scalar>>(&mut self, max: S) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn clamp_max_out<S: Into<Scalar>>(&self, out: &Tensor, max: S) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn clamp_min<S: Into<Scalar>>(&self, min: S) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn clamp_min_<S: Into<Scalar>>(&mut self, min: S) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn clamp_min_out<S: Into<Scalar>>(&self, out: &Tensor, min: S) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn clamp_out<S: Into<Scalar>>(&self, out: &Tensor, min: S, max: S) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn clip<S: Into<Scalar>>(&self, min: S, max: S) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn clip_<S: Into<Scalar>>(&mut self, min: S, max: S) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn clip_out<S: Into<Scalar>>(&self, out: &Tensor, min: S, max: S) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn coalesce(&self) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn col2im(
    output_size: &[i64],
    kernel_size: &[i64],
    dilation: &[i64],
    padding: &[i64],
    stride: &[i64]
) -> Tensor

pub fn col2im_backward(
    grad_output: &Tensor,
    kernel_size: &[i64],
    dilation: &[i64],
    padding: &[i64],
    stride: &[i64]
) -> Tensor

pub fn col2im_backward_out(
    grad_input: &Tensor,
    grad_output: &Tensor,
    kernel_size: &[i64],
    dilation: &[i64],
    padding: &[i64],
    stride: &[i64]
) -> Tensor

pub fn col2im_out(
    out: &Tensor,
    output_size: &[i64],
    kernel_size: &[i64],
    dilation: &[i64],
    padding: &[i64],
    stride: &[i64]
) -> Tensor

pub fn column_stack<T: Borrow<Tensor>>(tensors: &[T]) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn column_stack_out<T: Borrow<Tensor>>(
    out: &Tensor,
    tensors: &[T]
) -> Tensor

pub fn combinations(&self, r: i64, with_replacement: bool) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn complex(real: &Tensor, imag: &Tensor) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn complex_out(out: &Tensor, real: &Tensor, imag: &Tensor) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn conj(&self) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn conj_out(&self, out: &Tensor) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn constant_pad_nd(&self, pad: &[i64]) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn contiguous(&self) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn conv1d<T: Borrow<Tensor>>(
    weight: &Tensor,
    bias: Option<T>,
    stride: &[i64],
    padding: &[i64],
    dilation: &[i64],
    groups: i64
) -> Tensor

pub fn conv2d<T: Borrow<Tensor>>(
    weight: &Tensor,
    bias: Option<T>,
    stride: &[i64],
    padding: &[i64],
    dilation: &[i64],
    groups: i64
) -> Tensor

pub fn conv3d<T: Borrow<Tensor>>(
    weight: &Tensor,
    bias: Option<T>,
    stride: &[i64],
    padding: &[i64],
    dilation: &[i64],
    groups: i64
) -> Tensor

pub fn conv_tbc(&self, weight: &Tensor, bias: &Tensor, pad: i64) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn conv_tbc_backward(
    input: &Tensor,
    weight: &Tensor,
    bias: &Tensor,
    pad: i64
) -> (Tensor, Tensor, Tensor)

pub fn conv_transpose1d<T: Borrow<Tensor>>(
    weight: &Tensor,
    bias: Option<T>,
    stride: &[i64],
    padding: &[i64],
    output_padding: &[i64],
    groups: i64,
    dilation: &[i64]
) -> Tensor

pub fn conv_transpose2d<T: Borrow<Tensor>>(
    weight: &Tensor,
    bias: Option<T>,
    stride: &[i64],
    padding: &[i64],
    output_padding: &[i64],
    groups: i64,
    dilation: &[i64]
) -> Tensor

pub fn conv_transpose3d<T: Borrow<Tensor>>(
    weight: &Tensor,
    bias: Option<T>,
    stride: &[i64],
    padding: &[i64],
    output_padding: &[i64],
    groups: i64,
    dilation: &[i64]
) -> Tensor

pub fn convolution<T: Borrow<Tensor>>(
    weight: &Tensor,
    bias: Option<T>,
    stride: &[i64],
    padding: &[i64],
    dilation: &[i64],
    transposed: bool,
    output_padding: &[i64],
    groups: i64
) -> Tensor

pub fn convolution_overrideable<T: Borrow<Tensor>>(
    weight: &Tensor,
    bias: Option<T>,
    stride: &[i64],
    padding: &[i64],
    dilation: &[i64],
    transposed: bool,
    output_padding: &[i64],
    groups: i64
) -> Tensor

pub fn copy_sparse_to_sparse_(
    &mut self,
    src: &Tensor,
    non_blocking: bool
) -> Tensor

pub fn copysign(&self, other: &Tensor) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn copysign1<S: Into<Scalar>>(&self, other: S) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn copysign_(&mut self, other: &Tensor) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn copysign_1<S: Into<Scalar>>(&mut self, other: S) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn copysign_out(&self, out: &Tensor, other: &Tensor) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn cos(&self) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn cos_(&mut self) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn cos_out(&self, out: &Tensor) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn cosh(&self) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn cosh_(&mut self) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn cosh_out(&self, out: &Tensor) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn cosine_embedding_loss(
    input1: &Tensor,
    input2: &Tensor,
    target: &Tensor,
    margin: f64,
    reduction: Reduction
) -> Tensor

pub fn cosine_similarity(x1: &Tensor, x2: &Tensor, dim: i64, eps: f64) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn count_nonzero(&self, dim: &[i64]) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn count_nonzero1(&self, dim: impl Into<Option<i64>>) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn cross(&self, other: &Tensor, dim: impl Into<Option<i64>>) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn cross_out(
    out: &Tensor,
    other: &Tensor,
    dim: impl Into<Option<i64>>
) -> Tensor

pub fn ctc_loss(
    log_probs: &Tensor,
    targets: &Tensor,
    input_lengths: &[i64],
    target_lengths: &[i64],
    blank: i64,
    reduction: Reduction,
    zero_infinity: bool
) -> Tensor

pub fn ctc_loss1(
    log_probs: &Tensor,
    targets: &Tensor,
    input_lengths: &Tensor,
    target_lengths: &Tensor,
    blank: i64,
    reduction: Reduction,
    zero_infinity: bool
) -> Tensor

pub fn cudnn_affine_grid_generator(
    theta: &Tensor,
    n: i64,
    c: i64,
    h: i64,
    w: i64
) -> Tensor

pub fn cudnn_affine_grid_generator_backward(
    grad: &Tensor,
    n: i64,
    c: i64,
    h: i64,
    w: i64
) -> Tensor

pub fn cudnn_batch_norm<T: Borrow<Tensor>>(
    weight: &Tensor,
    bias: Option<T>,
    running_mean: Option<T>,
    running_var: Option<T>,
    training: bool,
    exponential_average_factor: f64,
    epsilon: f64
) -> (Tensor, Tensor, Tensor, Tensor)

pub fn cudnn_batch_norm_backward<T: Borrow<Tensor>>(
    grad_output: &Tensor,
    weight: &Tensor,
    running_mean: Option<T>,
    running_var: Option<T>,
    save_mean: Option<T>,
    save_var: Option<T>,
    epsilon: f64,
    reservespace: &Tensor
) -> (Tensor, Tensor, Tensor)

pub fn cudnn_convolution(
    weight: &Tensor,
    padding: &[i64],
    stride: &[i64],
    dilation: &[i64],
    groups: i64,
    benchmark: bool,
    deterministic: bool
) -> Tensor

pub fn cudnn_convolution1<T: Borrow<Tensor>>(
    weight: &Tensor,
    bias: Option<T>,
    padding: &[i64],
    stride: &[i64],
    dilation: &[i64],
    groups: i64,
    benchmark: bool,
    deterministic: bool
) -> Tensor

pub fn cudnn_convolution2(
    weight: &Tensor,
    padding: &[i64],
    stride: &[i64],
    dilation: &[i64],
    groups: i64,
    benchmark: bool,
    deterministic: bool,
    allow_tf32: bool
) -> Tensor

pub fn cudnn_convolution_backward_input(
    self_size: &[i64],
    grad_output: &Tensor,
    weight: &Tensor,
    padding: &[i64],
    stride: &[i64],
    dilation: &[i64],
    groups: i64,
    benchmark: bool,
    deterministic: bool,
    allow_tf32: bool
) -> Tensor

pub fn cudnn_convolution_backward_weight(
    weight_size: &[i64],
    grad_output: &Tensor,
    padding: &[i64],
    stride: &[i64],
    dilation: &[i64],
    groups: i64,
    benchmark: bool,
    deterministic: bool,
    allow_tf32: bool
) -> Tensor

pub fn cudnn_convolution_transpose(
    weight: &Tensor,
    padding: &[i64],
    output_padding: &[i64],
    stride: &[i64],
    dilation: &[i64],
    groups: i64,
    benchmark: bool,
    deterministic: bool
) -> Tensor

pub fn cudnn_convolution_transpose1<T: Borrow<Tensor>>(
    weight: &Tensor,
    bias: Option<T>,
    padding: &[i64],
    output_padding: &[i64],
    stride: &[i64],
    dilation: &[i64],
    groups: i64,
    benchmark: bool,
    deterministic: bool
) -> Tensor

pub fn cudnn_convolution_transpose2(
    weight: &Tensor,
    padding: &[i64],
    output_padding: &[i64],
    stride: &[i64],
    dilation: &[i64],
    groups: i64,
    benchmark: bool,
    deterministic: bool,
    allow_tf32: bool
) -> Tensor

pub fn cudnn_convolution_transpose_backward_input(
    grad_output: &Tensor,
    weight: &Tensor,
    padding: &[i64],
    stride: &[i64],
    dilation: &[i64],
    groups: i64,
    benchmark: bool,
    deterministic: bool,
    allow_tf32: bool
) -> Tensor

pub fn cudnn_convolution_transpose_backward_weight(
    weight_size: &[i64],
    grad_output: &Tensor,
    padding: &[i64],
    stride: &[i64],
    dilation: &[i64],
    groups: i64,
    benchmark: bool,
    deterministic: bool,
    allow_tf32: bool
) -> Tensor

pub fn cudnn_grid_sampler(&self, grid: &Tensor) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn cudnn_grid_sampler_backward(
    grid: &Tensor,
    grad_output: &Tensor
) -> (Tensor, Tensor)

pub fn cummax(&self, dim: i64) -> (Tensor, Tensor)[src]

pub fn cummax_out(
    values: &Tensor,
    indices: &Tensor,
    dim: i64
) -> (Tensor, Tensor)

pub fn cummaxmin_backward(
    grad: &Tensor,
    indices: &Tensor,
    dim: i64
) -> Tensor

pub fn cummin(&self, dim: i64) -> (Tensor, Tensor)[src]

pub fn cummin_out(
    values: &Tensor,
    indices: &Tensor,
    dim: i64
) -> (Tensor, Tensor)

pub fn cumprod(&self, dim: i64, dtype: Kind) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn cumprod_(&mut self, dim: i64, dtype: Kind) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn cumprod_backward(&self, grad: &Tensor, dim: i64) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn cumprod_out(&self, out: &Tensor, dim: i64, dtype: Kind) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn cumsum(&self, dim: i64, dtype: Kind) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn cumsum_(&mut self, dim: i64, dtype: Kind) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn cumsum_out(&self, out: &Tensor, dim: i64, dtype: Kind) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn data(&self) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn deg2rad(&self) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn deg2rad_(&mut self) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn deg2rad_out(&self, out: &Tensor) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn dequantize(&self) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn dequantize1<T: Borrow<Tensor>>(tensors: &[T]) -> Vec<Tensor>[src]

pub fn det(&self) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn detach(&self) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn detach_(&mut self) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn diag(&self, diagonal: i64) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn diag_backward(
    grad: &Tensor,
    input_sizes: &[i64],
    diagonal: i64
) -> Tensor

pub fn diag_embed(&self, offset: i64, dim1: i64, dim2: i64) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn diag_out(&self, out: &Tensor, diagonal: i64) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn diagflat(&self, offset: i64) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn diagonal(&self, offset: i64, dim1: i64, dim2: i64) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn diagonal_backward(
    grad: &Tensor,
    input_sizes: &[i64],
    offset: i64,
    dim1: i64,
    dim2: i64
) -> Tensor

pub fn diff<T: Borrow<Tensor>>(
    n: i64,
    dim: i64,
    prepend: Option<T>,
    append: Option<T>
) -> Tensor

pub fn diff_out<T: Borrow<Tensor>>(
    out: &Tensor,
    n: i64,
    dim: i64,
    prepend: Option<T>,
    append: Option<T>
) -> Tensor

pub fn digamma(&self) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn digamma_(&mut self) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn digamma_out(&self, out: &Tensor) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn dist(&self, other: &Tensor) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn g_div(&self, other: &Tensor) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn g_div1<S: Into<Scalar>>(&self, other: S) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn g_div2(&self, other: &Tensor, rounding_mode: &str) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn g_div3<S: Into<Scalar>>(&self, other: S, rounding_mode: &str) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn g_div_(&mut self, other: &Tensor) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn g_div_1<S: Into<Scalar>>(&mut self, other: S) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn g_div_2(&mut self, other: &Tensor, rounding_mode: &str) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn g_div_3<S: Into<Scalar>>(
    &mut self,
    other: S,
    rounding_mode: &str
) -> Tensor

pub fn div_out(&self, out: &Tensor, other: &Tensor) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn div_out1(
    out: &Tensor,
    other: &Tensor,
    rounding_mode: &str
) -> Tensor

pub fn divide(&self, other: &Tensor) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn divide1<S: Into<Scalar>>(&self, other: S) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn divide2(&self, other: &Tensor, rounding_mode: &str) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn divide3<S: Into<Scalar>>(&self, other: S, rounding_mode: &str) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn divide_(&mut self, other: &Tensor) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn divide_1<S: Into<Scalar>>(&mut self, other: S) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn divide_2(&mut self, other: &Tensor, rounding_mode: &str) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn divide_3<S: Into<Scalar>>(
    &mut self,
    other: S,
    rounding_mode: &str
) -> Tensor

pub fn divide_out(&self, out: &Tensor, other: &Tensor) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn divide_out1(
    out: &Tensor,
    other: &Tensor,
    rounding_mode: &str
) -> Tensor

pub fn dot(&self, tensor: &Tensor) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn dot_out(&self, out: &Tensor, tensor: &Tensor) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn dropout(&self, p: f64, train: bool) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn dropout_(&mut self, p: f64, train: bool) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn dstack<T: Borrow<Tensor>>(tensors: &[T]) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn dstack_out<T: Borrow<Tensor>>(out: &Tensor, tensors: &[T]) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn eig(&self, eigenvectors: bool) -> (Tensor, Tensor)[src]

pub fn eig_out(
    e: &Tensor,
    v: &Tensor,
    eigenvectors: bool
) -> (Tensor, Tensor)

pub fn einsum<T: Borrow<Tensor>>(equation: &str, tensors: &[T]) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn elu(&self) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn elu_(&mut self) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn elu_backward<S: Into<Scalar>>(
    grad_output: &Tensor,
    alpha: S,
    scale: S,
    input_scale: S,
    is_result: bool,
    self_or_result: &Tensor
) -> Tensor

pub fn elu_out(&self, out: &Tensor) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn embedding(
    weight: &Tensor,
    indices: &Tensor,
    padding_idx: i64,
    scale_grad_by_freq: bool,
    sparse: bool
) -> Tensor

pub fn embedding_backward(
    grad: &Tensor,
    indices: &Tensor,
    num_weights: i64,
    padding_idx: i64,
    scale_grad_by_freq: bool,
    sparse: bool
) -> Tensor

pub fn embedding_bag<T: Borrow<Tensor>>(
    weight: &Tensor,
    indices: &Tensor,
    offsets: &Tensor,
    scale_grad_by_freq: bool,
    mode: i64,
    sparse: bool,
    per_sample_weights: Option<T>,
    include_last_offset: bool
) -> (Tensor, Tensor, Tensor, Tensor)

pub fn embedding_dense_backward(
    grad_output: &Tensor,
    indices: &Tensor,
    num_weights: i64,
    padding_idx: i64,
    scale_grad_by_freq: bool
) -> Tensor

pub fn embedding_renorm_(
    &mut self,
    indices: &Tensor,
    max_norm: f64,
    norm_type: f64
) -> Tensor

pub fn embedding_sparse_backward(
    grad: &Tensor,
    indices: &Tensor,
    num_weights: i64,
    padding_idx: i64,
    scale_grad_by_freq: bool
) -> Tensor

pub fn empty(size: &[i64], options: (Kind, Device)) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn empty_like(&self) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn empty_meta(size: &[i64], options: (Kind, Device)) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn empty_out(out: &Tensor, size: &[i64]) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn empty_quantized(size: &[i64], qtensor: &Tensor) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn empty_strided(
    size: &[i64],
    stride: &[i64],
    options: (Kind, Device)
) -> Tensor

pub fn eq<S: Into<Scalar>>(&self, other: S) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn eq1(&self, other: &Tensor) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn eq_<S: Into<Scalar>>(&mut self, other: S) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn eq_1(&mut self, other: &Tensor) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn eq_out<S: Into<Scalar>>(&self, out: &Tensor, other: S) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn eq_out1(&self, out: &Tensor, other: &Tensor) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn erf(&self) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn erf_(&mut self) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn erf_out(&self, out: &Tensor) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn erfc(&self) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn erfc_(&mut self) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn erfc_out(&self, out: &Tensor) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn erfinv(&self) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn erfinv_(&mut self) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn erfinv_out(&self, out: &Tensor) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn exp(&self) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn exp2(&self) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn exp2_(&mut self) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn exp2_out(&self, out: &Tensor) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn exp_(&mut self) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn exp_out(&self, out: &Tensor) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn expand(&self, size: &[i64], implicit: bool) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn expand_as(&self, other: &Tensor) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn expm1(&self) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn expm1_(&mut self) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn expm1_out(&self, out: &Tensor) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn exponential_(&mut self, lambd: f64) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn eye(n: i64, options: (Kind, Device)) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn eye1(n: i64, m: i64, options: (Kind, Device)) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn eye_out(out: &Tensor, n: i64) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn eye_out1(out: &Tensor, n: i64, m: i64) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn fake_quantize_per_channel_affine(
    scale: &Tensor,
    zero_point: &Tensor,
    axis: i64,
    quant_min: i64,
    quant_max: i64
) -> Tensor

pub fn fake_quantize_per_channel_affine_cachemask(
    scale: &Tensor,
    zero_point: &Tensor,
    axis: i64,
    quant_min: i64,
    quant_max: i64
) -> (Tensor, Tensor)

pub fn fake_quantize_per_channel_affine_cachemask_backward(
    grad: &Tensor,
    mask: &Tensor
) -> Tensor

pub fn fake_quantize_per_tensor_affine(
    scale: f64,
    zero_point: i64,
    quant_min: i64,
    quant_max: i64
) -> Tensor

pub fn fake_quantize_per_tensor_affine_cachemask(
    scale: f64,
    zero_point: i64,
    quant_min: i64,
    quant_max: i64
) -> (Tensor, Tensor)

pub fn fake_quantize_per_tensor_affine_cachemask_backward(
    grad: &Tensor,
    mask: &Tensor
) -> Tensor

pub fn fbgemm_linear_fp16_weight(
    packed_weight: &Tensor,
    bias: &Tensor
) -> Tensor

pub fn fbgemm_linear_fp16_weight_fp32_activation(
    packed_weight: &Tensor,
    bias: &Tensor
) -> Tensor

pub fn fbgemm_linear_int8_weight<S: Into<Scalar>>(
    weight: &Tensor,
    packed: &Tensor,
    col_offsets: &Tensor,
    weight_scale: S,
    weight_zero_point: S,
    bias: &Tensor
) -> Tensor

pub fn fbgemm_linear_int8_weight_fp32_activation<S: Into<Scalar>>(
    weight: &Tensor,
    packed: &Tensor,
    col_offsets: &Tensor,
    weight_scale: S,
    weight_zero_point: S,
    bias: &Tensor
) -> Tensor

pub fn fbgemm_pack_gemm_matrix_fp16(&self) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn fbgemm_pack_quantized_matrix(&self) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn fbgemm_pack_quantized_matrix1(&self, k: i64, n: i64) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn feature_alpha_dropout(&self, p: f64, train: bool) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn feature_alpha_dropout_(&mut self, p: f64, train: bool) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn feature_dropout(&self, p: f64, train: bool) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn feature_dropout_(&mut self, p: f64, train: bool) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn fft_fft(&self, n: impl Into<Option<i64>>, dim: i64, norm: &str) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn fft_fft2(&self, s: &[i64], dim: &[i64], norm: &str) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn fft_fft2_out(
    out: &Tensor,
    s: &[i64],
    dim: &[i64],
    norm: &str
) -> Tensor

pub fn fft_fft_out(
    out: &Tensor,
    n: impl Into<Option<i64>>,
    dim: i64,
    norm: &str
) -> Tensor

pub fn fft_fftfreq(n: i64, d: f64, options: (Kind, Device)) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn fft_fftfreq_out(out: &Tensor, n: i64, d: f64) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn fft_fftn(&self, s: &[i64], dim: &[i64], norm: &str) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn fft_fftn_out(
    out: &Tensor,
    s: &[i64],
    dim: &[i64],
    norm: &str
) -> Tensor

pub fn fft_fftshift(&self, dim: &[i64]) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn fft_hfft(
    n: impl Into<Option<i64>>,
    dim: i64,
    norm: &str
) -> Tensor

pub fn fft_hfft_out(
    out: &Tensor,
    n: impl Into<Option<i64>>,
    dim: i64,
    norm: &str
) -> Tensor

pub fn fft_ifft(
    n: impl Into<Option<i64>>,
    dim: i64,
    norm: &str
) -> Tensor

pub fn fft_ifft2(&self, s: &[i64], dim: &[i64], norm: &str) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn fft_ifft2_out(
    out: &Tensor,
    s: &[i64],
    dim: &[i64],
    norm: &str
) -> Tensor

pub fn fft_ifft_out(
    out: &Tensor,
    n: impl Into<Option<i64>>,
    dim: i64,
    norm: &str
) -> Tensor

pub fn fft_ifftn(&self, s: &[i64], dim: &[i64], norm: &str) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn fft_ifftn_out(
    out: &Tensor,
    s: &[i64],
    dim: &[i64],
    norm: &str
) -> Tensor

pub fn fft_ifftshift(&self, dim: &[i64]) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn fft_ihfft(
    n: impl Into<Option<i64>>,
    dim: i64,
    norm: &str
) -> Tensor

pub fn fft_ihfft_out(
    out: &Tensor,
    n: impl Into<Option<i64>>,
    dim: i64,
    norm: &str
) -> Tensor

pub fn fft_irfft(
    n: impl Into<Option<i64>>,
    dim: i64,
    norm: &str
) -> Tensor

pub fn fft_irfft2(&self, s: &[i64], dim: &[i64], norm: &str) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn fft_irfft2_out(
    out: &Tensor,
    s: &[i64],
    dim: &[i64],
    norm: &str
) -> Tensor

pub fn fft_irfft_out(
    out: &Tensor,
    n: impl Into<Option<i64>>,
    dim: i64,
    norm: &str
) -> Tensor

pub fn fft_irfftn(&self, s: &[i64], dim: &[i64], norm: &str) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn fft_irfftn_out(
    out: &Tensor,
    s: &[i64],
    dim: &[i64],
    norm: &str
) -> Tensor

pub fn fft_rfft(
    n: impl Into<Option<i64>>,
    dim: i64,
    norm: &str
) -> Tensor

pub fn fft_rfft2(&self, s: &[i64], dim: &[i64], norm: &str) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn fft_rfft2_out(
    out: &Tensor,
    s: &[i64],
    dim: &[i64],
    norm: &str
) -> Tensor

pub fn fft_rfft_out(
    out: &Tensor,
    n: impl Into<Option<i64>>,
    dim: i64,
    norm: &str
) -> Tensor

pub fn fft_rfftfreq(n: i64, d: f64, options: (Kind, Device)) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn fft_rfftfreq_out(out: &Tensor, n: i64, d: f64) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn fft_rfftn(&self, s: &[i64], dim: &[i64], norm: &str) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn fft_rfftn_out(
    out: &Tensor,
    s: &[i64],
    dim: &[i64],
    norm: &str
) -> Tensor

pub fn fill_<S: Into<Scalar>>(&mut self, value: S) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn fill_1(&mut self, value: &Tensor) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn fill_diagonal_<S: Into<Scalar>>(
    &mut self,
    fill_value: S,
    wrap: bool
) -> Tensor

pub fn fix(&self) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn fix_(&mut self) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn fix_out(&self, out: &Tensor) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn flatten(&self, start_dim: i64, end_dim: i64) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn flip(&self, dims: &[i64]) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn fliplr(&self) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn flipud(&self) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn float_power(&self, exponent: &Tensor) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn float_power1<S: Into<Scalar>>(
    self_scalar: S,
    exponent: &Tensor
) -> Tensor

pub fn float_power2<S: Into<Scalar>>(&self, exponent: S) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn float_power_<S: Into<Scalar>>(&mut self, exponent: S) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn float_power_1(&mut self, exponent: &Tensor) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn float_power_out(&self, out: &Tensor, exponent: &Tensor) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn float_power_out1<S: Into<Scalar>>(
    out: &Tensor,
    self_scalar: S,
    exponent: &Tensor
) -> Tensor

pub fn float_power_out2<S: Into<Scalar>>(
    out: &Tensor,
    exponent: S
) -> Tensor

pub fn floor(&self) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn floor_(&mut self) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn floor_divide(&self, other: &Tensor) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn floor_divide1<S: Into<Scalar>>(&self, other: S) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn floor_divide_(&mut self, other: &Tensor) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn floor_divide_1<S: Into<Scalar>>(&mut self, other: S) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn floor_divide_out(&self, out: &Tensor, other: &Tensor) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn floor_out(&self, out: &Tensor) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn fmax(&self, other: &Tensor) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn fmax_out(&self, out: &Tensor, other: &Tensor) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn fmin(&self, other: &Tensor) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn fmin_out(&self, out: &Tensor, other: &Tensor) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn fmod<S: Into<Scalar>>(&self, other: S) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn fmod1(&self, other: &Tensor) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn fmod_<S: Into<Scalar>>(&mut self, other: S) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn fmod_1(&mut self, other: &Tensor) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn fmod_out<S: Into<Scalar>>(&self, out: &Tensor, other: S) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn fmod_out1(&self, out: &Tensor, other: &Tensor) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn frac(&self) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn frac_(&mut self) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn frac_out(&self, out: &Tensor) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn fractional_max_pool2d(
    kernel_size: &[i64],
    output_size: &[i64],
    random_samples: &Tensor
) -> (Tensor, Tensor)

pub fn fractional_max_pool2d_backward(
    grad_output: &Tensor,
    kernel_size: &[i64],
    output_size: &[i64],
    indices: &Tensor
) -> Tensor

pub fn fractional_max_pool2d_backward_out(
    grad_input: &Tensor,
    grad_output: &Tensor,
    kernel_size: &[i64],
    output_size: &[i64],
    indices: &Tensor
) -> Tensor

pub fn fractional_max_pool2d_out(
    output: &Tensor,
    indices: &Tensor,
    kernel_size: &[i64],
    output_size: &[i64],
    random_samples: &Tensor
) -> (Tensor, Tensor)

pub fn fractional_max_pool3d(
    kernel_size: &[i64],
    output_size: &[i64],
    random_samples: &Tensor
) -> (Tensor, Tensor)

pub fn fractional_max_pool3d_backward(
    grad_output: &Tensor,
    kernel_size: &[i64],
    output_size: &[i64],
    indices: &Tensor
) -> Tensor

pub fn fractional_max_pool3d_backward_out(
    grad_input: &Tensor,
    grad_output: &Tensor,
    kernel_size: &[i64],
    output_size: &[i64],
    indices: &Tensor
) -> Tensor

pub fn fractional_max_pool3d_out(
    output: &Tensor,
    indices: &Tensor,
    kernel_size: &[i64],
    output_size: &[i64],
    random_samples: &Tensor
) -> (Tensor, Tensor)

pub fn frobenius_norm(&self) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn frobenius_norm1(&self, dim: &[i64], keepdim: bool) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn frobenius_norm_out(
    out: &Tensor,
    dim: &[i64],
    keepdim: bool
) -> Tensor

pub fn from_file(
    filename: &str,
    shared: bool,
    size: impl Into<Option<i64>>,
    options: (Kind, Device)
) -> Tensor

pub fn full<S: Into<Scalar>>(
    size: &[i64],
    fill_value: S,
    options: (Kind, Device)
) -> Tensor

pub fn full_like<S: Into<Scalar>>(&self, fill_value: S) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn full_out<S: Into<Scalar>>(
    out: &Tensor,
    size: &[i64],
    fill_value: S
) -> Tensor

pub fn gather(&self, dim: i64, index: &Tensor, sparse_grad: bool) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn gather_backward(
    grad: &Tensor,
    dim: i64,
    index: &Tensor,
    sparse_grad: bool
) -> Tensor

pub fn gather_out(
    out: &Tensor,
    dim: i64,
    index: &Tensor,
    sparse_grad: bool
) -> Tensor

pub fn gcd(&self, other: &Tensor) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn gcd_(&mut self, other: &Tensor) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn gcd_out(&self, out: &Tensor, other: &Tensor) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn ge<S: Into<Scalar>>(&self, other: S) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn ge1(&self, other: &Tensor) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn ge_<S: Into<Scalar>>(&mut self, other: S) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn ge_1(&mut self, other: &Tensor) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn ge_out<S: Into<Scalar>>(&self, out: &Tensor, other: S) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn ge_out1(&self, out: &Tensor, other: &Tensor) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn gelu(&self) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn gelu_backward(&self, grad: &Tensor) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn geometric_(&mut self, p: f64) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn geqrf(&self) -> (Tensor, Tensor)[src]

pub fn geqrf_out(&self, a: &Tensor, tau: &Tensor) -> (Tensor, Tensor)[src]

pub fn ger(&self, vec2: &Tensor) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn ger_out(&self, out: &Tensor, vec2: &Tensor) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn glu(&self, dim: i64) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn glu_backward(&self, grad_output: &Tensor, dim: i64) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn glu_backward_out(
    grad_input: &Tensor,
    grad_output: &Tensor,
    dim: i64
) -> Tensor

pub fn glu_out(&self, out: &Tensor, dim: i64) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn grad(&self) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn greater<S: Into<Scalar>>(&self, other: S) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn greater1(&self, other: &Tensor) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn greater_<S: Into<Scalar>>(&mut self, other: S) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn greater_1(&mut self, other: &Tensor) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn greater_equal<S: Into<Scalar>>(&self, other: S) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn greater_equal1(&self, other: &Tensor) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn greater_equal_<S: Into<Scalar>>(&mut self, other: S) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn greater_equal_1(&mut self, other: &Tensor) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn greater_equal_out<S: Into<Scalar>>(
    out: &Tensor,
    other: S
) -> Tensor

pub fn greater_equal_out1(&self, out: &Tensor, other: &Tensor) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn greater_out<S: Into<Scalar>>(&self, out: &Tensor, other: S) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn greater_out1(&self, out: &Tensor, other: &Tensor) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn grid_sampler(
    grid: &Tensor,
    interpolation_mode: i64,
    padding_mode: i64,
    align_corners: bool
) -> Tensor

pub fn grid_sampler_2d(
    grid: &Tensor,
    interpolation_mode: i64,
    padding_mode: i64,
    align_corners: bool
) -> Tensor

pub fn grid_sampler_2d_backward(
    grad_output: &Tensor,
    grid: &Tensor,
    interpolation_mode: i64,
    padding_mode: i64,
    align_corners: bool
) -> (Tensor, Tensor)

pub fn grid_sampler_3d(
    grid: &Tensor,
    interpolation_mode: i64,
    padding_mode: i64,
    align_corners: bool
) -> Tensor

pub fn grid_sampler_3d_backward(
    grad_output: &Tensor,
    grid: &Tensor,
    interpolation_mode: i64,
    padding_mode: i64,
    align_corners: bool
) -> (Tensor, Tensor)

pub fn group_norm<T: Borrow<Tensor>>(
    num_groups: i64,
    weight: Option<T>,
    bias: Option<T>,
    eps: f64,
    cudnn_enabled: bool
) -> Tensor

pub fn gru<T: Borrow<Tensor>>(
    hx: &Tensor,
    params: &[T],
    has_biases: bool,
    num_layers: i64,
    dropout: f64,
    train: bool,
    bidirectional: bool,
    batch_first: bool
) -> (Tensor, Tensor)

pub fn gru1<T: Borrow<Tensor>>(
    data: &Tensor,
    batch_sizes: &Tensor,
    hx: &Tensor,
    params: &[T],
    has_biases: bool,
    num_layers: i64,
    dropout: f64,
    train: bool,
    bidirectional: bool
) -> (Tensor, Tensor)

pub fn gru_cell<T: Borrow<Tensor>>(
    hx: &Tensor,
    w_ih: &Tensor,
    w_hh: &Tensor,
    b_ih: Option<T>,
    b_hh: Option<T>
) -> Tensor

pub fn gt<S: Into<Scalar>>(&self, other: S) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn gt1(&self, other: &Tensor) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn gt_<S: Into<Scalar>>(&mut self, other: S) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn gt_1(&mut self, other: &Tensor) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn gt_out<S: Into<Scalar>>(&self, out: &Tensor, other: S) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn gt_out1(&self, out: &Tensor, other: &Tensor) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn hamming_window(window_length: i64, options: (Kind, Device)) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn hamming_window1(
    window_length: i64,
    periodic: bool,
    options: (Kind, Device)
) -> Tensor

pub fn hamming_window2(
    window_length: i64,
    periodic: bool,
    alpha: f64,
    options: (Kind, Device)
) -> Tensor

pub fn hamming_window3(
    window_length: i64,
    periodic: bool,
    alpha: f64,
    beta: f64,
    options: (Kind, Device)
) -> Tensor

pub fn hann_window(window_length: i64, options: (Kind, Device)) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn hann_window1(
    window_length: i64,
    periodic: bool,
    options: (Kind, Device)
) -> Tensor

pub fn hardshrink(&self) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn hardshrink_backward<S: Into<Scalar>>(
    grad_out: &Tensor,
    lambd: S
) -> Tensor

pub fn hardsigmoid(&self) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn hardsigmoid_(&mut self) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn hardsigmoid_backward(&self, grad_output: &Tensor) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn hardsigmoid_out(&self, out: &Tensor) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn hardswish(&self) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn hardswish_(&mut self) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn hardswish_backward(&self, grad_output: &Tensor) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn hardswish_out(&self, out: &Tensor) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn hardtanh(&self) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn hardtanh_(&mut self) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn hardtanh_backward<S: Into<Scalar>>(
    grad_output: &Tensor,
    min_val: S,
    max_val: S
) -> Tensor

pub fn hardtanh_backward_out<S: Into<Scalar>>(
    grad_input: &Tensor,
    grad_output: &Tensor,
    min_val: S,
    max_val: S
) -> Tensor

pub fn hardtanh_out(&self, out: &Tensor) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn heaviside(&self, values: &Tensor) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn heaviside_(&mut self, values: &Tensor) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn heaviside_out(&self, out: &Tensor, values: &Tensor) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn hinge_embedding_loss(
    target: &Tensor,
    margin: f64,
    reduction: Reduction
) -> Tensor

pub fn histc(&self, bins: i64) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn histc_out(&self, out: &Tensor, bins: i64) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn hspmm(mat1: &Tensor, mat2: &Tensor) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn hspmm_out(out: &Tensor, mat1: &Tensor, mat2: &Tensor) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn hstack<T: Borrow<Tensor>>(tensors: &[T]) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn hstack_out<T: Borrow<Tensor>>(out: &Tensor, tensors: &[T]) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn hypot(&self, other: &Tensor) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn hypot_(&mut self, other: &Tensor) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn hypot_out(&self, out: &Tensor, other: &Tensor) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn i0(&self) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn i0_(&mut self) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn i0_out(&self, out: &Tensor) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn igamma(&self, other: &Tensor) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn igamma_(&mut self, other: &Tensor) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn igamma_out(&self, out: &Tensor, other: &Tensor) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn igammac(&self, other: &Tensor) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn igammac_(&mut self, other: &Tensor) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn igammac_out(&self, out: &Tensor, other: &Tensor) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn im2col(
    kernel_size: &[i64],
    dilation: &[i64],
    padding: &[i64],
    stride: &[i64]
) -> Tensor

pub fn im2col_backward(
    grad_output: &Tensor,
    input_size: &[i64],
    kernel_size: &[i64],
    dilation: &[i64],
    padding: &[i64],
    stride: &[i64]
) -> Tensor

pub fn im2col_backward_out(
    grad_input: &Tensor,
    grad_output: &Tensor,
    input_size: &[i64],
    kernel_size: &[i64],
    dilation: &[i64],
    padding: &[i64],
    stride: &[i64]
) -> Tensor

pub fn im2col_out(
    out: &Tensor,
    kernel_size: &[i64],
    dilation: &[i64],
    padding: &[i64],
    stride: &[i64]
) -> Tensor

pub fn imag(&self) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn index<T: Borrow<Tensor>>(&self, indices: &[Option<T>]) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn index_add(&self, dim: i64, index: &Tensor, source: &Tensor) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn index_add_(
    &mut self,
    dim: i64,
    index: &Tensor,
    source: &Tensor
) -> Tensor

pub fn index_copy(&self, dim: i64, index: &Tensor, source: &Tensor) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn index_copy_(
    &mut self,
    dim: i64,
    index: &Tensor,
    source: &Tensor
) -> Tensor

pub fn index_fill<S: Into<Scalar>>(
    dim: i64,
    index: &Tensor,
    value: S
) -> Tensor

pub fn index_fill1(&self, dim: i64, index: &Tensor, value: &Tensor) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn index_fill_<S: Into<Scalar>>(
    &mut self,
    dim: i64,
    index: &Tensor,
    value: S
) -> Tensor

pub fn index_fill_1(
    &mut self,
    dim: i64,
    index: &Tensor,
    value: &Tensor
) -> Tensor

pub fn index_put<T: Borrow<Tensor>>(
    indices: &[Option<T>],
    values: &Tensor,
    accumulate: bool
) -> Tensor

pub fn index_put_<T: Borrow<Tensor>>(
    &mut self,
    indices: &[Option<T>],
    values: &Tensor,
    accumulate: bool
) -> Tensor

pub fn index_select(&self, dim: i64, index: &Tensor) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn index_select_backward(
    grad: &Tensor,
    self_sizes: &[i64],
    dim: i64,
    index: &Tensor
) -> Tensor

pub fn index_select_out(&self, out: &Tensor, dim: i64, index: &Tensor) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn indices(&self) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn infinitely_differentiable_gelu_backward(&self, grad: &Tensor) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn inner(&self, other: &Tensor) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn inner_out(&self, out: &Tensor, other: &Tensor) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn instance_norm<T: Borrow<Tensor>>(
    weight: Option<T>,
    bias: Option<T>,
    running_mean: Option<T>,
    running_var: Option<T>,
    use_input_stats: bool,
    momentum: f64,
    eps: f64,
    cudnn_enabled: bool
) -> Tensor

pub fn int_repr(&self) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn inverse(&self) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn inverse_out(&self, out: &Tensor) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn isclose(
    other: &Tensor,
    rtol: f64,
    atol: f64,
    equal_nan: bool
) -> Tensor

pub fn isfinite(&self) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn isinf(&self) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn isnan(&self) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn isneginf(&self) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn isneginf_out(&self, out: &Tensor) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn isposinf(&self) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn isposinf_out(&self, out: &Tensor) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn isreal(&self) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn istft<T: Borrow<Tensor>>(
    n_fft: i64,
    hop_length: impl Into<Option<i64>>,
    win_length: impl Into<Option<i64>>,
    window: Option<T>,
    center: bool,
    normalized: bool,
    onesided: bool,
    length: impl Into<Option<i64>>,
    return_complex: bool
) -> Tensor

pub fn kaiser_window(window_length: i64, options: (Kind, Device)) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn kaiser_window1(
    window_length: i64,
    periodic: bool,
    options: (Kind, Device)
) -> Tensor

pub fn kaiser_window2(
    window_length: i64,
    periodic: bool,
    beta: f64,
    options: (Kind, Device)
) -> Tensor

pub fn kl_div(
    target: &Tensor,
    reduction: Reduction,
    log_target: bool
) -> Tensor

pub fn kl_div_backward(
    grad_output: &Tensor,
    target: &Tensor,
    reduction: Reduction,
    log_target: bool
) -> Tensor

pub fn kron(&self, other: &Tensor) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn kron_out(&self, out: &Tensor, other: &Tensor) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn kthvalue(&self, k: i64, dim: i64, keepdim: bool) -> (Tensor, Tensor)[src]

pub fn kthvalue_out(
    values: &Tensor,
    indices: &Tensor,
    k: i64,
    dim: i64,
    keepdim: bool
) -> (Tensor, Tensor)

pub fn l1_loss(&self, target: &Tensor, reduction: Reduction) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn l1_loss_backward(
    grad_output: &Tensor,
    target: &Tensor,
    reduction: Reduction
) -> Tensor

pub fn l1_loss_backward_out(
    grad_input: &Tensor,
    grad_output: &Tensor,
    target: &Tensor,
    reduction: Reduction
) -> Tensor

pub fn l1_loss_out(
    out: &Tensor,
    target: &Tensor,
    reduction: Reduction
) -> Tensor

pub fn layer_norm<T: Borrow<Tensor>>(
    normalized_shape: &[i64],
    weight: Option<T>,
    bias: Option<T>,
    eps: f64,
    cudnn_enable: bool
) -> Tensor

pub fn lcm(&self, other: &Tensor) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn lcm_(&mut self, other: &Tensor) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn lcm_out(&self, out: &Tensor, other: &Tensor) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn ldexp(&self, other: &Tensor) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn ldexp_(&mut self, other: &Tensor) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn ldexp_out(&self, out: &Tensor, other: &Tensor) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn le<S: Into<Scalar>>(&self, other: S) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn le1(&self, other: &Tensor) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn le_<S: Into<Scalar>>(&mut self, other: S) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn le_1(&mut self, other: &Tensor) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn le_out<S: Into<Scalar>>(&self, out: &Tensor, other: S) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn le_out1(&self, out: &Tensor, other: &Tensor) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn leaky_relu(&self) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn leaky_relu_(&mut self) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn leaky_relu_backward<S: Into<Scalar>>(
    grad_output: &Tensor,
    negative_slope: S,
    self_is_result: bool
) -> Tensor

pub fn leaky_relu_out(&self, out: &Tensor) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn lerp<S: Into<Scalar>>(&self, end: &Tensor, weight: S) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn lerp1(&self, end: &Tensor, weight: &Tensor) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn lerp_<S: Into<Scalar>>(&mut self, end: &Tensor, weight: S) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn lerp_1(&mut self, end: &Tensor, weight: &Tensor) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn lerp_out<S: Into<Scalar>>(
    out: &Tensor,
    end: &Tensor,
    weight: S
) -> Tensor

pub fn lerp_out1(&self, out: &Tensor, end: &Tensor, weight: &Tensor) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn less<S: Into<Scalar>>(&self, other: S) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn less1(&self, other: &Tensor) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn less_<S: Into<Scalar>>(&mut self, other: S) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn less_1(&mut self, other: &Tensor) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn less_equal<S: Into<Scalar>>(&self, other: S) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn less_equal1(&self, other: &Tensor) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn less_equal_<S: Into<Scalar>>(&mut self, other: S) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn less_equal_1(&mut self, other: &Tensor) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn less_equal_out<S: Into<Scalar>>(&self, out: &Tensor, other: S) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn less_equal_out1(&self, out: &Tensor, other: &Tensor) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn less_out<S: Into<Scalar>>(&self, out: &Tensor, other: S) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn less_out1(&self, out: &Tensor, other: &Tensor) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn lgamma(&self) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn lgamma_(&mut self) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn lgamma_out(&self, out: &Tensor) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn linalg_cholesky(&self) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn linalg_cholesky_out(&self, out: &Tensor) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn linalg_cond<S: Into<Scalar>>(&self, p: S) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn linalg_cond1(&self, p: &str) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn linalg_cond_out<S: Into<Scalar>>(&self, out: &Tensor, p: S) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn linalg_cond_out1(&self, out: &Tensor, p: &str) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn linalg_det(&self) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn linalg_eigh(&self, uplo: &str) -> (Tensor, Tensor)[src]

pub fn linalg_eigh_out(
    eigvals: &Tensor,
    eigvecs: &Tensor,
    uplo: &str
) -> (Tensor, Tensor)

pub fn linalg_eigvalsh(&self, uplo: &str) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn linalg_eigvalsh_out(&self, out: &Tensor, uplo: &str) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn linalg_inv(&self) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn linalg_inv_out(&self, out: &Tensor) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn linalg_matrix_rank(
    tol: impl Into<Option<f64>>,
    hermitian: bool
) -> Tensor

pub fn linalg_matrix_rank_out(
    out: &Tensor,
    tol: impl Into<Option<f64>>,
    hermitian: bool
) -> Tensor

pub fn linalg_norm<S: Into<Scalar>>(
    ord: S,
    dim: &[i64],
    keepdim: bool,
    dtype: Kind
) -> Tensor

pub fn linalg_norm1(
    ord: &str,
    dim: &[i64],
    keepdim: bool,
    dtype: Kind
) -> Tensor

pub fn linalg_norm_out<S: Into<Scalar>>(
    out: &Tensor,
    ord: S,
    dim: &[i64],
    keepdim: bool,
    dtype: Kind
) -> Tensor

pub fn linalg_norm_out1(
    out: &Tensor,
    ord: &str,
    dim: &[i64],
    keepdim: bool,
    dtype: Kind
) -> Tensor

pub fn linalg_pinv(&self, rcond: f64, hermitian: bool) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn linalg_pinv1(&self, rcond: &Tensor, hermitian: bool) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn linalg_pinv_out(
    out: &Tensor,
    rcond: f64,
    hermitian: bool
) -> Tensor

pub fn linalg_pinv_out1(
    out: &Tensor,
    rcond: &Tensor,
    hermitian: bool
) -> Tensor

pub fn linalg_qr(&self, mode: &str) -> (Tensor, Tensor)[src]

pub fn linalg_qr_out(
    q: &Tensor,
    r: &Tensor,
    mode: &str
) -> (Tensor, Tensor)

pub fn linalg_slogdet(&self) -> (Tensor, Tensor)[src]

pub fn linalg_slogdet_out(
    sign: &Tensor,
    logabsdet: &Tensor
) -> (Tensor, Tensor)

pub fn linalg_solve(&self, other: &Tensor) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn linalg_solve_out(&self, out: &Tensor, other: &Tensor) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn linalg_svd(
    full_matrices: bool,
    compute_uv: bool
) -> (Tensor, Tensor, Tensor)

pub fn linalg_svd_out(
    u: &Tensor,
    s: &Tensor,
    v: &Tensor,
    full_matrices: bool,
    compute_uv: bool
) -> (Tensor, Tensor, Tensor)

pub fn linalg_tensorinv(&self, ind: i64) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn linalg_tensorinv_out(&self, out: &Tensor, ind: i64) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn linalg_tensorsolve(&self, other: &Tensor, dims: &[i64]) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn linalg_tensorsolve_out(
    out: &Tensor,
    other: &Tensor,
    dims: &[i64]
) -> Tensor

pub fn linear<T: Borrow<Tensor>>(
    weight: &Tensor,
    bias: Option<T>
) -> Tensor

pub fn linspace<S: Into<Scalar>>(
    start: S,
    end: S,
    steps: impl Into<Option<i64>>,
    options: (Kind, Device)
) -> Tensor

pub fn linspace_out<S: Into<Scalar>>(
    out: &Tensor,
    start: S,
    end: S,
    steps: impl Into<Option<i64>>
) -> Tensor

pub fn log(&self) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn log10(&self) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn log10_(&mut self) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn log10_out(&self, out: &Tensor) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn log1p(&self) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn log1p_(&mut self) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn log1p_out(&self, out: &Tensor) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn log2(&self) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn log2_(&mut self) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn log2_out(&self, out: &Tensor) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn log_(&mut self) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn log_normal_(&mut self, mean: f64, std: f64) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn log_out(&self, out: &Tensor) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn log_sigmoid(&self) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn log_sigmoid_backward(
    grad_output: &Tensor,
    buffer: &Tensor
) -> Tensor

pub fn log_sigmoid_backward_out(
    grad_input: &Tensor,
    grad_output: &Tensor,
    buffer: &Tensor
) -> Tensor

pub fn log_sigmoid_out(&self, out: &Tensor) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn log_softmax(&self, dim: i64, dtype: Kind) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn logaddexp(&self, other: &Tensor) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn logaddexp2(&self, other: &Tensor) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn logaddexp2_out(&self, out: &Tensor, other: &Tensor) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn logaddexp_out(&self, out: &Tensor, other: &Tensor) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn logcumsumexp(&self, dim: i64) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn logcumsumexp_out(&self, out: &Tensor, dim: i64) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn logdet(&self) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn logical_and(&self, other: &Tensor) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn logical_and_(&mut self, other: &Tensor) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn logical_and_out(&self, out: &Tensor, other: &Tensor) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn logical_not(&self) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn logical_not_(&mut self) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn logical_not_out(&self, out: &Tensor) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn logical_or(&self, other: &Tensor) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn logical_or_(&mut self, other: &Tensor) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn logical_or_out(&self, out: &Tensor, other: &Tensor) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn logical_xor(&self, other: &Tensor) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn logical_xor_(&mut self, other: &Tensor) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn logical_xor_out(&self, out: &Tensor, other: &Tensor) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn logit(&self, eps: impl Into<Option<f64>>) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn logit_(&mut self, eps: impl Into<Option<f64>>) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn logit_backward(
    grad_output: &Tensor,
    eps: impl Into<Option<f64>>
) -> Tensor

pub fn logit_backward_out(
    grad_input: &Tensor,
    grad_output: &Tensor,
    eps: impl Into<Option<f64>>
) -> Tensor

pub fn logit_out(&self, out: &Tensor, eps: impl Into<Option<f64>>) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn logspace<S: Into<Scalar>>(
    start: S,
    end: S,
    steps: impl Into<Option<i64>>,
    base: f64,
    options: (Kind, Device)
) -> Tensor

pub fn logspace_out<S: Into<Scalar>>(
    out: &Tensor,
    start: S,
    end: S,
    steps: impl Into<Option<i64>>,
    base: f64
) -> Tensor

pub fn logsumexp(&self, dim: &[i64], keepdim: bool) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn logsumexp_out(&self, out: &Tensor, dim: &[i64], keepdim: bool) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn lstm<T: Borrow<Tensor>>(
    hx: &[T],
    params: &[T],
    has_biases: bool,
    num_layers: i64,
    dropout: f64,
    train: bool,
    bidirectional: bool,
    batch_first: bool
) -> (Tensor, Tensor, Tensor)

pub fn lstm1<T: Borrow<Tensor>>(
    data: &Tensor,
    batch_sizes: &Tensor,
    hx: &[T],
    params: &[T],
    has_biases: bool,
    num_layers: i64,
    dropout: f64,
    train: bool,
    bidirectional: bool
) -> (Tensor, Tensor, Tensor)

pub fn lstm_cell<T: Borrow<Tensor>>(
    hx: &[T],
    w_ih: &Tensor,
    w_hh: &Tensor,
    b_ih: Option<T>,
    b_hh: Option<T>
) -> (Tensor, Tensor)

pub fn lstsq(&self, a: &Tensor) -> (Tensor, Tensor)[src]

pub fn lstsq_out(&self, x: &Tensor, qr: &Tensor, a: &Tensor) -> (Tensor, Tensor)[src]

pub fn lt<S: Into<Scalar>>(&self, other: S) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn lt1(&self, other: &Tensor) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn lt_<S: Into<Scalar>>(&mut self, other: S) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn lt_1(&mut self, other: &Tensor) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn lt_out<S: Into<Scalar>>(&self, out: &Tensor, other: S) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn lt_out1(&self, out: &Tensor, other: &Tensor) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn lu_solve(&self, lu_data: &Tensor, lu_pivots: &Tensor) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn lu_solve_out(
    out: &Tensor,
    lu_data: &Tensor,
    lu_pivots: &Tensor
) -> Tensor

pub fn margin_ranking_loss(
    input1: &Tensor,
    input2: &Tensor,
    target: &Tensor,
    margin: f64,
    reduction: Reduction
) -> Tensor

pub fn masked_fill<S: Into<Scalar>>(&self, mask: &Tensor, value: S) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn masked_fill1(&self, mask: &Tensor, value: &Tensor) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn masked_fill_<S: Into<Scalar>>(
    &mut self,
    mask: &Tensor,
    value: S
) -> Tensor

pub fn masked_fill_1(&mut self, mask: &Tensor, value: &Tensor) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn masked_scatter(&self, mask: &Tensor, source: &Tensor) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn masked_scatter_(&mut self, mask: &Tensor, source: &Tensor) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn masked_select(&self, mask: &Tensor) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn masked_select_backward(&self, grad: &Tensor, mask: &Tensor) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn masked_select_out(&self, out: &Tensor, mask: &Tensor) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn matmul(&self, other: &Tensor) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn matmul_out(&self, out: &Tensor, other: &Tensor) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn matrix_exp(&self) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn matrix_exp_backward(&self, grad: &Tensor) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn matrix_power(&self, n: i64) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn matrix_rank(&self, symmetric: bool) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn matrix_rank1(&self, tol: f64, symmetric: bool) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn max(&self) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn max1(&self, other: &Tensor) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn max2(&self, dim: i64, keepdim: bool) -> (Tensor, Tensor)[src]

pub fn max_out(&self, out: &Tensor, other: &Tensor) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn max_out1(
    max: &Tensor,
    max_values: &Tensor,
    dim: i64,
    keepdim: bool
) -> (Tensor, Tensor)

pub fn max_pool1d(
    kernel_size: &[i64],
    stride: &[i64],
    padding: &[i64],
    dilation: &[i64],
    ceil_mode: bool
) -> Tensor

pub fn max_pool1d_with_indices(
    kernel_size: &[i64],
    stride: &[i64],
    padding: &[i64],
    dilation: &[i64],
    ceil_mode: bool
) -> (Tensor, Tensor)

pub fn max_pool2d(
    kernel_size: &[i64],
    stride: &[i64],
    padding: &[i64],
    dilation: &[i64],
    ceil_mode: bool
) -> Tensor

pub fn max_pool2d_with_indices(
    kernel_size: &[i64],
    stride: &[i64],
    padding: &[i64],
    dilation: &[i64],
    ceil_mode: bool
) -> (Tensor, Tensor)

pub fn max_pool2d_with_indices_backward(
    grad_output: &Tensor,
    kernel_size: &[i64],
    stride: &[i64],
    padding: &[i64],
    dilation: &[i64],
    ceil_mode: bool,
    indices: &Tensor
) -> Tensor

pub fn max_pool2d_with_indices_backward_out(
    grad_input: &Tensor,
    grad_output: &Tensor,
    kernel_size: &[i64],
    stride: &[i64],
    padding: &[i64],
    dilation: &[i64],
    ceil_mode: bool,
    indices: &Tensor
) -> Tensor

pub fn max_pool2d_with_indices_out(
    out: &Tensor,
    indices: &Tensor,
    kernel_size: &[i64],
    stride: &[i64],
    padding: &[i64],
    dilation: &[i64],
    ceil_mode: bool
) -> (Tensor, Tensor)

pub fn max_pool3d(
    kernel_size: &[i64],
    stride: &[i64],
    padding: &[i64],
    dilation: &[i64],
    ceil_mode: bool
) -> Tensor

pub fn max_pool3d_with_indices(
    kernel_size: &[i64],
    stride: &[i64],
    padding: &[i64],
    dilation: &[i64],
    ceil_mode: bool
) -> (Tensor, Tensor)

pub fn max_pool3d_with_indices_backward(
    grad_output: &Tensor,
    kernel_size: &[i64],
    stride: &[i64],
    padding: &[i64],
    dilation: &[i64],
    ceil_mode: bool,
    indices: &Tensor
) -> Tensor

pub fn max_pool3d_with_indices_backward_out(
    grad_input: &Tensor,
    grad_output: &Tensor,
    kernel_size: &[i64],
    stride: &[i64],
    padding: &[i64],
    dilation: &[i64],
    ceil_mode: bool,
    indices: &Tensor
) -> Tensor

pub fn max_pool3d_with_indices_out(
    out: &Tensor,
    indices: &Tensor,
    kernel_size: &[i64],
    stride: &[i64],
    padding: &[i64],
    dilation: &[i64],
    ceil_mode: bool
) -> (Tensor, Tensor)

pub fn max_unpool2d(&self, indices: &Tensor, output_size: &[i64]) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn max_unpool2d_backward(
    grad_output: &Tensor,
    indices: &Tensor,
    output_size: &[i64]
) -> Tensor

pub fn max_unpool2d_backward_out(
    grad_input: &Tensor,
    grad_output: &Tensor,
    indices: &Tensor,
    output_size: &[i64]
) -> Tensor

pub fn max_unpool2d_out(
    out: &Tensor,
    indices: &Tensor,
    output_size: &[i64]
) -> Tensor

pub fn max_unpool3d(
    indices: &Tensor,
    output_size: &[i64],
    stride: &[i64],
    padding: &[i64]
) -> Tensor

pub fn max_unpool3d_backward(
    grad_output: &Tensor,
    indices: &Tensor,
    output_size: &[i64],
    stride: &[i64],
    padding: &[i64]
) -> Tensor

pub fn max_unpool3d_backward_out(
    grad_input: &Tensor,
    grad_output: &Tensor,
    indices: &Tensor,
    output_size: &[i64],
    stride: &[i64],
    padding: &[i64]
) -> Tensor

pub fn max_unpool3d_out(
    out: &Tensor,
    indices: &Tensor,
    output_size: &[i64],
    stride: &[i64],
    padding: &[i64]
) -> Tensor

pub fn maximum(&self, other: &Tensor) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn maximum_out(&self, out: &Tensor, other: &Tensor) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn mean(&self, dtype: Kind) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn mean1(&self, dim: &[i64], keepdim: bool, dtype: Kind) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn mean_out(
    out: &Tensor,
    dim: &[i64],
    keepdim: bool,
    dtype: Kind
) -> Tensor

pub fn median(&self) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn median1(&self, dim: i64, keepdim: bool) -> (Tensor, Tensor)[src]

pub fn median_out(
    values: &Tensor,
    indices: &Tensor,
    dim: i64,
    keepdim: bool
) -> (Tensor, Tensor)

pub fn meshgrid<T: Borrow<Tensor>>(tensors: &[T]) -> Vec<Tensor>[src]

pub fn min(&self) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn min1(&self, other: &Tensor) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn min2(&self, dim: i64, keepdim: bool) -> (Tensor, Tensor)[src]

pub fn min_out(&self, out: &Tensor, other: &Tensor) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn min_out1(
    min: &Tensor,
    min_indices: &Tensor,
    dim: i64,
    keepdim: bool
) -> (Tensor, Tensor)

pub fn minimum(&self, other: &Tensor) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn minimum_out(&self, out: &Tensor, other: &Tensor) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn miopen_batch_norm<T: Borrow<Tensor>>(
    weight: &Tensor,
    bias: Option<T>,
    running_mean: Option<T>,
    running_var: Option<T>,
    training: bool,
    exponential_average_factor: f64,
    epsilon: f64
) -> (Tensor, Tensor, Tensor)

pub fn miopen_batch_norm_backward<T: Borrow<Tensor>>(
    grad_output: &Tensor,
    weight: &Tensor,
    running_mean: Option<T>,
    running_var: Option<T>,
    save_mean: Option<T>,
    save_var: Option<T>,
    epsilon: f64
) -> (Tensor, Tensor, Tensor)

pub fn miopen_convolution<T: Borrow<Tensor>>(
    weight: &Tensor,
    bias: Option<T>,
    padding: &[i64],
    stride: &[i64],
    dilation: &[i64],
    groups: i64,
    benchmark: bool,
    deterministic: bool
) -> Tensor

pub fn miopen_convolution_backward_bias(grad_output: &Tensor) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn miopen_convolution_backward_input(
    self_size: &[i64],
    grad_output: &Tensor,
    weight: &Tensor,
    padding: &[i64],
    stride: &[i64],
    dilation: &[i64],
    groups: i64,
    benchmark: bool,
    deterministic: bool
) -> Tensor

pub fn miopen_convolution_backward_weight(
    weight_size: &[i64],
    grad_output: &Tensor,
    padding: &[i64],
    stride: &[i64],
    dilation: &[i64],
    groups: i64,
    benchmark: bool,
    deterministic: bool
) -> Tensor

pub fn miopen_convolution_transpose<T: Borrow<Tensor>>(
    weight: &Tensor,
    bias: Option<T>,
    padding: &[i64],
    output_padding: &[i64],
    stride: &[i64],
    dilation: &[i64],
    groups: i64,
    benchmark: bool,
    deterministic: bool
) -> Tensor

pub fn miopen_convolution_transpose_backward_input(
    grad_output: &Tensor,
    weight: &Tensor,
    padding: &[i64],
    stride: &[i64],
    dilation: &[i64],
    groups: i64,
    benchmark: bool,
    deterministic: bool
) -> Tensor

pub fn miopen_convolution_transpose_backward_weight(
    weight_size: &[i64],
    grad_output: &Tensor,
    padding: &[i64],
    stride: &[i64],
    dilation: &[i64],
    groups: i64,
    benchmark: bool,
    deterministic: bool
) -> Tensor

pub fn miopen_depthwise_convolution<T: Borrow<Tensor>>(
    weight: &Tensor,
    bias: Option<T>,
    padding: &[i64],
    stride: &[i64],
    dilation: &[i64],
    groups: i64,
    benchmark: bool,
    deterministic: bool
) -> Tensor

pub fn miopen_depthwise_convolution_backward_input(
    self_size: &[i64],
    grad_output: &Tensor,
    weight: &Tensor,
    padding: &[i64],
    stride: &[i64],
    dilation: &[i64],
    groups: i64,
    benchmark: bool,
    deterministic: bool
) -> Tensor

pub fn miopen_depthwise_convolution_backward_weight(
    weight_size: &[i64],
    grad_output: &Tensor,
    padding: &[i64],
    stride: &[i64],
    dilation: &[i64],
    groups: i64,
    benchmark: bool,
    deterministic: bool
) -> Tensor

pub fn miopen_rnn<T: Borrow<Tensor>>(
    weight: &[T],
    weight_stride0: i64,
    hx: &Tensor,
    cx: Option<T>,
    mode: i64,
    hidden_size: i64,
    num_layers: i64,
    batch_first: bool,
    dropout: f64,
    train: bool,
    bidirectional: bool,
    batch_sizes: &[i64],
    dropout_state: Option<T>
) -> (Tensor, Tensor, Tensor, Tensor, Tensor)

pub fn mkldnn_adaptive_avg_pool2d(&self, output_size: &[i64]) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn mkldnn_convolution<T: Borrow<Tensor>>(
    weight: &Tensor,
    bias: Option<T>,
    padding: &[i64],
    stride: &[i64],
    dilation: &[i64],
    groups: i64
) -> Tensor

pub fn mkldnn_convolution_backward_input(
    self_size: &[i64],
    grad_output: &Tensor,
    weight: &Tensor,
    padding: &[i64],
    stride: &[i64],
    dilation: &[i64],
    groups: i64,
    bias_defined: bool
) -> Tensor

pub fn mkldnn_convolution_backward_weights(
    weight_size: &[i64],
    grad_output: &Tensor,
    padding: &[i64],
    stride: &[i64],
    dilation: &[i64],
    groups: i64,
    bias_defined: bool
) -> (Tensor, Tensor)

pub fn mkldnn_linear<T: Borrow<Tensor>>(
    weight: &Tensor,
    bias: Option<T>
) -> Tensor

pub fn mkldnn_linear_backward_input(
    input_size: &[i64],
    grad_output: &Tensor,
    weight: &Tensor
) -> Tensor

pub fn mkldnn_linear_backward_weights(
    grad_output: &Tensor,
    weight: &Tensor,
    bias_defined: bool
) -> (Tensor, Tensor)

pub fn mkldnn_max_pool2d(
    kernel_size: &[i64],
    stride: &[i64],
    padding: &[i64],
    dilation: &[i64],
    ceil_mode: bool
) -> Tensor

pub fn mkldnn_max_pool3d(
    kernel_size: &[i64],
    stride: &[i64],
    padding: &[i64],
    dilation: &[i64],
    ceil_mode: bool
) -> Tensor

pub fn mkldnn_reorder_conv2d_weight(
    padding: &[i64],
    stride: &[i64],
    dilation: &[i64],
    groups: i64
) -> Tensor

pub fn mkldnn_reorder_conv3d_weight(
    padding: &[i64],
    stride: &[i64],
    dilation: &[i64],
    groups: i64
) -> Tensor

pub fn mm(&self, mat2: &Tensor) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn mm_out(&self, out: &Tensor, mat2: &Tensor) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn mode(&self, dim: i64, keepdim: bool) -> (Tensor, Tensor)[src]

pub fn mode_out(
    values: &Tensor,
    indices: &Tensor,
    dim: i64,
    keepdim: bool
) -> (Tensor, Tensor)

pub fn moveaxis(&self, source: &[i64], destination: &[i64]) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn moveaxis1(&self, source: i64, destination: i64) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn movedim(&self, source: &[i64], destination: &[i64]) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn movedim1(&self, source: i64, destination: i64) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn mse_loss(&self, target: &Tensor, reduction: Reduction) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn mse_loss_backward(
    grad_output: &Tensor,
    target: &Tensor,
    reduction: Reduction
) -> Tensor

pub fn mse_loss_backward_out(
    grad_input: &Tensor,
    grad_output: &Tensor,
    target: &Tensor,
    reduction: Reduction
) -> Tensor

pub fn mse_loss_out(
    out: &Tensor,
    target: &Tensor,
    reduction: Reduction
) -> Tensor

pub fn msort(&self) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn msort_out(&self, out: &Tensor) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn g_mul(&self, other: &Tensor) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn g_mul1<S: Into<Scalar>>(&self, other: S) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn g_mul_(&mut self, other: &Tensor) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn g_mul_1<S: Into<Scalar>>(&mut self, other: S) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn mul_out(&self, out: &Tensor, other: &Tensor) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn multi_margin_loss_backward<T: Borrow<Tensor>, S: Into<Scalar>>(
    grad_output: &Tensor,
    target: &Tensor,
    p: S,
    margin: S,
    weight: Option<T>,
    reduction: Reduction
) -> Tensor

pub fn multi_margin_loss_backward_out<T: Borrow<Tensor>, S: Into<Scalar>>(
    grad_input: &Tensor,
    grad_output: &Tensor,
    target: &Tensor,
    p: S,
    margin: S,
    weight: Option<T>,
    reduction: Reduction
) -> Tensor

pub fn multilabel_margin_loss(
    target: &Tensor,
    reduction: Reduction
) -> Tensor

pub fn multilabel_margin_loss_backward(
    grad_output: &Tensor,
    target: &Tensor,
    reduction: Reduction,
    is_target: &Tensor
) -> Tensor

pub fn multilabel_margin_loss_backward_out(
    grad_input: &Tensor,
    grad_output: &Tensor,
    target: &Tensor,
    reduction: Reduction,
    is_target: &Tensor
) -> Tensor

pub fn multilabel_margin_loss_out(
    out: &Tensor,
    target: &Tensor,
    reduction: Reduction
) -> Tensor

pub fn multinomial(&self, num_samples: i64, replacement: bool) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn multinomial_out(
    out: &Tensor,
    num_samples: i64,
    replacement: bool
) -> Tensor

pub fn multiply(&self, other: &Tensor) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn multiply1<S: Into<Scalar>>(&self, other: S) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn multiply_(&mut self, other: &Tensor) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn multiply_1<S: Into<Scalar>>(&mut self, other: S) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn multiply_out(&self, out: &Tensor, other: &Tensor) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn mv(&self, vec: &Tensor) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn mv_out(&self, out: &Tensor, vec: &Tensor) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn mvlgamma(&self, p: i64) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn mvlgamma_(&mut self, p: i64) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn nan_to_num(
    nan: impl Into<Option<f64>>,
    posinf: impl Into<Option<f64>>,
    neginf: impl Into<Option<f64>>
) -> Tensor

pub fn nan_to_num_(
    &mut self,
    nan: impl Into<Option<f64>>,
    posinf: impl Into<Option<f64>>,
    neginf: impl Into<Option<f64>>
) -> Tensor

pub fn nan_to_num_out(
    out: &Tensor,
    nan: impl Into<Option<f64>>,
    posinf: impl Into<Option<f64>>,
    neginf: impl Into<Option<f64>>
) -> Tensor

pub fn nanmedian(&self) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn nanmedian1(&self, dim: i64, keepdim: bool) -> (Tensor, Tensor)[src]

pub fn nanmedian_out(
    values: &Tensor,
    indices: &Tensor,
    dim: i64,
    keepdim: bool
) -> (Tensor, Tensor)

pub fn nanquantile(
    q: f64,
    dim: impl Into<Option<i64>>,
    keepdim: bool
) -> Tensor

pub fn nanquantile1(
    q: &Tensor,
    dim: impl Into<Option<i64>>,
    keepdim: bool
) -> Tensor

pub fn nanquantile_out(
    out: &Tensor,
    q: f64,
    dim: impl Into<Option<i64>>,
    keepdim: bool
) -> Tensor

pub fn nanquantile_out1(
    out: &Tensor,
    q: &Tensor,
    dim: impl Into<Option<i64>>,
    keepdim: bool
) -> Tensor

pub fn nansum(&self, dtype: Kind) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn nansum1(&self, dim: &[i64], keepdim: bool, dtype: Kind) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn nansum_out(
    out: &Tensor,
    dim: &[i64],
    keepdim: bool,
    dtype: Kind
) -> Tensor

pub fn narrow(&self, dim: i64, start: i64, length: i64) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn narrow1(&self, dim: i64, start: &Tensor, length: i64) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn narrow_copy(&self, dim: i64, start: i64, length: i64) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn narrow_copy_out(
    out: &Tensor,
    dim: i64,
    start: i64,
    length: i64
) -> Tensor

pub fn native_batch_norm<T: Borrow<Tensor>>(
    weight: Option<T>,
    bias: Option<T>,
    running_mean: Option<T>,
    running_var: Option<T>,
    training: bool,
    momentum: f64,
    eps: f64
) -> (Tensor, Tensor, Tensor)

pub fn native_batch_norm_out<T: Borrow<Tensor>>(
    out: &Tensor,
    save_mean: &Tensor,
    save_invstd: &Tensor,
    weight: Option<T>,
    bias: Option<T>,
    running_mean: Option<T>,
    running_var: Option<T>,
    training: bool,
    momentum: f64,
    eps: f64
) -> (Tensor, Tensor, Tensor)

pub fn native_group_norm<T: Borrow<Tensor>>(
    weight: Option<T>,
    bias: Option<T>,
    n: i64,
    c: i64,
    hxw: i64,
    group: i64,
    eps: f64
) -> (Tensor, Tensor, Tensor)

pub fn native_layer_norm<T: Borrow<Tensor>>(
    normalized_shape: &[i64],
    weight: Option<T>,
    bias: Option<T>,
    eps: f64
) -> (Tensor, Tensor, Tensor)

pub fn native_norm(&self) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn native_norm1<S: Into<Scalar>>(
    p: S,
    dim: &[i64],
    keepdim: bool,
    dtype: Kind
) -> Tensor

pub fn ne<S: Into<Scalar>>(&self, other: S) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn ne1(&self, other: &Tensor) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn ne_<S: Into<Scalar>>(&mut self, other: S) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn ne_1(&mut self, other: &Tensor) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn ne_out<S: Into<Scalar>>(&self, out: &Tensor, other: S) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn ne_out1(&self, out: &Tensor, other: &Tensor) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn neg(&self) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn neg_(&mut self) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn neg_out(&self, out: &Tensor) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn negative(&self) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn negative_(&mut self) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn negative_out(&self, out: &Tensor) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn new_empty(&self, size: &[i64], options: (Kind, Device)) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn new_empty_strided(
    size: &[i64],
    stride: &[i64],
    options: (Kind, Device)
) -> Tensor

pub fn new_full<S: Into<Scalar>>(
    size: &[i64],
    fill_value: S,
    options: (Kind, Device)
) -> Tensor

pub fn new_zeros(&self, size: &[i64], options: (Kind, Device)) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn nextafter(&self, other: &Tensor) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn nextafter_(&mut self, other: &Tensor) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn nextafter_out(&self, out: &Tensor, other: &Tensor) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn g_nll_loss<T: Borrow<Tensor>>(
    target: &Tensor,
    weight: Option<T>,
    reduction: Reduction,
    ignore_index: i64
) -> Tensor

pub fn nll_loss2d<T: Borrow<Tensor>>(
    target: &Tensor,
    weight: Option<T>,
    reduction: Reduction,
    ignore_index: i64
) -> Tensor

pub fn nll_loss2d_backward<T: Borrow<Tensor>>(
    grad_output: &Tensor,
    target: &Tensor,
    weight: Option<T>,
    reduction: Reduction,
    ignore_index: i64,
    total_weight: &Tensor
) -> Tensor

pub fn nll_loss2d_backward_out<T: Borrow<Tensor>>(
    grad_input: &Tensor,
    grad_output: &Tensor,
    target: &Tensor,
    weight: Option<T>,
    reduction: Reduction,
    ignore_index: i64,
    total_weight: &Tensor
) -> Tensor

pub fn nll_loss2d_out<T: Borrow<Tensor>>(
    out: &Tensor,
    target: &Tensor,
    weight: Option<T>,
    reduction: Reduction,
    ignore_index: i64
) -> Tensor

pub fn nll_loss_backward<T: Borrow<Tensor>>(
    grad_output: &Tensor,
    target: &Tensor,
    weight: Option<T>,
    reduction: Reduction,
    ignore_index: i64,
    total_weight: &Tensor
) -> Tensor

pub fn nll_loss_backward_out<T: Borrow<Tensor>>(
    grad_input: &Tensor,
    grad_output: &Tensor,
    target: &Tensor,
    weight: Option<T>,
    reduction: Reduction,
    ignore_index: i64,
    total_weight: &Tensor
) -> Tensor

pub fn nll_loss_out<T: Borrow<Tensor>>(
    out: &Tensor,
    target: &Tensor,
    weight: Option<T>,
    reduction: Reduction,
    ignore_index: i64
) -> Tensor

pub fn nonzero(&self) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn nonzero_numpy(&self) -> Vec<Tensor>[src]

pub fn nonzero_out(&self, out: &Tensor) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn norm(&self) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn norm1<S: Into<Scalar>>(&self, p: S, dtype: Kind) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn norm2<S: Into<Scalar>>(&self, p: S, dim: &[i64], keepdim: bool) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn norm3<S: Into<Scalar>>(
    p: S,
    dim: &[i64],
    keepdim: bool,
    dtype: Kind
) -> Tensor

pub fn norm_except_dim(v: &Tensor, pow: i64, dim: i64) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn norm_out<S: Into<Scalar>>(
    out: &Tensor,
    p: S,
    dim: &[i64],
    keepdim: bool
) -> Tensor

pub fn norm_out1<S: Into<Scalar>>(
    out: &Tensor,
    p: S,
    dim: &[i64],
    keepdim: bool,
    dtype: Kind
) -> Tensor

pub fn normal_(&mut self, mean: f64, std: f64) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn normal_out(out: &Tensor, mean: &Tensor, std: f64) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn normal_out1(out: &Tensor, mean: f64, std: &Tensor) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn normal_out2(out: &Tensor, mean: &Tensor, std: &Tensor) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn normal_out3(out: &Tensor, mean: f64, std: f64, size: &[i64]) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn not_equal<S: Into<Scalar>>(&self, other: S) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn not_equal1(&self, other: &Tensor) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn not_equal_<S: Into<Scalar>>(&mut self, other: S) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn not_equal_1(&mut self, other: &Tensor) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn not_equal_out<S: Into<Scalar>>(&self, out: &Tensor, other: S) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn not_equal_out1(&self, out: &Tensor, other: &Tensor) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn nuclear_norm(&self, keepdim: bool) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn nuclear_norm1(&self, dim: &[i64], keepdim: bool) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn nuclear_norm_out(&self, out: &Tensor, keepdim: bool) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn nuclear_norm_out1(
    out: &Tensor,
    dim: &[i64],
    keepdim: bool
) -> Tensor

pub fn numpy_t(&self) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn one_hot(&self, num_classes: i64) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn ones(size: &[i64], options: (Kind, Device)) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn ones_like(&self) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn ones_out(out: &Tensor, size: &[i64]) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn orgqr(&self, input2: &Tensor) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn orgqr_out(&self, out: &Tensor, input2: &Tensor) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn ormqr(
    input2: &Tensor,
    input3: &Tensor,
    left: bool,
    transpose: bool
) -> Tensor

pub fn ormqr_out(
    out: &Tensor,
    input2: &Tensor,
    input3: &Tensor,
    left: bool,
    transpose: bool
) -> Tensor

pub fn outer(&self, vec2: &Tensor) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn outer_out(&self, out: &Tensor, vec2: &Tensor) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn pairwise_distance(
    x1: &Tensor,
    x2: &Tensor,
    p: f64,
    eps: f64,
    keepdim: bool
) -> Tensor

pub fn pdist(&self, p: f64) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn permute(&self, dims: &[i64]) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn pin_memory(&self) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn pinverse(&self, rcond: f64) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn pixel_shuffle(&self, upscale_factor: i64) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn pixel_unshuffle(&self, downscale_factor: i64) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn poisson(&self) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn poisson_nll_loss(
    target: &Tensor,
    log_input: bool,
    full: bool,
    eps: f64,
    reduction: Reduction
) -> Tensor

pub fn polar(abs: &Tensor, angle: &Tensor) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn polar_out(out: &Tensor, abs: &Tensor, angle: &Tensor) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn polygamma(&self, n: i64) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn polygamma_(&mut self, n: i64) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn polygamma_out(&self, out: &Tensor, n: i64) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn pow<S: Into<Scalar>>(&self, exponent: S) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn pow1(&self, exponent: &Tensor) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn pow2<S: Into<Scalar>>(self_scalar: S, exponent: &Tensor) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn pow_<S: Into<Scalar>>(&mut self, exponent: S) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn pow_1(&mut self, exponent: &Tensor) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn pow_out(&self, out: &Tensor, exponent: &Tensor) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn pow_out1<S: Into<Scalar>>(
    out: &Tensor,
    self_scalar: S,
    exponent: &Tensor
) -> Tensor

pub fn pow_out2<S: Into<Scalar>>(&self, out: &Tensor, exponent: S) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn prelu(&self, weight: &Tensor) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn prelu_backward(
    grad_output: &Tensor,
    weight: &Tensor
) -> (Tensor, Tensor)

pub fn prod(&self, dtype: Kind) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn prod1(&self, dim: i64, keepdim: bool, dtype: Kind) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn prod_out(
    out: &Tensor,
    dim: i64,
    keepdim: bool,
    dtype: Kind
) -> Tensor

pub fn put_(
    &mut self,
    index: &Tensor,
    source: &Tensor,
    accumulate: bool
) -> Tensor

pub fn q_per_channel_scales(&self) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn q_per_channel_zero_points(&self) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn qr(&self, some: bool) -> (Tensor, Tensor)[src]

pub fn qr_out(&self, q: &Tensor, r: &Tensor, some: bool) -> (Tensor, Tensor)[src]

pub fn quantile(
    q: f64,
    dim: impl Into<Option<i64>>,
    keepdim: bool
) -> Tensor

pub fn quantile1(
    q: &Tensor,
    dim: impl Into<Option<i64>>,
    keepdim: bool
) -> Tensor

pub fn quantile_out(
    out: &Tensor,
    q: f64,
    dim: impl Into<Option<i64>>,
    keepdim: bool
) -> Tensor

pub fn quantile_out1(
    out: &Tensor,
    q: &Tensor,
    dim: impl Into<Option<i64>>,
    keepdim: bool
) -> Tensor

pub fn quantize_per_channel(
    scales: &Tensor,
    zero_points: &Tensor,
    axis: i64,
    dtype: Kind
) -> Tensor

pub fn quantize_per_tensor(
    scale: f64,
    zero_point: i64,
    dtype: Kind
) -> Tensor

pub fn quantize_per_tensor1<T: Borrow<Tensor>>(
    tensors: &[T],
    scales: &Tensor,
    zero_points: &Tensor,
    dtype: Kind
) -> Vec<Tensor>

pub fn quantized_batch_norm<T: Borrow<Tensor>>(
    weight: Option<T>,
    bias: Option<T>,
    mean: &Tensor,
    var: &Tensor,
    eps: f64,
    output_scale: f64,
    output_zero_point: i64
) -> Tensor

pub fn quantized_gru_cell<S: Into<Scalar>>(
    hx: &Tensor,
    w_ih: &Tensor,
    w_hh: &Tensor,
    b_ih: &Tensor,
    b_hh: &Tensor,
    packed_ih: &Tensor,
    packed_hh: &Tensor,
    col_offsets_ih: &Tensor,
    col_offsets_hh: &Tensor,
    scale_ih: S,
    scale_hh: S,
    zero_point_ih: S,
    zero_point_hh: S
) -> Tensor

pub fn quantized_lstm_cell<T: Borrow<Tensor>, S: Into<Scalar>>(
    hx: &[T],
    w_ih: &Tensor,
    w_hh: &Tensor,
    b_ih: &Tensor,
    b_hh: &Tensor,
    packed_ih: &Tensor,
    packed_hh: &Tensor,
    col_offsets_ih: &Tensor,
    col_offsets_hh: &Tensor,
    scale_ih: S,
    scale_hh: S,
    zero_point_ih: S,
    zero_point_hh: S
) -> (Tensor, Tensor)

pub fn quantized_max_pool1d(
    kernel_size: &[i64],
    stride: &[i64],
    padding: &[i64],
    dilation: &[i64],
    ceil_mode: bool
) -> Tensor

pub fn quantized_max_pool2d(
    kernel_size: &[i64],
    stride: &[i64],
    padding: &[i64],
    dilation: &[i64],
    ceil_mode: bool
) -> Tensor

pub fn quantized_rnn_relu_cell<S: Into<Scalar>>(
    hx: &Tensor,
    w_ih: &Tensor,
    w_hh: &Tensor,
    b_ih: &Tensor,
    b_hh: &Tensor,
    packed_ih: &Tensor,
    packed_hh: &Tensor,
    col_offsets_ih: &Tensor,
    col_offsets_hh: &Tensor,
    scale_ih: S,
    scale_hh: S,
    zero_point_ih: S,
    zero_point_hh: S
) -> Tensor

pub fn quantized_rnn_tanh_cell<S: Into<Scalar>>(
    hx: &Tensor,
    w_ih: &Tensor,
    w_hh: &Tensor,
    b_ih: &Tensor,
    b_hh: &Tensor,
    packed_ih: &Tensor,
    packed_hh: &Tensor,
    col_offsets_ih: &Tensor,
    col_offsets_hh: &Tensor,
    scale_ih: S,
    scale_hh: S,
    zero_point_ih: S,
    zero_point_hh: S
) -> Tensor

pub fn rad2deg(&self) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn rad2deg_(&mut self) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn rad2deg_out(&self, out: &Tensor) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn rand(size: &[i64], options: (Kind, Device)) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn rand_like(&self) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn rand_out(out: &Tensor, size: &[i64]) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn randint(high: i64, size: &[i64], options: (Kind, Device)) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn randint1(
    low: i64,
    high: i64,
    size: &[i64],
    options: (Kind, Device)
) -> Tensor

pub fn randint_like(&self, high: i64) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn randint_like1(&self, low: i64, high: i64) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn randint_out(out: &Tensor, high: i64, size: &[i64]) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn randint_out1(out: &Tensor, low: i64, high: i64, size: &[i64]) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn randn(size: &[i64], options: (Kind, Device)) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn randn_like(&self) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn randn_out(out: &Tensor, size: &[i64]) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn random_(&mut self) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn random_1(&mut self, to: i64) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn random_2(&mut self, from: i64, to: impl Into<Option<i64>>) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn randperm(n: i64, options: (Kind, Device)) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn randperm_out(out: &Tensor, n: i64) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn range<S: Into<Scalar>>(
    start: S,
    end: S,
    options: (Kind, Device)
) -> Tensor

pub fn range1<S: Into<Scalar>>(
    start: S,
    end: S,
    options: (Kind, Device)
) -> Tensor

pub fn range_out<S: Into<Scalar>>(out: &Tensor, start: S, end: S) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn ravel(&self) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn real(&self) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn reciprocal(&self) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn reciprocal_(&mut self) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn reciprocal_out(&self, out: &Tensor) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn reflection_pad1d(&self, padding: &[i64]) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn reflection_pad1d_backward(
    grad_output: &Tensor,
    padding: &[i64]
) -> Tensor

pub fn reflection_pad1d_backward_out(
    grad_input: &Tensor,
    grad_output: &Tensor,
    padding: &[i64]
) -> Tensor

pub fn reflection_pad1d_out(&self, out: &Tensor, padding: &[i64]) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn reflection_pad2d(&self, padding: &[i64]) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn reflection_pad2d_backward(
    grad_output: &Tensor,
    padding: &[i64]
) -> Tensor

pub fn reflection_pad2d_backward_out(
    grad_input: &Tensor,
    grad_output: &Tensor,
    padding: &[i64]
) -> Tensor

pub fn reflection_pad2d_out(&self, out: &Tensor, padding: &[i64]) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn relu(&self) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn relu_(&mut self) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn remainder<S: Into<Scalar>>(&self, other: S) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn remainder1(&self, other: &Tensor) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn remainder_<S: Into<Scalar>>(&mut self, other: S) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn remainder_1(&mut self, other: &Tensor) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn remainder_out<S: Into<Scalar>>(&self, out: &Tensor, other: S) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn remainder_out1(&self, out: &Tensor, other: &Tensor) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn renorm<S: Into<Scalar>>(&self, p: S, dim: i64, maxnorm: S) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn renorm_<S: Into<Scalar>>(&mut self, p: S, dim: i64, maxnorm: S) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn renorm_out<S: Into<Scalar>>(
    out: &Tensor,
    p: S,
    dim: i64,
    maxnorm: S
) -> Tensor

pub fn repeat(&self, repeats: &[i64]) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn repeat_interleave(repeats: &Tensor) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn repeat_interleave1(
    repeats: &Tensor,
    dim: impl Into<Option<i64>>
) -> Tensor

pub fn repeat_interleave2(
    repeats: i64,
    dim: impl Into<Option<i64>>
) -> Tensor

pub fn replication_pad1d(&self, padding: &[i64]) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn replication_pad1d_backward(
    grad_output: &Tensor,
    padding: &[i64]
) -> Tensor

pub fn replication_pad1d_backward_out(
    grad_input: &Tensor,
    grad_output: &Tensor,
    padding: &[i64]
) -> Tensor

pub fn replication_pad1d_out(&self, out: &Tensor, padding: &[i64]) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn replication_pad2d(&self, padding: &[i64]) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn replication_pad2d_backward(
    grad_output: &Tensor,
    padding: &[i64]
) -> Tensor

pub fn replication_pad2d_backward_out(
    grad_input: &Tensor,
    grad_output: &Tensor,
    padding: &[i64]
) -> Tensor

pub fn replication_pad2d_out(&self, out: &Tensor, padding: &[i64]) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn replication_pad3d(&self, padding: &[i64]) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn replication_pad3d_backward(
    grad_output: &Tensor,
    padding: &[i64]
) -> Tensor

pub fn replication_pad3d_backward_out(
    grad_input: &Tensor,
    grad_output: &Tensor,
    padding: &[i64]
) -> Tensor

pub fn replication_pad3d_out(&self, out: &Tensor, padding: &[i64]) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn requires_grad_(&mut self, requires_grad: bool) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn reshape(&self, shape: &[i64]) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn reshape_as(&self, other: &Tensor) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn resize_(&mut self, size: &[i64]) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn resize_as_(&mut self, the_template: &Tensor) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn rnn_relu<T: Borrow<Tensor>>(
    hx: &Tensor,
    params: &[T],
    has_biases: bool,
    num_layers: i64,
    dropout: f64,
    train: bool,
    bidirectional: bool,
    batch_first: bool
) -> (Tensor, Tensor)

pub fn rnn_relu1<T: Borrow<Tensor>>(
    data: &Tensor,
    batch_sizes: &Tensor,
    hx: &Tensor,
    params: &[T],
    has_biases: bool,
    num_layers: i64,
    dropout: f64,
    train: bool,
    bidirectional: bool
) -> (Tensor, Tensor)

pub fn rnn_relu_cell<T: Borrow<Tensor>>(
    hx: &Tensor,
    w_ih: &Tensor,
    w_hh: &Tensor,
    b_ih: Option<T>,
    b_hh: Option<T>
) -> Tensor

pub fn rnn_tanh<T: Borrow<Tensor>>(
    hx: &Tensor,
    params: &[T],
    has_biases: bool,
    num_layers: i64,
    dropout: f64,
    train: bool,
    bidirectional: bool,
    batch_first: bool
) -> (Tensor, Tensor)

pub fn rnn_tanh1<T: Borrow<Tensor>>(
    data: &Tensor,
    batch_sizes: &Tensor,
    hx: &Tensor,
    params: &[T],
    has_biases: bool,
    num_layers: i64,
    dropout: f64,
    train: bool,
    bidirectional: bool
) -> (Tensor, Tensor)

pub fn rnn_tanh_cell<T: Borrow<Tensor>>(
    hx: &Tensor,
    w_ih: &Tensor,
    w_hh: &Tensor,
    b_ih: Option<T>,
    b_hh: Option<T>
) -> Tensor

pub fn roll(&self, shifts: &[i64], dims: &[i64]) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn rot90(&self, k: i64, dims: &[i64]) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn round(&self) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn round_(&mut self) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn round_out(&self, out: &Tensor) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn row_stack<T: Borrow<Tensor>>(tensors: &[T]) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn row_stack_out<T: Borrow<Tensor>>(out: &Tensor, tensors: &[T]) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn rrelu(&self, training: bool) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn rrelu_(&mut self, training: bool) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn rrelu_with_noise(&self, noise: &Tensor, training: bool) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn rrelu_with_noise_(&mut self, noise: &Tensor, training: bool) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn rrelu_with_noise_backward<S: Into<Scalar>>(
    grad_output: &Tensor,
    noise: &Tensor,
    lower: S,
    upper: S,
    training: bool,
    self_is_result: bool
) -> Tensor

pub fn rrelu_with_noise_out(
    out: &Tensor,
    noise: &Tensor,
    training: bool
) -> Tensor

pub fn rsqrt(&self) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn rsqrt_(&mut self) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn rsqrt_out(&self, out: &Tensor) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn rsub(&self, other: &Tensor) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn rsub1<S: Into<Scalar>>(&self, other: S) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn scalar_tensor<S: Into<Scalar>>(s: S, options: (Kind, Device)) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn scatter(&self, dim: i64, index: &Tensor, src: &Tensor) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn scatter1<S: Into<Scalar>>(
    dim: i64,
    index: &Tensor,
    value: S
) -> Tensor

pub fn scatter_(&mut self, dim: i64, index: &Tensor, src: &Tensor) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn scatter_1<S: Into<Scalar>>(
    &mut self,
    dim: i64,
    index: &Tensor,
    value: S
) -> Tensor

pub fn scatter_2(
    &mut self,
    dim: i64,
    index: &Tensor,
    src: &Tensor,
    reduce: &str
) -> Tensor

pub fn scatter_3<S: Into<Scalar>>(
    &mut self,
    dim: i64,
    index: &Tensor,
    value: S,
    reduce: &str
) -> Tensor

pub fn scatter_add(&self, dim: i64, index: &Tensor, src: &Tensor) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn scatter_add_(&mut self, dim: i64, index: &Tensor, src: &Tensor) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn searchsorted(
    sorted_sequence: &Tensor,
    out_int32: bool,
    right: bool
) -> Tensor

pub fn searchsorted1<S: Into<Scalar>>(
    sorted_sequence: &Tensor,
    self_scalar: S,
    out_int32: bool,
    right: bool
) -> Tensor

pub fn searchsorted_out(
    out: &Tensor,
    sorted_sequence: &Tensor,
    out_int32: bool,
    right: bool
) -> Tensor

pub fn select(&self, dim: i64, index: i64) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn select_backward(
    grad: &Tensor,
    input_sizes: &[i64],
    dim: i64,
    index: i64
) -> Tensor

pub fn selu(&self) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn selu_(&mut self) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn set_(&mut self) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn set_1(&mut self, source: &Tensor) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn set_requires_grad(&self, r: bool) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn sgn(&self) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn sgn_(&mut self) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn sgn_out(&self, out: &Tensor) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn sigmoid(&self) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn sigmoid_(&mut self) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn sigmoid_backward(grad_output: &Tensor, output: &Tensor) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn sigmoid_backward_out(
    grad_input: &Tensor,
    grad_output: &Tensor,
    output: &Tensor
) -> Tensor

pub fn sigmoid_out(&self, out: &Tensor) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn sign(&self) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn sign_(&mut self) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn sign_out(&self, out: &Tensor) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn signbit(&self) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn signbit_out(&self, out: &Tensor) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn silu(&self) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn silu_(&mut self) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn silu_backward(&self, grad_output: &Tensor) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn silu_out(&self, out: &Tensor) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn sin(&self) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn sin_(&mut self) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn sin_out(&self, out: &Tensor) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn sinc(&self) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn sinc_(&mut self) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn sinc_out(&self, out: &Tensor) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn sinh(&self) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn sinh_(&mut self) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn sinh_out(&self, out: &Tensor) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn slice(
    dim: i64,
    start: impl Into<Option<i64>>,
    end: impl Into<Option<i64>>,
    step: i64
) -> Tensor

pub fn slice_backward(
    grad: &Tensor,
    input_sizes: &[i64],
    dim: i64,
    start: i64,
    end: i64,
    step: i64
) -> Tensor

pub fn slogdet(&self) -> (Tensor, Tensor)[src]

pub fn slow_conv3d<T: Borrow<Tensor>>(
    weight: &Tensor,
    kernel_size: &[i64],
    bias: Option<T>,
    stride: &[i64],
    padding: &[i64]
) -> Tensor

pub fn slow_conv3d_out<T: Borrow<Tensor>>(
    out: &Tensor,
    weight: &Tensor,
    kernel_size: &[i64],
    bias: Option<T>,
    stride: &[i64],
    padding: &[i64]
) -> Tensor

pub fn slow_conv_dilated2d<T: Borrow<Tensor>>(
    weight: &Tensor,
    kernel_size: &[i64],
    bias: Option<T>,
    stride: &[i64],
    padding: &[i64],
    dilation: &[i64]
) -> Tensor

pub fn slow_conv_dilated3d<T: Borrow<Tensor>>(
    weight: &Tensor,
    kernel_size: &[i64],
    bias: Option<T>,
    stride: &[i64],
    padding: &[i64],
    dilation: &[i64]
) -> Tensor

pub fn slow_conv_transpose2d<T: Borrow<Tensor>>(
    weight: &Tensor,
    kernel_size: &[i64],
    bias: Option<T>,
    stride: &[i64],
    padding: &[i64],
    output_padding: &[i64],
    dilation: &[i64]
) -> Tensor

pub fn slow_conv_transpose2d_out<T: Borrow<Tensor>>(
    out: &Tensor,
    weight: &Tensor,
    kernel_size: &[i64],
    bias: Option<T>,
    stride: &[i64],
    padding: &[i64],
    output_padding: &[i64],
    dilation: &[i64]
) -> Tensor

pub fn slow_conv_transpose3d<T: Borrow<Tensor>>(
    weight: &Tensor,
    kernel_size: &[i64],
    bias: Option<T>,
    stride: &[i64],
    padding: &[i64],
    output_padding: &[i64],
    dilation: &[i64]
) -> Tensor

pub fn slow_conv_transpose3d_out<T: Borrow<Tensor>>(
    out: &Tensor,
    weight: &Tensor,
    kernel_size: &[i64],
    bias: Option<T>,
    stride: &[i64],
    padding: &[i64],
    output_padding: &[i64],
    dilation: &[i64]
) -> Tensor

pub fn smm(&self, mat2: &Tensor) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn smooth_l1_loss(
    target: &Tensor,
    reduction: Reduction,
    beta: f64
) -> Tensor

pub fn smooth_l1_loss_backward(
    grad_output: &Tensor,
    target: &Tensor,
    reduction: Reduction,
    beta: f64
) -> Tensor

pub fn smooth_l1_loss_backward_out(
    grad_input: &Tensor,
    grad_output: &Tensor,
    target: &Tensor,
    reduction: Reduction,
    beta: f64
) -> Tensor

pub fn smooth_l1_loss_out(
    out: &Tensor,
    target: &Tensor,
    reduction: Reduction,
    beta: f64
) -> Tensor

pub fn soft_margin_loss(&self, target: &Tensor, reduction: Reduction) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn soft_margin_loss_backward(
    grad_output: &Tensor,
    target: &Tensor,
    reduction: Reduction
) -> Tensor

pub fn soft_margin_loss_backward_out(
    grad_input: &Tensor,
    grad_output: &Tensor,
    target: &Tensor,
    reduction: Reduction
) -> Tensor

pub fn soft_margin_loss_out(
    out: &Tensor,
    target: &Tensor,
    reduction: Reduction
) -> Tensor

pub fn softmax(&self, dim: i64, dtype: Kind) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn softplus(&self) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn softplus_backward<S: Into<Scalar>>(
    grad_output: &Tensor,
    beta: S,
    threshold: S,
    output: &Tensor
) -> Tensor

pub fn softplus_backward_out<S: Into<Scalar>>(
    grad_input: &Tensor,
    grad_output: &Tensor,
    beta: S,
    threshold: S,
    output: &Tensor
) -> Tensor

pub fn softplus_out(&self, out: &Tensor) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn softshrink(&self) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn softshrink_backward<S: Into<Scalar>>(
    grad_output: &Tensor,
    lambd: S
) -> Tensor

pub fn softshrink_backward_out<S: Into<Scalar>>(
    grad_input: &Tensor,
    grad_output: &Tensor,
    lambd: S
) -> Tensor

pub fn softshrink_out(&self, out: &Tensor) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn solve(&self, a: &Tensor) -> (Tensor, Tensor)[src]

pub fn solve_out(
    solution: &Tensor,
    lu: &Tensor,
    a: &Tensor
) -> (Tensor, Tensor)

pub fn sort(&self, dim: i64, descending: bool) -> (Tensor, Tensor)[src]

pub fn sort_out(
    values: &Tensor,
    indices: &Tensor,
    dim: i64,
    descending: bool
) -> (Tensor, Tensor)

pub fn sparse_coo_tensor(size: &[i64], options: (Kind, Device)) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn sparse_coo_tensor1(
    indices: &Tensor,
    values: &Tensor,
    options: (Kind, Device)
) -> Tensor

pub fn sparse_coo_tensor2(
    indices: &Tensor,
    values: &Tensor,
    size: &[i64],
    options: (Kind, Device)
) -> Tensor

pub fn sparse_mask(&self, mask: &Tensor) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn sparse_resize_(
    &mut self,
    size: &[i64],
    sparse_dim: i64,
    dense_dim: i64
) -> Tensor

pub fn sparse_resize_and_clear_(
    &mut self,
    size: &[i64],
    sparse_dim: i64,
    dense_dim: i64
) -> Tensor

pub fn split(&self, split_size: i64, dim: i64) -> Vec<Tensor>[src]

pub fn split_with_sizes(&self, split_sizes: &[i64], dim: i64) -> Vec<Tensor>[src]

pub fn sqrt(&self) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn sqrt_(&mut self) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn sqrt_out(&self, out: &Tensor) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn square(&self) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn square_(&mut self) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn squeeze(&self) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn squeeze1(&self, dim: i64) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn squeeze_(&mut self) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn squeeze_1(&mut self, dim: i64) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn sspaddmm(&self, mat1: &Tensor, mat2: &Tensor) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn sspaddmm_out(&self, out: &Tensor, mat1: &Tensor, mat2: &Tensor) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn stack<T: Borrow<Tensor>>(tensors: &[T], dim: i64) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn stack_out<T: Borrow<Tensor>>(
    out: &Tensor,
    tensors: &[T],
    dim: i64
) -> Tensor

pub fn std(&self, unbiased: bool) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn std1(&self, dim: &[i64], unbiased: bool, keepdim: bool) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn std_mean(&self, unbiased: bool) -> (Tensor, Tensor)[src]

pub fn std_mean1(
    dim: &[i64],
    unbiased: bool,
    keepdim: bool
) -> (Tensor, Tensor)

pub fn std_out(
    out: &Tensor,
    dim: &[i64],
    unbiased: bool,
    keepdim: bool
) -> Tensor

pub fn stft<T: Borrow<Tensor>>(
    n_fft: i64,
    hop_length: impl Into<Option<i64>>,
    win_length: impl Into<Option<i64>>,
    window: Option<T>,
    normalized: bool,
    onesided: bool,
    return_complex: bool
) -> Tensor

pub fn g_sub(&self, other: &Tensor) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn g_sub1<S: Into<Scalar>>(&self, other: S) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn g_sub_(&mut self, other: &Tensor) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn g_sub_1<S: Into<Scalar>>(&mut self, other: S) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn sub_out(&self, out: &Tensor, other: &Tensor) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn subtract(&self, other: &Tensor) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn subtract1<S: Into<Scalar>>(&self, other: S) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn subtract_(&mut self, other: &Tensor) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn subtract_1<S: Into<Scalar>>(&mut self, other: S) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn subtract_out(&self, out: &Tensor, other: &Tensor) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn sum(&self, dtype: Kind) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn sum1(&self, dim: &[i64], keepdim: bool, dtype: Kind) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn sum_out(
    out: &Tensor,
    dim: &[i64],
    keepdim: bool,
    dtype: Kind
) -> Tensor

pub fn sum_to_size(&self, size: &[i64]) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn svd(&self, some: bool, compute_uv: bool) -> (Tensor, Tensor, Tensor)[src]

pub fn svd_out(
    u: &Tensor,
    s: &Tensor,
    v: &Tensor,
    some: bool,
    compute_uv: bool
) -> (Tensor, Tensor, Tensor)

pub fn swapaxes(&self, axis0: i64, axis1: i64) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn swapaxes_(&mut self, axis0: i64, axis1: i64) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn swapdims(&self, dim0: i64, dim1: i64) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn swapdims_(&mut self, dim0: i64, dim1: i64) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn symeig(&self, eigenvectors: bool, upper: bool) -> (Tensor, Tensor)[src]

pub fn symeig_out(
    e: &Tensor,
    v: &Tensor,
    eigenvectors: bool,
    upper: bool
) -> (Tensor, Tensor)

pub fn tr(&self) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn t_(&mut self) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn take(&self, index: &Tensor) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn take_backward(&self, grad: &Tensor, index: &Tensor) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn take_out(&self, out: &Tensor, index: &Tensor) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn tan(&self) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn tan_(&mut self) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn tan_out(&self, out: &Tensor) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn tanh(&self) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn tanh_(&mut self) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn tanh_backward(grad_output: &Tensor, output: &Tensor) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn tanh_backward_out(
    grad_input: &Tensor,
    grad_output: &Tensor,
    output: &Tensor
) -> Tensor

pub fn tanh_out(&self, out: &Tensor) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn tensor_split(&self, sections: i64, dim: i64) -> Vec<Tensor>[src]

pub fn tensor_split1(&self, indices: &[i64], dim: i64) -> Vec<Tensor>[src]

pub fn tensor_split2(
    tensor_indices_or_sections: &Tensor,
    dim: i64
) -> Vec<Tensor>

pub fn tensordot(
    other: &Tensor,
    dims_self: &[i64],
    dims_other: &[i64]
) -> Tensor

pub fn tensordot_out(
    out: &Tensor,
    other: &Tensor,
    dims_self: &[i64],
    dims_other: &[i64]
) -> Tensor

pub fn threshold<S: Into<Scalar>>(&self, threshold: S, value: S) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn threshold_<S: Into<Scalar>>(&mut self, threshold: S, value: S) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn threshold_backward<S: Into<Scalar>>(
    grad_output: &Tensor,
    threshold: S
) -> Tensor

pub fn threshold_out<S: Into<Scalar>>(
    out: &Tensor,
    threshold: S,
    value: S
) -> Tensor

pub fn tile(&self, dims: &[i64]) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn to(&self, device: Device) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn to1(
    options: (Kind, Device),
    non_blocking: bool,
    copy: bool
) -> Tensor

pub fn to2(&self, dtype: Kind, non_blocking: bool, copy: bool) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn to3(&self, other: &Tensor, non_blocking: bool, copy: bool) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn to4(
    device: Device,
    dtype: Kind,
    non_blocking: bool,
    copy: bool
) -> Tensor

pub fn to_dense(&self, dtype: Kind) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn to_dense_backward(&self, grad: &Tensor) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn g_to_mkldnn(&self, dtype: Kind) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn to_mkldnn_backward(&self, grad: &Tensor) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn to_sparse(&self) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn to_sparse1(&self, sparse_dim: i64) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn topk(
    k: i64,
    dim: i64,
    largest: bool,
    sorted: bool
) -> (Tensor, Tensor)

pub fn topk_out(
    values: &Tensor,
    indices: &Tensor,
    k: i64,
    dim: i64,
    largest: bool,
    sorted: bool
) -> (Tensor, Tensor)

pub fn totype(&self, scalar_type: Kind) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn trace(&self) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn trace_backward(grad: &Tensor, sizes: &[i64]) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn transpose(&self, dim0: i64, dim1: i64) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn transpose_(&mut self, dim0: i64, dim1: i64) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn trapz(y: &Tensor, x: &Tensor, dim: i64) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn trapz1(y: &Tensor, dx: f64, dim: i64) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn triangular_solve(
    a: &Tensor,
    upper: bool,
    transpose: bool,
    unitriangular: bool
) -> (Tensor, Tensor)

pub fn triangular_solve_out(
    x: &Tensor,
    m: &Tensor,
    a: &Tensor,
    upper: bool,
    transpose: bool,
    unitriangular: bool
) -> (Tensor, Tensor)

pub fn tril(&self, diagonal: i64) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn tril_(&mut self, diagonal: i64) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn tril_indices(
    row: i64,
    col: i64,
    offset: i64,
    options: (Kind, Device)
) -> Tensor

pub fn tril_out(&self, out: &Tensor, diagonal: i64) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn triplet_margin_loss(
    anchor: &Tensor,
    positive: &Tensor,
    negative: &Tensor,
    margin: f64,
    p: f64,
    eps: f64,
    swap: bool,
    reduction: Reduction
) -> Tensor

pub fn triu(&self, diagonal: i64) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn triu_(&mut self, diagonal: i64) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn triu_indices(
    row: i64,
    col: i64,
    offset: i64,
    options: (Kind, Device)
) -> Tensor

pub fn triu_out(&self, out: &Tensor, diagonal: i64) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn true_divide(&self, other: &Tensor) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn true_divide1<S: Into<Scalar>>(&self, other: S) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn true_divide_(&mut self, other: &Tensor) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn true_divide_1<S: Into<Scalar>>(&mut self, other: S) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn true_divide_out(&self, out: &Tensor, other: &Tensor) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn trunc(&self) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn trunc_(&mut self) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn trunc_out(&self, out: &Tensor) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn type_as(&self, other: &Tensor) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn unbind(&self, dim: i64) -> Vec<Tensor>[src]

pub fn unflatten(&self, dim: i64, sizes: &[i64]) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn unfold(&self, dimension: i64, size: i64, step: i64) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn unfold_backward(
    grad_in: &Tensor,
    input_sizes: &[i64],
    dim: i64,
    size: i64,
    step: i64
) -> Tensor

pub fn uniform_(&mut self, from: f64, to: f64) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn unique_consecutive(
    return_inverse: bool,
    return_counts: bool,
    dim: impl Into<Option<i64>>
) -> (Tensor, Tensor, Tensor)

pub fn unique_dim(
    dim: i64,
    sorted: bool,
    return_inverse: bool,
    return_counts: bool
) -> (Tensor, Tensor, Tensor)

pub fn unique_dim_consecutive(
    dim: i64,
    return_inverse: bool,
    return_counts: bool
) -> (Tensor, Tensor, Tensor)

pub fn unsafe_chunk(&self, chunks: i64, dim: i64) -> Vec<Tensor>[src]

pub fn unsafe_split(&self, split_size: i64, dim: i64) -> Vec<Tensor>[src]

pub fn unsafe_split_with_sizes(
    split_sizes: &[i64],
    dim: i64
) -> Vec<Tensor>

pub fn unsqueeze(&self, dim: i64) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn unsqueeze_(&mut self, dim: i64) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn upsample_bicubic2d(
    output_size: &[i64],
    align_corners: bool,
    scales_h: impl Into<Option<f64>>,
    scales_w: impl Into<Option<f64>>
) -> Tensor

pub fn upsample_bicubic2d_backward(
    grad_output: &Tensor,
    output_size: &[i64],
    input_size: &[i64],
    align_corners: bool,
    scales_h: impl Into<Option<f64>>,
    scales_w: impl Into<Option<f64>>
) -> Tensor

pub fn upsample_bicubic2d_backward_out(
    grad_input: &Tensor,
    grad_output: &Tensor,
    output_size: &[i64],
    input_size: &[i64],
    align_corners: bool,
    scales_h: impl Into<Option<f64>>,
    scales_w: impl Into<Option<f64>>
) -> Tensor

pub fn upsample_bicubic2d_out(
    out: &Tensor,
    output_size: &[i64],
    align_corners: bool,
    scales_h: impl Into<Option<f64>>,
    scales_w: impl Into<Option<f64>>
) -> Tensor

pub fn upsample_bilinear2d(
    output_size: &[i64],
    align_corners: bool,
    scales_h: impl Into<Option<f64>>,
    scales_w: impl Into<Option<f64>>
) -> Tensor

pub fn upsample_bilinear2d_backward(
    grad_output: &Tensor,
    output_size: &[i64],
    input_size: &[i64],
    align_corners: bool,
    scales_h: impl Into<Option<f64>>,
    scales_w: impl Into<Option<f64>>
) -> Tensor

pub fn upsample_bilinear2d_backward_out(
    grad_input: &Tensor,
    grad_output: &Tensor,
    output_size: &[i64],
    input_size: &[i64],
    align_corners: bool,
    scales_h: impl Into<Option<f64>>,
    scales_w: impl Into<Option<f64>>
) -> Tensor

pub fn upsample_bilinear2d_out(
    out: &Tensor,
    output_size: &[i64],
    align_corners: bool,
    scales_h: impl Into<Option<f64>>,
    scales_w: impl Into<Option<f64>>
) -> Tensor

pub fn upsample_linear1d(
    output_size: &[i64],
    align_corners: bool,
    scales: impl Into<Option<f64>>
) -> Tensor

pub fn upsample_linear1d_backward(
    grad_output: &Tensor,
    output_size: &[i64],
    input_size: &[i64],
    align_corners: bool,
    scales: impl Into<Option<f64>>
) -> Tensor

pub fn upsample_linear1d_backward_out(
    grad_input: &Tensor,
    grad_output: &Tensor,
    output_size: &[i64],
    input_size: &[i64],
    align_corners: bool,
    scales: impl Into<Option<f64>>
) -> Tensor

pub fn upsample_linear1d_out(
    out: &Tensor,
    output_size: &[i64],
    align_corners: bool,
    scales: impl Into<Option<f64>>
) -> Tensor

pub fn upsample_nearest1d(
    output_size: &[i64],
    scales: impl Into<Option<f64>>
) -> Tensor

pub fn upsample_nearest1d_backward(
    grad_output: &Tensor,
    output_size: &[i64],
    input_size: &[i64],
    scales: impl Into<Option<f64>>
) -> Tensor

pub fn upsample_nearest1d_backward_out(
    grad_input: &Tensor,
    grad_output: &Tensor,
    output_size: &[i64],
    input_size: &[i64],
    scales: impl Into<Option<f64>>
) -> Tensor

pub fn upsample_nearest1d_out(
    out: &Tensor,
    output_size: &[i64],
    scales: impl Into<Option<f64>>
) -> Tensor

pub fn upsample_nearest2d(
    output_size: &[i64],
    scales_h: impl Into<Option<f64>>,
    scales_w: impl Into<Option<f64>>
) -> Tensor

pub fn upsample_nearest2d_backward(
    grad_output: &Tensor,
    output_size: &[i64],
    input_size: &[i64],
    scales_h: impl Into<Option<f64>>,
    scales_w: impl Into<Option<f64>>
) -> Tensor

pub fn upsample_nearest2d_backward_out(
    grad_input: &Tensor,
    grad_output: &Tensor,
    output_size: &[i64],
    input_size: &[i64],
    scales_h: impl Into<Option<f64>>,
    scales_w: impl Into<Option<f64>>
) -> Tensor

pub fn upsample_nearest2d_out(
    out: &Tensor,
    output_size: &[i64],
    scales_h: impl Into<Option<f64>>,
    scales_w: impl Into<Option<f64>>
) -> Tensor

pub fn upsample_nearest3d(
    output_size: &[i64],
    scales_d: impl Into<Option<f64>>,
    scales_h: impl Into<Option<f64>>,
    scales_w: impl Into<Option<f64>>
) -> Tensor

pub fn upsample_nearest3d_backward(
    grad_output: &Tensor,
    output_size: &[i64],
    input_size: &[i64],
    scales_d: impl Into<Option<f64>>,
    scales_h: impl Into<Option<f64>>,
    scales_w: impl Into<Option<f64>>
) -> Tensor

pub fn upsample_nearest3d_backward_out(
    grad_input: &Tensor,
    grad_output: &Tensor,
    output_size: &[i64],
    input_size: &[i64],
    scales_d: impl Into<Option<f64>>,
    scales_h: impl Into<Option<f64>>,
    scales_w: impl Into<Option<f64>>
) -> Tensor

pub fn upsample_nearest3d_out(
    out: &Tensor,
    output_size: &[i64],
    scales_d: impl Into<Option<f64>>,
    scales_h: impl Into<Option<f64>>,
    scales_w: impl Into<Option<f64>>
) -> Tensor

pub fn upsample_trilinear3d(
    output_size: &[i64],
    align_corners: bool,
    scales_d: impl Into<Option<f64>>,
    scales_h: impl Into<Option<f64>>,
    scales_w: impl Into<Option<f64>>
) -> Tensor

pub fn upsample_trilinear3d_backward(
    grad_output: &Tensor,
    output_size: &[i64],
    input_size: &[i64],
    align_corners: bool,
    scales_d: impl Into<Option<f64>>,
    scales_h: impl Into<Option<f64>>,
    scales_w: impl Into<Option<f64>>
) -> Tensor

pub fn upsample_trilinear3d_backward_out(
    grad_input: &Tensor,
    grad_output: &Tensor,
    output_size: &[i64],
    input_size: &[i64],
    align_corners: bool,
    scales_d: impl Into<Option<f64>>,
    scales_h: impl Into<Option<f64>>,
    scales_w: impl Into<Option<f64>>
) -> Tensor

pub fn upsample_trilinear3d_out(
    out: &Tensor,
    output_size: &[i64],
    align_corners: bool,
    scales_d: impl Into<Option<f64>>,
    scales_h: impl Into<Option<f64>>,
    scales_w: impl Into<Option<f64>>
) -> Tensor

pub fn value_selecting_reduction_backward(
    grad: &Tensor,
    dim: i64,
    indices: &Tensor,
    sizes: &[i64],
    keepdim: bool
) -> Tensor

pub fn values(&self) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn vander(x: &Tensor, n: impl Into<Option<i64>>, increasing: bool) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn var(&self, unbiased: bool) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn var1(&self, dim: &[i64], unbiased: bool, keepdim: bool) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn var_mean(&self, unbiased: bool) -> (Tensor, Tensor)[src]

pub fn var_mean1(
    dim: &[i64],
    unbiased: bool,
    keepdim: bool
) -> (Tensor, Tensor)

pub fn var_out(
    out: &Tensor,
    dim: &[i64],
    unbiased: bool,
    keepdim: bool
) -> Tensor

pub fn vdot(&self, other: &Tensor) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn vdot_out(&self, out: &Tensor, other: &Tensor) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn view_(&self, size: &[i64]) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn view1(&self, dtype: Kind) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn view_as(&self, other: &Tensor) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn view_as_complex(&self) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn view_as_real(&self) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn vstack<T: Borrow<Tensor>>(tensors: &[T]) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn vstack_out<T: Borrow<Tensor>>(out: &Tensor, tensors: &[T]) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn where_(condition: &Tensor) -> Vec<Tensor>[src]

pub fn where1(&self, condition: &Tensor, other: &Tensor) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn where2<S: Into<Scalar>>(
    condition: &Tensor,
    self_scalar: S,
    other: &Tensor
) -> Tensor

pub fn where3<S: Into<Scalar>>(&self, condition: &Tensor, other: S) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn where4<S: Into<Scalar>>(
    condition: &Tensor,
    self_scalar: S,
    other: S
) -> Tensor

pub fn xlogy(&self, other: &Tensor) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn xlogy1<S: Into<Scalar>>(self_scalar: S, other: &Tensor) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn xlogy2<S: Into<Scalar>>(&self, other: S) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn xlogy_(&mut self, other: &Tensor) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn xlogy_1<S: Into<Scalar>>(&mut self, other: S) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn xlogy_out(&self, out: &Tensor, other: &Tensor) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn xlogy_out1<S: Into<Scalar>>(
    out: &Tensor,
    self_scalar: S,
    other: &Tensor
) -> Tensor

pub fn xlogy_out2<S: Into<Scalar>>(&self, out: &Tensor, other: S) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn zero_(&mut self) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn zeros(size: &[i64], options: (Kind, Device)) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn zeros_like(&self) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn zeros_out(out: &Tensor, size: &[i64]) -> Tensor[src]

impl Tensor[src]

pub fn iter<T>(&self) -> Result<Iter<T>, TchError>[src]

impl Tensor[src]

pub fn read_npy<T: AsRef<Path>>(path: T) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

Reads a npy file and return the stored tensor.

pub fn read_npz<T: AsRef<Path>>(
    path: T
) -> Result<Vec<(String, Tensor)>, TchError>

Reads a npz file and returns some named tensors.

pub fn write_npy<T: AsRef<Path>>(&self, path: T) -> Result<(), TchError>[src]

Writes a tensor in the npy format so that it can be read using python.

pub fn write_npz<S: AsRef<str>, T: AsRef<Tensor>, P: AsRef<Path>>(
    ts: &[(S, T)],
    path: P
) -> Result<(), TchError>

impl Tensor[src]

pub fn f_view<T: Shape>(&self, s: T) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn view<T: Shape>(&self, s: T) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn f_zero_pad1d(&self, left: i64, right: i64) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn zero_pad1d(&self, left: i64, right: i64) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn f_zero_pad2d(
    left: i64,
    right: i64,
    top: i64,
    bottom: i64
) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>

pub fn zero_pad2d(&self, left: i64, right: i64, top: i64, bottom: i64) -> Tensor[src]

impl Tensor[src]

pub fn to_kind(&self, kind: Kind) -> Tensor[src]

Casts a tensor to a specified kind.

pub fn f_to_kind(&self, kind: Kind) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn nll_loss(&self, targets: &Tensor) -> Tensor[src]

impl Tensor[src]

pub fn cross_entropy_for_logits(&self, targets: &Tensor) -> Tensor[src]

Computes the cross-entropy loss based on some logits and targets.

pub fn accuracy_for_logits(&self, targets: &Tensor) -> Tensor[src]

Returns the average accuracy for some given logits assuming that targets represent ground-truth.

pub fn random_batch(&self, batch_size: i64) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn random_batch2(
    t1: &Tensor,
    t2: &Tensor,
    batch_size: i64
) -> (Tensor, Tensor)

pub fn to_device(&self, device: Device) -> Tensor[src]

Moves a tensor to a specified device.

pub fn f_to_device(&self, device: Device) -> Result<Tensor, TchError>[src]

pub fn avg_pool2d_default(&self, ksize: i64) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn max_pool2d_default(&self, ksize: i64) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn flat_view(&self) -> Tensor[src]

Flattens a tensor.

This returns a flattened version of the given tensor. The first dimension is preserved as it is assumed to be the mini-batch dimension.

pub fn onehot(&self, labels: i64) -> Tensor[src]

Converts a tensor to a one-hot encoded version.

If the input has a size [N1, N2, …, Nk], the returned tensor has a size [N1, …, Nk, labels]. The returned tensor uses float values. Elements of the input vector are expected to be between 0 and labels-1.

pub fn copy(&self) -> Tensor[src]

Copies a tensor to a newly allocated tensor using the same shape and device.

pub fn of_slice2<T, U>(v: &[U]) -> Tensor where
    T: Element,
    U: AsRef<[T]>, 

pub fn to_mkldnn(&self) -> Tensor[src]

impl Tensor[src]

pub fn init(&mut self, i: Init)[src]

Re-initializes the tensor using the specified initialization.

impl Tensor[src]

pub fn apply<M: Module>(&self, m: &M) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn apply_t<M: ModuleT>(&self, m: &M, train: bool) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn apply_opt<M: Module>(&self, m: &Option<M>) -> Tensor[src]

pub fn apply_opt_t<M: ModuleT>(&self, m: &Option<M>, train: bool) -> Tensor[src]

Trait Implementations

impl Add<&'_ Tensor> for Tensor[src]

type Output = Tensor

The resulting type after applying the + operator.

impl<'a> Add<&'_ Tensor> for &'a Tensor[src]

type Output = Tensor

The resulting type after applying the + operator.

impl<S> Add<S> for &Tensor where
    S: Into<Scalar>, 

type Output = Tensor

The resulting type after applying the + operator.

impl<S> Add<S> for Tensor where
    S: Into<Scalar>, 

type Output = Tensor

The resulting type after applying the + operator.

impl Add<Tensor> for Tensor[src]

type Output = Tensor

The resulting type after applying the + operator.

impl Add<Tensor> for &Tensor[src]

type Output = Tensor

The resulting type after applying the + operator.

impl AddAssign<&'_ Tensor> for Tensor[src]

impl AddAssign<Tensor> for Tensor[src]

impl AddAssign<f32> for Tensor[src]

impl AddAssign<f64> for Tensor[src]

impl AddAssign<i32> for Tensor[src]

impl AddAssign<i64> for Tensor[src]

impl AsRef<Tensor> for Tensor[src]

impl Debug for Tensor[src]

impl Default for Tensor[src]

impl Div<&'_ Tensor> for Tensor[src]

type Output = Tensor

The resulting type after applying the / operator.

impl<'a> Div<&'_ Tensor> for &'a Tensor[src]

type Output = Tensor

The resulting type after applying the / operator.

impl<S> Div<S> for &Tensor where
    S: Into<Scalar>, 

type Output = Tensor

The resulting type after applying the / operator.

impl<S> Div<S> for Tensor where
    S: Into<Scalar>, 

type Output = Tensor

The resulting type after applying the / operator.

impl Div<Tensor> for Tensor[src]

type Output = Tensor

The resulting type after applying the / operator.

impl Div<Tensor> for &Tensor[src]

type Output = Tensor

The resulting type after applying the / operator.

impl DivAssign<&'_ Tensor> for Tensor[src]

impl DivAssign<Tensor> for Tensor[src]

impl DivAssign<f32> for Tensor[src]

impl DivAssign<f64> for Tensor[src]

impl DivAssign<i32> for Tensor[src]

impl DivAssign<i64> for Tensor[src]

impl Drop for Tensor[src]

impl<T: Element> From<&'_ [T]> for Tensor[src]

impl From<&'_ Tensor> for TensorIndexer[src]

impl<T: Element> From<T> for Tensor[src]

impl From<Tensor> for IValue[src]

impl<A, B, C, D, E, F, G> IndexOp<(A, B, C, D, E, F, G)> for Tensor where
    A: Into<TensorIndexer>,
    B: Into<TensorIndexer>,
    C: Into<TensorIndexer>,
    D: Into<TensorIndexer>,
    E: Into<TensorIndexer>,
    F: Into<TensorIndexer>,
    G: Into<TensorIndexer>, 

impl<A, B, C, D, E, F> IndexOp<(A, B, C, D, E, F)> for Tensor where
    A: Into<TensorIndexer>,
    B: Into<TensorIndexer>,
    C: Into<TensorIndexer>,
    D: Into<TensorIndexer>,
    E: Into<TensorIndexer>,
    F: Into<TensorIndexer>, 

impl<A, B, C, D, E> IndexOp<(A, B, C, D, E)> for Tensor where
    A: Into<TensorIndexer>,
    B: Into<TensorIndexer>,
    C: Into<TensorIndexer>,
    D: Into<TensorIndexer>,
    E: Into<TensorIndexer>, 

impl<A, B, C, D> IndexOp<(A, B, C, D)> for Tensor where
    A: Into<TensorIndexer>,
    B: Into<TensorIndexer>,
    C: Into<TensorIndexer>,
    D: Into<TensorIndexer>, 

impl<A, B, C> IndexOp<(A, B, C)> for Tensor where
    A: Into<TensorIndexer>,
    B: Into<TensorIndexer>,
    C: Into<TensorIndexer>, 

impl<A, B> IndexOp<(A, B)> for Tensor where
    A: Into<TensorIndexer>,
    B: Into<TensorIndexer>, 

impl<A> IndexOp<(A,)> for Tensor where
    A: Into<TensorIndexer>, 

impl<A> IndexOp<A> for Tensor where
    A: Into<TensorIndexer>, 

impl Mul<&'_ Tensor> for Tensor[src]

type Output = Tensor

The resulting type after applying the * operator.

impl<'a> Mul<&'_ Tensor> for &'a Tensor[src]

type Output = Tensor

The resulting type after applying the * operator.

impl<S> Mul<S> for &Tensor where
    S: Into<Scalar>, 

type Output = Tensor

The resulting type after applying the * operator.

impl<S> Mul<S> for Tensor where
    S: Into<Scalar>, 

type Output = Tensor

The resulting type after applying the * operator.

impl Mul<Tensor> for Tensor[src]

type Output = Tensor

The resulting type after applying the * operator.

impl Mul<Tensor> for &Tensor[src]

type Output = Tensor

The resulting type after applying the * operator.

impl MulAssign<&'_ Tensor> for Tensor[src]

impl MulAssign<Tensor> for Tensor[src]

impl MulAssign<f32> for Tensor[src]

impl MulAssign<f64> for Tensor[src]

impl MulAssign<i32> for Tensor[src]

impl MulAssign<i64> for Tensor[src]

impl Neg for Tensor[src]

type Output = Tensor

The resulting type after applying the - operator.

impl Neg for &Tensor[src]

type Output = Tensor

The resulting type after applying the - operator.

impl PartialEq<Tensor> for Tensor[src]

impl Send for Tensor[src]

impl Sub<&'_ Tensor> for Tensor[src]

type Output = Tensor

The resulting type after applying the - operator.

impl<'a> Sub<&'_ Tensor> for &'a Tensor[src]

type Output = Tensor

The resulting type after applying the - operator.

impl<S> Sub<S> for &Tensor where
    S: Into<Scalar>, 

type Output = Tensor

The resulting type after applying the - operator.

impl<S> Sub<S> for Tensor where
    S: Into<Scalar>, 

type Output = Tensor

The resulting type after applying the - operator.

impl Sub<Tensor> for Tensor[src]

type Output = Tensor

The resulting type after applying the - operator.

impl Sub<Tensor> for &Tensor[src]

type Output = Tensor

The resulting type after applying the - operator.

impl SubAssign<&'_ Tensor> for Tensor[src]

impl SubAssign<Tensor> for Tensor[src]

impl SubAssign<f32> for Tensor[src]

impl SubAssign<f64> for Tensor[src]

impl SubAssign<i32> for Tensor[src]

impl SubAssign<i64> for Tensor[src]

impl<'a> Sum<&'a Tensor> for Tensor[src]

impl Sum<Tensor> for Tensor[src]

impl<D> TryFrom<ArrayBase<OwnedRepr<bool>, D>> for Tensor where
    D: Dimension

type Error = TchError

The type returned in the event of a conversion error.

impl<D> TryFrom<ArrayBase<OwnedRepr<f16>, D>> for Tensor where
    D: Dimension

type Error = TchError

The type returned in the event of a conversion error.

impl<D> TryFrom<ArrayBase<OwnedRepr<f32>, D>> for Tensor where
    D: Dimension

type Error = TchError

The type returned in the event of a conversion error.

impl<D> TryFrom<ArrayBase<OwnedRepr<f64>, D>> for Tensor where
    D: Dimension

type Error = TchError

The type returned in the event of a conversion error.

impl<D> TryFrom<ArrayBase<OwnedRepr<i32>, D>> for Tensor where
    D: Dimension

type Error = TchError

The type returned in the event of a conversion error.

impl<D> TryFrom<ArrayBase<OwnedRepr<i64>, D>> for Tensor where
    D: Dimension

type Error = TchError

The type returned in the event of a conversion error.

impl TryFrom<IValue> for Tensor[src]

type Error = TchError

The type returned in the event of a conversion error.

impl TryFrom<Vec<bool, Global>> for Tensor[src]

type Error = TchError

The type returned in the event of a conversion error.

impl TryFrom<Vec<f16, Global>> for Tensor[src]

type Error = TchError

The type returned in the event of a conversion error.

impl TryFrom<Vec<f32, Global>> for Tensor[src]

type Error = TchError

The type returned in the event of a conversion error.

impl TryFrom<Vec<f64, Global>> for Tensor[src]

type Error = TchError

The type returned in the event of a conversion error.

impl TryFrom<Vec<i32, Global>> for Tensor[src]

type Error = TchError

The type returned in the event of a conversion error.

impl TryFrom<Vec<i64, Global>> for Tensor[src]

type Error = TchError

The type returned in the event of a conversion error.

impl TryInto<ArrayBase<OwnedRepr<bool>, Dim<IxDynImpl>>> for &Tensor[src]

type Error = ShapeError

The type returned in the event of a conversion error.

impl TryInto<ArrayBase<OwnedRepr<f16>, Dim<IxDynImpl>>> for &Tensor[src]

type Error = ShapeError

The type returned in the event of a conversion error.

impl TryInto<ArrayBase<OwnedRepr<f32>, Dim<IxDynImpl>>> for &Tensor[src]

type Error = ShapeError

The type returned in the event of a conversion error.

impl TryInto<ArrayBase<OwnedRepr<f64>, Dim<IxDynImpl>>> for &Tensor[src]

type Error = ShapeError

The type returned in the event of a conversion error.

impl TryInto<ArrayBase<OwnedRepr<i32>, Dim<IxDynImpl>>> for &Tensor[src]

type Error = ShapeError

The type returned in the event of a conversion error.

impl TryInto<ArrayBase<OwnedRepr<i64>, Dim<IxDynImpl>>> for &Tensor[src]

type Error = ShapeError

The type returned in the event of a conversion error.

Auto Trait Implementations

impl RefUnwindSafe for Tensor

impl !Sync for Tensor

impl Unpin for Tensor

impl UnwindSafe for Tensor

Blanket Implementations

impl<T> Any for T where
    T: 'static + ?Sized

impl<T> Borrow<T> for T where
    T: ?Sized

impl<T> BorrowMut<T> for T where
    T: ?Sized

impl<T> From<T> for T[src]

impl<T, U> Into<U> for T where
    U: From<T>, 

impl<T, U> TryFrom<U> for T where
    U: Into<T>, 

type Error = Infallible

The type returned in the event of a conversion error.

impl<T, U> TryInto<U> for T where
    U: TryFrom<T>, 

type Error = <U as TryFrom<T>>::Error

The type returned in the event of a conversion error.

impl<V, T> VZip<V> for T where
    V: MultiLane<T>,