Module ssql::prelude

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All necessary imports for using this crate.



  • Client is the main entry point to the SQL Server, providing query execution capabilities.
  • A compatibility layer that allows conversion between the tokio::io and futures-io AsyncRead and AsyncWrite traits.
  • Struct representing one TABLE.
  • A set of Streams of QueryItem values, which can be either result metadata or a row.
  • A row of data from a query.
  • A TCP stream between a local and a remote socket.
  • A row of data.


  • A container of a value that can be represented as a TDS value.


  • create a TokenRow from list of values
  • A by-value conversion trait to a TDS type.
  • Core trait for constructing and conducting query.
  • a trait automatically derived via #[derive(ORM)] macro, all these methods are available.
  • A conversion trait to a TDS type.
  • Extension trait that allows converting a type implementing tokio::io::AsyncWrite to implement futures_io::AsyncWrite.

Type Aliases§

Derive Macros§