Struct segment_tree::PointSegment [] [src]

pub struct PointSegment<N, O> where
    O: CommutativeOperation<N> + Identity<N>, 
{ /* fields omitted */ }

This data structure allows range modification and single element queries.

This tree allocates 2n * sizeof(N) bytes of memory.

This tree is implemented using a binary tree, where each node contains the changes that need to be propogated to its children.


Quickly add something to every value in some interval.

use segment_tree::PointSegment;
use segment_tree::ops::Add;

use std::iter::repeat;

 // make a giant tree of zeroes
let mut tree: PointSegment<_, Add> = PointSegment::build(repeat(0).take(1_000_000).collect());

 // add one to every value between 200 and 1000
tree.modify(200, 500_000, 1);
assert_eq!(tree.query(100), 0);
assert_eq!(tree.query(200), 1);
assert_eq!(tree.query(500), 1);
assert_eq!(tree.query(499_999), 1);
assert_eq!(tree.query(500_000), 0);

 // add five to every value between 0 and 1000
tree.modify(0, 1000, 5);
assert_eq!(tree.query(10), 5);
assert_eq!(tree.query(500), 6);
assert_eq!(tree.query(10_000), 1);
assert_eq!(tree.query(600_000), 0);


impl<N, O: CommutativeOperation<N> + Identity<N>> PointSegment<N, O>

Builds a tree using the given buffer. If the given buffer is less than half full, this function allocates. Uses O(len) time.

Allocate a new buffer and build the tree using the values in the slice. Uses O(len) time.

Allocate a new buffer and build the tree using the values in the iterator. Uses O(len) time.

Computes the value at p. Uses O(log(len)) time.

Combine every value in the interval with delta. Uses O(log(len)) time.

Propogate all changes to the leaves in the tree and return a mutable slice containing the leaves. Uses O(len) time.

Returns the number of values in the underlying array. Uses O(1) time.

Trait Implementations

impl<N: Clone, O: Identity<N> + CommutativeOperation<N>> Clone for PointSegment<N, O>

Returns a copy of the value. Read more

Performs copy-assignment from source. Read more

impl<N, O: Identity<N> + CommutativeOperation<N>> Default for PointSegment<N, O>

Returns the "default value" for a type. Read more