[][src]Trait sorted_iter::SortedPairIterator

pub trait SortedPairIterator<K, V>: Iterator + Sized {
    fn join<W, J: SortedPairIterator<K, W>>(self, that: J) -> Join<Self, J>

Notable traits for Join<I, J>

impl<K, A, B, I, J> Iterator for Join<I, J> where
    K: Ord,
    I: Iterator<Item = (K, A)> + SortedByKey,
    J: Iterator<Item = (K, B)> + SortedByKey
type Item = (K, (A, B));
{ ... }
fn left_join<W, J: SortedPairIterator<K, W>>(
        that: J
    ) -> LeftJoin<Self, J>

Notable traits for LeftJoin<I, J>

impl<K, A, B, I, J> Iterator for LeftJoin<I, J> where
    K: Ord,
    I: Iterator<Item = (K, A)>,
    J: Iterator<Item = (K, B)>, 
type Item = (K, (A, Option<B>));
{ ... }
fn right_join<W, J: SortedPairIterator<K, W>>(
        that: J
    ) -> RightJoin<Self, J>

Notable traits for RightJoin<I, J>

impl<K, A, B, I, J> Iterator for RightJoin<I, J> where
    K: Ord,
    I: Iterator<Item = (K, A)>,
    J: Iterator<Item = (K, B)>, 
type Item = (K, (Option<A>, B));
{ ... }
fn outer_join<W, J: SortedPairIterator<K, W>>(
        that: J
    ) -> OuterJoin<Self, J>

Notable traits for OuterJoin<I, J>

impl<K, A, B, I, J> Iterator for OuterJoin<I, J> where
    K: Ord,
    I: Iterator<Item = (K, A)>,
    J: Iterator<Item = (K, B)>, 
type Item = (K, (Option<A>, Option<B>));
{ ... }
fn map_values<W, F: FnMut(V) -> W>(self, f: F) -> MapValues<Self, F>

Notable traits for MapValues<I, F>

impl<K, V, W, I, F> Iterator for MapValues<I, F> where
    K: Ord,
    I: Iterator<Item = (K, V)>,
    F: FnMut(V) -> W, 
type Item = (K, W);
{ ... }
fn filter_map_values<W, F: FnMut(V) -> W>(
        f: F
    ) -> FilterMapValues<Self, F>

Notable traits for FilterMapValues<I, F>

impl<K, V, W, I, F> Iterator for FilterMapValues<I, F> where
    K: Ord,
    I: Iterator<Item = (K, V)>,
    F: FnMut(V) -> Option<W>, 
type Item = (K, W);
{ ... }
fn keys(self) -> Keys<Self>

Notable traits for Keys<I>

impl<K, V, I> Iterator for Keys<I> where
    K: Ord,
    I: Iterator<Item = (K, V)>, 
type Item = K;
{ ... } }

relational operations for iterators of pairs where the items are sorted according to the key

Provided methods

fn join<W, J: SortedPairIterator<K, W>>(self, that: J) -> Join<Self, J>

Notable traits for Join<I, J>

impl<K, A, B, I, J> Iterator for Join<I, J> where
    K: Ord,
    I: Iterator<Item = (K, A)> + SortedByKey,
    J: Iterator<Item = (K, B)> + SortedByKey
type Item = (K, (A, B));

fn left_join<W, J: SortedPairIterator<K, W>>(self, that: J) -> LeftJoin<Self, J>

Notable traits for LeftJoin<I, J>

impl<K, A, B, I, J> Iterator for LeftJoin<I, J> where
    K: Ord,
    I: Iterator<Item = (K, A)>,
    J: Iterator<Item = (K, B)>, 
type Item = (K, (A, Option<B>));

fn right_join<W, J: SortedPairIterator<K, W>>(
    that: J
) -> RightJoin<Self, J>

Notable traits for RightJoin<I, J>

impl<K, A, B, I, J> Iterator for RightJoin<I, J> where
    K: Ord,
    I: Iterator<Item = (K, A)>,
    J: Iterator<Item = (K, B)>, 
type Item = (K, (Option<A>, B));

fn outer_join<W, J: SortedPairIterator<K, W>>(
    that: J
) -> OuterJoin<Self, J>

Notable traits for OuterJoin<I, J>

impl<K, A, B, I, J> Iterator for OuterJoin<I, J> where
    K: Ord,
    I: Iterator<Item = (K, A)>,
    J: Iterator<Item = (K, B)>, 
type Item = (K, (Option<A>, Option<B>));

fn map_values<W, F: FnMut(V) -> W>(self, f: F) -> MapValues<Self, F>

Notable traits for MapValues<I, F>

impl<K, V, W, I, F> Iterator for MapValues<I, F> where
    K: Ord,
    I: Iterator<Item = (K, V)>,
    F: FnMut(V) -> W, 
type Item = (K, W);

fn filter_map_values<W, F: FnMut(V) -> W>(
    f: F
) -> FilterMapValues<Self, F>

Notable traits for FilterMapValues<I, F>

impl<K, V, W, I, F> Iterator for FilterMapValues<I, F> where
    K: Ord,
    I: Iterator<Item = (K, V)>,
    F: FnMut(V) -> Option<W>, 
type Item = (K, W);

fn keys(self) -> Keys<Self>

Notable traits for Keys<I>

impl<K, V, I> Iterator for Keys<I> where
    K: Ord,
    I: Iterator<Item = (K, V)>, 
type Item = K;

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impl<K, V, I> SortedPairIterator<K, V> for I where
    I: Iterator<Item = (K, V)> + SortedByKey

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