Trait stdweb::web::INode [] [src]

pub trait INode: IEventTarget {
    fn as_node(&self) -> &Node { ... }
fn append_child<T: INode>(&self, child: &T) { ... }
fn remove_child<T: INode>(&self, child: &T) -> Result<Node, NotFoundError> { ... }
fn clone_node(&self, kind: CloneKind) -> Result<Self, TODO> { ... }
fn contains<T: INode>(&self, node: &T) -> bool { ... }
fn insert_before<T: INode, U: INode>(
        new_node: &T,
        reference_node: &U
    ) -> Result<Node, InsertNodeError> { ... }
fn replace_child<T: INode, U: INode>(
        new_child: &T,
        old_child: &U
    ) -> Result<Node, InsertNodeError> { ... }
fn parent_node(&self) -> Option<Node> { ... }
fn first_child(&self) -> Option<Node> { ... }
fn last_child(&self) -> Option<Node> { ... }
fn next_sibling(&self) -> Option<Node> { ... }
fn node_name(&self) -> String { ... }
fn node_type(&self) -> NodeType { ... }
fn node_value(&self) -> Option<String> { ... }
fn set_node_value(&self, value: Option<&str>) { ... }
fn owner_document(&self) -> Option<Document> { ... }
fn parent_element(&self) -> Option<Element> { ... }
fn previous_sibling(&self) -> Option<Node> { ... }
fn text_content(&self) -> Option<String> { ... }
fn set_text_content(&self, text: &str) { ... }
fn child_nodes(&self) -> NodeList { ... }
fn base_uri(&self) -> String { ... }
fn has_child_nodes(&self) -> bool { ... }
fn is_default_namespace(&self, namespace: &str) -> bool { ... }
fn is_equal_node<T: INode>(&self, node: &T) -> bool { ... }
fn is_same_node<T: INode>(&self, node: &T) -> bool { ... }
fn lookup_prefix(&self, namespace: &str) -> Option<String> { ... }
fn lookup_namespace_uri(&self, prefix: &str) -> Option<String> { ... }
fn normalize(&self) { ... } }

INode is an interface from which a number of DOM API object types inherit.

(JavaScript docs)

Provided Methods

Casts a reference to this object into a reference to a Node.

Adds a node to the end of the list of children of a specified parent node.

If the given child is a reference to an existing node in the document then it is moved from its current position to the new position (there is no requirement to remove the node from its parent node before appending it to some other node).

(JavaScript docs)

Removes a child node from the DOM.

(JavaScript docs)

Returns a duplicate of the node on which this method was called.

(JavaScript docs)

Checks whenever a given node is a descendant of this one or not.

(JavaScript docs)

Inserts the specified node before the reference node as a child of the current node.

(JavaScript docs)

Replaces one hild node of the specified node with another.

(JavaScript docs)

Returns the parent of this node in the DOM tree.

(JavaScript docs)

Returns the node's first child in the tree, or None if the node is childless.

(JavaScript docs)

Returns the node's last child in the tree, or None if the node is childless.

(JavaScript docs)

Returns the node's next sibling in the tree, or None if there isn't such a node.

(JavaScript docs)

Returns the name of the node.

(JavaScript docs)

Returns the type of the node.

(JavaScript docs)

Returns the value of the node.

(JavaScript docs)

Sets the value of the node.

(JavaScript docs)

Returns the Document that this node belongs to.

(JavaScript docs)

Returns an Element that is the parent of this node. Returns null if the node has no parent or the parent is not an Element.

(JavaScript docs)

Returns the node's previous sibling in the tree, or None if there isn't such a node.

(JavaScript docs)

A property which represents the text content of a node and its descendants.

(JavaScript docs)

Sets the text content of this node; calling thil removes all of node's children and replaces them with a single text node with the given value.

(JavaScript docs)

Returns a live collection of child nodes of this node.

(JavaScript docs)

Gets the base URL.

(JavaScript docs)

Returns whether this node has children nodes.

(JavaScript docs)

Determines whether the given namespace is the default namespace of this node.

(JavaScript docs)

Tests whether this node is equal to another node. Two nodes are equal if they have the same type, defining characteristics, matching attributes, and so on.

(JavaScript docs)

Test whether two Node references are the same.

(JavaScript docs)

Returns the prefix for the given namespace URI, if present.

(JavaScript docs)

Returns the namespace URI for the given prefix.

(JavaScript docs)

Merges any adjacent text nodes and removes empty text nodes under this node.

(JavaScript docs)
