Struct sounding_base::sounding::Sounding [] [src]

pub struct Sounding {
    pub num: OptionVal<i32>,
    pub valid_time: Option<NaiveDateTime>,
    pub lead_time: OptionVal<i32>,
    pub lat: OptionVal<f64>,
    pub lon: OptionVal<f64>,
    pub elevation: OptionVal<f64>,
    pub show: OptionVal<f64>,
    pub li: OptionVal<f64>,
    pub swet: OptionVal<f64>,
    pub kinx: OptionVal<f64>,
    pub lclp: OptionVal<f64>,
    pub pwat: OptionVal<f64>,
    pub totl: OptionVal<f64>,
    pub cape: OptionVal<f64>,
    pub lclt: OptionVal<f64>,
    pub cins: OptionVal<f64>,
    pub eqlv: OptionVal<f64>,
    pub lfc: OptionVal<f64>,
    pub brch: OptionVal<f64>,
    pub hain: OptionVal<i32>,
    pub pressure: Vec<OptionVal<f64>>,
    pub temperature: Vec<OptionVal<f64>>,
    pub wet_bulb: Vec<OptionVal<f64>>,
    pub dew_point: Vec<OptionVal<f64>>,
    pub theta_e: Vec<OptionVal<f64>>,
    pub direction: Vec<OptionVal<f64>>,
    pub speed: Vec<OptionVal<f64>>,
    pub omega: Vec<OptionVal<f64>>,
    pub height: Vec<OptionVal<f64>>,
    pub cloud_fraction: Vec<OptionVal<f64>>,
    pub mslp: OptionVal<f64>,
    pub station_pres: OptionVal<f64>,
    pub low_cloud: OptionVal<f64>,
    pub mid_cloud: OptionVal<f64>,
    pub hi_cloud: OptionVal<f64>,
    pub uwind: OptionVal<f64>,
    pub vwind: OptionVal<f64>,

All the variables stored in the sounding.

The upper air profile variables are stored in parallel vectors. If a profile lacks a certain variable, e.g. cloud fraction, that whole vector has length 0 instead of being full of missing values.


station number, USAF number, eg 727730

Valid time of sounding

Difference in model initialization time and valid_time in hours.

Latitude of grid point used to make sounding.

Longitude of grid point used to make sounding.

Elevation of grid point in meters, this is in model terrain, not necessarily the same as the real world.

Showalter index

Lifted index

Severe Weather Threat Index


Lifting Condensation Level, or LCL (hPa), pressure vertical coordinate.

Precipitable Water (mm)


Convective Available Potential Energy, or CAPE. (J/kg)

Temperature at LCL (K)

Convective Inhibitive Energy, or CIN (J/kg)

Equilibrium Level (hPa), pressure vertical coordinate

Level of Free Convection (hPa), pressure vertical coordinate

Bulk Richardson Number

Haines Index

Pressure (hPa) profile

Temperature (c) profile

Wet-bulb (c) profile

Dew Point (C) profile

Equivalent Potential Temperature (K) profile

Wind direction (degrees) profile

Wind speed (knots) profile

Vertical velocity (Pa/sec), pressure vertical coordinate

Geopotential Height (m) profile

Cloud coverage fraction in percent

Surface pressure reduce to mean sea level (hPa)

Surface pressure (hPa)

Low cloud fraction

Mid cloud fraction

Hi cloud fraction

U - wind speed (m/s) (West -> East is positive)

V - wind speed (m/s) (South -> North is positive)


impl Sounding


Validates the sounding with some simple sanity checks. For instance, checks that pressure decreases with height.

Trait Implementations

impl Default for Sounding


Returns the "default value" for a type. Read more