Type Definition specs::prelude::WriteStorage [] [src]

type WriteStorage<'a, T> = Storage<'a, T, FetchMut<'a, MaskedStorage<T>>>;

A storage with read and write access.

Additionally to what ReadStorage can do a storage with mutable access allows:


It is strictly disallowed to fetch both a ReadStorage and a WriteStorage of the same component. Because Specs uses interior mutability for its resources, we can't check this at compile time. If you try to do this, you will get a panic.

It is also disallowed to fetch multiple WriteStorages for the same component.

Retrieve components mutably

This works just like Storage::get, but returns a mutable reference:

let entity = world.create_entity()

assert_eq!(pos_storage.get_mut(entity), Some(&mut Pos(2.0)));
if let Some(pos) = pos_storage.get_mut(entity) {
    *pos = Pos(4.5);

assert_eq!(pos_storage.get(entity), Some(&Pos(4.5)));

Inserting and removing components

You can insert components using Storage::insert and remove them again with Storage::remove.

let entity = world.create_entity()

let res = pos_storage.insert(entity, Pos(4.0));
assert_eq!(res, InsertResult::Updated(Pos(0.1)));

There's also an Entry-API similar to the one provided by std::collections::HashMap.

Trait Implementations

impl<'a, T> SystemData<'a> for WriteStorage<'a, T> where
    T: Component


Sets up Resources for fetching this system data.


Creates a new resource bundle by fetching the required resources from the [Resources] struct. Read more

Important traits for Vec<u8>

A list of [ResourceId]s the bundle needs read access to in order to build the target resource bundle. Read more

Important traits for Vec<u8>

A list of [ResourceId]s the bundle needs write access to in order to build the target resource bundle. Read more

impl<'a, T> GenericReadStorage for WriteStorage<'a, T> where
    T: Component

The component type of the storage


Get immutable access to an Entitys component


Private function to seal the trait

impl<'a: 'b, 'b, T> GenericReadStorage for &'b WriteStorage<'a, T> where
    T: Component

The component type of the storage


Get immutable access to an Entitys component


Private function to seal the trait

impl<'a, T> GenericWriteStorage for WriteStorage<'a, T> where
    T: Component

The component type of the storage


Get mutable access to an Entitys component


Insert a component for an Entity


Remove the component for an Entity


Private function to seal the trait

impl<'a: 'b, 'b, T> GenericWriteStorage for &'b mut WriteStorage<'a, T> where
    T: Component

The component type of the storage


Get mutable access to an Entitys component


Insert a component for an Entity


Remove the component for an Entity


Private function to seal the trait