Struct scan_rules::scanner::KeyValuePair [] [src]

pub struct KeyValuePair<K, V>(_);

An abstract scanner that scans a (K, V) value using the syntax K: V.

This scanner is designed to take advantage of three things:

  1. Maps (i.e. associative containers) typically print themselves with the syntax {key_0: value_0, key_1: value_1, ...}.

  2. Maps typically implement Extend<(K, V)>; that is, you can add new items by extending the map with a (K, V) tuple.

  3. Repeating bindings can be scanned into any container that implements Default and Extend.

As such, this scanner allows one to parse a Map type like so:

scan!(input; "{", [let kvs: KeyValuePair<K, V>],*: Map<_, _>, "}" => kvs)

Trait Implementations

impl<'a, K, V> ScanFromStr<'a> for KeyValuePair<K, V> where K: ScanSelfFromStr<'a>, V: ScanSelfFromStr<'a>

type Output = (K, V)

The type that the implementation scans into. This does not have to be the same as the implementing type, although it typically will be. Read more

fn scan_from<I: ScanInput<'a>>(s: I) -> Result<(Self::Output, usize)ScanError>

Perform a scan on the given input. Read more

fn wants_leading_junk_stripped() -> bool

Indicates whether or not the scanner wants its input to have leading "junk", such as whitespace, stripped. Read more