Struct sprs::sparse::vec::CsVec [] [src]

pub struct CsVec<N, IStorage, DStorage> where N: Clone, IStorage: Deref<Target=[usize]>, DStorage: Deref<Target=[N]> {
    // some fields omitted

A sparse vector, storing the indices of its non-zero data. The indices should be sorted.


impl<'a, N: 'a + Copy> CsVec<N, &'a [usize]&'a [N]>

fn new_borrowed(n: usize, indices: &'a [usize], data: &'a [N]) -> Result<CsVec<N, &'a [usize]&'a [N]>, SprsError>

Create a borrowed CsVec over slice data.

unsafe fn new_raw(n: usize, nnz: usize, indices: *const usize, data: *const N) -> CsVec<N, &'a [usize]&'a [N]>

Create a borrowed CsVec over slice data without checking the structure This is unsafe because algorithms are free to assume that properties guaranteed by check_structure are enforced. For instance, non out-of-bounds indices can be relied upon to perform unchecked slice access.

impl<N: Copy> CsVec<N, Vec<usize>, Vec<N>>

fn new_owned(n: usize, indices: Vec<usize>, data: Vec<N>) -> Result<CsVec<N, Vec<usize>, Vec<N>>, SprsError>

Create an owning CsVec from vector data.

fn empty(dim: usize) -> CsVec<N, Vec<usize>, Vec<N>>

Create an empty CsVec, which can be used for incremental construction

fn append(&mut self, ind: usize, val: N)

Append an element to the sparse vector. Used for incremental building of the CsVec. The append should preserve the structure of the vector, ie the newly added index should be strictly greater than the last element of indices.


Panics if ind is lower or equal to the last element of self.indices() Panics if ind is greater than self.dim()

fn reserve(&mut self, size: usize)

Reserve size additional non-zero values.

fn reserve_exact(&mut self, exact_size: usize)

Reserve exactly exact_size non-zero values.

fn clear(&mut self)

Clear the underlying storage

impl<N, IStorage, DStorage> CsVec<N, IStorage, DStorage> where N: Copy, IStorage: Deref<Target=[usize]>, DStorage: Deref<Target=[N]>

fn borrowed(&self) -> CsVecView<N>

Get a view of this vector.

impl<'a, N, IStorage, DStorage> CsVec<N, IStorage, DStorage> where N: 'a + Copy, IStorage: 'a + Deref<Target=[usize]>, DStorage: Deref<Target=[N]>

fn iter(&self) -> VectorIterator<N>

Iterate over the non zero values.


use sprs::CsVec;
let v = CsVec::new_owned(5, vec![0, 2, 4], vec![1., 2., 3.]).unwrap();
let mut iter = v.iter();
assert_eq!(, Some((0, 1.)));
assert_eq!(, Some((2, 2.)));
assert_eq!(, Some((4, 3.)));
assert_eq!(, None);

fn indices(&self) -> &[usize]

The underlying indices.

fn data(&self) -> &[N]

The underlying non zero values.

fn dim(&self) -> usize

The dimension of this vector.

fn nnz(&self) -> usize

The non zero count of this vector.

fn check_structure(&self) -> Result<()SprsError>

Check the sparse structure, namely that: - indices is sorted - indices are lower than dims()

fn to_owned(&self) -> CsVecOwned<N>

Allocate a new vector equal to this one.

fn row_view(&self) -> CsMatVecView<N>

View this vector as a matrix with only one row.

fn col_view(&self) -> CsMatVecView<N>

View this vector as a matrix with only one column.

fn dot<IS2, DS2>(&self, rhs: &CsVec<N, IS2, DS2>) -> N where N: Num, IS2: Deref<Target=[usize]>, DS2: Deref<Target=[N]>

Vector dot product


use sprs::CsVec;
let v1 = CsVec::new_owned(8, vec![1, 2, 4, 6], vec![1.; 4]).unwrap();
let v2 = CsVec::new_owned(8, vec![1, 3, 5, 7], vec![2.; 4]).unwrap();

Trait Implementations

impl<N: Debug, IStorage: Debug, DStorage: Debug> Debug for CsVec<N, IStorage, DStorage> where N: Clone, IStorage: Deref<Target=[usize]>, DStorage: Deref<Target=[N]>

fn fmt(&self, __arg_0: &mut Formatter) -> Result

Formats the value using the given formatter.

impl<N: PartialEq, IStorage: PartialEq, DStorage: PartialEq> PartialEq for CsVec<N, IStorage, DStorage> where N: Clone, IStorage: Deref<Target=[usize]>, DStorage: Deref<Target=[N]>

fn eq(&self, __arg_0: &CsVec<N, IStorage, DStorage>) -> bool

This method tests for self and other values to be equal, and is used by ==. Read more

fn ne(&self, __arg_0: &CsVec<N, IStorage, DStorage>) -> bool

This method tests for !=.

impl<'a, 'b, N, IS1, DS1, IpS2, IS2, DS2> Mul<&'b CsMat<N, IpS2, IS2, DS2>> for &'a CsVec<N, IS1, DS1> where N: 'a + Copy + Num + Default, IS1: 'a + Deref<Target=[usize]>, DS1: 'a + Deref<Target=[N]>, IpS2: 'b + Deref<Target=[usize]>, IS2: 'b + Deref<Target=[usize]>, DS2: 'b + Deref<Target=[N]>

type Output = CsVecOwned<N>

The resulting type after applying the * operator

fn mul(self, rhs: &CsMat<N, IpS2, IS2, DS2>) -> CsVecOwned<N>

The method for the * operator

impl<'a, 'b, N, IS1, DS1, IS2, DS2> Add<&'b CsVec<N, IS2, DS2>> for &'a CsVec<N, IS1, DS1> where N: Copy + Num, IS1: Deref<Target=[usize]>, DS1: Deref<Target=[N]>, IS2: Deref<Target=[usize]>, DS2: Deref<Target=[N]>

type Output = CsVecOwned<N>

The resulting type after applying the + operator

fn add(self, rhs: &CsVec<N, IS2, DS2>) -> CsVecOwned<N>

The method for the + operator

impl<'a, 'b, N, IS1, DS1, IS2, DS2> Sub<&'b CsVec<N, IS2, DS2>> for &'a CsVec<N, IS1, DS1> where N: Copy + Num, IS1: Deref<Target=[usize]>, DS1: Deref<Target=[N]>, IS2: Deref<Target=[usize]>, DS2: Deref<Target=[N]>

type Output = CsVecOwned<N>

The resulting type after applying the - operator

fn sub(self, rhs: &CsVec<N, IS2, DS2>) -> CsVecOwned<N>

The method for the - operator