Struct taskcluster::Auth

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pub struct Auth {
    pub client: Client,
Expand description

Auth Service

Authentication related API end-points for Taskcluster and related services. These API end-points are of interest if you wish to:

  • Authorize a request signed with Taskcluster credentials,
  • Manage clients and roles,
  • Inspect or audit clients and roles,
  • Gain access to various services guarded by this API.


§client: Client

The underlying client used to make API calls for this service.



impl Auth


pub fn new<CB: Into<ClientBuilder>>(client_builder: CB) -> Result<Self, Error>

Create a new Auth instance, based on the given client builder


pub async fn ping(&self) -> Result<(), Error>

Ping Server

Respond without doing anything. This endpoint is used to check that the service is up.


pub fn ping_url(&self) -> Result<String, Error>

Generate an unsigned URL for the ping endpoint


pub fn ping_signed_url(&self, ttl: Duration) -> Result<String, Error>

Generate a signed URL for the ping endpoint


pub async fn lbheartbeat(&self) -> Result<(), Error>

Load Balancer Heartbeat

Respond without doing anything. This endpoint is used to check that the service is up.


pub fn lbheartbeat_url(&self) -> Result<String, Error>

Generate an unsigned URL for the lbheartbeat endpoint


pub fn lbheartbeat_signed_url(&self, ttl: Duration) -> Result<String, Error>

Generate a signed URL for the lbheartbeat endpoint


pub async fn version(&self) -> Result<(), Error>

Taskcluster Version

Respond with the JSON version object.


pub fn version_url(&self) -> Result<String, Error>

Generate an unsigned URL for the version endpoint


pub fn version_signed_url(&self, ttl: Duration) -> Result<String, Error>

Generate a signed URL for the version endpoint


pub async fn listClients( &self, prefix: Option<&str>, continuationToken: Option<&str>, limit: Option<&str> ) -> Result<Value, Error>

List Clients

Get a list of all clients. With prefix, only clients for which it is a prefix of the clientId are returned.

By default this end-point will try to return up to 1000 clients in one request. But it may return less, even none. It may also return a continuationToken even though there are no more results. However, you can only be sure to have seen all results if you keep calling listClients with the last continuationToken until you get a result without a continuationToken.


pub fn listClients_url( &self, prefix: Option<&str>, continuationToken: Option<&str>, limit: Option<&str> ) -> Result<String, Error>

Generate an unsigned URL for the listClients endpoint


pub fn listClients_signed_url( &self, prefix: Option<&str>, continuationToken: Option<&str>, limit: Option<&str>, ttl: Duration ) -> Result<String, Error>

Generate a signed URL for the listClients endpoint


pub async fn client(&self, clientId: &str) -> Result<Value, Error>

Get Client

Get information about a single client.


pub fn client_url(&self, clientId: &str) -> Result<String, Error>

Generate an unsigned URL for the client endpoint


pub fn client_signed_url( &self, clientId: &str, ttl: Duration ) -> Result<String, Error>

Generate a signed URL for the client endpoint


pub async fn createClient( &self, clientId: &str, payload: &Value ) -> Result<Value, Error>

Create Client

Create a new client and get the accessToken for this client. You should store the accessToken from this API call as there is no other way to retrieve it.

If you loose the accessToken you can call resetAccessToken to reset it, and a new accessToken will be returned, but you cannot retrieve the current accessToken.

If a client with the same clientId already exists this operation will fail. Use updateClient if you wish to update an existing client.

The caller’s scopes must satisfy scopes.


pub async fn resetAccessToken(&self, clientId: &str) -> Result<Value, Error>

Reset accessToken

Reset a clients accessToken, this will revoke the existing accessToken, generate a new accessToken and return it from this call.

There is no way to retrieve an existing accessToken, so if you loose it you must reset the accessToken to acquire it again.


pub async fn updateClient( &self, clientId: &str, payload: &Value ) -> Result<Value, Error>

Update Client

Update an exisiting client. The clientId and accessToken cannot be updated, but scopes can be modified. The caller’s scopes must satisfy all scopes being added to the client in the update operation. If no scopes are given in the request, the client’s scopes remain unchanged


pub async fn enableClient(&self, clientId: &str) -> Result<Value, Error>

Enable Client

Enable a client that was disabled with disableClient. If the client is already enabled, this does nothing.

This is typically used by identity providers to re-enable clients that had been disabled when the corresponding identity’s scopes changed.


pub async fn disableClient(&self, clientId: &str) -> Result<Value, Error>

Disable Client

Disable a client. If the client is already disabled, this does nothing.

This is typically used by identity providers to disable clients when the corresponding identity’s scopes no longer satisfy the client’s scopes.


pub async fn deleteClient(&self, clientId: &str) -> Result<(), Error>

Delete Client

Delete a client, please note that any roles related to this client must be deleted independently.


pub async fn listRoles(&self) -> Result<Value, Error>

List Roles (no pagination)

Get a list of all roles. Each role object also includes the list of scopes it expands to. This always returns all roles in a single HTTP request.

To get paginated results, use listRoles2.


pub fn listRoles_url(&self) -> Result<String, Error>

Generate an unsigned URL for the listRoles endpoint


pub fn listRoles_signed_url(&self, ttl: Duration) -> Result<String, Error>

Generate a signed URL for the listRoles endpoint


pub async fn listRoles2( &self, continuationToken: Option<&str>, limit: Option<&str> ) -> Result<Value, Error>

List Roles

Get a list of all roles. Each role object also includes the list of scopes it expands to. This is similar to listRoles but differs in the format of the response.

If no limit is given, all roles are returned. Since this list may become long, callers can use the limit and continuationToken query arguments to page through the responses.


pub fn listRoles2_url( &self, continuationToken: Option<&str>, limit: Option<&str> ) -> Result<String, Error>

Generate an unsigned URL for the listRoles2 endpoint


pub fn listRoles2_signed_url( &self, continuationToken: Option<&str>, limit: Option<&str>, ttl: Duration ) -> Result<String, Error>

Generate a signed URL for the listRoles2 endpoint


pub async fn listRoleIds( &self, continuationToken: Option<&str>, limit: Option<&str> ) -> Result<Value, Error>

List Role IDs

Get a list of all role IDs.

If no limit is given, the roleIds of all roles are returned. Since this list may become long, callers can use the limit and continuationToken query arguments to page through the responses.


pub fn listRoleIds_url( &self, continuationToken: Option<&str>, limit: Option<&str> ) -> Result<String, Error>

Generate an unsigned URL for the listRoleIds endpoint


pub fn listRoleIds_signed_url( &self, continuationToken: Option<&str>, limit: Option<&str>, ttl: Duration ) -> Result<String, Error>

Generate a signed URL for the listRoleIds endpoint


pub async fn role(&self, roleId: &str) -> Result<Value, Error>

Get Role

Get information about a single role, including the set of scopes that the role expands to.


pub fn role_url(&self, roleId: &str) -> Result<String, Error>

Generate an unsigned URL for the role endpoint


pub fn role_signed_url( &self, roleId: &str, ttl: Duration ) -> Result<String, Error>

Generate a signed URL for the role endpoint


pub async fn createRole( &self, roleId: &str, payload: &Value ) -> Result<Value, Error>

Create Role

Create a new role.

The caller’s scopes must satisfy the new role’s scopes.

If there already exists a role with the same roleId this operation will fail. Use updateRole to modify an existing role.

Creation of a role that will generate an infinite expansion will result in an error response.


pub async fn updateRole( &self, roleId: &str, payload: &Value ) -> Result<Value, Error>

Update Role

Update an existing role.

The caller’s scopes must satisfy all of the new scopes being added, but need not satisfy all of the role’s existing scopes.

An update of a role that will generate an infinite expansion will result in an error response.


pub async fn deleteRole(&self, roleId: &str) -> Result<(), Error>

Delete Role

Delete a role. This operation will succeed regardless of whether or not the role exists.


pub async fn expandScopes(&self, payload: &Value) -> Result<Value, Error>

Expand Scopes

Return an expanded copy of the given scopeset, with scopes implied by any roles included.


pub async fn currentScopes(&self) -> Result<Value, Error>

Get Current Scopes

Return the expanded scopes available in the request, taking into account all sources of scopes and scope restrictions (temporary credentials, assumeScopes, client scopes, and roles).


pub fn currentScopes_url(&self) -> Result<String, Error>

Generate an unsigned URL for the currentScopes endpoint


pub fn currentScopes_signed_url(&self, ttl: Duration) -> Result<String, Error>

Generate a signed URL for the currentScopes endpoint


pub async fn awsS3Credentials( &self, level: &str, bucket: &str, prefix: &str, format: Option<&str> ) -> Result<Value, Error>

Get Temporary Read/Write Credentials S3

Get temporary AWS credentials for read-write or read-only access to a given bucket and prefix within that bucket. The level parameter can be read-write or read-only and determines which type of credentials are returned. Please note that the level parameter is required in the scope guarding access. The bucket name must not contain ., as recommended by Amazon.

This method can only allow access to a whitelisted set of buckets, as configured in the Taskcluster deployment

The credentials are set to expire after an hour, but this behavior is subject to change. Hence, you should always read the expires property from the response, if you intend to maintain active credentials in your application.

Please note that your prefix may not start with slash /. Such a prefix is allowed on S3, but we forbid it here to discourage bad behavior.

Also note that if your prefix doesn’t end in a slash /, the STS credentials may allow access to unexpected keys, as S3 does not treat slashes specially. For example, a prefix of my-folder will allow access to my-folder/file.txt as expected, but also to my-folder.txt, which may not be intended.

Finally, note that the PutObjectAcl call is not allowed. Passing a canned ACL other than private to PutObject is treated as a PutObjectAcl call, and will result in an access-denied error from AWS. This limitation is due to a security flaw in Amazon S3 which might otherwise allow indefinite access to uploaded objects.

EC2 metadata compatibility, if the querystring parameter ?format=iam-role-compat is given, the response will be compatible with the JSON exposed by the EC2 metadata service. This aims to ease compatibility for libraries and tools built to auto-refresh credentials. For details on the format returned by EC2 metadata service see: EC2 User Guide.


pub fn awsS3Credentials_url( &self, level: &str, bucket: &str, prefix: &str, format: Option<&str> ) -> Result<String, Error>

Generate an unsigned URL for the awsS3Credentials endpoint


pub fn awsS3Credentials_signed_url( &self, level: &str, bucket: &str, prefix: &str, format: Option<&str>, ttl: Duration ) -> Result<String, Error>

Generate a signed URL for the awsS3Credentials endpoint


pub async fn azureAccounts(&self) -> Result<Value, Error>

List Accounts Managed by Auth

Retrieve a list of all Azure accounts managed by Taskcluster Auth.


pub fn azureAccounts_url(&self) -> Result<String, Error>

Generate an unsigned URL for the azureAccounts endpoint


pub fn azureAccounts_signed_url(&self, ttl: Duration) -> Result<String, Error>

Generate a signed URL for the azureAccounts endpoint


pub async fn azureTables( &self, account: &str, continuationToken: Option<&str> ) -> Result<Value, Error>

List Tables in an Account Managed by Auth

Retrieve a list of all tables in an account.


pub fn azureTables_url( &self, account: &str, continuationToken: Option<&str> ) -> Result<String, Error>

Generate an unsigned URL for the azureTables endpoint


pub fn azureTables_signed_url( &self, account: &str, continuationToken: Option<&str>, ttl: Duration ) -> Result<String, Error>

Generate a signed URL for the azureTables endpoint


pub async fn azureTableSAS( &self, account: &str, table: &str, level: &str ) -> Result<Value, Error>

Get Shared-Access-Signature for Azure Table

Get a shared access signature (SAS) string for use with a specific Azure Table Storage table.

The level parameter can be read-write or read-only and determines which type of credentials are returned. If level is read-write, it will create the table if it doesn’t already exist.


pub fn azureTableSAS_url( &self, account: &str, table: &str, level: &str ) -> Result<String, Error>

Generate an unsigned URL for the azureTableSAS endpoint


pub fn azureTableSAS_signed_url( &self, account: &str, table: &str, level: &str, ttl: Duration ) -> Result<String, Error>

Generate a signed URL for the azureTableSAS endpoint


pub async fn azureContainers( &self, account: &str, continuationToken: Option<&str> ) -> Result<Value, Error>

List containers in an Account Managed by Auth

Retrieve a list of all containers in an account.


pub fn azureContainers_url( &self, account: &str, continuationToken: Option<&str> ) -> Result<String, Error>

Generate an unsigned URL for the azureContainers endpoint


pub fn azureContainers_signed_url( &self, account: &str, continuationToken: Option<&str>, ttl: Duration ) -> Result<String, Error>

Generate a signed URL for the azureContainers endpoint


pub async fn azureContainerSAS( &self, account: &str, container: &str, level: &str ) -> Result<Value, Error>

Get Shared-Access-Signature for Azure Container

Get a shared access signature (SAS) string for use with a specific Azure Blob Storage container.

The level parameter can be read-write or read-only and determines which type of credentials are returned. If level is read-write, it will create the container if it doesn’t already exist.


pub fn azureContainerSAS_url( &self, account: &str, container: &str, level: &str ) -> Result<String, Error>

Generate an unsigned URL for the azureContainerSAS endpoint


pub fn azureContainerSAS_signed_url( &self, account: &str, container: &str, level: &str, ttl: Duration ) -> Result<String, Error>

Generate a signed URL for the azureContainerSAS endpoint


pub async fn sentryDSN(&self, project: &str) -> Result<Value, Error>

Get DSN for Sentry Project

Get temporary DSN (access credentials) for a sentry project. The credentials returned can be used with any Sentry client for up to 24 hours, after which the credentials will be automatically disabled.

If the project doesn’t exist it will be created, and assigned to the initial team configured for this component. Contact a Sentry admin to have the project transferred to a team you have access to if needed


pub fn sentryDSN_url(&self, project: &str) -> Result<String, Error>

Generate an unsigned URL for the sentryDSN endpoint


pub fn sentryDSN_signed_url( &self, project: &str, ttl: Duration ) -> Result<String, Error>

Generate a signed URL for the sentryDSN endpoint


pub async fn websocktunnelToken( &self, wstAudience: &str, wstClient: &str ) -> Result<Value, Error>

Get a client token for the Websocktunnel service

Get a temporary token suitable for use connecting to a websocktunnel server.

The resulting token will only be accepted by servers with a matching audience value. Reaching such a server is the callers responsibility. In general, a server URL or set of URLs should be provided to the caller as configuration along with the audience value.

The token is valid for a limited time (on the scale of hours). Callers should refresh it before expiration.


pub fn websocktunnelToken_url( &self, wstAudience: &str, wstClient: &str ) -> Result<String, Error>

Generate an unsigned URL for the websocktunnelToken endpoint


pub fn websocktunnelToken_signed_url( &self, wstAudience: &str, wstClient: &str, ttl: Duration ) -> Result<String, Error>

Generate a signed URL for the websocktunnelToken endpoint


pub async fn gcpCredentials( &self, projectId: &str, serviceAccount: &str ) -> Result<Value, Error>

Get Temporary GCP Credentials

Get temporary GCP credentials for the given serviceAccount in the given project.

Only preconfigured projects and serviceAccounts are allowed, as defined in the deployment of the Taskcluster services.

The credentials are set to expire after an hour, but this behavior is subject to change. Hence, you should always read the expires property from the response, if you intend to maintain active credentials in your application.


pub fn gcpCredentials_url( &self, projectId: &str, serviceAccount: &str ) -> Result<String, Error>

Generate an unsigned URL for the gcpCredentials endpoint


pub fn gcpCredentials_signed_url( &self, projectId: &str, serviceAccount: &str, ttl: Duration ) -> Result<String, Error>

Generate a signed URL for the gcpCredentials endpoint


pub async fn authenticateHawk(&self, payload: &Value) -> Result<Value, Error>

Authenticate Hawk Request

Validate the request signature given on input and return list of scopes that the authenticating client has.

This method is used by other services that wish rely on Taskcluster credentials for authentication. This way we can use Hawk without having the secret credentials leave this service.


pub async fn testAuthenticate(&self, payload: &Value) -> Result<Value, Error>

Test Authentication

Utility method to test client implementations of Taskcluster authentication.

Rather than using real credentials, this endpoint accepts requests with clientId tester and accessToken no-secret. That client’s scopes are based on clientScopes in the request body.

The request is validated, with any certificate, authorizedScopes, etc. applied, and the resulting scopes are checked against requiredScopes from the request body. On success, the response contains the clientId and scopes as seen by the API method.


pub async fn testAuthenticateGet(&self) -> Result<Value, Error>

Test Authentication (GET)

Utility method similar to testAuthenticate, but with the GET method, so it can be used with signed URLs (bewits).

Rather than using real credentials, this endpoint accepts requests with clientId tester and accessToken no-secret. That client’s scopes are ['test:*', 'auth:create-client:test:*']. The call fails if the test:authenticate-get scope is not available.

The request is validated, with any certificate, authorizedScopes, etc. applied, and the resulting scopes are checked, just like any API call. On success, the response contains the clientId and scopes as seen by the API method.

This method may later be extended to allow specification of client and required scopes via query arguments.


pub fn testAuthenticateGet_url(&self) -> Result<String, Error>

Generate an unsigned URL for the testAuthenticateGet endpoint


pub fn testAuthenticateGet_signed_url( &self, ttl: Duration ) -> Result<String, Error>

Generate a signed URL for the testAuthenticateGet endpoint


pub async fn heartbeat(&self) -> Result<(), Error>


Respond with a service heartbeat.

This endpoint is used to check on backing services this service depends on.


pub fn heartbeat_url(&self) -> Result<String, Error>

Generate an unsigned URL for the heartbeat endpoint


pub fn heartbeat_signed_url(&self, ttl: Duration) -> Result<String, Error>

Generate a signed URL for the heartbeat endpoint

Auto Trait Implementations§


impl !RefUnwindSafe for Auth


impl Send for Auth


impl Sync for Auth


impl Unpin for Auth


impl !UnwindSafe for Auth

Blanket Implementations§


impl<T> Any for Twhere T: 'static + ?Sized,


fn type_id(&self) -> TypeId

Gets the TypeId of self. Read more

impl<T> Borrow<T> for Twhere T: ?Sized,


fn borrow(&self) -> &T

Immutably borrows from an owned value. Read more

impl<T> BorrowMut<T> for Twhere T: ?Sized,


fn borrow_mut(&mut self) -> &mut T

Mutably borrows from an owned value. Read more

impl<T> From<T> for T


fn from(t: T) -> T

Returns the argument unchanged.


impl<T> Instrument for T


fn instrument(self, span: Span) -> Instrumented<Self>

Instruments this type with the provided Span, returning an Instrumented wrapper. Read more

fn in_current_span(self) -> Instrumented<Self>

Instruments this type with the current Span, returning an Instrumented wrapper. Read more

impl<T, U> Into<U> for Twhere U: From<T>,


fn into(self) -> U

Calls U::from(self).

That is, this conversion is whatever the implementation of From<T> for U chooses to do.


impl<T, U> TryFrom<U> for Twhere U: Into<T>,


type Error = Infallible

The type returned in the event of a conversion error.

fn try_from(value: U) -> Result<T, <T as TryFrom<U>>::Error>

Performs the conversion.

impl<T, U> TryInto<U> for Twhere U: TryFrom<T>,


type Error = <U as TryFrom<T>>::Error

The type returned in the event of a conversion error.

fn try_into(self) -> Result<U, <U as TryFrom<T>>::Error>

Performs the conversion.

impl<V, T> VZip<V> for Twhere V: MultiLane<T>,


fn vzip(self) -> V


impl<T> WithSubscriber for T


fn with_subscriber<S>(self, subscriber: S) -> WithDispatch<Self>where S: Into<Dispatch>,

Attaches the provided Subscriber to this type, returning a WithDispatch wrapper. Read more

fn with_current_subscriber(self) -> WithDispatch<Self>

Attaches the current default Subscriber to this type, returning a WithDispatch wrapper. Read more