[][src]Trait ta::Next

pub trait Next<T> {
    type Output;
    fn next(&mut self, input: T) -> Self::Output;

Consumes a data item of type T and returns Output.

Typically T can be f64 or a struct similar to DataItem, that implements traits necessary to calculate value of a particular indicator.

In most cases Output is f64, but sometimes it can be different. For example for MACD it is (f64, f64, f64) since MACD returns 3 values.

Associated Types

type Output

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Required methods

fn next(&mut self, input: T) -> Self::Output

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impl Next<f64> for ExponentialMovingAverage[src]

type Output = f64

impl Next<f64> for SimpleMovingAverage[src]

type Output = f64

impl Next<f64> for RelativeStrengthIndex[src]

type Output = f64

impl Next<f64> for Minimum[src]

type Output = f64

impl Next<f64> for Maximum[src]

type Output = f64

impl Next<f64> for FastStochastic[src]

type Output = f64

impl Next<f64> for SlowStochastic[src]

type Output = f64

impl Next<f64> for TrueRange[src]

type Output = f64

impl Next<f64> for AverageTrueRange[src]

type Output = f64

impl Next<f64> for MovingAverageConvergenceDivergence[src]

type Output = (f64, f64, f64)

impl Next<f64> for EfficiencyRatio[src]

type Output = f64

impl Next<f64> for BollingerBands[src]

type Output = BollingerBandsOutput

impl Next<f64> for RateOfChange[src]

type Output = f64

impl<'a, T: Close + Volume> Next<&'a T> for OnBalanceVolume[src]

type Output = f64

impl<'a, T: Close> Next<&'a T> for BollingerBands[src]

type Output = BollingerBandsOutput

impl<'a, T: Close> Next<&'a T> for EfficiencyRatio[src]

type Output = f64

impl<'a, T: Close> Next<&'a T> for ExponentialMovingAverage[src]

type Output = f64

impl<'a, T: Close> Next<&'a T> for MovingAverageConvergenceDivergence[src]

type Output = (f64, f64, f64)

impl<'a, T: Close> Next<&'a T> for RateOfChange[src]

type Output = f64

impl<'a, T: Close> Next<&'a T> for RelativeStrengthIndex[src]

type Output = f64

impl<'a, T: Close> Next<&'a T> for SimpleMovingAverage[src]

type Output = f64

impl<'a, T: High + Low + Close + Volume> Next<&'a T> for MoneyFlowIndex[src]

type Output = f64

impl<'a, T: High + Low + Close> Next<&'a T> for AverageTrueRange[src]

type Output = f64

impl<'a, T: High + Low + Close> Next<&'a T> for FastStochastic[src]

type Output = f64

impl<'a, T: High + Low + Close> Next<&'a T> for SlowStochastic[src]

type Output = f64

impl<'a, T: High + Low + Close> Next<&'a T> for TrueRange[src]

type Output = f64

impl<'a, T: High> Next<&'a T> for Maximum[src]

type Output = f64

impl<'a, T: Low> Next<&'a T> for Minimum[src]

type Output = f64

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