Struct take_mut::scoped::Scope [] [src]

pub struct Scope<'s> { /* fields omitted */ }

Represents a scope within which, it is possible to take a T from a &mut T as long as the &mut T outlives the scope.


impl<'s> Scope<'s>


Takes a (T, Hole<'c, 'm, T, F>) from an &'m mut T.

If the Hole is dropped without being filled, either due to panic or forgetting to fill, will run the recovery function to obtain a T to fill itself with.


Takes a (T, Hole<'c, 'm, T, F>) from an &'m mut T.

Trait Implementations

Auto Trait Implementations

impl<'s> Send for Scope<'s>

impl<'s> !Sync for Scope<'s>