[][src]Trait sophia::dataset::CollectibleDataset

pub trait CollectibleDataset<QS>: Dataset + Sized where
    QS: QuadSource
{ fn from_quad_source(quad: QS) -> StreamResult<Self, QS::Error, Self::Error>; }

A dataset that can be constructed from a QuadSource

Required methods

fn from_quad_source(quad: QS) -> StreamResult<Self, QS::Error, Self::Error>

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Implementations on Foreign Types

impl<QS, TD> CollectibleDataset<QS> for Vec<([Term<TD>; 3], Option<Term<TD>>)> where
    QS: QuadSource,
    TD: TermData + 'static,
    TD: for<'x> From<&'x str>, 

impl<QS, TD, S> CollectibleDataset<QS> for HashSet<([Term<TD>; 3], Option<Term<TD>>), S> where
    QS: QuadSource,
    TD: TermData + 'static,
    TD: for<'x> From<&'x str>,
    S: BuildHasher + Default

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impl<QS, T> CollectibleDataset<QS> for GspoWrapper<T> where
    QS: QuadSource,
    T: IndexedDataset + Dataset<Quad = ByTermRefs<<T as IndexedDataset>::TermData>>, 

impl<QS, T> CollectibleDataset<QS> for OgpsWrapper<T> where
    QS: QuadSource,
    T: IndexedDataset + Dataset<Quad = ByTermRefs<<T as IndexedDataset>::TermData>>, 

impl<TS, I> CollectibleDataset<TS> for HashDataset<I> where
    TS: QuadSource,
    I: TermIndexMap,
    I::Index: Hash,
    <I::Factory as TermFactory>::TermData: 'static, 

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