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select_indices is a crate that provides iterators for seeking through a slice with a pre-made list of indices. It can simplify the readability of code and, in some cases, increase performance.


use select_indices::prelude::*;
struct BankAccount {
    pub name: String,
    pub balance: f32,

let mut vec: Vec<BankAccount> = vec![
    BankAccount { name: "Joey Bag o' Donuts".to_string(), balance: 4.27 },
    BankAccount { name: "Henry Howard Roosevelt".to_string(), balance: 83.20 },
    BankAccount { name: "Jenny Jenson".to_string(), balance: 54.32 },
    BankAccount { name: "The Dude".to_string(), balance: -134.01 },
    // Assume there's like 300 of these

vec.select_indices_mut(&[1, 3]).for_each(|account| {
    account.balance -= 20.00;
    println!("{} now has ${}", account.name, account.balance);

There is also a rayon feature flag that provides ParallelIterator versions of select_indices iterators. In certain cases, these iterators can greatly improve performance over other methods of slice iteration.



This trait makes a number of guarantees to make sure that multiple mutable index operations do not break XOR mutability or cause undefined behavior.

Selectively iterate through a collection with a list of indices or an index iterator.

Selectively iterate through a mutable collection with a list of indices or an index iterator.