pub struct Builder<R: Runtime> { /* private fields */ }
Expand description
Builds a Tauri application.
// on an actual app, remove the string argument
.expect("error while running tauri application");
Source§impl<R: Runtime> Builder<R>
impl<R: Runtime> Builder<R>
Sourcepub fn any_thread(self) -> Self
Available on Windows or Linux only.
pub fn any_thread(self) -> Self
Builds a new Tauri application running on any thread, bypassing the main thread requirement.
- macOS: on macOS the application must be executed on the main thread, so this function is not exposed.
Sourcepub fn invoke_handler<F>(self, invoke_handler: F) -> Self
pub fn invoke_handler<F>(self, invoke_handler: F) -> Self
Defines the JS message handler callback.
fn command_1() -> String {
return "hello world".to_string();
// etc...
Sourcepub fn invoke_system(self, initialization_script: String) -> Self
pub fn invoke_system(self, initialization_script: String) -> Self
Defines a custom JS message system.
The initialization_script
is a script that initializes window.__TAURI_INTERNALS__.postMessage
That function must take the (message: object, options: object)
arguments and send it to the backend.
Additionally, the script must include a __INVOKE_KEY__
token that is replaced with a value that must be sent with the IPC payload
to check the integrity of the message by the crate::WebviewWindow::on_message
API, e.g.
const invokeKey = __INVOKE_KEY__;
fetch('my-impl://command', {
headers: {
'Tauri-Invoke-Key': invokeKey,
Note that the implementation details is up to your implementation.
Sourcepub fn channel_interceptor<F: Fn(&Webview<R>, CallbackFn, usize, &InvokeResponseBody) -> bool + Send + Sync + 'static>(
interceptor: F,
) -> Self
pub fn channel_interceptor<F: Fn(&Webview<R>, CallbackFn, usize, &InvokeResponseBody) -> bool + Send + Sync + 'static>( self, interceptor: F, ) -> Self
Registers a channel interceptor that can overwrite the default channel implementation.
If the event has been consumed, it must return true
The channel automatically orders the messages, so the third closure argument represents the message number.
The payload expected by the channel receiver is in the form of { id: usize, message: T }
Sourcepub fn append_invoke_initialization_script(
initialization_script: impl AsRef<str>,
) -> Self
pub fn append_invoke_initialization_script( self, initialization_script: impl AsRef<str>, ) -> Self
Append a custom initialization script.
Allow to append custom initialization script instend of replacing entire invoke system.
let custom_script = r#"
// A custom call system bridge build on top of tauri invoke system.
async function invoke(cmd, args = {}) {
if (!args) args = {};
let prefix = "";
if (args?.__module) {
prefix = `plugin:hybridcall.${args.__module}|`;
const command = `${prefix}tauri_${cmd}`;
const invoke = window.__TAURI_INTERNALS__.invoke;
return invoke(command, args).then(result => {
if ( {
console.log(`call: ${command}`);
console.log(`args: ${JSON.stringify(args)}`);
console.log(`return: ${JSON.stringify(result)}`);
return result;
Sourcepub fn setup<F>(self, setup: F) -> Self
pub fn setup<F>(self, setup: F) -> Self
Defines the setup hook.
use tauri::Manager;
.setup(|app| {
let main_window = app.get_window("main").unwrap();
Sourcepub fn on_page_load<F>(self, on_page_load: F) -> Self
pub fn on_page_load<F>(self, on_page_load: F) -> Self
Defines the page load hook.
Sourcepub fn plugin<P: Plugin<R> + 'static>(self, plugin: P) -> Self
pub fn plugin<P: Plugin<R> + 'static>(self, plugin: P) -> Self
Adds a Tauri application plugin.
A plugin is created using the crate::plugin::Builder
struct.Check its documentation for more information.
mod plugin {
use tauri::{plugin::{Builder as PluginBuilder, TauriPlugin}, RunEvent, Runtime};
// this command can be called in the frontend using `invoke('plugin:window|do_something')`.
async fn do_something<R: Runtime>(app: tauri::AppHandle<R>, window: tauri::Window<R>) -> Result<(), String> {
println!("command called");
pub fn init<R: Runtime>() -> TauriPlugin<R> {
.setup(|app, api| {
// initialize the plugin here
.on_event(|app, event| {
match event {
RunEvent::Ready => {
println!("app is ready");
RunEvent::WindowEvent { label, event, .. } => {
println!("window {} received an event: {:?}", label, event);
_ => (),
Sourcepub fn manage<T>(self, state: T) -> Self
pub fn manage<T>(self, state: T) -> Self
Add state
to the state managed by the application.
This method can be called any number of times as long as each call
refers to a different T
Managed state can be retrieved by any command handler via the
guard. In particular, if a value of type T
is managed by Tauri, adding State<T>
to the list of arguments in a
command handler instructs Tauri to retrieve the managed value.
Additionally, state
can be used to retrieve the value manually.
Panics if state of type T
is already being managed.
Since the managed state is global and must be Send
+ Sync
, mutations can only happen through interior mutability:
use std::{collections::HashMap, sync::Mutex};
use tauri::State;
// here we use Mutex to achieve interior mutability
struct Storage {
store: Mutex<HashMap<u64, String>>,
struct Connection;
struct DbConnection {
db: Mutex<Option<Connection>>,
fn connect(connection: State<DbConnection>) {
// initialize the connection, mutating the state with interior mutability
*connection.db.lock().unwrap() = Some(Connection {});
fn storage_insert(key: u64, value: String, storage: State<Storage>) {
// mutate the storage behind the Mutex, value);
.manage(Storage { store: Default::default() })
.manage(DbConnection { db: Default::default() })
.invoke_handler(tauri::generate_handler![connect, storage_insert])
// on an actual app, remove the string argument
.expect("error while running tauri application");
use tauri::State;
struct MyInt(isize);
struct MyString(String);
fn int_command(state: State<MyInt>) -> String {
format!("The stateful int is: {}", state.0)
fn string_command<'r>(state: State<'r, MyString>) {
println!("state: {}", state.inner().0);
.manage(MyString("Hello, managed state!".to_string()))
.invoke_handler(tauri::generate_handler![int_command, string_command])
// on an actual app, remove the string argument
.expect("error while running tauri application");
Sets the menu to use on all windows.
use tauri::menu::{Menu, MenuItem, PredefinedMenuItem, Submenu};
.menu(|handle| Menu::with_items(handle, &[
&PredefinedMenuItem::close_window(handle, None)?,
#[cfg(target_os = "macos")]
&MenuItem::new(handle, "Hello", true, None::<&str>)?,
Registers an event handler for any menu event.
use tauri::menu::*;
.on_menu_event(|app, event| {
if == "quit" {
Sourcepub fn on_tray_icon_event<F: Fn(&AppHandle<R>, TrayIconEvent) + Send + Sync + 'static>(
f: F,
) -> Self
Available on desktop
and crate feature tray-icon
pub fn on_tray_icon_event<F: Fn(&AppHandle<R>, TrayIconEvent) + Send + Sync + 'static>( self, f: F, ) -> Self
and crate feature tray-icon
only.Registers an event handler for any tray icon event.
use tauri::Manager;
.on_tray_icon_event(|app, event| {
let tray = app.tray_by_id("can't find tray icon");
let _ = tray.set_visible(false);
Enable or disable the default menu on macOS. Enabled by default.
Sourcepub fn on_window_event<F: Fn(&Window<R>, &WindowEvent) + Send + Sync + 'static>(
handler: F,
) -> Self
pub fn on_window_event<F: Fn(&Window<R>, &WindowEvent) + Send + Sync + 'static>( self, handler: F, ) -> Self
Registers a window event handler for all windows.
.on_window_event(|window, event| match event {
tauri::WindowEvent::Focused(focused) => {
// hide window whenever it loses focus
if !focused {
_ => {}
Sourcepub fn on_webview_event<F: Fn(&Webview<R>, &WebviewEvent) + Send + Sync + 'static>(
handler: F,
) -> Self
pub fn on_webview_event<F: Fn(&Webview<R>, &WebviewEvent) + Send + Sync + 'static>( self, handler: F, ) -> Self
Registers a webview event handler for all webviews.
.on_webview_event(|window, event| match event {
tauri::WebviewEvent::DragDrop(event) => {
println!("{:?}", event);
_ => {}
Sourcepub fn register_uri_scheme_protocol<N: Into<String>, T: Into<Cow<'static, [u8]>>, H: Fn(UriSchemeContext<'_, R>, Request<Vec<u8>>) -> Response<T> + Send + Sync + 'static>(
uri_scheme: N,
protocol: H,
) -> Self
pub fn register_uri_scheme_protocol<N: Into<String>, T: Into<Cow<'static, [u8]>>, H: Fn(UriSchemeContext<'_, R>, Request<Vec<u8>>) -> Response<T> + Send + Sync + 'static>( self, uri_scheme: N, protocol: H, ) -> Self
Registers a URI scheme protocol available to all webviews.
Leverages setURLSchemeHandler on macOS, AddWebResourceRequestedFilter on Windows and webkit-web-context-register-uri-scheme on Linux.
The URI scheme to register, such asexample
the protocol associated with the given URI scheme. It’s a function that takes a request and returns a response.
.register_uri_scheme_protocol("app-files", |_ctx, request| {
// skip leading `/`
if let Ok(data) = std::fs::read(&request.uri().path()[1..]) {
} else {
.header(http::header::CONTENT_TYPE, mime::TEXT_PLAIN.essence_str())
.body("failed to read file".as_bytes().to_vec())
Sourcepub fn register_asynchronous_uri_scheme_protocol<N: Into<String>, H: Fn(UriSchemeContext<'_, R>, Request<Vec<u8>>, UriSchemeResponder) + Send + Sync + 'static>(
uri_scheme: N,
protocol: H,
) -> Self
pub fn register_asynchronous_uri_scheme_protocol<N: Into<String>, H: Fn(UriSchemeContext<'_, R>, Request<Vec<u8>>, UriSchemeResponder) + Send + Sync + 'static>( self, uri_scheme: N, protocol: H, ) -> Self
Similar to Self::register_uri_scheme_protocol
but with an asynchronous responder that allows you
to process the request in a separate thread and respond asynchronously.
The URI scheme to register, such asexample
the protocol associated with the given URI scheme. It’s a function that takes an URL such asexample://localhost/asset.css
.register_asynchronous_uri_scheme_protocol("app-files", |_ctx, request, responder| {
// skip leading `/`
let path = request.uri().path()[1..].to_string();
std::thread::spawn(move || {
if let Ok(data) = std::fs::read(path) {
} else {
.header(http::header::CONTENT_TYPE, mime::TEXT_PLAIN.essence_str())
.body("failed to read file".as_bytes().to_vec())
Sourcepub fn device_event_filter(self, filter: DeviceEventFilter) -> Self
pub fn device_event_filter(self, filter: DeviceEventFilter) -> Self
Change the device event filter mode.
Since the DeviceEvent capture can lead to high CPU usage for unfocused windows, tao
will ignore them by default for unfocused windows on Windows. This method allows changing
the filter to explicitly capture them again.
- ** Linux / macOS / iOS / Android**: Unsupported.