Expand description


A library to help you generate code that mapped one struct to another.


  use structmapper::StructMapper;

  struct From1 {
    value: i32,

  struct From2 {
    value: i32,

  struct From3 {
    value: i32,

  #[struct_mapper(from_type = "From1")]
  #[struct_mapper(from_type = "From2")]
    from_type = "(From1, From2, From3)",
    default_base = "{0}",
      value = "{0.value} + {1.value} + {2.value}"
  struct To {
    value: i32

  let to = To::from(From1 { value: 1 });
  assert_eq!(to.value, 1);

  let to = To::from(From2 { value: 2 });
  assert_eq!(to.value, 2);

  let to = To::from((From1 { value: 1 }, From2 { value: 2 }, From3 { value: 3 }));
  assert_eq!(to.value, 1 + 2 + 3);

Derive Macros