Expand description

Re-export common types from the entity


Defines a Column for an Entity

An error from a failed column operation when trying to convert the column to a string

ISO 8601 calendar date without timezone. Allows for every proleptic Gregorian date from Jan 1, 262145 BCE to Dec 31, 262143 CE. Also supports the conversion from ISO 8601 ordinal and week date.

ISO 8601 combined date and time without timezone.

Decimal represents a 128 bit representation of a fixed-precision decimal number. The finite set of values of type Decimal are of the form m / 10e, where m is an integer such that -296 < m < 296, and e is an integer between 0 and 28 inclusive.

Defines the result of a query operation on a Model

Defines a relationship

Defines a structure to perform select operations

ISO 8601 time without timezone. Allows for the nanosecond precision and optional leap second representation.

A Universally Unique Identifier (UUID).


The type of column as defined in the SQL format

Handle a database connection depending on the backend enabled by the feature flags. This creates a database pool.

An error from unsuccessful database operations

Represents any valid JSON value.

Value variants


A Rust representation of enum defined in database.

A Trait for overriding the ActiveModel behavior

A Trait for ActiveModel to perform Create, Update or Delete operation. The type must also implement the EntityTrait. See module level docs crate::entity for a full example

Wrapper of the identically named method in [sea_query::Expr]

A Trait for mapping an Entity to a database table

An Entity implementing EntityTrait represents a table in a database.


Ensure the identifier for an Entity can be converted to a static str

A Trait for links between Entities

A Trait for a Model

A Trait for any type that can paginate results

How to map a Primary Key to a column

A Trait for to be used to define a Primary Key.

Perform a FILTER opertation on a statement

Checks if Entities are related

Constraints a type to implement the trait to create a relationship

Type Definitions

Date time represented in local time

Date time represented in UTC

Date time with fixed offset

Action to perform on a foreign key whenever there are changes to an ActiveModel

Derive Macros

A derive macro to implement sea_orm::ActiveEnum trait for enums.

The DeriveActiveModel derive macro will implement ActiveModelTrait for ActiveModel which provides setters and getters for all active values in the active model.

Models that a user can override

The DeriveColumn derive macro will implement [ColumnTrait] for Columns. It defines the identifier of each column by implementing Iden and IdenStatic. The EnumIter is also derived, allowing iteration over all enum variants.

Derive a column if column names are not in snake-case

Create an Entity

This derive macro is the ‘almighty’ macro which automatically generates Entity, Column, and PrimaryKey from a given Model.

Derive into an active model

The DeriveModel derive macro will implement ModelTrait for Model, which provides setters and getters for all attributes in the mod It also implements FromQueryResult to convert a query result into the corresponding Model.

The DerivePrimaryKey derive macro will implement [PrimaryKeyToColumn] for PrimaryKey which defines tedious mappings between primary keys and columns. The [EnumIter] is also derived, allowing iteration over all enum variants.

The DeriveRelation derive macro will implement RelationTrait for Relation.

Creates a new type that iterates of the variants of an enum.