Trait tc_table::TableStream

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pub trait TableStream: TableInstance + Sized {
    type Limit: TableInstance;
    type Selection: TableInstance;

    fn limit(self, limit: u64) -> Self::Limit;
    fn select(self, columns: Vec<Id>) -> TCResult<Self::Selection>;
    fn rows<'a, 'async_trait>(
        txn_id: TxnId
    ) -> Pin<Box<dyn Future<Output = TCResult<TCBoxTryStream<'a, Vec<Value>>>> + Send + 'async_trait>>
        Self: 'async_trait,
        'a: 'async_trait
; fn count<'async_trait>(
        txn_id: TxnId
    ) -> Pin<Box<dyn Future<Output = TCResult<u64>> + Send + 'async_trait>>
        Self: Send + 'async_trait
, { ... } }
Expand description

Table read methods

Required Associated Types§

Required Methods§

Limit the number of rows returned by rows.

Limit the columns returned by rows.

Return a stream of the rows in this Table.

Provided Methods§

Return the number of rows in this Table.
