[]Trait skellige::prelude::blake2::crypto_mac::generic_array::sequence::Lengthen

pub unsafe trait Lengthen<T>: GenericSequence<T> {
    type Longer: Shorten<T>;
    pub fn append(self, last: T) -> Self::Longer;
pub fn prepend(self, first: T) -> Self::Longer; }

Defines any GenericSequence which can be lengthened or extended by appending or prepending an element to it.

Any lengthened sequence can be shortened back to the original using pop_front or pop_back

Associated Types

type Longer: Shorten<T>

GenericSequence that has one more element than Self

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Required methods

pub fn append(self, last: T) -> Self::Longer

Returns a new array with the given element appended to the end of it.


let a = arr![i32; 1, 2, 3];

let b = a.append(4);

assert_eq!(b, arr![i32; 1, 2, 3, 4]);

pub fn prepend(self, first: T) -> Self::Longer

Returns a new array with the given element prepended to the front of it.


let a = arr![i32; 1, 2, 3];

let b = a.prepend(4);

assert_eq!(b, arr![i32; 4, 1, 2, 3]);
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impl<T, N> Lengthen<T> for GenericArray<T, N> where
    N: ArrayLength<T> + Add<B1>,
    <N as Add<B1>>::Output: ArrayLength<T>,
    <N as Add<B1>>::Output: Sub<B1>,
    <<N as Add<B1>>::Output as Sub<B1>>::Output: ArrayLength<T>,
    <<N as Add<B1>>::Output as Sub<B1>>::Output == N, 

type Longer = GenericArray<T, <N as Add<B1>>::Output>

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