[][src]Trait solana_libra_nextgen_crypto::traits::Signature

pub trait Signature: for<'a> TryFrom<&'a [u8], Error = CryptoMaterialError> + Sized + Debug + Clone + Eq + Hash {
    type VerifyingKeyMaterial: VerifyingKey<SignatureMaterial = Self>;
    type SigningKeyMaterial: SigningKey<SignatureMaterial = Self>;
    fn verify(
        message: &HashValue,
        public_key: &Self::VerifyingKeyMaterial
    ) -> Result<()>;
fn verify_arbitrary_msg(
        message: &[u8],
        public_key: &Self::VerifyingKeyMaterial
    ) -> Result<()>;
fn to_bytes(&self) -> Vec<u8>; fn batch_verify_signatures(
        message: &HashValue,
        keys_and_signatures: Vec<(Self::VerifyingKeyMaterial, Self)>
    ) -> Result<()> { ... } }

A type family for signature material that knows which public key type is needed to verify it, and given such a public key, knows how to verify.

This trait simply requires an association to some type of the PublicKey family of which we are the SignatureMaterial.

It should be possible to write a generic signature function that checks signature material passed as &[u8] and only returns Ok when that material de-serializes to a signature of the expected concrete scheme. This would be done as an extension trait of Signature.

Associated Types

type VerifyingKeyMaterial: VerifyingKey<SignatureMaterial = Self>

The associated verifying key type for this signature.

type SigningKeyMaterial: SigningKey<SignatureMaterial = Self>

The associated signing key type for this signature

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Required methods

fn verify(
    message: &HashValue,
    public_key: &Self::VerifyingKeyMaterial
) -> Result<()>

The verification function.

fn verify_arbitrary_msg(
    message: &[u8],
    public_key: &Self::VerifyingKeyMaterial
) -> Result<()>

Native verification function.

fn to_bytes(&self) -> Vec<u8>

Convert the signature into a byte representation.

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Provided methods

fn batch_verify_signatures(
    message: &HashValue,
    keys_and_signatures: Vec<(Self::VerifyingKeyMaterial, Self)>
) -> Result<()>

The implementer can override a batch verification implementation that by default iterates over each signature. More efficient implementations exist and should be implemented for many schemes.

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impl Signature for BLS12381Signature[src]

type VerifyingKeyMaterial = BLS12381PublicKey

type SigningKeyMaterial = BLS12381PrivateKey

fn verify(
    message: &HashValue,
    public_key: &BLS12381PublicKey
) -> Result<()>

Checks that signature is valid for message using public_key.

fn verify_arbitrary_msg(
    message: &[u8],
    public_key: &BLS12381PublicKey
) -> Result<()>

Checks that signature is valid for an arbitrary &u8 message using public_key.

impl Signature for Ed25519Signature[src]

type VerifyingKeyMaterial = Ed25519PublicKey

type SigningKeyMaterial = Ed25519PrivateKey

fn verify(
    message: &HashValue,
    public_key: &Ed25519PublicKey
) -> Result<()>

Checks that self is valid for message using public_key.

fn verify_arbitrary_msg(
    message: &[u8],
    public_key: &Ed25519PublicKey
) -> Result<()>

Checks that self is valid for an arbitrary &u8 message using public_key. Outside of this crate, this particular function should only be used for native signature verification in move

fn batch_verify_signatures(
    message: &HashValue,
    keys_and_signatures: Vec<(Self::VerifyingKeyMaterial, Self)>
) -> Result<()>

Batch signature verification as described in the original EdDSA article by Bernstein et al. "High-speed high-security signatures". Current implementation works for signatures on the same message and it checks for malleability.

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