Crate serde_partial

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One of the few things that still require boilerplate when using Serde is partial serialization.

Let’s say we have an API route which returns product information. We want to return the stock only to admins and not to visitors. There are a few options here; have a second struct with a subset of the fields which also derives Serialize, make the stock field an Option with #[serde(skip_serializing_if = "Option::is_none")] and set to None for visitors, or use something like the serde_json::json! macro and do manual serialization.

None of these options are particularly attractive. Having to maintain a struct and handle conversion for each subset of fields is a lot of boilerplate. Making a field that’s always present optional just for serialization is a hack at best. Manual serialization kind of defeats the purpose of serde derives.

serde-partial aims to make partial serialization (almost) as clean an concise as complete serialization while also being no_std compatible. Using this crate this problem could be solved in a single line.

use serde::Serialize;
use serde_partial::SerializePartial;

#[derive(Serialize, SerializePartial)]
pub struct Product {
    name: String,
    price: u32,
    stock: u32,

fn get_product(id: i32) -> Product {

fn product_api(id: i32, is_manager: bool) -> String {
    let product = get_product(id);
    if is_manager {
    } else {
        serde_json::to_string(&product.without_fields(|p| [p.stock])).unwrap()

Check out the with_fields documentation for more details and examples.


pub use filter::SerializeFilter;


Field filtering


Newtype around a field name for the specified type.
A type which implements Serialize by forwarding the implementation to the value it references while skipping fields according to its filter.


Trait implemented by types which can be partially serialized.

Derive Macros

Derive macro for the SerializePartial trait.