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Module for the Entity type and operations


Re-export common types from the entity


Defines a Column for an Entity

Defines a helper to build a relation

Defines a relationship


Defines a stateful value used in ActiveModel.

The type of column as defined in the SQL format

Defines an operation for an Entity

Defines the type of relationship

Value variants


A Rust representation of enum defined in database.

A Trait for overriding the ActiveModel behavior

A Trait for ActiveModel to perform Create, Update or Delete operation. The type must also implement the EntityTrait. See module level docs crate::entity for a full example

Wrapper of the identically named method in [sea_query::Expr]

A Trait for mapping an Entity to a database table

An Entity implementing EntityTrait represents a table in a database.

A Trait for implementing a QueryResult

Ensure the identifier for an Entity can be converted to a static str

Check the Identity of an Entity

A Trait for any type that can be converted into an ActiveModel

Constraints to perform the conversion of a type into an ActiveValue

Performs a conversion into an Identity

This trait designates that an Enum can be iterated over. It can be auto generated using strum_macros on your behalf.

A Trait for links between Entities

A Trait for a Model

How to map a Primary Key to a column

A Trait for to be used to define a Primary Key.

Checks if Entities are related

Constraints a type to implement the trait to create a relationship


Defines a set operation on an ActiveValue

Defines an unchanged operation on an ActiveValue


Defines an not set operation on an ActiveValue

Type Definitions

Action to perform on a foreign key whenever there are changes to an ActiveModel