[][src]Struct sounding_base::Sounding

pub struct Sounding { /* fields omitted */ }

All the variables stored in the sounding.

The upper air profile variables are stored in parallel vectors. If a profile lacks a certain variable, e.g. cloud fraction, that whole vector has length 0 instead of being full of missing values.


impl Sounding[src]

pub fn new() -> Self[src]


Create a new sounding with default values. This is a proxy for default with a clearer name.


use sounding_base::Sounding;

let snd = Sounding::new();
println!("{:?}", snd);

pub fn with_source_description<S>(self, desc: S) -> Self where
    Option<String>: From<S>, 


Add a source description to this sounding.


use sounding_base::Sounding;

let snd = Sounding::new().with_source_description("An empty sounding.".to_owned());
let snd = snd.with_source_description(
    Some("Still empty, just added a description.".to_owned()),
let _snd = snd.with_source_description(None);

pub fn source_description(&self) -> Option<&str>[src]


Retrieve a source description for this sounding.


use sounding_base::Sounding;

let snd = Sounding::new().with_source_description("An empty sounding.".to_owned());
assert_eq!(snd.source_description().unwrap(), "An empty sounding.");

let snd = snd.with_source_description(None);

pub fn with_station_info(self, new_value: StationInfo) -> Self[src]


Builder function for setting the station info.


use sounding_base::{Sounding, StationInfo};

let stn = StationInfo::new();
let _snd = Sounding::new().with_station_info(stn);

pub fn station_info(&self) -> StationInfo[src]


Get the station info


use sounding_base::StationInfo;

let snd = make_test_sounding();
let stn: StationInfo = snd.station_info();

println!("{:?}", stn);

pub fn with_pressure_profile(self, profile: Vec<Optioned<HectoPascal>>) -> Self[src]


Builder method for the pressure profile.


use sounding_base::Sounding;
use metfor::HectoPascal;
use optional::{some, Optioned};
let data = vec![1000.0, 925.0, 850.0, 700.0, 500.0, 300.0, 250.0, 200.0, 150.0, 100.0];
let pressure_data: Vec<Optioned<HectoPascal>> = data.into_iter()

let _snd = Sounding::new()

pub fn pressure_profile(&self) -> &[Optioned<HectoPascal>][src]


Get the pressure profile


use sounding_base::Sounding;

let snd = make_test_sounding();
let data = snd.pressure_profile();

for p in data {
    if let Some(p) = p.into_option() {
        println!("{:?}", p);
    } else {
        println!("missing value!");

// Uninitialized profiles just return an empty vector.
let snd = Sounding::new();
let data = snd.pressure_profile();

pub fn with_temperature_profile(self, profile: Vec<Optioned<Celsius>>) -> Self[src]


Builder method for the temperature profile.

See with_pressure_profile for an example of usage, keeping in mind the units type may be different.

pub fn temperature_profile(&self) -> &[Optioned<Celsius>][src]


Get the temperature profile.

See pressure_profile for an example of using getters, keeping in mind the units type may be different.

pub fn with_dew_point_profile(self, profile: Vec<Optioned<Celsius>>) -> Self[src]


Builder method for the dew point profile.

See with_pressure_profile for an example of usage, keeping in mind the units type may be different.

pub fn dew_point_profile(&self) -> &[Optioned<Celsius>][src]


Get the dew point profile.

See pressure_profile for an example of using getters, keeping in mind the units type may be different.

pub fn with_wet_bulb_profile(self, profile: Vec<Optioned<Celsius>>) -> Self[src]


Builder method for the wet bulb profile.

See with_pressure_profile for an example of usage, keeping in mind the units type may be different.

pub fn wet_bulb_profile(&self) -> &[Optioned<Celsius>][src]


Get the wet bulb temperature profile.

See pressure_profile for an example of using getters, keeping in mind the units type may be different.

pub fn with_theta_e_profile(self, profile: Vec<Optioned<Kelvin>>) -> Self[src]


Builder method for the theta e profile.

See with_pressure_profile for an example of usage, keeping in mind the units type may be different.

pub fn theta_e_profile(&self) -> &[Optioned<Kelvin>][src]


Get the equivalent potential temperature profile.

See pressure_profile for an example of using getters, keeping in mind the units type may be different.

pub fn with_wind_profile(
    profile: Vec<Optioned<WindSpdDir<Knots>>>
) -> Self


Builder method for the wind profile.

See set_pressure_profile for an example of usage, keeping in mind the units type may be different.

pub fn wind_profile(&self) -> &[Optioned<WindSpdDir<Knots>>][src]


Get the wind profile.

See pressure_profile for an example of using getters, keeping in mind the units type may be different.

pub fn with_pvv_profile(self, profile: Vec<Optioned<PaPS>>) -> Self[src]


Builder method for the pressure vertical velocity profile.

See set_pressure_profile for an example of usage, keeping in mind the units type may be different.

pub fn pvv_profile(&self) -> &[Optioned<PaPS>][src]


Get the pressure vertical velocity profile.

See pressure_profile for an example of using getters, keeping in mind the units type may be different.

pub fn with_height_profile(self, profile: Vec<Optioned<Meters>>) -> Self[src]


Builder method for the geopotential height profile.

See set_pressure_profile for an example of usage, keeping in mind the units type may be different.

pub fn height_profile(&self) -> &[Optioned<Meters>][src]


Get the geopotential height profile.

See pressure_profile for an example of using getters, keeping in mind the units type may be different.

pub fn with_cloud_fraction_profile(self, profile: Vec<Optioned<f64>>) -> Self[src]


Builder method for the cloud cover profile.

See set_pressure_profile for an example of usage, keeping in mind the units type may be different.

pub fn cloud_fraction_profile(&self) -> &[Optioned<f64>][src]


Get the cloud fraction profile.

See pressure_profile for an example of using getters, keeping in mind the units type may be different.

pub fn with_mslp<T, U>(self, value: T) -> Self where
    Optioned<U>: From<T>,
    U: Noned + Pressure,
    HectoPascal: From<U>, 


Builder method for the mean sea level pressure.


 use metfor::{HectoPascal, Millibar};
 use sounding_base::Sounding;
 use optional::{some, none};

 let _snd = Sounding::new().with_mslp(HectoPascal(1021.5));
 let _snd = Sounding::new().with_mslp(some(HectoPascal(1021.5)));
 let _snd = Sounding::new().with_mslp(none::<HectoPascal>());
 let _snd = Sounding::new().with_mslp(Millibar(1021.5));
 let _snd = Sounding::new().with_mslp(some(Millibar(1021.5)));
 let _snd = Sounding::new().with_mslp(none::<Millibar>());

pub fn mslp(&self) -> Optioned<HectoPascal>[src]


Get the mean sea level pressure

pub fn with_station_pressure<T, U>(self, value: T) -> Self where
    Optioned<U>: From<T>,
    U: Noned + Pressure,
    HectoPascal: From<U>, 


Biulder method for the station pressure.


 use metfor::{HectoPascal, Millibar};
 use sounding_base::Sounding;
 use optional::{some, none};

 let _snd = Sounding::new().with_station_pressure(HectoPascal(1021.5));
 let _snd = Sounding::new().with_station_pressure(some(HectoPascal(1021.5)));
 let _snd = Sounding::new().with_station_pressure(none::<HectoPascal>());
 let _snd = Sounding::new().with_station_pressure(Millibar(1021.5));
 let _snd = Sounding::new().with_station_pressure(some(Millibar(1021.5)));
 let _snd = Sounding::new().with_station_pressure(none::<Millibar>());

pub fn station_pressure(&self) -> Optioned<HectoPascal>[src]


Get the mean sea level pressure.

pub fn with_sfc_temperature<T, U>(self, value: T) -> Self where
    Optioned<U>: From<T>,
    U: Noned + Temperature,
    Celsius: From<U>, 


Builder method the surface temperature.


 use metfor::{Fahrenheit, Celsius, Kelvin};
 use sounding_base::Sounding;
 use optional::{some, none};

 let _snd = Sounding::new().with_sfc_temperature(Celsius(20.0));
 let _snd = Sounding::new().with_sfc_temperature(some(Celsius(20.0)));
 let _snd = Sounding::new().with_sfc_temperature(none::<Celsius>());
 let _snd = Sounding::new().with_sfc_temperature(Kelvin(290.0));
 let _snd = Sounding::new().with_sfc_temperature(some(Kelvin(290.0)));
 let _snd = Sounding::new().with_sfc_temperature(none::<Kelvin>());
 let _snd = Sounding::new().with_sfc_temperature(Fahrenheit(72.1));
 let _snd = Sounding::new().with_sfc_temperature(some(Fahrenheit(72.1)));
 let _snd = Sounding::new().with_sfc_temperature(none::<Fahrenheit>());

pub fn sfc_temperature(&self) -> Optioned<Celsius>[src]


Get the surface temperature.

pub fn with_sfc_dew_point<T, U>(self, value: T) -> Self where
    Optioned<U>: From<T>,
    U: Noned + Temperature,
    Celsius: From<U>, 


Set the surface dew point.


 use metfor::{Fahrenheit, Celsius, Kelvin};
 use sounding_base::Sounding;
 use optional::{some, none};

 let _snd = Sounding::new().with_sfc_dew_point(Celsius(20.0));
 let _snd = Sounding::new().with_sfc_dew_point(some(Celsius(20.0)));
 let _snd = Sounding::new().with_sfc_dew_point(none::<Celsius>());
 let _snd = Sounding::new().with_sfc_dew_point(Kelvin(290.0));
 let _snd = Sounding::new().with_sfc_dew_point(some(Kelvin(290.0)));
 let _snd = Sounding::new().with_sfc_dew_point(none::<Kelvin>());
 let _snd = Sounding::new().with_sfc_dew_point(Fahrenheit(72.1));
 let _snd = Sounding::new().with_sfc_dew_point(some(Fahrenheit(72.1)));
 let _snd = Sounding::new().with_sfc_dew_point(none::<Fahrenheit>());

pub fn sfc_dew_point(&self) -> Optioned<Celsius>[src]


Get the surface dew point.

pub fn with_sfc_wind<T, U>(self, value: T) -> Self where
    Optioned<U>: From<T>,
    U: Noned + Copy,
    WindSpdDir<Knots>: From<U>, 


Set the surface wind.


 use sounding_base::Sounding;
 use metfor::{WindSpdDir, WindUV, Knots, MetersPSec};
 use optional::{some, none};

 let _snd = Sounding::new()
     .with_sfc_wind(WindSpdDir{speed: Knots(10.0), direction: 270.0});

 let _snd = Sounding::new()
     .with_sfc_wind(some(WindSpdDir{speed: Knots(10.0), direction: 270.0}));

 let _snd = Sounding::new().with_sfc_wind(none::<WindSpdDir<_>>());

 let _snd = Sounding::new()
     .with_sfc_wind(some(WindUV{u: MetersPSec(-7.3), v: MetersPSec(5.2)}));
 let _snd = Sounding::new()
     .with_sfc_wind(WindUV{u: MetersPSec(-7.3), v: MetersPSec(5.2)});

 let _snd = Sounding::new().with_sfc_wind(none::<WindUV<MetersPSec>>());

pub fn sfc_wind(&self) -> Optioned<WindSpdDir<Knots>>[src]


Get the surface wind.

pub fn with_precipitation<T, U>(self, value: T) -> Self where
    Optioned<U>: From<T>,
    U: Noned + Length,
    Mm: From<U>, 


Builder method for the precipitation.


 use sounding_base::Sounding;
 use metfor::{Inches, Mm, Cm};
 use optional::{some, none};

 let _snd = Sounding::new().with_precipitation(Inches(1.0));
 let _snd = Sounding::new().with_precipitation(some(Inches(1.0)));
 let _snd = Sounding::new().with_precipitation(none::<Inches>());
 let _snd = Sounding::new().with_precipitation(some(Cm(2.5)));
 let _snd = Sounding::new().with_precipitation(Cm(2.5));
 let _snd = Sounding::new().with_precipitation(none::<Cm>());
 let _snd = Sounding::new().with_precipitation(some(Mm(25.0)));
 let _snd = Sounding::new().with_precipitation(Mm(25.0));
 let _snd = Sounding::new().with_precipitation(none::<Mm>());

pub fn precipitation(&self) -> Optioned<Mm>[src]


Get the precipitation.

pub fn with_low_cloud<T>(self, value: T) -> Self where
    Optioned<f64>: From<T>, 


Builder method for the low cloud amount in the range 0.0 to 1.0.


 use sounding_base::Sounding;
 use optional::{some, none};

 let _snd = Sounding::new().with_low_cloud(0.5);
 let _snd = Sounding::new().with_low_cloud(some(0.5));
 let _snd = Sounding::new().with_low_cloud(none());

pub fn low_cloud(&self) -> Optioned<f64>[src]


Get the low cloud

pub fn with_mid_cloud<T>(self, value: T) -> Self where
    Optioned<f64>: From<T>, 


Builder method for the mid cloud amount in the range 0.0 to 1.0.


 use sounding_base::Sounding;
 use optional::{some, none};

 let _snd = Sounding::new().with_mid_cloud(0.5);
 let _snd = Sounding::new().with_mid_cloud(some(0.5));
 let _snd = Sounding::new().with_mid_cloud(none());

pub fn mid_cloud(&self) -> Optioned<f64>[src]


Get the mid cloud

pub fn with_high_cloud<T>(self, value: T) -> Self where
    Optioned<f64>: From<T>, 


Builder method for the high cloud amount in the range 0.0 to 1.0.


 use sounding_base::Sounding;
 use optional::{some, none};

 let _snd = Sounding::new().with_high_cloud(0.5);
 let _snd = Sounding::new().with_high_cloud(some(0.5));
 let _snd = Sounding::new().with_high_cloud(none());

pub fn high_cloud(&self) -> Optioned<f64>[src]


Get the high cloud

pub fn with_lead_time<T>(self, lt: T) -> Self where
    Optioned<i32>: From<T>, 


Difference in model initialization time and valid_time in hours.


use sounding_base::Sounding;

let _snd = Sounding::new().with_lead_time(24);
let snd = Sounding::new().with_lead_time(Some(24));

assert_eq!(snd.lead_time().unwrap(), 24);

pub fn lead_time(&self) -> Optioned<i32>[src]


Difference in model initialization time and valid_time in hours.

pub fn valid_time(&self) -> Option<NaiveDateTime>[src]


Valid time of the sounding.

pub fn with_valid_time<T>(self, valid_time: T) -> Self where
    Option<NaiveDateTime>: From<T>, 


Builder method to set the valid time of the sounding.


use sounding_base::Sounding;
use chrono::NaiveDate;

let vtime = NaiveDate::from_ymd(2019, 1, 1).and_hms(12, 0, 0);
let _snd = Sounding::new().with_valid_time(vtime);
let _snd = Sounding::new().with_valid_time(Some(vtime));

pub fn bottom_up<'a>(&'a self) -> impl Iterator<Item = DataRow> + 'a[src]


Get a bottom up iterator over the data rows. The first value returned from the iterator is surface values.


use metfor::{HectoPascal, Millibar, Celsius};
use optional::some;
use sounding_base::Sounding;

let pres: Vec<_> = vec![1000.0, 925.0, 850.0].into_iter()
let temps: Vec<_> = vec![20.0, 18.0, 17.0].into_iter()

let snd = Sounding::new()

let mut iter = snd.bottom_up();

let mut row = iter.next().unwrap();
assert_eq!(row.pressure.unwrap(), HectoPascal(1014.0)); // Surface values first!
assert!(row.temperature.is_none());  // We never set a surface temprature!
assert!(row.wind.is_none()); // We never set wind profile.

row = iter.next().unwrap();
assert_eq!(row.pressure.unwrap(), HectoPascal(1000.0));
assert_eq!(row.temperature.unwrap(), Celsius(20.0));
assert!(row.wind.is_none()); // We never set wind profile.

row = iter.next().unwrap();
assert_eq!(row.pressure.unwrap(), HectoPascal(925.0));
assert_eq!(row.temperature.unwrap(), Celsius(18.0));
assert!(row.wind.is_none()); // We never set wind profile.

row = iter.next().unwrap();
assert_eq!(row.pressure.unwrap(), HectoPascal(850.0));
assert_eq!(row.temperature.unwrap(), Celsius(17.0));
assert!(row.wind.is_none()); // We never set wind profile.

let row_opt = iter.next();

pub fn top_down<'a>(&'a self) -> impl Iterator<Item = DataRow> + 'a[src]


Get a top down iterator over the data rows. The last value returned is the surface values.


use metfor::{HectoPascal, Millibar, Celsius};
use optional::some;
use sounding_base::Sounding;

let pres: Vec<_> = vec![1000.0, 925.0, 850.0].into_iter()
let temps: Vec<_> = vec![20.0, 18.0, 17.0].into_iter()

let snd = Sounding::new()

let mut iter = snd.top_down();

let mut row = iter.next().unwrap();
assert_eq!(row.pressure.unwrap(), HectoPascal(850.0));
assert_eq!(row.temperature.unwrap(), Celsius(17.0));
assert!(row.wind.is_none()); // We never set wind profile.

row = iter.next().unwrap();
assert_eq!(row.pressure.unwrap(), HectoPascal(925.0));
assert_eq!(row.temperature.unwrap(), Celsius(18.0));
assert!(row.wind.is_none()); // We never set wind profile.

row = iter.next().unwrap();
assert_eq!(row.pressure.unwrap(), HectoPascal(1000.0));
assert_eq!(row.temperature.unwrap(), Celsius(20.0));
assert!(row.wind.is_none()); // We never set wind profile.

row = iter.next().unwrap();
assert_eq!(row.pressure.unwrap(), HectoPascal(1014.0)); // Surface values first!
assert!(row.temperature.is_none());  // We never set a surface temprature!
assert!(row.wind.is_none()); // We never set wind profile.

let row_opt = iter.next();

pub fn data_row(&self, idx: usize) -> Option<DataRow>[src]


Get a row of data values from this sounding.


use metfor::{HectoPascal, Millibar, Celsius};
use optional::some;
use sounding_base::Sounding;

let pres: Vec<_> = vec![1000.0, 925.0, 850.0].into_iter()
let temps: Vec<_> = vec![20.0, 18.0, 17.0].into_iter()

let snd = Sounding::new()

let row = snd.data_row(0).unwrap(); // This is the surface
assert_eq!(row.pressure.unwrap(), HectoPascal(1014.0));
assert!(row.temperature.is_none()); // We never set a surface temperature.

let row = snd.data_row(1).unwrap(); // This is the lowest layer above the surface.
assert_eq!(row.pressure.unwrap(), HectoPascal(1000.0));
assert_eq!(row.temperature.unwrap(), Celsius(20.0));

assert!(snd.data_row(4).is_none()); // There weren't that many rows!

pub fn surface_as_data_row(&self) -> Option<DataRow>[src]


Get the surface values in a DataRow format.

pub fn fetch_nearest_pnt<P>(&self, target_p: P) -> DataRow where
    HectoPascal: From<P>,
    P: Pressure


Given a target pressure, return the row of data values closest to this one.

Trait Implementations

impl Clone for Sounding[src]

fn clone_from(&mut self, source: &Self)1.0.0[src]

Performs copy-assignment from source. Read more

impl Default for Sounding[src]

impl Debug for Sounding[src]

Auto Trait Implementations

Blanket Implementations

impl<T, U> Into<U> for T where
    U: From<T>, 

impl<T> ToOwned for T where
    T: Clone

type Owned = T

The resulting type after obtaining ownership.

impl<T> From<T> for T[src]

impl<T, U> TryFrom<U> for T where
    U: Into<T>, 

type Error = Infallible

The type returned in the event of a conversion error.

impl<T, U> TryInto<U> for T where
    U: TryFrom<T>, 

type Error = <U as TryFrom<T>>::Error

The type returned in the event of a conversion error.

impl<T> Borrow<T> for T where
    T: ?Sized

impl<T> BorrowMut<T> for T where
    T: ?Sized

impl<T> Any for T where
    T: 'static + ?Sized