Crate some_to_err

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Some To Err License: MIT Build Status Documentation

This crate offers a pair of traits for effortlessly transforming Option into Result, elegantly converting Some values into Err while gracefully handling None values as Ok. Unleash the full potential of Rust’s error handling capabilities with these versatile traits.


Add this to your crate by:

cargo add some-to-err

Or add this to your Cargo.toml:

some-to-err = "0.2.0"

and then:

use some_to_err::ErrOr;

    let some: Option<&str> = Some("Error");
    let result = some.err_or(42);
    assert_eq!(result, Err("Error"));

    let none: Option<&str> = None;
    let result = none.err_or(42);
    assert_eq!(result, Ok(42));
use some_to_err::ErrOrElse;
    let input: Option<&str> = None;
    let result = input.err_or_else(|| "Ok");
    assert_eq!(result, Ok("Ok"));

    let input = Some("Error");
    let result = input.err_or_else(|| "Ok");
    assert_eq!(result, Err("Error"));


  • The SomeErr trait provides a method for converting an Option into a Result by treating Some values as Err and None values as Ok.
  • The SomeToErrElse trait provides a convenient method to convert an Option<T> into a Result<OK, T> by supplying a closure that generates the OK value for the Result when the input is None.