[][src]Trait sc_service::AbstractService

pub trait AbstractService: Future<Output = Result<(), Error>> + Send + Unpin + Spawn + 'static {
    type Block: BlockT;
    type Backend: 'static + BackendT<Self::Block>;
    type CallExecutor: 'static + CallExecutor<Self::Block> + Send + Sync + Clone;
    type RuntimeApi: Send + Sync;
    type SelectChain: SelectChain<Self::Block>;
    type TransactionPool: TransactionPool<Block = Self::Block> + MallocSizeOfWasm;
    type Client: HeaderMetadata<Self::Block, Error = Error> + UsageProvider<Self::Block> + BlockchainEvents<Self::Block> + HeaderBackend<Self::Block> + Send + Sync;
    fn telemetry_on_connect_stream(&self) -> TracingUnboundedReceiver<()>;
fn telemetry(&self) -> Option<Telemetry>;
fn spawn_task(
        name: &'static str,
        task: impl Future<Output = ()> + Send + 'static
fn spawn_essential_task(
        name: &'static str,
        task: impl Future<Output = ()> + Send + 'static
fn spawn_essential_task_handle(&self) -> SpawnEssentialTaskHandle;
fn spawn_task_handle(&self) -> SpawnTaskHandle;
fn keystore(&self) -> KeyStorePtr;
fn rpc_query(
        mem: &RpcSession,
        request: &str
    ) -> Pin<Box<dyn Future<Output = Option<String>> + Send>>;
fn client(&self) -> Arc<Self::Client>;
fn select_chain(&self) -> Option<Self::SelectChain>;
fn network(
    ) -> Arc<NetworkService<Self::Block, <Self::Block as BlockT>::Hash>>;
fn network_status(
        interval: Duration
    ) -> TracingUnboundedReceiver<(NetworkStatus<Self::Block>, NetworkState)>;
fn transaction_pool(&self) -> Arc<Self::TransactionPool>;
fn on_exit(&self) -> Exit;
fn prometheus_registry(&self) -> Option<Registry>;
fn base_path(&self) -> Option<Arc<BasePath>>; }

Abstraction over a Substrate service.

Associated Types

type Block: BlockT

Type of block of this chain.

type Backend: 'static + BackendT<Self::Block>

Backend storage for the client.

type CallExecutor: 'static + CallExecutor<Self::Block> + Send + Sync + Clone

How to execute calls towards the runtime.

type RuntimeApi: Send + Sync

API that the runtime provides.

type SelectChain: SelectChain<Self::Block>

Chain selection algorithm.

type TransactionPool: TransactionPool<Block = Self::Block> + MallocSizeOfWasm

Transaction pool.

type Client: HeaderMetadata<Self::Block, Error = Error> + UsageProvider<Self::Block> + BlockchainEvents<Self::Block> + HeaderBackend<Self::Block> + Send + Sync

The generic Client type, the bounds here are the ones specifically required by internal crates like sc_informant.

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Required methods

fn telemetry_on_connect_stream(&self) -> TracingUnboundedReceiver<()>

Get event stream for telemetry connection established events.

fn telemetry(&self) -> Option<Telemetry>

return a shared instance of Telemetry (if enabled)

fn spawn_task(
    name: &'static str,
    task: impl Future<Output = ()> + Send + 'static

👎 Deprecated:

Use `spawn_task_handle().spawn() instead.

Spawns a task in the background that runs the future passed as parameter.

Information about this task will be reported to Prometheus.

The task name is a &'static str as opposed to a String. The reason for that is that in order to avoid memory consumption issues with the Prometheus metrics, the set of possible task names has to be bounded.

fn spawn_essential_task(
    name: &'static str,
    task: impl Future<Output = ()> + Send + 'static

👎 Deprecated:

Use `spawn_essential_task_handle().spawn() instead.

Spawns a task in the background that runs the future passed as parameter. The given task is considered essential, i.e. if it errors we trigger a service exit.

fn spawn_essential_task_handle(&self) -> SpawnEssentialTaskHandle

Returns a handle for spawning essential tasks. Any task spawned through this handle is considered essential, i.e. if it errors we trigger a service exit.

fn spawn_task_handle(&self) -> SpawnTaskHandle

Returns a handle for spawning tasks.

fn keystore(&self) -> KeyStorePtr

Returns the keystore that stores keys.

fn rpc_query(
    mem: &RpcSession,
    request: &str
) -> Pin<Box<dyn Future<Output = Option<String>> + Send>>

Starts an RPC query.

The query is passed as a string and must be a JSON text similar to what an HTTP client would for example send.

Returns a Future that contains the optional response.

If the request subscribes you to events, the Sender in the RpcSession object is used to send back spontaneous events.

fn client(&self) -> Arc<Self::Client>

Get shared client instance.

fn select_chain(&self) -> Option<Self::SelectChain>

Get clone of select chain.

fn network(
) -> Arc<NetworkService<Self::Block, <Self::Block as BlockT>::Hash>>

Get shared network instance.

fn network_status(
    interval: Duration
) -> TracingUnboundedReceiver<(NetworkStatus<Self::Block>, NetworkState)>

Returns a receiver that periodically receives a status of the network.

fn transaction_pool(&self) -> Arc<Self::TransactionPool>

Get shared transaction pool instance.

fn on_exit(&self) -> Exit

👎 Deprecated:

Use spawn_task/spawn_essential_task instead, those functions will attach on_exit signal.

Get a handle to a future that will resolve on exit.

fn prometheus_registry(&self) -> Option<Registry>

Get the prometheus metrics registry, if available.

fn base_path(&self) -> Option<Arc<BasePath>>

Get a clone of the base_path

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impl<TBl, TBackend, TExec, TRtApi, TSc, TExPool, TOc> AbstractService for Service<TBl, Client<TBackend, TExec, TBl, TRtApi>, TSc, NetworkStatus<TBl>, NetworkService<TBl, TBl::Hash>, TExPool, TOc> where
    TBl: BlockT,
    TBackend: 'static + BackendT<TBl>,
    TExec: 'static + CallExecutor<TBl, Backend = TBackend> + Send + Sync + Clone,
    TRtApi: 'static + Send + Sync + ConstructRuntimeApi<TBl, Client<TBackend, TExec, TBl, TRtApi>>,
    <TRtApi as ConstructRuntimeApi<TBl, Client<TBackend, TExec, TBl, TRtApi>>>::RuntimeApi: Core<TBl> + ApiExt<TBl, StateBackend = TBackend::State> + ApiErrorExt<Error = Error> + BlockBuilder<TBl>,
    TSc: SelectChain<TBl> + 'static + Clone + Send + Unpin,
    TExPool: 'static + TransactionPool<Block = TBl> + MallocSizeOfWasm,
    TOc: 'static + Send + Sync

type Block = TBl

type Backend = TBackend

type CallExecutor = TExec

type RuntimeApi = TRtApi

type SelectChain = TSc

type TransactionPool = TExPool

type Client = Client<Self::Backend, Self::CallExecutor, Self::Block, Self::RuntimeApi>

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