macro_rules! actor_in_slab {
    ($self:ident.$children:ident, $cx:expr, $type:ident :: $init:ident($($x:expr),* $(,)? )) => { ... };
    ($self:ident.$children:ident, $cx:expr, <$type:ty> :: $init:ident($($x:expr),* $(,)? )) => { ... };
    ($self:ident.$children:ident, $cx:expr, $type:ident :: $init:ident($($x:expr),* $(,)? ), $notify:expr) => { ... };
    ($self:ident.$children:ident, $cx:expr, <$type:ty> :: $init:ident($($x:expr),* $(,)? ), $notify:expr) => { ... };
Expand description

Create a new actor in an ActorOwnSlab

The new actor is created and its ActorOwn reference is stored in the provided ActorOwnSlab. The termination notification handler is set up to remove the reference from the slab when the actor terminates. So this takes care of all the child actor housekeeping for simple cases. See ActorOwnSlab for notes on more complicated cases.

So assuming self.children is your ActorOwnSlab instance, the call will take one of these forms:

let actor = actor_in_slab!(self.children, cx, Type::init(args...));
let actor = actor_in_slab!(self.children, cx, <path::Type>::init(args...));

If you need to monitor failures, then add a Ret<StopCause> instance to the end of the macro arguments. For example:

let actor = actor_in_slab!(
    self.children, cx, <path::Type>::init(args...),
    ret_some_to!([cx], |this, cx, cause: StopCause| {
        ...error handling...

Implemented using ActorOwnSlab::add.