Struct stm32f1::stm32f107::CorePeripherals[][src]

pub struct CorePeripherals {
    pub CBP: CBP,
    pub CPUID: CPUID,
    pub DCB: DCB,
    pub DWT: DWT,
    pub FPB: FPB,
    pub FPU: FPU,
    pub ITM: ITM,
    pub MPU: MPU,
    pub NVIC: NVIC,
    pub SCB: SCB,
    pub SYST: SYST,
    pub TPIU: TPIU,

Core peripherals


Cache and branch predictor maintenance operations (not present on Cortex-M0 variants)


Debug Control Block

Data Watchpoint and Trace unit

Flash Patch and Breakpoint unit (not present on Cortex-M0 variants)

Floating Point Unit (only present on thumbv7em-none-eabihf)

Instrumentation Trace Macrocell (not present on Cortex-M0 variants)

Memory Protection Unit

Nested Vector Interrupt Controller

System Control Block

SysTick: System Timer

Trace Port Interface Unit (not present on Cortex-M0 variants)


impl Peripherals

Returns all the core peripherals once

Unchecked version of Peripherals::take

Auto Trait Implementations

impl Send for Peripherals

impl !Sync for Peripherals