Struct sn_client::client::Client[][src]

pub struct Client { /* fields omitted */ }

Client object


impl Client[src]

pub async fn store_seq_map(
    name: XorName,
    tag: u64,
    owner: PublicKey,
    entries: Option<MapSeqEntries>,
    permissions: Option<BTreeMap<PublicKey, MapPermissionSet>>
) -> Result<MapAddress, Error>

Store a new sequenced Map


use sn_client::Client;
use sn_data_types::{ Keypair, Token, MapAction, MapPermissionSet, MapSeqValue, MapSeqEntries};
use rand::rngs::OsRng;
use std::collections::BTreeMap;
use xor_name::XorName;
// Let's use an existing client, with a pre-existing balance to be used for write payments.
let id = Keypair::new_ed25519(&mut OsRng);
let mut client = Client::new(Some(id), None, bootstrap_contacts).await?;
let name = XorName::random();
let tag = 15001;
let mut entries = MapSeqEntries::default();
let mut permissions = BTreeMap::default();
let permission_set = MapPermissionSet::new().allow(MapAction::Read);
let _ = permissions.insert(client.public_key().await, permission_set);
let _ = entries.insert(b"key".to_vec(), MapSeqValue { data: b"value".to_vec(), version: 0 });
let owner = client.public_key().await;
let _ = client.store_seq_map(name, tag, owner, Some(entries), Some(permissions)).await?;

pub async fn store_unseq_map(
    name: XorName,
    tag: u64,
    owner: PublicKey,
    entries: Option<MapUnseqEntries>,
    permissions: Option<BTreeMap<PublicKey, MapPermissionSet>>
) -> Result<MapAddress, Error>

Store a new unsequenced Map


use sn_client::Client;
use sn_data_types::{ Keypair, Token, MapAction, MapPermissionSet, MapUnseqEntries};
use rand::rngs::OsRng;
use std::collections::BTreeMap;
use xor_name::XorName;
// Let's use an existing client, with a pre-existing balance to be used for write payments.
let id = Keypair::new_ed25519(&mut OsRng);
let mut client = Client::new(Some(id), None, bootstrap_contacts).await?;
let name = XorName::random();
let tag = 15001;
let mut entries = MapUnseqEntries::default();
let mut permissions = BTreeMap::default();
let permission_set = MapPermissionSet::new().allow(MapAction::Read);
let _ = permissions.insert(client.public_key().await, permission_set);
let _ = entries.insert(b"key".to_vec(), b"value".to_vec());
let owner = client.public_key().await;
let _ = client.store_unseq_map(name, tag, owner, Some(entries), Some(permissions)).await?;

pub async fn delete_map(&self, address: MapAddress) -> Result<(), Error>[src]

Delete Map


use sn_client::Client;
use sn_data_types::{ Keypair, Token, MapAction, MapPermissionSet, MapUnseqEntries};
use rand::rngs::OsRng;
use std::collections::BTreeMap;
use xor_name::XorName;
// Let's use an existing client, with a pre-existing balance to be used for write payments.
let id = Keypair::new_ed25519(&mut OsRng);
let mut client = Client::new(Some(id), None, bootstrap_contacts).await?;
let name = XorName::random();
let tag = 15001;
let mut entries = MapUnseqEntries::default();
let mut permissions = BTreeMap::default();
let permission_set = MapPermissionSet::new().allow(MapAction::Read);
let _ = permissions.insert(client.public_key().await, permission_set);
let _ = entries.insert(b"key".to_vec(), b"value".to_vec());
let owner = client.public_key().await;
let address = client.store_unseq_map(name, tag, owner, Some(entries.clone()), Some(permissions)).await?;
let _ = client.delete_map(address).await?;

pub async fn delete_map_user_perms(
    address: MapAddress,
    user: PublicKey,
    version: u64
) -> Result<(), Error>

Delete map user permission

pub async fn set_map_user_perms(
    address: MapAddress,
    user: PublicKey,
    permissions: MapPermissionSet,
    version: u64
) -> Result<(), Error>

Set map user permissions

pub async fn edit_map_entries(
    address: MapAddress,
    changes: MapEntryActions
) -> Result<(), Error>

Mutate map user entries

pub async fn get_map(&self, address: MapAddress) -> Result<Map, Error> where
    Self: Sized

Fetch map data from the network


use sn_client::Client;
use sn_data_types::{ Keypair, Token, MapAction, MapPermissionSet, MapUnseqEntries};
use std::collections::BTreeMap;
use xor_name::XorName;
use rand::rngs::OsRng;
// Let's use an existing client, with a pre-existing balance to be used for write payments.
let id = Keypair::new_ed25519(&mut OsRng);
let mut client = Client::new(Some(id), None, bootstrap_contacts).await?;
let name = XorName::random();
let tag = 15001;
let mut entries = MapUnseqEntries::default();
let mut permissions = BTreeMap::default();
let permission_set = MapPermissionSet::new().allow(MapAction::Read);
let _ = permissions.insert(client.public_key().await, permission_set);
let _ = entries.insert(b"key".to_vec(), b"value".to_vec());
let owner = client.public_key().await;
let address = client.store_unseq_map(name, tag, owner, Some(entries.clone()), Some(permissions)).await?;
let _ = client.get_map(address).await?;

pub async fn get_map_value(
    address: MapAddress,
    key: Vec<u8>
) -> Result<MapValue, Error> where
    Self: Sized

Fetch the value for a given key in a map


use sn_client::Client;
use sn_data_types::{ Keypair, Token, MapAction, MapValue, MapPermissionSet, MapUnseqEntries};
use std::collections::BTreeMap;
use xor_name::XorName;
use rand::rngs::OsRng;
// Let's use an existing client, with a pre-existing balance to be used for write payments.
let id = Keypair::new_ed25519(&mut OsRng);
let mut client = Client::new(Some(id), None, bootstrap_contacts).await?;
let name = XorName::random();
let tag = 15001;
let mut entries = MapUnseqEntries::default();
let _ = entries.insert(b"beep".to_vec(), b"boop".to_vec() );
let mut permissions = BTreeMap::default();
let permission_set = MapPermissionSet::new().allow(MapAction::Read);
let _ = permissions.insert(client.public_key().await, permission_set);
let _ = entries.insert(b"key".to_vec(), b"value".to_vec());
let owner = client.public_key().await;
let address = client.store_unseq_map(name, tag, owner, Some(entries.clone()), Some(permissions)).await?;
let received_value = match client.get_map_value(address, b"beep".to_vec()).await? {
    MapValue::Unseq(value) => value,
    _ => panic!("Exptected an unsequenced map")
assert_eq!(received_value, b"boop".to_vec());

pub async fn get_map_shell(&self, address: MapAddress) -> Result<Map, Error> where
    Self: Sized

Get a shell (bare bones) version of Map from the network.

pub async fn get_map_version(&self, address: MapAddress) -> Result<u64, Error> where
    Self: Sized

Get a current version of Map from the network.


use sn_client::Client;
use sn_data_types::{ Keypair, Token, MapAction, MapPermissionSet, MapUnseqEntries};
use rand::rngs::OsRng;
use std::collections::BTreeMap;
use xor_name::XorName;
// Let's use an existing client, with a pre-existing balance to be used for write payments.
let id = Keypair::new_ed25519(&mut OsRng);
let mut client = Client::new(Some(id), None, bootstrap_contacts).await?;
let name = XorName::random();
let tag = 15001;
let mut entries = MapUnseqEntries::default();
let _ = entries.insert(b"beep".to_vec(), b"boop".to_vec() );
let mut permissions = BTreeMap::default();
let permission_set = MapPermissionSet::new().allow(MapAction::Read);
let _ = permissions.insert(client.public_key().await, permission_set);
let _ = entries.insert(b"key".to_vec(), b"value".to_vec());
let owner = client.public_key().await;
let address = client.store_unseq_map(name, tag, owner, Some(entries.clone()), Some(permissions)).await?;
let version = client.get_map_version(address).await?;
assert_eq!(version, 0);

pub async fn mutate_seq_map_entries(
    name: XorName,
    tag: u64,
    actions: MapSeqEntryActions
) -> Result<(), Error> where
    Self: Sized

Mutates sequenced Map entries in bulk

pub async fn mutate_unseq_map_entries(
    name: XorName,
    tag: u64,
    actions: MapUnseqEntryActions
) -> Result<(), Error> where
    Self: Sized

Mutates unsequenced Map entries in bulk

pub async fn list_unseq_map_entries(
    name: XorName,
    tag: u64
) -> Result<BTreeMap<Vec<u8>, Vec<u8>>, Error> where
    Self: Sized

Return a complete list of entries in Map.

pub async fn list_seq_map_entries(
    name: XorName,
    tag: u64
) -> Result<MapSeqEntries, Error> where
    Self: Sized

Return a complete list of entries in Map.

pub async fn list_map_keys(
    address: MapAddress
) -> Result<BTreeSet<Vec<u8>>, Error> where
    Self: Sized

Return a list of keys in Map stored on the network.

pub async fn list_seq_map_values(
    name: XorName,
    tag: u64
) -> Result<Vec<MapSeqValue>, Error> where
    Self: Sized

Return a list of values in a Sequenced Mutable Data

pub async fn list_unseq_map_values(
    name: XorName,
    tag: u64
) -> Result<Vec<Vec<u8>>, Error> where
    Self: Sized

Returns a list of values in an Unsequenced Mutable Data

pub async fn list_map_user_permissions(
    address: MapAddress,
    user: PublicKey
) -> Result<MapPermissionSet, Error> where
    Self: Sized

Return the permissions set for a particular user

pub async fn list_map_permissions(
    address: MapAddress
) -> Result<BTreeMap<PublicKey, MapPermissionSet>, Error> where
    Self: Sized

Return a list of permissions in Map stored on the network.

pub async fn set_map_user_permissions(
    address: MapAddress,
    user: PublicKey,
    permissions: MapPermissionSet,
    version: u64
) -> Result<(), Error> where
    Self: Sized

Updates or inserts a permissions set for a user

pub async fn del_map_user_permissions(
    address: MapAddress,
    user: PublicKey,
    version: u64
) -> Result<(), Error> where
    Self: Sized

Updates or inserts a permissions set for a user

pub fn change_map_owner(
    _name: XorName,
    _tag: u64,
    _new_owner: PublicKey,
    _version: u64
) -> Result<(), Error>

Sends an ownership transfer request.

impl Client[src]

pub async fn read_blob(
    address: BlobAddress,
    position: Option<u64>,
    len: Option<u64>
) -> Result<Vec<u8>, Error> where
    Self: Sized

Read the contents of a blob from the network. The contents might be spread across different blobs in the network. This function invokes the self-encryptor and returns the data that was initially stored.

Takes position and len arguments which specify the start position and the length of bytes to be read. Passing None to position reads the data from the beginning. Passing None to length reads the full length of the data.


Get data

use sn_client::Client;
use sn_data_types::BlobAddress;
use xor_name::XorName;
let target_blob = BlobAddress::Public(XorName::random());
let client = Client::new(None, None, bootstrap_contacts).await?;

// grab the random blob from the network
let _data = client.read_blob(target_blob, None, None).await?;

pub async fn store_public_blob(&self, data: &[u8]) -> Result<BlobAddress, Error>[src]

Store data in public blobs on the network.

This performs self encrypt on the data itself and returns a single address using which the data can be read. It performs data storage as well as all necessary payment validation and checks against the client’s AT2 actor.


Store data

use sn_client::Client;
use sn_data_types::Token;
use std::str::FromStr;
// Let's use an existing client, with a pre-existing balance to be used for write payments.
let mut client = Client::new(None, None, bootstrap_contacts).await?;
let data = b"some data".to_vec();
// grab the random blob from the network
let _address = client.store_public_blob(&data).await?;

pub async fn store_private_blob(
    data: &[u8]
) -> Result<BlobAddress, Error>

Store data in private blobs on the network.

This performs self encrypt on the data itself and returns a single address using which the data can be read. It performs data storage as well as all necessary payment validation and checks against the client’s AT2 actor.


Store data

use sn_client::Client;
use sn_data_types::Token;
use std::str::FromStr;
// Let's use an existing client, with a pre-existing balance to be used for write payments.
let mut client = Client::new(None, None, bootstrap_contacts).await?;
let data = b"some data".to_vec();
// grab the random blob from the network
let fetched_data = client.store_private_blob(&data).await?;

println!( "{:?}", fetched_data ); // prints "some data"

pub async fn delete_blob(&self, address: BlobAddress) -> Result<(), Error>[src]

Delete blob can only be performed on Private Blobs. But on those private blobs this will remove the data from the network.


Remove data

use sn_client::Client;
use sn_data_types::Token;
use std::str::FromStr;

// Let's use an existing client, with a pre-existing balance to be used for write payments.
let mut client = Client::new(None, None, bootstrap_contacts).await?;
let data = b"some private data".to_vec();
let address = client.store_private_blob(&data).await?;

let _ = client.delete_blob(address).await?;

// Now when we attempt to retrieve the blob, we should get an error

match client.read_blob(address, None, None).await {
    Err(error) => eprintln!("Expected error getting blob {:?}", error),
    _ => return Err(anyhow::anyhow!("Should not have been able to retrieve this blob"))

pub async fn generate_data_map(&self, the_blob: &Blob) -> Result<DataMap, Error>[src]

Uses self_encryption to generated an encrypted blob serialized data map, without writing to the network

impl Client[src]

Handle all token transfers and Write API requests for a given ClientId.

pub async fn get_local_balance(&self) -> Token[src]

Get the current known account balance from the local actor. (ie. Without querying the network)


Create a random client

use sn_client::Client;
use std::str::FromStr;
use sn_data_types::Token;
let client = Client::new(None, None, bootstrap_contacts).await?;
// now we check the local balance
let some_balance = client.get_local_balance().await;
assert_eq!(some_balance, Token::from_str("0")?);

pub async fn send_tokens(
    to: PublicKey,
    amount: Token
) -> Result<(u64, PublicKey), Error>

Send token to another PublicKey.

If the PublicKey does not exist as a balance on the network it will be created with the send amount.


Send token to a PublickKey. (This test uses “simulated payouts” to generate test token. This of course would not be avaiable on a live network.)

use sn_client::Client;
use sn_data_types::{PublicKey, Token};
use std::str::FromStr;
// A random sk, to send token to
let sk = threshold_crypto::SecretKey::random();
let pk = PublicKey::from(sk.public_key());
// Next we create a random client.
let mut client = Client::new(None, None, bootstrap_contacts).await?;
let target_balance = Token::from_str("100")?;
// And trigger a simulated payout to our client's PublicKey, so we have token to send.
let _ = client.trigger_simulated_farming_payout(target_balance).await?;

// Now we have 100 token at our balance, we can send it elsewhere:
let (count, sending_pk) = client.send_tokens( pk, target_balance ).await?;

// Finally, we can see that the token has arrived:
let received_balance = client.get_balance_for(pk).await?;

assert_eq!(1, count);
assert_ne!(pk, sending_pk);
assert_eq!(received_balance, target_balance);

impl Client[src]

Handle all token transfers and Write API requests for a given ClientId.

pub async fn trigger_simulated_farming_payout(
    &mut self,
    amount: Token
) -> Result<(), Error>

Simulate a farming payout & add a balance to the client’s PublicKey.

Useful for testing to generate initial balances needed for sending transfer requests, which is in turn required for performing write operations.

This also keeps the client transfer actor up to date.


Add 100 token to a client

use sn_client::Client;
use sn_data_types::{Keypair, Token};
use std::str::FromStr;
use rand::rngs::OsRng;
let id = Keypair::new_ed25519(&mut OsRng);
// Start our client
let mut client = Client::new(Some(id), None, bootstrap_contacts).await?;
let target_balance = Token::from_str("100")?;
let _ = client.trigger_simulated_farming_payout(target_balance).await?;

let balance = client.get_balance().await?;
assert_eq!(balance, target_balance);

impl Client[src]

pub async fn get_balance(&self) -> Result<Token, Error> where
    Self: Sized

Get the client’s current coin balance from the network


Retrieve an existing balance

use sn_client::Client;
use sn_data_types::{Keypair, Token};
use rand::rngs::OsRng;
use std::str::FromStr;
// Let's check the balance of a client with a random id.
// (It should have 0 balance)
let id = Keypair::new_ed25519(&mut OsRng);
let client = Client::new(Some(id), None, bootstrap_contacts).await?;
let initial_balance = Token::from_str("0")?;
let balance = client.get_balance().await?;
assert_eq!(balance, initial_balance);

pub async fn get_balance_for(
    public_key: PublicKey
) -> Result<Token, Error> where
    Self: Sized

Get balance for a Public Key on the network.


Retrieve an existing balance

use sn_client::Client;
use sn_data_types::{Keypair, Token};
use std::str::FromStr;
use rand::rngs::OsRng;
// Let's check the balance of a client with a random id.
let id = Keypair::new_ed25519(&mut OsRng);
let pk = id.public_key();

// And we use a random client to do this
let client = Client::new(None, None, bootstrap_contacts).await?;
let initial_balance = Token::from_str("0")?;
let balance = client.get_balance_for(pk).await?;
assert_eq!(balance, initial_balance);

pub async fn get_history(&self) -> Result<(), Error>[src]

Retrieve the history of the account from the network and apply to our local client’s AT2 actor.


Retrieving an existing balance history

use sn_client::Client;
use sn_data_types::Keypair;
use rand::rngs::OsRng;
// Let's check the balance of a random client.
// And we use a random client id to do this
let id = Keypair::new_ed25519(&mut OsRng);
let client = Client::new(Some(id), None, bootstrap_contacts).await?;
// Upon calling, history is retrieved and applied to the local AT2 actor.
let _ = client.get_history().await?;

pub async fn get_store_cost(&self, bytes: u64) -> Result<Token, Error>[src]

Fetch latest StoreCost for given number of bytes from the network.

impl Client[src]

pub async fn store_private_sequence(
    sequence: Option<SequenceEntries>,
    name: XorName,
    tag: u64,
    owner: PublicKey,
    permissions: BTreeMap<PublicKey, SequencePrivatePermissions>
) -> Result<SequenceAddress, Error>

Create Private Sequence Data on to the Network

Creates a private sequence on the network which can be appended to. Private data can be removed from the network at a later date.

A tag must be supplied. A xorname must be supplied, this can be random or deterministic as per your apps needs.


Store data

use sn_client::Client;
use sn_data_types::{Keypair, PublicKey, Token, SequencePrivatePermissions};
use std::collections::BTreeMap;
use xor_name::XorName;
use rand::rngs::OsRng;
// Let's use an existing client, with a pre-existing balance to be used for write payments.
let id = Keypair::new_ed25519(&mut OsRng);
let mut client = Client::new(Some(id), None, bootstrap_contacts).await?;
let name = XorName::random();
let tag = 10;
let owner = client.public_key().await;
let mut perms = BTreeMap::<PublicKey, SequencePrivatePermissions>::new();

// Set the access permissions
let _ = perms.insert(
   SequencePrivatePermissions::new(true, true, true),

// The returned address can then be used to `append` data to.
let _address = client.store_private_sequence(None, name, tag, owner, perms).await?;

pub async fn store_public_sequence(
    sequence: Option<SequenceEntries>,
    name: XorName,
    tag: u64,
    owner: PublicKey,
    permissions: BTreeMap<SequenceUser, SequencePublicPermissions>
) -> Result<SequenceAddress, Error>

Create Public Sequence Data into the Network

Creates a public sequence on the network which can be appended to. Public data can not be removed from the network at a later date.

A tag must be supplied. A xorname must be supplied, this can be random or deterministic as per your apps needs.


Store data

use sn_client::Client;
use sn_data_types::{Keypair, SequenceUser, Token, SequencePublicPermissions};
use std::collections::BTreeMap;
use xor_name::XorName;
use rand::rngs::OsRng;
// Let's use an existing client, with a pre-existing balance to be used for write payments.
let id = Keypair::new_ed25519(&mut OsRng);
let mut client = Client::new(Some(id), None, bootstrap_contacts).await?;
let name = XorName::random();
let tag = 10;
let owner = client.public_key().await;
let mut perms = BTreeMap::<SequenceUser, SequencePublicPermissions>::new();

// Set the access permissions
let _ = perms.insert(
   SequencePublicPermissions::new(true, true),

// The returned address can then be used to `append` data to.
let _address = client.store_public_sequence(None, name, tag, owner, perms).await?;

pub async fn delete_sequence(
    address: SequenceAddress
) -> Result<(), Error>

Delete sequence

You’re only able to delete a PrivateSequence. Public data can no be removed from the network.


Delete data

use sn_client::Client;
use sn_data_types::{Keypair, PublicKey, Token, SequencePrivatePermissions};
use std::collections::BTreeMap;
use xor_name::XorName;
use rand::rngs::OsRng;
// Let's use an existing client, with a pre-existing balance to be used for write payments.
let id = Keypair::new_ed25519(&mut OsRng);
let mut client = Client::new(Some(id), None, bootstrap_contacts).await?;
let name = XorName::random();
let tag = 10;
let owner = client.public_key().await;
let mut perms = BTreeMap::<PublicKey, SequencePrivatePermissions>::new();

// Set the access permissions
let _ = perms.insert(
   SequencePrivatePermissions::new(true, true, true),

// The returned address can then be used to `append` data to.
let address = client.store_private_sequence(None, name, tag, owner, perms).await?;


pub async fn append_to_sequence(
    address: SequenceAddress,
    entry: SequenceEntry
) -> Result<(), Error>

Append to Sequence

Public or private isn’t important for append. You can append to either (though the data you append will be Public or Private).


use sn_client::Client;
use sn_data_types::{Keypair, PublicKey, Token, SequencePrivatePermissions};
use std::collections::BTreeMap;
use xor_name::XorName;
use rand::rngs::OsRng;
// Let's use an existing client, with a pre-existing balance to be used for write payments.
let id = Keypair::new_ed25519(&mut OsRng);
let mut client = Client::new(Some(id), None, bootstrap_contacts).await?;
let name = XorName::random();
let tag = 10;
let owner = client.public_key().await;
let mut perms = BTreeMap::<PublicKey, SequencePrivatePermissions>::new();

// Set the access permissions
let _ = perms.insert(
   SequencePrivatePermissions::new(true, true, true),

// The returned address can then be used to `append` data to.
let address = client.store_private_sequence(None, name, tag, owner, perms).await?;

client.append_to_sequence(address, b"New Entry Value".to_vec()).await?;

pub async fn get_sequence(
    address: SequenceAddress
) -> Result<Sequence, Error>

Get Sequence Data from the Network


use sn_client::Client;
use sn_data_types::{Keypair, PublicKey, Token, SequencePrivatePermissions};
use std::collections::BTreeMap;
use xor_name::XorName;
use rand::rngs::OsRng;
// Let's use an existing client, with a pre-existing balance to be used for write payments.
let id = Keypair::new_ed25519(&mut OsRng);
let mut client = Client::new(Some(id), None, bootstrap_contacts).await?;
let name = XorName::random();
let tag = 10;
let owner = client.public_key().await;
let mut perms = BTreeMap::<PublicKey, SequencePrivatePermissions>::new();

// Set the access permissions
let _ = perms.insert(
   SequencePrivatePermissions::new(true, true, true),

// The returned address can then be used to `append` data to.
let address = client.store_private_sequence(None, name, tag, owner, perms).await?;

let _data = client.get_sequence(address).await?;

pub async fn get_sequence_last_entry(
    address: SequenceAddress
) -> Result<(u64, SequenceEntry), Error>

Get the last data entry from a Sequence Data.


use sn_client::Client;
use sn_data_types::{Keypair, PublicKey, Token, SequencePrivatePermissions};
use std::collections::BTreeMap;
use xor_name::XorName;
use rand::rngs::OsRng;
// Let's use an existing client, with a pre-existing balance to be used for write payments.
let id = Keypair::new_ed25519(&mut OsRng);
let mut client = Client::new(Some(id), None, bootstrap_contacts).await?;
let name = XorName::random();
let tag = 10;
let owner = client.public_key().await;
let mut perms = BTreeMap::<PublicKey, SequencePrivatePermissions>::new();

// Set the access permissions
let _ = perms.insert(
   SequencePrivatePermissions::new(true, true, true),

// The returned address can then be used to `append` data to.
let address = client.store_private_sequence(None, name, tag, owner, perms).await?;
client.append_to_sequence(address, b"New Entry Value".to_vec()).await?;
client.append_to_sequence(address, b"Another New Entry Value".to_vec()).await?;

// Now we can retrieve the alst entry in the sequence:
let (_position, last_entry) = client.get_sequence_last_entry(address).await?;

assert_eq!(last_entry, b"Another New Entry Value".to_vec());

pub async fn get_sequence_entry(
    address: SequenceAddress,
    index_from_start: u64
) -> Result<SequenceEntry, Error>

Get Sequence Data from the Network at a specific version


use sn_client::Client;
use sn_data_types::{Keypair, PublicKey, Token, SequencePrivatePermissions};
use std::collections::BTreeMap;
use xor_name::XorName;
use rand::rngs::OsRng;
// Let's use an existing client, with a pre-existing balance to be used for write payments.
let id = Keypair::new_ed25519(&mut OsRng);
let mut client = Client::new(Some(id), None, bootstrap_contacts).await?;
let name = XorName::random();
let tag = 10;
let owner = client.public_key().await;
let mut perms = BTreeMap::<PublicKey, SequencePrivatePermissions>::new();

// Set the access permissions
let _ = perms.insert(
   SequencePrivatePermissions::new(true, true, true),

// The returned address can then be used to `append` data to.
let address = client.store_private_sequence(None, name, tag, owner, perms).await?;
client.append_to_sequence(address, b"New Entry Value".to_vec()).await?;
client.append_to_sequence(address, b"Another New Entry Value".to_vec()).await?;

// Now we can retrieve the alst entry in the sequence:
let entry_v1 = client.get_sequence_entry(address, 1).await?;

assert_eq!(entry_v1, b"Another New Entry Value".to_vec());

pub async fn get_sequence_range(
    address: SequenceAddress,
    range: (SequenceIndex, SequenceIndex)
) -> Result<SequenceEntries, Error>

Get a set of Entries for the requested range from a Sequence.


use sn_client::Client;
use sn_data_types::{Keypair, PublicKey, Token, SequencePrivatePermissions, SequenceIndex};
use std::collections::BTreeMap;
use xor_name::XorName;
use rand::rngs::OsRng;
// Let's use an existing client, with a pre-existing balance to be used for write payments.
let id = Keypair::new_ed25519(&mut OsRng);
let mut client = Client::new(Some(id), None, bootstrap_contacts).await?;
let name = XorName::random();
let tag = 10;
let owner = client.public_key().await;
let mut perms = BTreeMap::<PublicKey, SequencePrivatePermissions>::new();

// Set the access permissions
let _ = perms.insert(
   SequencePrivatePermissions::new(true, true, true),

// The returned address can then be used to `append` data to.
let address = client.store_private_sequence(None, name, tag, owner, perms).await?;
client.append_to_sequence(address, b"New Entry Value".to_vec()).await?;
client.append_to_sequence(address, b"Another New Entry Value".to_vec()).await?;
client.append_to_sequence(address, b"Third Entry Value".to_vec()).await?;

// Now we can retrieve the alst entry in the sequence:
let entries = client.get_sequence_range(address, (SequenceIndex::FromStart(1), SequenceIndex::FromEnd(0) )).await?;

assert_eq!(entries[0], b"Another New Entry Value".to_vec());
assert_eq!(entries[1], b"Third Entry Value".to_vec());

pub async fn get_sequence_owner(
    address: SequenceAddress
) -> Result<PublicKey, Error>

Get the owner of a Sequence.


use sn_client::Client;
use sn_data_types::{Keypair, PublicKey, Token, SequencePrivatePermissions};
use std::collections::BTreeMap;
use xor_name::XorName;
use rand::rngs::OsRng;
// Let's use an existing client, with a pre-existing balance to be used for write payments.
let id = Keypair::new_ed25519(&mut OsRng);
let mut client = Client::new(Some(id), None, bootstrap_contacts).await?;
let name = XorName::random();
let tag = 10;
let owner = client.public_key().await;
let mut perms = BTreeMap::<PublicKey, SequencePrivatePermissions>::new();

// Set the access permissions
let _ = perms.insert(
   SequencePrivatePermissions::new(true, true, true),

// The returned address can then be used to `append` data to.
let address = client.store_private_sequence(None, name, tag, owner, perms).await?;

let seq_owner = client.get_sequence_owner(address).await?;
assert_eq!(seq_owner, owner);

pub async fn set_private_sequence_owner(
    address: SequenceAddress,
    owner: PublicKey
) -> Result<(), Error>

Set the new owner of a Sequence Data Update sequence data owners


use sn_client::Client;
use sn_data_types::{Keypair, PublicKey, Token, SequencePrivatePermissions};
use std::collections::BTreeMap;
use xor_name::XorName;
use rand::rngs::OsRng;
use threshold_crypto::SecretKey;
// Let's use an existing client, with a pre-existing balance to be used for write payments.
let id = Keypair::new_ed25519(&mut OsRng);
let mut client = Client::new(Some(id), None, bootstrap_contacts).await?;
let name = XorName::random();
let tag = 10;
let owner = client.public_key().await;
let new_owner = PublicKey::from( SecretKey::random().public_key() );
let mut perms = BTreeMap::<PublicKey, SequencePrivatePermissions>::new();

// Set the access permissions
let _ = perms.insert(
   SequencePrivatePermissions::new(true, true, true),

// The returned address can then be used to `append` data to.
let address = client.store_private_sequence(None, name, tag, owner, perms).await?;

let _ = client.set_private_sequence_owner(address, new_owner).await?;

pub async fn get_sequence_pub_permissions_for_user(
    address: SequenceAddress,
    user: PublicKey
) -> Result<SequencePublicPermissions, Error>

Get the set of Permissions of a Public Sequence.


use sn_client::Client;
use sn_data_types::{Keypair, Token, SequenceUser,SequencePublicPermissions};
use std::collections::BTreeMap;
use xor_name::XorName;
use rand::rngs::OsRng;
// Let's use an existing client, with a pre-existing balance to be used for write payments.
let id = Keypair::new_ed25519(&mut OsRng);
let mut client = Client::new(Some(id), None, bootstrap_contacts).await?;
let name = XorName::random();
let tag = 10;
let owner = client.public_key().await;
let mut perms = BTreeMap::<SequenceUser, SequencePublicPermissions>::new();

// Set the access permissions
let _ = perms.insert(
   SequencePublicPermissions::new(true, true),

// The returned address can then be used to `append` data to.
let address = client.store_public_sequence(None, name, tag, owner, perms).await?;

let _permissions = client.get_sequence_pub_permissions_for_user(address, owner).await?;

pub async fn get_sequence_private_permissions_for_user(
    address: SequenceAddress,
    user: PublicKey
) -> Result<SequencePrivatePermissions, Error>

Get the set of Permissions of a Private Sequence.


use sn_client::Client;
use sn_data_types::{Keypair, PublicKey, Token, SequencePrivatePermissions};
use std::collections::BTreeMap;
use xor_name::XorName;
use rand::rngs::OsRng;
// Let's use an existing client, with a pre-existing balance to be used for write payments.
let id = Keypair::new_ed25519(&mut OsRng);
let mut client = Client::new(Some(id), None, bootstrap_contacts).await?;
let name = XorName::random();
let tag = 10;
let owner = client.public_key().await;
let mut perms = BTreeMap::<PublicKey, SequencePrivatePermissions>::new();

// Set the access permissions
let _ = perms.insert(
   SequencePrivatePermissions::new(true, true, true),

// The returned address can then be used to `append` data to.
let address = client.store_private_sequence(None, name, tag, owner, perms).await?;

let _permissions = client.get_sequence_private_permissions_for_user(address, owner).await?;

pub async fn get_sequence_permissions(
    address: SequenceAddress,
    user: SequenceUser
) -> Result<SequencePermissions, Error>

Get the set of Permissions for a specific user in a Sequence.


use sn_client::Client;
use sn_data_types::{Keypair, PublicKey, Token, SequencePrivatePermissions};
use std::collections::BTreeMap;
use xor_name::XorName;
use rand::rngs::OsRng;
// Let's use an existing client, with a pre-existing balance to be used for write payments.
let id = Keypair::new_ed25519(&mut OsRng);
let mut client = Client::new(Some(id), None, bootstrap_contacts).await?;
let name = XorName::random();
let tag = 10;
let owner = client.public_key().await;
let mut perms = BTreeMap::<PublicKey, SequencePrivatePermissions>::new();

// Set the access permissions
let _ = perms.insert(
   SequencePrivatePermissions::new(true, true, true),

// The returned address can then be used to `append` data to.
let address = client.store_private_sequence(None, name, tag, owner, perms).await?;

let _permissions = client.get_sequence_pub_permissions_for_user(address, owner).await?;

pub async fn sequence_set_public_permissions(
    address: SequenceAddress,
    permissions: BTreeMap<SequenceUser, SequencePublicPermissions>
) -> Result<(), Error>

Set permissions for a PublicKey on a Public Sequence


use sn_client::Client;
use sn_data_types::{Keypair, PublicKey, SequenceUser, Token, SequencePublicPermissions};
use std::collections::BTreeMap;
use xor_name::XorName;
use rand::rngs::OsRng;
use threshold_crypto::SecretKey;
// Let's use an existing client, with a pre-existing balance to be used for write payments.
let id = Keypair::new_ed25519(&mut OsRng);
let mut client = Client::new(Some(id), None, bootstrap_contacts).await?;
let name = XorName::random();
let tag = 10;
let owner = client.public_key().await;
let another_key = PublicKey::from( SecretKey::random().public_key() );
let mut perms = BTreeMap::<SequenceUser, SequencePublicPermissions>::new();

// Set the access permissions
let _ = perms.insert(
   SequencePublicPermissions::new(true, true),

// The returned address can then be used to `append` data to.
let address = client.store_public_sequence(None, name, tag, owner, perms).await?;

let mut perms2 = BTreeMap::<SequenceUser, SequencePublicPermissions>::new();
let _ = perms2.insert(
    SequencePublicPermissions::new(false, false),
let _ = client.sequence_set_public_permissions(address, perms2).await?;

pub async fn sequence_set_private_permissions(
    address: SequenceAddress,
    permissions: BTreeMap<PublicKey, SequencePrivatePermissions>
) -> Result<(), Error>

Set permissions for a PublicKey on a private sequence


use sn_client::Client;
use sn_data_types::{Keypair, PublicKey, Token, SequencePrivatePermissions};
use std::collections::BTreeMap;
use xor_name::XorName;
use rand::rngs::OsRng;
use threshold_crypto::SecretKey;
// Let's use an existing client, with a pre-existing balance to be used for write payments.
let id = Keypair::new_ed25519(&mut OsRng);
let mut client = Client::new(Some(id), None, bootstrap_contacts).await?;
let name = XorName::random();
let tag = 10;
let owner = client.public_key().await;
let another_key = PublicKey::from( SecretKey::random().public_key() );
let mut perms = BTreeMap::<PublicKey, SequencePrivatePermissions>::new();

// Set the access permissions
let _ = perms.insert(
   SequencePrivatePermissions::new(true, true, true),

// The returned address can then be used to `append` data to.
let address = client.store_private_sequence(None, name, tag, owner, perms).await?;

let mut perms2 = BTreeMap::<PublicKey, SequencePrivatePermissions>::new();
let _ = perms2.insert(
    SequencePrivatePermissions::new(false, false, false),
let _ = client.sequence_set_private_permissions(address, perms2).await?;

impl Client[src]

Easily manage connections to/from The Safe Network with the client and its APIs. Use a random client for read-only or one-time operations. Supply an existing, SecretKey which holds a SafeCoin balance to be able to perform write operations.

pub async fn new(
    optional_keypair: Option<Keypair>,
    config_file_path: Option<&Path>,
    bootstrap_config: Option<HashSet<SocketAddr>>
) -> Result<Self, Error>

Create a Safe Network client instance. Either for an existing SecretKey (in which case) the client will attempt to retrieve the history of the key’s balance in order to be ready for any token operations. Or if no SecreteKey is passed, a random keypair will be used, which provides a client that can only perform Read operations (at least until the client’s SecretKey receives some token).


Create a random client

use sn_client::Client;

let client = Client::new(None, None, bootstrap_contacts).await?;
// Now for example you can perform read operations:
let _some_balance = client.get_balance().await?;

pub async fn keypair(&self) -> Keypair[src]

Return the client’s FullId.

Useful for retrieving the PublicKey or KeyPair in the event you need to sign something


use sn_client::Client;
let client = Client::new(None, None, bootstrap_contacts).await?;
let _keypair = client.keypair().await;

pub async fn public_key(&self) -> PublicKey[src]

Return the client’s PublicKey.


use sn_client::Client;
let client = Client::new(None, None, bootstrap_contacts).await?;
let _pk = client.public_key().await;

Trait Implementations

impl Clone for Client[src]

Auto Trait Implementations

impl !RefUnwindSafe for Client

impl Send for Client

impl Sync for Client

impl Unpin for Client

impl !UnwindSafe for Client

Blanket Implementations

impl<T> Any for T where
    T: 'static + ?Sized

impl<T> Borrow<T> for T where
    T: ?Sized

impl<T> BorrowMut<T> for T where
    T: ?Sized

impl<T> From<T> for T[src]

impl<T> Instrument for T[src]

impl<T> Instrument for T[src]

impl<T, U> Into<U> for T where
    U: From<T>, 

impl<T> Same<T> for T

type Output = T

Should always be Self

impl<T> ToOwned for T where
    T: Clone

type Owned = T

The resulting type after obtaining ownership.

impl<T, U> TryFrom<U> for T where
    U: Into<T>, 

type Error = Infallible

The type returned in the event of a conversion error.

impl<T, U> TryInto<U> for T where
    U: TryFrom<T>, 

type Error = <U as TryFrom<T>>::Error

The type returned in the event of a conversion error.

impl<V, T> VZip<V> for T where
    V: MultiLane<T>,