Struct steel_cent::Money [] [src]

pub struct Money {
    pub currency: Currency,
    // some fields omitted

A signed amount of money in a certain currency, with the currency's standard number of decimal places.

Note that the arithmetic ops implementations all delegate to the checked_ methods, panicking on None, even in a release build. (This is in contrast to primitive ops, which will overflow in a release build.)

A Money is 128 bits in size.

assert_eq!(16, std::mem::size_of::<Money>());


let price = Money::of_major_minor(USD, 19, 95);
let shipping_and_handling = Money::of_major(USD, 10);
let convenience_charge = Money::of_major(USD, 6);
let discount: f64 = 1.0 - 0.2; // 20% off
let discounted_price = price * discount;
let fees = shipping_and_handling + convenience_charge;
let total = discounted_price + fees;
println!("price: {:?}, discounted_price: {:?}", price, discounted_price);
assert_eq!(Money::of_minor(USD, 1596), discounted_price);
assert_eq!(Money::of_minor(USD, 3196), total);
assert_eq!((price * discount) + shipping_and_handling + convenience_charge, total);



impl Money


Creates a Money from its "minor" unit (e.g. US cents to USD).


Creates a Money from its "major" unit (e.g. US dollars to USD).




assert_eq!(Money::of_major_minor(USD, -92_233_720_368_547_758, -08), Money::min(USD));


assert_eq!(Money::of_major_minor(USD, 92_233_720_368_547_758, 07), Money::max(USD));


Returns the major unit part of the amount.

assert_eq!(2, Money::of_minor(USD, 2_99).major_part());


Returns the minor unit part of the amount.

assert_eq!(99, Money::of_minor(USD, 2_99).minor_part());


Returns the total amount in the currency's minor unit.

let two_dollars = Money::of_major(USD, 2);
assert_eq!(200, two_dollars.minor_amount());


let five_usd = Money::of_major(USD, 5);
let three_pound_seventy_five = Money::of_major_minor(GBP, 3, 75);
let gbp_per_usd = 0.75;
let five_eleven_yen = Money::of_major(JPY, 511);
let jpy_per_usd = 102.15;
assert_eq!(three_pound_seventy_five, five_usd.convert_to(GBP, gbp_per_usd));
assert_eq!(five_usd, three_pound_seventy_five.convert_to(USD, gbp_per_usd.recip()));
assert_eq!(510.75, 5.0 * jpy_per_usd); // but JPY has zero decimal places.
assert_eq!(five_eleven_yen, five_usd.convert_to(JPY, jpy_per_usd)); // rounded.
assert_eq!(five_usd, five_eleven_yen.convert_to(USD, jpy_per_usd.recip())); // rounded.


Returns absolute value, except for the minimum value, which cannot be negated.

let c = Money::of_major(USD, 100);
assert_eq!(Some(c), c.checked_abs());
assert_eq!(Some(c), (-c).checked_abs());
assert_eq!(None, Money::min(USD).checked_abs());


Returns absolute value, except for the minimum value, which cannot be negated.

let c = Money::of_major(USD, 100);
assert_eq!(c, c.abs());
assert_eq!(c, (-c).abs());


Panics for the minimum value.


assert_eq!(Some(Money::of_minor(USD, 4_01)),
           Money::of_major(USD, 4).checked_add(Money::of_minor(USD, 1)));
assert_eq!(None, Money::max(USD).checked_add(Money::of_minor(USD, 1)));


Panics when currencies differ.


assert_eq!(Some(Money::of_minor(USD, 3_99)),
           Money::of_major(USD, 4).checked_sub(Money::of_minor(USD, 1)));
assert_eq!(None, Money::min(USD).checked_sub(Money::of_minor(USD, 1)));


Panics when currencies differ.


assert_eq!(Some(Money::of_major(USD, 8)), Money::of_major(USD, 4).checked_mul(2));
assert_eq!(None, Money::max(USD).checked_mul(2));
assert_eq!(None, Money::min(USD).checked_mul(-1));


Checked multiplication by a float with rounding. Note that a float has less-than-integer precision for very large and very small amounts of money, which can result in surprising rounding errors.

assert_eq!(Some(Money::of_minor(USD, 8_40)), Money::of_major(USD, 4).checked_mul_f(2.1));
assert_eq!(None, Money::max(USD).checked_mul_f(1.01));
assert_eq!(None, Money::min(USD).checked_mul_f(-1.0));


assert_eq!(Some(Money::of_major(USD, 2)), Money::of_minor(USD, 4_01).checked_div(2));
assert_eq!(None, Money::of_major(USD, 1).checked_div(0));
assert_eq!(None, Money::min(USD).checked_div(-1));


assert_eq!(Some(Money::of_minor(USD, 1)), Money::of_minor(USD, 4_01).checked_rem(2));
assert_eq!(None, Money::of_major(USD, 1).checked_rem(0));
assert_eq!(None, Money::min(USD).checked_rem(-1));


Negates the value, except for the minimum value, which cannot be negated.

assert_eq!(Some(Money::of_major(USD, -1)), Money::of_major(USD, 1).checked_neg());
assert_eq!(None, Money::min(USD).checked_neg());


assert_eq!(Money::of_minor(USD, 4_01),
           Money::of_major(USD, 4).saturating_add(Money::of_minor(USD, 1)));
           Money::max(USD).saturating_add(Money::of_minor(USD, 1)));


Panics when currencies differ.


assert_eq!(Money::of_minor(USD, 3_99),
           Money::of_major(USD, 4).saturating_sub(Money::of_minor(USD, 1)));
           Money::min(USD).saturating_sub(Money::of_minor(USD, 1)));


Panics when currencies differ.


assert_eq!(Money::of_major(USD, 8), Money::of_major(USD, 4).saturating_mul(2));
assert_eq!(Money::max(USD), Money::max(USD).saturating_mul(2));
assert_eq!(Money::max(USD), Money::min(USD).saturating_mul(-1));

Trait Implementations

impl Debug for Money


Formats the value using the given formatter.

impl PartialEq for Money


This method tests for self and other values to be equal, and is used by ==. Read more


This method tests for !=.

impl Eq for Money

impl Copy for Money

impl Clone for Money


Returns a copy of the value. Read more


Performs copy-assignment from source. Read more

impl Display for Money


Displays the value with formatting::STYLE_GENERIC. See the formatting module for other pre-defined and custom styles.

assert_eq!("1,234.56\u{a0}GBP", format!("{}", &Money::of_minor(GBP, 123456)));

impl FormattableMoney for Money

impl ParseableMoney for Money


impl Add for Money

The resulting type after applying the + operator.


Adds two Moneys.


let one = Money::of_major(USD, 1);
assert_eq!(Money::of_major(USD, 2), one + one);
// Likewise for refs:
let one = Money::of_major(USD, 1);
assert_eq!(Money::of_major(USD, 2), one + &one);
assert_eq!(Money::of_major(USD, 2), &one + one);
assert_eq!(Money::of_major(USD, 2), &one + &one);


Panics when currencies differ.

Money::of_major(USD, 1) + Money::of_major(JPY, 1); // panics!

Panics when addition of minor amounts would overflow.

Money::of_minor(USD, std::i64::MAX) + Money::of_minor(USD, 1); // panics!

impl<'a> Add<Money> for &'a Money

The resulting type after applying the + operator.


Performs the + operation.

impl<'a> Add<&'a Money> for Money

The resulting type after applying the + operator.


Performs the + operation.

impl<'a, 'b> Add<&'a Money> for &'b Money

The resulting type after applying the + operator.


Performs the + operation.

impl Sub for Money

The resulting type after applying the - operator.


Subtracts one Money from another.


let one = Money::of_major(USD, 1);
assert_eq!(Money::of_major(USD, 0), one - one);
// Likewise for refs:
assert_eq!(Money::of_major(USD, 0), one - &one);
assert_eq!(Money::of_major(USD, 0), &one - one);
assert_eq!(Money::of_major(USD, 0), &one - &one);


Panics when currencies differ.

Money::of_major(USD, 1) - Money::of_major(JPY, 1); // panics!

Panics when subtraction of minor amounts would overflow.

Money::of_minor(USD, std::i64::MIN) - Money::of_minor(USD, 1); // panics!

impl<'a> Sub<Money> for &'a Money

The resulting type after applying the - operator.


Performs the - operation.

impl<'a> Sub<&'a Money> for Money

The resulting type after applying the - operator.


Performs the - operation.

impl<'a, 'b> Sub<&'a Money> for &'b Money

The resulting type after applying the - operator.


Performs the - operation.

impl Mul<i64> for Money

The resulting type after applying the * operator.


Multiplies money by an integer.


let two_usd = Money::of_major(USD, 2);
let four_usd = Money::of_major(USD, 4);
assert_eq!(four_usd, two_usd * 2);
// Likewise for refs:
assert_eq!(four_usd, two_usd * &2);
assert_eq!(four_usd, &two_usd * 2);
assert_eq!(four_usd, &two_usd * &2);


Panics when multiplication of minor amount would overflow.

Money::of_minor(USD, std::i64::MAX) * 2; // panics!

impl<'a> Mul<i64> for &'a Money

The resulting type after applying the * operator.


Performs the * operation.

impl<'a> Mul<&'a i64> for Money

The resulting type after applying the * operator.


Performs the * operation.

impl<'a, 'b> Mul<&'a i64> for &'b Money

The resulting type after applying the * operator.


Performs the * operation.

impl Mul<f64> for Money

The resulting type after applying the * operator.


Multiplies money by a float, rounding if needed.


let one = Money::of_major(USD, 1);
let one01 = Money::of_minor(USD, 1_01);
assert_eq!(one01, one * 1.005001);
assert_eq!(Money::of_minor(USD, 1_005_00), Money::of_major(USD, 1_000) * 1.005001);
assert_eq!(Money::of_minor(USD, 10_050_01), Money::of_major(USD, 10_000) * 1.005001);
// Likewise for refs:
assert_eq!(one01, one * &1.005001);
assert_eq!(one01, &one * 1.005001);
assert_eq!(one01, &one * &1.005001);


Panics when multiplication of minor amount would overflow.

Money::of_minor(USD, std::i64::MAX) * 1.01; // panics!

impl<'a> Mul<f64> for &'a Money

The resulting type after applying the * operator.


Performs the * operation.

impl<'a> Mul<&'a f64> for Money

The resulting type after applying the * operator.


Performs the * operation.

impl<'a, 'b> Mul<&'a f64> for &'b Money

The resulting type after applying the * operator.


Performs the * operation.

impl Div<i64> for Money

The resulting type after applying the / operator.


Divides money by an integer.


let two_usd = Money::of_major(USD, 2);
let four01 = Money::of_minor(USD, 4_01);
assert_eq!(two_usd, four01 / 2);
// Likewise for refs:
assert_eq!(two_usd, &four01 / 2);
assert_eq!(two_usd, four01 / &2);
assert_eq!(two_usd, &four01 / &2);


Panics when division of minor amount would overflow.

Money::of_minor(USD, std::i64::MIN) / -1; // panics!

Panics when n is zero.

Money::of_minor(USD, 1) / 0; // panics!

impl<'a> Div<i64> for &'a Money

The resulting type after applying the / operator.


Performs the / operation.

impl<'a> Div<&'a i64> for Money

The resulting type after applying the / operator.


Performs the / operation.

impl<'a, 'b> Div<&'a i64> for &'b Money

The resulting type after applying the / operator.


Performs the / operation.

impl Rem<i64> for Money

The resulting type after applying the % operator.


Remainder of dividing money by an integer.


let one_cent = Money::of_minor(USD, 1);
let four01 = Money::of_minor(USD, 4_01);
assert_eq!(one_cent, four01 % 2);
// Likewise for refs:
assert_eq!(one_cent, &four01 % 2);
assert_eq!(one_cent, four01 % &2);
assert_eq!(one_cent, &four01 % &2);


Panics when division of minor amount would overflow.

Money::of_minor(USD, std::i64::MIN) % -1; // panics!

Panics when n is zero.

Money::of_minor(USD, 1) % 0; // panics!

impl<'a> Rem<i64> for &'a Money

The resulting type after applying the % operator.


Performs the % operation.

impl<'a> Rem<&'a i64> for Money

The resulting type after applying the % operator.


Performs the % operation.

impl<'a, 'b> Rem<&'a i64> for &'b Money

The resulting type after applying the % operator.


Performs the % operation.

impl Neg for Money

The resulting type after applying the - operator.




assert_eq!(Money::of_minor(USD, -1), -Money::of_minor(USD, 1));


Panics when negation would overflow, which is only the case for the minimum value.

-Money::min(USD); // panics!

impl<'a> Neg for &'a Money

The resulting type after applying the - operator.


Negation of ref.


assert_eq!(Money::of_minor(USD, -1), -(&Money::of_minor(USD, 1)));


Panics when negation would overflow.

-(&Money::of_minor(USD, std::i64::MIN)); // panics!

impl PartialOrd for Money

Compares to Money of the same currency only.

Returns None when currencies differ, causing all comparison operators to return false when currencies differ.


This method returns an ordering between self and other values if one exists. Read more


This method tests less than (for self and other) and is used by the < operator. Read more


This method tests less than or equal to (for self and other) and is used by the <= operator. Read more


This method tests greater than (for self and other) and is used by the > operator. Read more


This method tests greater than or equal to (for self and other) and is used by the >= operator. Read more

impl From<SmallMoney> for Money

Converts a SmallMoney to a Money.

assert_eq!(Money::of_major(USD, 2),
           Money::from(SmallMoney::of_major(USD, 2)));


Performs the conversion.