Crate swf

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Library for reading and writing Adobe Flash SWF files.


This library consists of a read module for decoding SWF data, and a write library for writing SWF data.


pub use read::decompress_swf;
pub use read::parse_swf;
pub use write::write_swf;



An clip action (a.k.a. clip event) placed on a MovieClip instance. Created in the Flash IDE using onClipEvent or on blocks.

An event that can be attached to a MovieClip instance using an onClipEvent or on block.

An RGBA (red, green, blue, alpha) color.

An encoding as defined in the Encoding Standard.

Flags that define various characteristic of an SWF file.

A signed fixed-point value with $frac_bits bits.

A signed fixed-point value with $frac_bits bits.

The header of an SWF file.

The extended metadata of an SWF file.

The transformation matrix used by Flash display objects.

An undocumented and unused tag to set the instance name of a character. This seems to have no effect in the official Flash Player. Superseded by the PlaceObject2 tag.

ProductInfo contains information about the software used to generate the SWF. Not documented in the SWF19 reference. Emitted by mxmlc. See

A rectangular region defined by minimum and maximum x- and y-coordinate positions measured in Twips.

A complete header and tags in the SWF file. This is returned by the swf::parse_swf convenience method.

Returned by read::decompress_swf. Owns the decompressed SWF data, which will be referenced when parsed by parse_swf.

A bstr-like string type analogous to str that’s returned by SWF parsing functions:

A type-safe wrapper type documenting where “twips” are used in the SWF format.



The Shift_JIS encoding.

The UTF-8 encoding.

The windows-1252 encoding.

Type Definitions

DebugId is a UUID written to debug SWFs and used by the Flash Debugger.

A key code used in ButtonAction and ClipAction key press events.