Crate ssql

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An easy-to-use asynchronous ms sql server ORM.

§Way of Getting Data.

Query is built using Table::query method, it returns QueryBuilder object. Through this object u can join other tables, apply filters, make query or make bulk inserts.

use ssql::prelude::*;
use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize};
use chrono::NaiveDateTime;

#[derive(ORM, Debug, Default, Serialize, Deserialize)]
#[ssql(table = person, schema = SCHEMA1)] // other schema
struct Person {
    id: i32,
    email: Option<String>, // wrap nullable column in option

#[derive(ORM, Debug, Default, Serialize, Deserialize)]
#[ssql(table = posts)] // default schema
struct Posts {
    id: i32,
    post: String,
    #[ssql(foreign_key = "")] // if it belongs to default schema, just write TABLE.COLUMN
    person_id: i32,

async fn _get<'a>(client: &'a mut tiberius::Client<Compat<TcpStream>>) -> SsqlResult<()> {
    let mut query = Person::query();

    // return Vec<Person>
    let vec1 = query.all(client).await?;

    // return Vec<Value>
    let js = query.json(client).await?;

    // return Polars DataFrame
    let df = query.df(client).await?;

    // return Vec<(Person, Posts)>
    let query = query.left_join::<Posts>();
    let vec2 = query.all(client).await?;



Filters can be applied to query builder via provided filter method. Filters can be chained. For all filter expression please refer to ColExpr.

let query = query.filter(

§Manipulating Data

Data can be insert,delete,update,insert_ignore_pk for any instance that #[derive(ORM)] and set #[ssql(primary_key)]. Or calling bulk insert with Struct::insert_many(&mut conn) method.

async fn _test<'a>(client: &'a mut tiberius::Client<Compat<TcpStream>>) -> SsqlResult<()> {
    let new_p = Person {
        id: 2,
        email: Some("".to_string()),

    //insert with data in this instance.

    //insert with data in this instance ignoring the primary key.

    // delete it based on its primary key mark.
    // like here i mark id with #[ssql(primary_key)]

    // update it based on its primary key mark.

    // insert many accepts anything that can turn into iterator and return specific type, here is <Person>
    let vec = vec![new_p.clone(), new_p.clone()];
    Person::insert_many(vec, client).await?;

    let it = vec![1, 2, 3].into_iter().zip(
        vec!["a", "b", "c"].into_iter()
    ).map(|(id, email)| Person {
        email: Some(email.to_string()),
    Person::insert_many(it, client).await?;

§Raw Sql Query

Using raw_query method to construct a raw sql query. Field name are reflecting as column name in sql query result.

use ssql::prelude::*;
 // structs reflecting complex raw query
 // leave the table attribute empty
 pub struct PersonRaw {
    id: i32,
    email: String,
    dt: Option<NaiveDateTime>
async fn _get<'a>(client: &'a mut tiberius::Client<Compat<TcpStream>>) -> SsqlResult<()> {

let query = PersonRaw::raw_query("SELECT id, email, dt FROM Person where id = @p1", &[&1]);
 let data = query.all(client).await;


  • All necessary imports for using this crate.
  • Utility functions.



  • Represents different JOIN methods in sql.
  • Error enum representing different errors during execution.


  • Core trait for constructing and conducting query.
  • a trait automatically derived via #[derive(ORM)] macro, all these methods are available.

Type Aliases§