Struct sfml::window::Window

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pub struct Window { /* private fields */ }
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Window that serves as a target for OpenGL rendering.

Window is the main type of the window module.

It defines an OS window that is able to receive an OpenGL rendering.

The Window type provides a simple interface for manipulating the window: move, resize, show/hide, control mouse cursor, etc. It also provides event handling through Window::poll_event and Window::wait_event.

Note that OpenGL experts can pass their own parameters (antialiasing level, bits for the depth and stencil buffers, etc.) to the OpenGL context attached to the window, with the ContextSettings structure which is passed as an optional argument when creating the window.

Usage example

use sfml::window::{Window, Event, Style};
// Create a new window
let mut window = Window::new((800, 600),
                             "SFML window",
// Limit the framerate to 60 frames per second (this step is optional)

// The main loop - ends as soon as the window is closed
while window.is_open() {
    // Event processing
    while let Some(event) = window.poll_event() {
        // Request closing for the window
        if event == Event::Closed {

    // Activate the window for OpenGL rendering

    // OpenGL drawing commands go here...

    // End the current frame and display its contents on screen


Construct a new window

This function creates the window with the size and pixel depth defined in mode. An optional style can be passed to customize the look and behaviour of the window (borders, title bar, resizable, closable, …). If style contains Style::FULLSCREEN, then mode must be a valid video mode.

The fourth parameter is a pointer to a structure specifying advanced OpenGL context settings such as antialiasing, depth-buffer bits, etc.

  • mode - Video mode to use (defines the width, height and depth of the rendering area of the window)
  • title - Title of the window
  • style - Window style
  • settings - Additional settings for the underlying OpenGL context

Create a window from an existing platform-specific window handle

This function creates a window based on an existing platform specific window handle which has been allocated outside of SFML. This is only intended to be used in cases where you need to integrate SFML with some other windowing library.


It is the caller’s responsibility to ensure that it is called with a valid window handle.

  • handle - The handle to the platform-specific window handle to use for the window.
  • settings - Additional settings for the underlying OpenGL context

Get the OS-specific handle of the window.

The type of the returned handle is Handle, which is a typedef to the handle type defined by the OS. You shouldn’t need to use this function, unless you have very specific stuff to implement that SFML doesn’t support, or implement a temporary workaround until a bug is fixed.

Pop the event on top of event queue, if any, and return it

This function is not blocking: if there’s no pending event then it will return None. Note that more than one event may be present in the event queue, thus you should always call this function in a loop to make sure that you process every pending event.

Returns Some(event) if an event was returned, or None if the event queue was empty

Wait for an event and return it

This function is blocking: if there’s no pending event then it will wait until an event is received.

This function is typically used when you have a thread that is dedicated to events handling: you want to make this thread sleep as long as no new event is received.

Returns Some(event) or None if an error has occured

Change a window’s icon pixels must be an array of width x height pixels in 32-bits RGBA format.

  • width - Icon’s width, in pixels
  • height - Icon’s height, in pixels
  • pixels - Vector of pixels

pixels not being at least width * height * 4 will likely cause undefined behavior.

Platform-specific behavior is also unclear (limits on max size, etc).

Close a window and destroy all the attached resources

After calling this method, the Window object remains valid. All other functions such as Window::poll_event or Window::display will still work (i.e. you don’t have to test Window::is_open every time), and will have no effect on closed windows.

Tell whether or not a window is opened

This function returns whether or not the window exists. Note that a hidden window (set_visible(false)) will return true.

Get the settings of the OpenGL context of a window

Note that these settings may be different from what was passed to the Window::new function, if one or more settings were not supported. In this case, SFML chose the closest match.

Return a structure containing the OpenGL context settings

Change the title of a window

  • title - New title

Show or hide a window

  • visible - true to show the window, false to hide it

Show or hide the mouse cursor

  • visible - true to false to hide

Grab or release the mouse cursor.

If set, grabs the mouse cursor inside this window’s client area so it may no longer be moved outside its bounds. Note that grabbing is only active while the window has focus.

Enable or disable vertical synchronization

Activating vertical synchronization will limit the number of frames displayed to the refresh rate of the monitor. This can avoid some visual artifacts, and limit the framerate to a good value (but not constant across different computers).

  • enabled - true to enable v-sync, false to deactivate

Enable or disable automatic key-repeat

If key repeat is enabled, you will receive repeated Event::KeyPressed events while keeping a key pressed. If it is disabled, you will only get a single event when the key is pressed.

Key repeat is enabled by default.

  • enabled - true to enable, false to disable

Activate or deactivate a window as the current target for OpenGL rendering

A window is active only on the current thread, if you want to make it active on another thread you have to deactivate it on the previous thread first if it was active. Only one window can be active on a thread at a time, thus the window previously active (if any) automatically gets deactivated.

  • active - true to activate, false to deactivate

Return true if operation was successful, false otherwise

Display on screen what has been rendered to the window so far

This function is typically called after all OpenGL rendering has been done for the current frame, in order to show it on screen.

Limit the framerate to a maximum fixed frequency

If a limit is set, the window will use a small delay after each call to Window::display to ensure that the current frame lasted long enough to match the framerate limit.

  • limit - Framerate limit, in frames per seconds (use 0 to disable limit)

Change the joystick threshold

The joystick threshold is the value below which no Event::JoystickMoved event will be generated.

  • threshold - New threshold, in the range [0, 100]

Get the position of a window

Return the position in pixels

Change the position of a window on screen

This function only works for top-level windows (i.e. it will be ignored for windows created from the handle of a child window/control).

  • position - New position of the window, in pixels

Get the size of the rendering region of a window

The size doesn’t include the titlebar and borders of the window.

Return the size in pixels

Change the size of the rendering region of a window

  • size - New size, in pixels

Returns the current position of the mouse relative to the window.

Set the current position of the mouse

This function sets the current position of the mouse cursor relative to the given window.

  • position - New position of the mouse
  • relativeTo - Reference Window

Set the displayed cursor to a native system cursor.

Upon window creation, the arrow cursor is used by default.


The cursor can not be destroyed while in use by the window.

Returns the current position of a touch in window coordinates.

Check whether the window has the input focus.

At any given time, only one window may have the input focus to receive input events such as keystrokes or most mouse events.

Request the current window to be made the active foreground window.

At any given time, only one window may have the input focus to receive input events such as keystrokes or mouse events. If a window requests focus, it only hints to the operating system, that it would like to be focused. The operating system is free to deny the request. This is not to be confused with Window::set_active.

Trait Implementations§

Formats the value using the given formatter. Read more
Executes the destructor for this type. Read more

Auto Trait Implementations§

Blanket Implementations§

Gets the TypeId of self. Read more
Immutably borrows from an owned value. Read more
Mutably borrows from an owned value. Read more

Returns the argument unchanged.

Calls U::from(self).

That is, this conversion is whatever the implementation of From<T> for U chooses to do.

The type returned in the event of a conversion error.
Performs the conversion.
The type returned in the event of a conversion error.
Performs the conversion.