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Static state machine generator for no_std environments generator

Contains proc macros used by the sfsm crate to generate state machines.


Generates a fallible state machine from a given state machine definition with error handling.

Generates code to push messages into states or poll messages from states.

Generates a state machine from a given state machine definition.

Derives an empty implementation of the state.

Derives an empty transition of a transition from one state into another and allows to customise if it should always transit or never.

Derives an a implementation of the into trait for the transition if the target state does not contains any members

Derives an empty a implementation fo the into trait for the transition if the target state implements the Default trait.

Derives an empty implementation of the TryState.

Derives an empty transition of a transition from one state into another and allows to customise if it should always transit or never.

Generate the enum entry of a state. Expects the name of the sfsm and the name (and type args) of the state as well as the desired name of the variable to work with as arguments. Can be used to generate match branches for example.

Attribute Macros

Creates a wrapper around a log function to forward the logs to. With the help of sfsm_trace, a logger function to which all logs from the state machine are forwarded to can be configured