[][src]Type Definition stm32f1::stm32f107::usart1::cr2::W

type W = W<u32, CR2>;

Writer for register CR2


impl W[src]

pub fn linen(&mut self) -> LINEN_W[src]

Bit 14 - LIN mode enable

pub fn stop(&mut self) -> STOP_W[src]

Bits 12:13 - STOP bits

pub fn clken(&mut self) -> CLKEN_W[src]

Bit 11 - Clock enable

pub fn cpol(&mut self) -> CPOL_W[src]

Bit 10 - Clock polarity

pub fn cpha(&mut self) -> CPHA_W[src]

Bit 9 - Clock phase

pub fn lbcl(&mut self) -> LBCL_W[src]

Bit 8 - Last bit clock pulse

pub fn lbdie(&mut self) -> LBDIE_W[src]

Bit 6 - LIN break detection interrupt enable

pub fn lbdl(&mut self) -> LBDL_W[src]

Bit 5 - lin break detection length

pub fn add(&mut self) -> ADD_W[src]

Bits 0:3 - Address of the USART node